The bow and the arrow in a dream, are the components of man and women roles that are played during the sexual intercourse. Perhaps one of these components is out of control and there is no harmony when they are making love. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the aggression, frustration and stress. Perhaps you are trying to make the closure.

The cousin in dreams represents the aspects in you that are similar with someone else in your waking life. Perhaps the dream suggests you to analyze more your own personality, otherwise you will never know of who you are. If you see the cousin in a dream, then it could also signify the features you are not able to see in yourself, but see in your sibling. If you have sexual feelings to your cousin, then it shows the acceptance you have made with your personality, because you agree with who you are.

Dream of seeing or eating mango symbolizes fertility, sexual desires and lust. Alternatively, mango means that a man enters to a relationship which you should leave to move on.

(See Sexual intercourse)

…In a dream, a saddle mount represents a boy, a dependable and a trustworthy servant, woman’s vagina, or the foundation of a house. If one sees himself putting his right foot in it in a dream, it means that he will have sexual intercourse with his wife. A saddle mount in a dream also represents one’s vehicle, comfort, job, travels, a carpet, a farm, wife, son, honest money, or a presidency. If one finds that his saddle mount has a cut, or if it disappears in the dream, it means that he will sell his saddle, or his vehicle, or that his dear servant may die shortly. (Also see Saddle)…

It symbolizes sexuality. Evidence of sexual desires. Beware of the lust.

Dreaming about clothes symbolize desires for elegance, fame and success with the opposite sex. If a garment strongly draws our attention, then such dream shows that we will have to analyze it together with the color of the garment. If we dream seeing ourselves with the opposite sex underwear, then such dream certainly has sexual connotations. If the underwear is of the same sex, then in this case for men reveals timidity or fear of the consequences of auto-eroticism. In women the same can be taken as a garment more to dress, reflect of timidity, fear of sex or desire or fear of motherhood.

If you dream of syringe, then such dream indicates the need of joy, happiness, passion and ignition. The liquid in the syringe would tell much more about the meaning of the dream. According to other explanations that are related to sexuality, it foretells that the syringe associates with the needle which reminds of sexual intercourse between two individuals.

To have interaction with your pelvis or to see your pelvis, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance about your opinion of opposite gender. Pelvis as the symbol of the dream may suggests sexual difficulties and your sense of masculinity or femininity. Alternatively, this dream may show that you have troubles with creativity. Maybe you need to change something in your surroundings. Also you need to be more expressive.

Plantain is a male sexual symbol.

If you dream of having an intercourse, it could be interpreted as your desire for actual sexual activity in your waking life. It is very common dream, especially for single people or those who wish to have more sex.

…(Retreat | Sanctuary) A hermitage in a dream represents a spiritual retreat, abstinence, good character, seclusion, ascetic detachment, controlling one’s desires and wants, divorcing one’s wife, abandoning one’s friends, or it could mean an illness. If a sick person sees himself in a hermitage in a dream, it may mean his death, or it could mean suppressing one’s sexual desires. Occupying a hermitage or building one in a dream means rising in station. A beautiful and a newly built hermitage in the dream represents a wife. A hermitage in a dream also could mean migration, bewilderment, severing a friendship, hiding, power, or it could represent one’s son. Whatever may affect a hermitage in the dream also could manifest in the life of one’s son. (Also see Retreat | Temple)…

A zoomorphism dream indicates that you want to return to nature to feel more freedom and that it bothers you to live in such a hurry. You can express independence and find a new hobby. On the other hand, it can suggest that your main desires and sexual impulses have come to the surface.

If you dream of meeting a bachelor, shows that you want to escape from the current situation and looking for some love affairs. If the man dreams of being a bachelor, shows the lack of freedom in a relationship he is at the moment. This dream also shows possible problems in your sexual life. Alternatively, the bachelor indicates the masculine side of you.

(See Sexual intercourse)

…(Flower garden) A garden in a dream means repentance, and repentance from sin in a dream means a garden. Watering one’s garden in a dream means having marital relations. If one sees his garden dry in a dream, it means that his wife has commenced her menstrual period during which he is not permitted to have sexual intercourse with her. If he sees someone else watering his garden in a dream, it means that such a person will betray him with his wife. If one sees himself entering an unknown garden with its trees unattended and its pasture unkempt in a dream, it means distress and worries. A garden in a dream also represents a woman. They both need water and they both bear fruits or children. In this case, if the garden is interpreted to represent a woman, then its trees and fruits represent her tribe, family and…

If you dream of the smoke stack, then it means that the upcoming distress is almost arrived. Consider that there might be some urgent conditions which need to be dealt with as soon as it is possible. The dream about smoke stack is also associated with the sexual tense that you must let go.

…To dream about stockings or socks of any kind seems to be related to sex and in some cases may involve inhibition, repression or sexual impotence, although with some variations: When a woman dreams with poor-quality black stockings, it suggests soon coming hardships. But if they are white, it suggests some sentimental dislikes, bickering and misunderstandings. If a woman dreams about her stockings without seeing many details, it indicates that she is looking for undesirable fun with disreputable friends, or that due to her careless or weakness she may fall into a compromising situation. If the socks are fine and luxurious it implies that the dreamer is a vain person and seeks to attract the attention of men. To dream of yourself weaving or trying to knit your own stockings or socks suggests that soon your activities will result negative, perhaps you’ll experience misunderstandings usually with people from the…

If you are kissing someone in romantic way, it shows your romantic feelings towards that particular person. You have a very close relationships to that person. If you kiss someone who is not your partner, it shows that you have the feelings to this person or would like to see the features of him/her in your partner. If the romantic kiss is not enjoyable, you do not have the sexual affection to this person or simply are angry for something and have unsolved problems. The romantic kissing could also show how much you are longing for it, because it don’t experience romantic kissing in a very long time. To get more interpretation about your dream, please also see the meaning of non-romantic kissing.

The goat in dream usually represents the person who is very unstable. The goat could also indicate the dark side of your nature. If you ride the goat in a dream, then it shows the new sexual experiments you will explore. The goat in mountains symbolizes richness, good wealth and happiness. If you drink the milk of the goat, then such dream symbolizes the enemy you are surrounded by. Be aware of those around you.

…In a dream, Alcyone means dirt or wealth — Aldebran means retreat or one’s sexual organs — Aldromeda means a woman in distress — Alhena means satisfaction or impotence — Antilia means iron — Apus means a heavenly bird — Ara means flying — Arctunus means unlawful earnings or actions — Argo means travelling by sea — Auriga and Corvus mean fortune and blessings — Bootis represents a shepherd or servitude — Castor means advancement — Cepheus represents a ruler — CoronaAustralis means marriage — Corona Borealis means forgiveness and safety — Cygnus means a swan — Grus means departure — Libra means adultery — The Celestial equator means happiness — The Little Bear, the Great Bear, Aquila, Orion, Spica, Arietica or Aquarius among others, if one sees them or owns them or controls them or recognizes their names in a dream, it means befriending someone or marriage to…

Doing something, like seeing, eating or any other action, with a pastry, when you are dreaming, represents the act of indulging or gratifying a desire. Pastry can have symbolic meaning of arousing gratification of the senses and physical pleasure, especially sexual pleasure. You are enjoying your life with sensual pleasures. And you experiencing satisfaction while reaping your rewards.

The dream, in which you saw a snake, represents hidden sexual desires the one has. Maybe you have suppressed wishes, which were not fulfilled completely. The snake is also a symbol of secrets and dangerous unknown places or people. Maybe there is a person around you who acts like a snake – keeps the distant from you, but can bite very deeply and poisonous. Consider that the dream in which you saw a snake could show the features of you such as the negative one and positive ones, for example your ability to be quite. If you caught the snake, it shows that you are very powerful and able to sonfront whatever the situation.

If you are celibate in a dream, then it means you are frightened of getting intimated. Perhaps you are trying to put some walls and barriers in your sexual life. Alternatively, the dream could indicate the lack of sex in your life, therefore you feel like you are on celibate, even if you don’t want to.

…(Calamity | Misfortune) A scorpion in a dream means distress, dismay and trouble caused by a chatterer or a backbiter. A scorpion in a dream also means that one may be deceived by someone with a scorpion quality, and particularly if he uses a short haircut around the ears in the dream. A scorpion in a dream also represents a backbiter and an enemy from within one’s family. If one catches a scorpion inside his own house and throws it at his wife in the dream, it means that he engages with a loathsome and a forbidden sexual relationship with her from the anus. If a scorpion attacks people in a dream, the scorpion there represents a homosexual. A yellow scorpion in a dream repre- sents a fierce enemy, though he would have more patience in getting at his prey. A yellow scorpion in a dream also means incoming…

…(Hand | Measure) In a dream, a span denotes architecture, renewing one’s wardrobe, or travel. A span in a dream also could represent a compass, or the male sexual organ. If one sees himself fighting with a spear that measures about a span in the dream, it means that he will seduce a virgin….

…dream means caring for the daughter of a relative. Finding a pearl in a dream also means finding a wife. Borrowing a pearl from someone in a dream means begetting a son and giving him for adoption, or that the boy will die shortly after his birth. Pearls in a dream also mean becoming wealthy from an inheritance. As for a scholar, a pearl in a dream represents knowledge, and for a governor, it means expansion of his power. As for a merchant, it means a growing business, and for a craftsman in a dream, it means advancement in his craft. Pearls in a dream also represent the final step in adorning something and the proper way to display beauty, or they could represent fantasies and attractions. Drilling a hole in a pearl in a dream also means having sexual intercourse with a blood relation. Swallowing a pearl in a…

…In a dream, a saw represents a forgiving person, or a mediator who negotiates back and forth. A saw in a dream also may represent a judge, an arbitrator, or marriage. A saw in a dream also means division of assets, a scale, or a perfidious person who loves to create division between a husband and a wife, and to separates between them. A saw in a dream also represents a cunning person, unfair dealings between people, hypocrisy, evil, an informant, or sexual in- tercourse. A saw in a dream also represents a helper, strength, profits, a public ordinance, a proclamation, a learned person, or a judge. A lumberman’s saw in a dream represents an astringent and an austere headman. A marble saw in a dream signifies running out of tricks, or presenting an unsatisfactory proof. A handsaw in a dream represents a layman, a miller, or sieve merchant,…

To dream that you or someone has herpes, can have symbolic meaning of worry, nervousness and unease about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome in sexual activities. Maybe you have practised unsafe sex and now you have bad feeling about that. Are you expressing your regrets?

…(Homosexuality | Lover of boys | Sodomize | Sodomy) Molesting a child, or forcing a boy to sodomy in a dream means committing an evil act, loss of one’s capital to one’s enemy, engaging in loathsome actions, losing dignity, or confronting an enemy. (Also see Anus | Inkwell | Satan | Scorpion | Sexual inter- course | Sodomy)…

(See Pederasty | Sexual intercourse | Sodomy)

…Dreaming that you are ejaculating, has the symbolic significance and suggests your need for release. It can be emotional or psychological pain. Ejaculation also can indicate that you can’t restrict or hold yourself in sexual life. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, it stands as a symbol for a loss of control and power. It can be in relationship or professional deals….

To wear a skirt in a dream, denotes to the feminine aspects of your personality. Probably you are trying to express yourself more as the potential female. The length of the skirt also tells much more about a dream, for example the short skirt would send the sexual message while the long one shows the conservative views of the dreamer.

sexual devilry. If one sees Satan attacking him in a dream, it means that he earns his money from usury. If Satan touches him in a dream, it means that someone is slandering or trying to deceive his wife. If one is sick or under stress, and if he sees Satan touching him in a dream, it means that he will put his hand on material wealth. If one is suffering from the consequences of devilry while he recognizes his trials and remains steadfast in remembering God Almighty and calling upon Him for help in a dream, it means that he has many enemies tryingto deceive him or to destroy him, though they will eventually fail, and in turn, they will be defeated by God’s leave. If one sees Satan following him in a dream, it means that an enemy is pursuing him to deceive him, and consequently one will…

…(Couturier | Garment alteration | Hemming | Tailoring) Seeing a tailor doing alterations to a garment in a dream signifies dispelling one’s worries, overcoming one’s difficulties, eradicating dishonesty, dispelling conceit or per- haps he could denote music, elation, sexual intercourse or someone who ex- hausts himself and strives in every way to help others. A tailor doing alterations to a garment in a dream also could represent a preacher or a teacher at whose hands many people will repent of their sins and walk on God’s path. A tailor doing alterations and handling trims and the ends of things represents a charitable person who makes someone happy by taking something from him and giving it to others. (Also see Tailor)…

…(Mother of humankind, may God’s peace be with her.) In a dream, Eve represents prosperity, blessings, a good harvest, a good yield, progeny, profits from a business in textile, farming, smithcraft or similar industries. Seeing Adam and Eve in a dream means being demoted from a station and a place of honor to a lower rank to be raised again after repenting from one’s sin. Seeing Eve in a dream also indicates pitfalls, sins, being subject to jealousy and malicious fraud, or trouble with one’s neighbors. Seeing Adam and Eve in a dream also means hardships caused by one’s wife or children, consent for sexual intercourse, repentance or regret for one’s past. If a woman sees Eve in her dream, it means that she will create hardships for her husband because of her association with someone who is unsuitable for her friendship. It also means that a major adversity…

…death as a punishment. If it leads to employment, it will be a job serving a tyrant. If it leads to acquiring knowledge, it means inventing vain religious practices. If it leads to bearing a son, he will be the child of adultery. In general hell in a dream means excessive sexual desires, a slaughter house, a public bath, an oven, inventing a new religion, innovation, absence of truth, indulgence in what is forbidden, stinginess, denying the Day of Judgment, a blazing fire for the devils, joining with a group of evildoers in committing atrocities, denying the sovereignty of God Almighty and ascribing human characteristics to Him. Seeing Malik, the guardian angel of hell-fire in a dream means receiving guidance after heedlessness. If one sees Malik coming toward him in the dream, it means his salvation and the restoration of his faith. However, if one sees Malik turning his back…

…Dreaming that you’re having an orgasm represents an emotional end of something. Alternatively, it means that you lack sex and you need to fix your sexual tensions….

Genitals in dreams are the symbol of sexual wishes and desires the dreamer has. The genitals show your desire to satisfy not only sexually, but spiritually either. To get more information and explanation about your dream, please see the meaning of Penis and Vagina.

Dreaming of the excesses of all kinds accompanying orgies reveals sexual dissatisfaction, and we must ask ourselves what we should do, or revise living conditions that are too puritanical, or conversely, slow down our imagination.