…(Grapes | Sugar cane | Wine) Pressing grapes to make wine in a dream means prosperity and a good harvest. The same interpretation is given for pressing sugar cane or other fruits. If a poor person sees himself pressing grapes to make wine in a dream, it means that he will prosper. If one sees everyone pressing grapes to make wine, or pressing olives for their eating oil in a dream when the economic conditions are down in one’s homeland, it means economic recovery. If a scholar or a student on the path, or a prisoner sees that, it means that they will escape from a potential danger. If a lender sees that, it means that he will recover his money from people. If a student on the path sees that, it means that he will succeed in his quest for knowledge. If a bachelor sees that, it means…

…You cannot clearly distinguish the difference between different types of schools in your dreams. To dream that you’re visiting a school symbolizes a self-reproach for having missed valuable opportunities to better yourself. To dream that you’re teaching a subject in a school insinuates that you have intellectual ambitions that you’ve not been able to develop. To dream that a school has honored you symbolizes upcoming success due to your intellectual efforts, the higher the grade the better. To dream that you’re in a high level school, either as a visitor or as a student, suggests that you’ll soon reach your goals and will receive honors. To dream that you’re visiting the school where you studied as a child, suggests an intimate feeling of loss regarding your life and your current activities. To dream that you’ve just returned from visiting the school where you completed your studies indicates that you…

…To dream about a university may indicate that in this moment there is a new panorama in front of us that could be very beneficial if we act based on our experiences. We’ll have in our hands the opportunity to apply various activities to broaden our knowledge and that will be very beneficial, so our choices will be very important. You may leave any project you had in mind, since they most likely fail. It will be necessary to use the newly acquired knowledge, because a valuable and very positive experience will be obtained from it. Overall, it is an omen of a good time to start any kind of studies. Dreaming about a university, either as a visitor or as a student indicates that you will soon reach your goals and will receive honors. Dreaming about returning to a university where you completed studies long ago, indicates that…

…doubts about the testimony of his witness. If he is a merchant, it means that he will lose an important business deal. If he is a student, it means that he will not complete his schooling. It is also said that when one’s tongue is cut off in a dream, it means that he is a forbearing person. If the wife’s tongue is cut off in a dream it means that she is a chaste and a pious woman. If a wife cuts off the tongue of her husband in a dream, it means that she will flirt with him and show him tenderness and love. Cutting off the tongue of a poor person in a dream means giving something to an impudent person to shun off his evil. If a poor person cuts off the tongue of another poor person in a dream, it means a fight between them….

Dream of worshiping something or someone indicates that you are paying too much attention to the worshiped object. This dream may also mean you are open or receptive to outside influences. Sexy lingerie multiplies your seduction options.

When you dream about something being hot, then such dream points the dangers and menace that is lurking for you. The hotness could also indicate the fact that you feel attractive and sexy. If you see someone being very hot in a dream, then it show your sexual attraction towards that particular person.

…If a woman dreams that she’s being shaven, it means that due to her natural behavior and character, she is being too masculine, it annoys men who she interacts with. When a woman dreams of a man shaving, it could signify that due to her sexy nature she’ll easily fall into illicit pleasures. When a man dreams that someone else is shaving him, it’s a warning that dishonest people will try to defraud him in some way, morally or in a materialistic way. Dreaming of shaving indicates your own firm decision of handling your own affairs at work and at home, even though a woman with a bad character will create difficulties. When a man dreams of having soft skin and without having a need to shave, it means that soon he’ll have happy moments and that his behavior has been great towards family and friends. When a man…

When you see underwear in a dream, then it indicates the shame you are suffering from. Perhaps there is something you did, therefore you feel the guilt about it. On the other hand, the dream about underwear could show the things you wish to keep to yourself and do not show the others. If you feel shy while showing of your underwear, then it signifies the things you are afraid to open up about. If you saw the other person being only in his underwear, then it means you see the actual face of that person. When the dreamer sees the unclean and dirty underwear, then it indicates the lack of self-confidence. Maybe the dreamer feels unattractive and not sexy. To get the better interpretation of the dream, please check the meaning of Panties.

Dreaming of telling stories or anecdotes that make someone laugh indicates that the dreamer is naturally prone to be a victim of backbiting and criticism, and prefers the superficial, the trivial, and frivolous, over what can be truly transcendent, which will create problems. If a young girl has this dream it insinuates that she has by nature a frivolous and perhaps sexy personality. In reality, this is a warning dream for the dreamer to correct his or her behavior.

Usually the color red is the symbol of sultry, sexy sometimes dangerous situations or people. The people who are lurking for sex are dreaming about this color very often, because of the lack of intimacy.

A tourist in a dream represents a student seeking knowledge, a buyer, a customer, or a merchant.

…you will make many bitter mistakes, and will suffer poignant grief therefrom. To drink muddy water, portends sickness, but drinking it clear and refreshing brings favorable consummation of fair hopes. To sport with water, denotes a sudden awakening to love and passion. To have it sprayed on your head, denotes that your passionate awakening to love will meet reciprocal consummation. The following dream and its allegorical occurrence in actual life is related by a young woman student of dreams: {Without knowing how, I was (in my dream) on a boat, I waded through clear blue water to a wharfboat, which I found to be snow white, but rough and splintry. The next evening I had a delightful male caller, but he remained beyond the time prescribed by mothers and I was severely censured for it.} The blue water and fairy white boat were the disappointing prospects in the symbol….

…best. Bread in a dream represents woman’s chastity. Bread made with bleached flour means living a clean life, having pure knowledge, or a beautiful wife. If a student sees himself distributing bread among poor people in a dream, it means that he will attain his goals and succeed in his studies. If he is a preacher, it means that people are accepting his admonitions and advice. Otherwise, if he sees people crowding over him to get their bread in the dream, it means that people will seek what he has to offer. In that case, his position is better than theirs, for the giving hand is better than the receiving one. If one sees a deceased person offering him a piece of bread in a dream, it means that he will receive unexpected money from an unsolicited source. If one sees bread hanging in the skies, over the roofs or…

If you see yourself in college, then such dream represents the variations that are happening in your life. Perhaps you are going through the period of your life, where you are trying to get more knowledge in some aspects of your life. The dream could also be interpreted as the suggestion to start something different and new in your life, because the unconscious mind of yours is ready for it. The dream could also represent the old times you are longing for, especially if you actually went to college when you were younger. If you are still the student, then it shows the present situation your life.

…they were your hair suggests problems and difficulties that disturb your mind, but when they occur, they won’t seem as severe as you thought. Dreaming of having beautiful hair, well maintained and groomed, announces next improvements in all your affairs. Dreaming that your hair turns grey in one night, although your face is still young, announces upcoming calamities, pains and several sufferings. When a woman dreams of this, it indicates a serious risk of losing her loved one mainly due to a sudden illness, which may have originated because of the woman’s indiscretions. If you are a young student, and you see gray or brown hair in your dream, either in your own or in another head, it indicates hesitation to choose a career or an occupation. When a woman dreams of comparing a grey hair with a black hair that was taken from her own head, it means that…

…(Spoor | Tracing footsteps) A tracker in a dream connotes divulging secrets, exposing people’s private life, or he could represent knowledge, or a student who is investigating the works of masters from the past. (Also see Snake charmer)…

…(Calculator) In a dream, an abacus represents social order, conformity and uprightness. Seeing an abacus in a dream also reflects one’s own state and conduct. If the frame and beads are in a good condition, operate smoothly and smell fragrant in the dream, the abacus then denotes one’s uprightness and good conduct. If they look dirty, greasy and rough to handle in the dream, then they denote the ill management of one’s life or business. If one sees an abacus in such a condition in his dream, it may also represent unsanitary food preparation, a greasy spoon restaurant, or it could mean abating the declared weight or value of a merchandise. An abacus in a dream also may represent a well behaved child, a student, a teacher, or a judge. If one turns into an abacus in a dream, it means an illness or a calamity. An abacus in…

In a dream, a rocking chair means intelligence, clarity, or it could represent a hard working student.

…Going to the marketplace in a dream means seeking knowledge, or looking for work. A marketplace in a dream also represents a mosque, or winning a war. In fact, the merchants and the customers bargain with one another, some win and some lose. If a knowledge seeking student sees himself in a marketplace that he does not recognize, then if he walks away from it in the dream, it means that he will cease schooling or interrupt his studies and fail to acquire his degree, or it could mean that he has missed his Friday congregational prayers. It also could mean that the knowledge he is seeking is not intended to please God Almighty. If one sees himself shoplifting in a dream, it means that he steals, or holds contempt and conceit in his heart, or if he is a man of knowledge, it means that he will foster…

…(Changes | Cover | Shelter) Witnessing a shade in the summertime in a dream means comfort, profits, honor, or becoming the protege of a great person. If one sees a shade in the winter in a dream then it means trouble, distress, adversities, or soliciting the company of people who foster innovation. Shade in a dream also represents the governor of one’s town, a man of knowledge, a pious person, an ascetic, or a religious student on the path. Seeking refuge in the shade away from the heat of the sun in a dream means comfort, profits, or escaping from harm. As for a woman, shade in her dream represents her husband. If an unmarried woman sees herself seeking the shade in a dream, it means her marriage and that she will marry a rich and a powerful person. If one finds it cold to sit in the shade…

…An ambush for an assiduous student in a dream, means acquiring knowledge and it could be interpreted as spoiling the performance of one’s religion….

If you see yourself in a dormitory, then such dream shows how you appreciate the wisdom and learning skills you are able to get from others. You appreciate the fact that you are learning from life experiences every day. If you are the student in your waking life and live in a dormitory, then it simply reflects the daily life you have and the problems you are solving every day.

Dreaming of being in trade commitments insinuates that the dreamer is recognizing his awkwardness to handle business, reason why the dreamer has doubts about reaching success. Young people who have this dream, and worse if it’s a student, indicates that doubts will lead to failure. Dreaming of breaking a commitment of any kind is a good dream, it insinuates that the dreamer is reacting in the right way.

…he owes, or a pilgrimage he must attend. If one is blinded in a dream, it means that he will betray his covenant with his Lord. Becoming blind in a dream means suffering from poverty and becoming needy after being rich, or it could mean satisfaction and contentment, or it could mean losing a dear person. If one’s sight explodes with a lightning in a dream, it means his death. Blindness also could denote deafness, disregarding the world or renouncing it or hiding one’s secrets. As for a foreigner, seeing himself blind in a dream means never returning to his homeland. Blindness in a dream for a prisoner means his release from jail. If a seeker, a student, or a businessman sees himself blind in a dream, it means that he may never reach his goals. (Also see Body’ | Destruction | Eyes | Fear | One-eyed | World)…

…A young woman who dreams of having an apron on indicates that the immediate future will be very uncertain. A female student who dreams of having an apron on hints that she will do very poorly in her studies if she doesn’t pay more attention and has more commitment. When a woman dreams of putting on a clean apron it hints that she will soon have assistants or servants at home. When a man or a woman dream of having a torn apron, and worse if it’s dirty, it indicates that soon they will receive bad news related to lack of honesty of someone who may even be the dreamer himself. The man who dreams wearing a female apron indicates that he lacks character and determination. When there is a male apron, like those used by workers, blacksmiths, etc., then it indicates that he should not expect major successes…

If you dream of the teacher, then such dream signifies your search for help, suggestion and intelligence. Try to pay attention of what kind of the teacher you were dreaming of, as the subject that this teacher taught you have some relations in today’s life. On the other hand, the things that are not related to the subject this teacher has taught you could have a huge impact in your life either. The dream about the teacher could also indicate the feeling of being a student in some situations of your life where you are taught many new things.

…(Hobo | Mendicant | Poverty | Richness) In a dream, a beggar represents a seeker of knowledge. If he is given what he is begging for in a dream, it means that he will succeed in his pursuit of knowledge. His humbleness and his submission when asking means victory. Beggars in a dream also imply sorrow, worries, distress, or contemplation. If one sees a beggar receiving or taking something from him in a dream, it means being in dire need for something, or he could represent the death of the person intended in the dream. If one sees beggars entering his house or his town in a group in a dream, it means dispersal of his family or household and if they take something from his house, it means a catastrophe. A beggar in a dream also represents a student, and the giver represents the teacher or shaikh. If…

(Doubt) In a dream, uncertainty means heedlessness or being allured by Satan. Uncertainty and doubt about all religions in a dream represents adjuration and ingratitude. If a person who is concerned about religious explanations sees himself unable to recognize what faith he belongs to, or what direction to turn to in a dream, it represents doubt and lack of knowledge or certitude. If a seeker or a student on the path sees himself searching at no avail for a place to pray in a dream, it represents a blocking on his path, or obstruction of his learning. As for a merchant, uncertainty in a dream represents obstacles hindering his efforts from receiving any significant benefits from his business.

To collect flowers means special benefits. Hold them, see or smell them in their season, consolation, pleasure, joy. Flowers that are out of season, obstacles and desire for success. If they are white, the difficulties will be minor, if they are yellow, the difficulties will be painful, and if red then the dream foretells about sexual desires. (See Rose, Lily, etc.) To see the flowers of the field means annoyances, losses, physical experiences, mental diseases, unless the dreamer is not a habitual student in botany. To cultivate flowers could also show your kindness.

In the dream to drink a cocktail, represents that you will deceive your friends as to your inclinations and enjoy the companionship of fast men and women while posing as a serious student and staid home lover. For a woman the dream about cocktail is a waning of fast living and an ignoring of moral and set rules.

…one sees himself committing adultery with the wife of a close friend in a dream it means that he will take some money from him. If one reads the ruling of the divine ordinance concerning the punishment of adulterers in a dream, it means that he is an adulterer. If one deals with an adulteress or with a woman who has committed adultery in a dream, then such a woman represents the world and its seekers. If a student on the path of God Almighty, who is known to have piety, good conduct and who has the look of a believer sees himself dealing with an adulteress or a woman who has committed adultery in a dream, it means that he will join the company of a gnostic and learn wisdom at his hand. If one sees a man and a woman sitting alone in an intimate setting in his…

…prisoner sees himself drawing water with a bucket to take a bath in a dream, it means that he will escape from jail or that he will be released shortly. It also means that he will receive money and rejoice after his sorrows. If one’s wife is pregnant and if he sees himself lowering a bucket in a well to draw water in a dream, it means that his wife will deliver a son. If he is a merchant, it means that his new merchandise will arrive safely to his shop. If he is sick, it means that he will miraculously wake-up healthy again. Standing by a well in a dream means blessings and benefits. A well in a dream also represents a woman. Otherwise, if one is a student, then the well represents his teacher. What one draws from a well in a dream also represents his luck….