…(Crown | Headgear | Tiara) In a dream, one’s turban represents his family tree, his paternal uncle, or his paternal aunt. In a dream, one’s turban also represents his crown, strength, integrity, state, or wife. If one’s turban is taken away from him in a dream, it means that he may lose his job, divorce his wife, or lose his wealth. The same interpretation is given for one who sees himself wearing a golden turban in a dream. If a prophet of God Almighty, or a ruler crowns someone with a turban in a dream, it means that he will receive an important appointment, or that he may marry a pious woman. Putting on a turban in a dream means increase in one’s strength, expansion of one’s control, growth in one’s business, or it could mean becoming wealthy. If the turban is made of wool in the dream, it…

…In a dream, a saddle mount represents a boy, a dependable and a trustworthy servant, woman’s vagina, or the foundation of a house. If one sees himself putting his right foot in it in a dream, it means that he will have sexual intercourse with his wife. A saddle mount in a dream also represents one’s vehicle, comfort, job, travels, a carpet, a farm, wife, son, honest money, or a presidency. If one finds that his saddle mount has a cut, or if it disappears in the dream, it means that he will sell his saddle, or his vehicle, or that his dear servant may die shortly. (Also see Saddle)…

…(Azan | Muezzin) Hearing the call to prayers in a dream denotes the pilgrimage season or announces its holy months. It also may indicate backbiting, a theft, announcing a major move or blowing the trumpets of war, or it could denote rank and honor or obeyed commands of the one seeing the dream, or perhaps announcing a wife for an unmarried man, and it could mean telling the truth. Hearing the call to prayers in a language other than the Arabic in which it was revealed in a dream means lies and backbiting. If one sees a woman calling to prayers, standing on the top of a minaret in a dream, it means innovation and trials. If children give the call to prayers in a dream, it means that people filled with ignorance will rule the land. This is particularly true when the call is made outside the proper…

…(Sauna | Steam room | Sweat room | Rest room) Washing one’s dirt with hot water in a dream brings benefits. If one builds a bathhouse in his dream, it means committing a sin or searching for a woman to partake in it, then suffering its consequence. If the bathhouse is heated and the water is lukewarm in the dream, it represents his family’s compassion toward him, trying to help him out of his breach. If the bathhouse is cold and if its water is cold in the dream, it means that his family has ostracized or banished him. If one witness the hot water pipes breaking, whereby he could not control the flow of water in the dream, it means that someone will betray him with his wife, though he will keep trying to control the situation, but to no avail. A water leak from the boiler that…

Symbolizes the woman and in a few cases the soul. To dream about a gazelle amounts to see an exotic and beautiful woman. If we dream we want to hunt the gazelle it means that we will try to seduce her. If we can get catch it indicates that we will get to seduce the woman. To throw stones at a gazelle indicates that we will hit our wife or abandon her for another other. If the gazelle attacks us it shows that our wife will rebel against our control.

…sparks from them in his dream, it means that he will witness an awesome fight between two rock hearted and cruel people. Striking a flint stone in a dream also means marriage of an unwed person. If a woman sees herself striking a flint stone with a piece of steel, and if she can produce sparks in the dream, it means that she will beget a son. If a spark starts a fire in the dream, it means that one’s wife will become pregnant or perhaps it could represent a fight between the husband and the wife, or a fight between two partners. If the sparks burn one’s gown in the dream, it means that harm will affect that house and such harm will bring about losses in money, family honor or bodily injury. If the sparks burn a notebook in the dream, it means deviation from God’s path….

…replaced by his minister. Sweeping the floor and caring for the floor mat or carpet in a dream means to care for one’s community or family. Earth in a dream also represents one’s mother, or the governor of the land. Working in a farmland in a dream, seeing its tools, elements, seeds, water, plowing, harvesting, landscaping, blossoming of its flowers, their fragrance, light, whatever positive or negative results one sees therein in a dream represent such success or failure. Seeing an unknown land could denote one’s mother, child, husband, wife, partner, guardian, a servant, or it could mean one’s heirs. Earth in a dream also may mean arguments, knowledge or clarity of speech. Earth in a dream also represents the element of the world, as the skies represent the element of the hereafter. If both the earth and the skies are seen simultaneously in a dream, it means that they…

…(Attic window | Aperture | Opening | Peephole) In a dream, a large window represents a woman of good character and conduct, while a tight window means the opposite. If a man sees himself sitting inside a window in a dream, it means that he will divorce his wife in public. If one sees himself sitting at a distance from the window in a dream, it means that he will secretly divorce his wife. In a dream, the windows of a house also represent an outsider who is aware of the inner secrets of such a house. A window in a dream also means relief from difficulties, overcoming distress, renewing festivities and celebrating anniver- saries. Depending on their direction in the dream, windows also mean news, women, or children. Seeing the glass of one’s window tainted or colored means planting seedlings, inflorescence, conceiving children, continuing one’s education, buying new…

…by hand in a dream, it means that he earns his livelihood following the required religious conduct, and earns his money from his own sweat. A millstone in a dream also may denote loathsome actions. If a prisoner sees a broken millstone in a dream, it means that he will be soon released, and if he is under a death sentence, it means that the judgment will be rescinded, or that he may die before the judgment is carried out. As far as the question of livelihood, the better looking and effective is the hand mill, the better are one’s earnings and vice-versa. If one buys a hand mill in a dream, it means that he will get married, or that he will marry off his daughter, or that he will travel on business. If the millstone is interpreted to mean a husband or a wife, then it represents respectful…

…(Invisible stitches | Mend | Patch | Regret) To mend a garment with interlac- ing stitches in a dream means correcting oneself, piety, godliness, appropriate- ness, good reputation, being free from illness, arming oneself, or it could mean rain. If one sees his wife’s robe ripped and tends to mend it for her in a dream, it means that he will insult his wife, then apologize to her or regret his action. If one sees himself darning his own shirt in a dream, it means that he will have an argument with a relative or befriend a person of evil character. Darning one’s clothes in a dream also represents the roar of arguments or disputes. In some circles, it is also interpreted to mean repentance from one’s sins, regretting wrongdoing, although one will fail to apologize or adequately compensate the other person for offending him….

In a dream, a mortar and a pestle represent a husband and a wife. None of the two works without the other. They perform hard work that no one else will do for them. The mortar represents the man and the pestle represents his wife.

…The pot denotes the life; the platter the actions of life; the candlestick intends the wife; the light, or lantern, the husband; the hearth the estate; vessels of wine are the servants; the stores cupboards, and cabinets mean the wife. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 24, 7….

…They represent at the top, husband or wife and at the bottom, the family. To have them broken or forced in, means conjugal quarrels, soon made up, or with parents and relatives, depending to location of the injury or the sex of the dreamer. To have them stronger and larger than usual people have, means huge happiness, contentment, coming from the family or those taking an interest in the dreamer’s affairs. To have a side being swollen, riches for the husband or wife….

If a man dreams he has good lands, well enclosed, he shall have a handsome wife. If he dreams that the lands have gardens, fountains, pleasant groves, and orchards, he will marry a discreet, chaste, and beautiful wife, and have children.

…(Antelope | Deer | Woman) In a dream, a female gazelle represents a beautiful woman. Capturing a female gazelle in adream means taking advantage of a woman, or it could mean marriage. Throwing a stone at a gazelle in a dream means raping a woman, or committing a sin, or divorcing one’s wife or being violent with her. Hunting a gazelle in a dream means profits. Shooting a gazelle with arrows in a dream means slandering a woman. Slaughtering a gazelle in a dream means deflowering a female servant. If one sees himself turned into a deer in a dream, it means that he lives solely to satisfy his pleasures, lust and sensual desires in this world. If one receives the gift of a gazelle in a dream, it means that he will receive an inheritance and become wealthy. A gazelle in a dream also represents a child. If…

…(Female sheep) In a dream, a ewe represents a woman, a wife or prosperity. Running after a ewe and finding oneself unable to keep-up or to catch it in a dream means chasing a woman and failing to seduce her. Milking a ewe in a dream means good profits for that year. Eating the meat of a ewe in a dream means inheriting a rich woman. If a ewe leaves one’s house in a dream, it means divorce or the death of one’s wife. If a ewe turns into a ram in a dream, it means infertility. A pregnant ewe in a dream means expecting to receive some money. Fighting with a ewe in a dream means an argument with a woman. Seeing a ewe in a dream also means distress, adversities, loss of one’s husband or job. (Also see Ram | Sheep)…

…Dreaming about your ex-boyfriend / ex-girlfriend or ex-husband / ex-wife or to dream that you and your ex got back together again, symbolizes that you have feelings to something or someone in your current life. Dreaming about ex, shows that now in your life is something or someone, that is bringing out similar feelings you felt during the relationship with your ex. Also, dream about ex may be an alert for you. The dream may be a way of indicating you to the same or similar situation, behavior in a current relationship. If this is a reason, then you must apply this: what you have learned from that previous relationship with ex may need to be applied to the curent relationship, because only then you will not repeat the same mistake. Alternatively, past lovers in dreams often give special importance or prominence to the positive experiences you had with…

…(Retreat | Sanctuary) A hermitage in a dream represents a spiritual retreat, abstinence, good character, seclusion, ascetic detachment, controlling one’s desires and wants, divorcing one’s wife, abandoning one’s friends, or it could mean an illness. If a sick person sees himself in a hermitage in a dream, it may mean his death, or it could mean suppressing one’s sexual desires. Occupying a hermitage or building one in a dream means rising in station. A beautiful and a newly built hermitage in the dream represents a wife. A hermitage in a dream also could mean migration, bewilderment, severing a friendship, hiding, power, or it could represent one’s son. Whatever may affect a hermitage in the dream also could manifest in the life of one’s son. (Also see Retreat | Temple)…

…(Calamity | Misfortune) A scorpion in a dream means distress, dismay and trouble caused by a chatterer or a backbiter. A scorpion in a dream also means that one may be deceived by someone with a scorpion quality, and particularly if he uses a short haircut around the ears in the dream. A scorpion in a dream also represents a backbiter and an enemy from within one’s family. If one catches a scorpion inside his own house and throws it at his wife in the dream, it means that he engages with a loathsome and a forbidden sexual relationship with her from the anus. If a scorpion attacks people in a dream, the scorpion there represents a homosexual. A yellow scorpion in a dream repre- sents a fierce enemy, though he would have more patience in getting at his prey. A yellow scorpion in a dream also means incoming…

…(Mother of humankind, may God’s peace be with her.) In a dream, Eve represents prosperity, blessings, a good harvest, a good yield, progeny, profits from a business in textile, farming, smithcraft or similar industries. Seeing Adam and Eve in a dream means being demoted from a station and a place of honor to a lower rank to be raised again after repenting from one’s sin. Seeing Eve in a dream also indicates pitfalls, sins, being subject to jealousy and malicious fraud, or trouble with one’s neighbors. Seeing Adam and Eve in a dream also means hardships caused by one’s wife or children, consent for sexual intercourse, repentance or regret for one’s past. If a woman sees Eve in her dream, it means that she will create hardships for her husband because of her association with someone who is unsuitable for her friendship. It also means that a major adversity…

…(Overseas cap | Persian toga | Roman toga | Shawl) In a dream, a cap means travels, a wife who is supporting her husband, or a husband who is supporting his wife. A shawl-like attire that is worn over the head and shoulders in a dream represents honor, valor, a new trade, travel, a brother or a father. Taking off a cap in a dream means losing one’s authority or loss of his wealth. A torn cap in a dream means the death of one’s brother or father. Wearing a cap in a dream also means repayment of one’s debts. (Also see Coat | Overcoat)…

…(Crash helmet | Face mask | Hard hat | Warrior’s helmet) In a dream, a helmet means safety, money, a wife, employment, travel, or one’s head. A white helmet in a dream means relaxing, or peace in one’s life, or it could mean recovering from a migraine headache. Wearing a warrior’s helmet in a dream also means safety of one’s property and protection from an accident. Wearing a rounded expensive helmet in a dream means betrothing a beautiful and a rich woman. A helmet made of iron in a dream represents a leader who defends people, or it could mean trust, status, rank, a wife, or might. Wearing a white helmet in a dream means honor and protection of one’s property….

…main mosque in the dream is interpreted to represent the ruler of the land, then its pillars represent the element of time. Its lights represent the noble retinue and the wise men of his epoch. The ceiling represents the knowledge contained in the books that protect his justice and his references. The minaret will then represent his chief minister or advisor. The pulpit represents his servant. The prayer niche represents his wife, or it may represent his lawful earnings, or a righteous and a chaste wife. If one sees a mosque burning in a dream, it means death, losses and political changes in the country. The main mosque of the town also represents the pious people dwelling therein, the men of knowledge, the wise men, devotion, or a hermitage. Its niche represents the leader of the people (Imam). The caller to prayers (Muezzin) represents the judge or a gnostic from…

…you will be slighted in love and business. Despondency will envelop you. Blue ink, denotes constancy and affection, also bright fortune. Red colors in a letter, imply estrangements through suspicion and jealousy, but this may be overcome by wise maneuvering of the suspected party. If a young woman dreams that she receives a letter from her lover and places it near her heart, she will be worried very much by a good-looking rival. Truthfulness is often rewarded with jealousy. If you fail to read the letter, you will lose something either in a business or social way. Letters nearly always bring worry. To have your letter intercepted, rival enemies are working to defame you. Dreaming of trying to conceal a letter from your sweetheart or wife, intimates that you are interested in unworthy occupations. Dreaming of a letter with a black border, signifies distress and the death of some relative….

…To see the moon in brilliant clearness: for a wife means love and good health, for a husband symbolizes increase in wealth. See the new moon, means advancement in business. In its decline, the illness of some great person. See the moon as a halo around the head, pardon and deliverance through intervention of a female. If moon is color of red, then it means voyage, journey. Dull and obscure moon denotes unfortunate or illness of wife, mother, sister or daughter loss of money, or peril on a journey (particularly if it is by sea), brain fever, and disease of your eyes. When obscure moon was seen in a dream and becoming bright, then it denotes profit if the dreamer is a woman, if a man, joy and happiness. From clearness to pass to obscurity means loss to a woman, sadness and misfortune to a man. See two moons,…

…Seeing the accursed one in a dream means evil, sin, lying, stealing, jealousy, sorcery, separation between husband and wife, disdain from performing one’s prayers, or it could mean preaching falsehood. Seeing the accursed one in a dream also means propagation of an invented world or ideas. If in a dream one becomes Satan, it is interpreted as loosing one’s sight. If one kills Satan in a dream, it means that he will deceive and conquer a deceiver and an evil person. In a dream, the accursed Satan also represents an enemy of the body and the soul. He deceives, cheats, disbelieves, as well as he is ungrateful, jealous, capricious, arrogant, heedless, impetuous, or he could represent a leader, a minister, a judge, a policeman, a man of knowledge, a preacher, a hypocrite, or one’s own family and children. Seeing Satan in a dream also means villainy, dirt, passion and…

…(Channel | Water passage | Watercourse) In a dream, a canal represents a woman, money or a scholar. Running a watercourse or a channel in a dream means getting married, building a business, or it could mean finding a job and serving one’s family and community. Seeing a canal in a dream also means sufferings caused by a member of one’s family. Water channels in a dream represent servants or housekeepers. A canal in a dream also could signify a lavatory, sewage, a marketplace, or it could mean a shop. Thus, digging a canal in a dream also could mean prosperity and spending money to support one’s family and dependents. Blocking a canal in a dream means divorce, separation between husband and wife, cutting off one’s blood ties, leaving one’s homeland, or separation from one’s clan. Blocking a canal in a dream also means quitting one’s job or cancelling…

…(Panties | Underpants) One’s underwear in a dream represents his chastity. If one discovers wetness in his underpants in a dream, it means that his wife is pregnant. Seeing one’s underpants soiled with feces in a dream means divorce. Wearing one’s underpants inside-out in the dream means indulging in a loathsome and a forbidden act of anal intercourse with one’s wife. Wearing one’s underpants without the underwear shirt in a dream means poverty. Wearing fancy underpants in a dream means travels or financial growth. Wearing a new set of underpants in a dream means modesty and protection of one’s chastity. Giving away one’s old underpants in a dream means relief from pressure….

To dream you have a great head, or a head bigger than ordinary, and very highly raised, denotes dignity. If you dream of your head being cut off by robbers and murderers, that indicates loss of children, relations, estate, or wife; and to a wife so dreaming, the loss of her husband. See beheading.

…(Granary | Pantry | Storrage room | Subterranean storehouse) An underground grain storage house in a dream represents a caring mother, a single parent or a foster mother. This interpretation comes from the example of a fetus in his mother’s womb and its dependence on her to supply the necessary nourishment. Once the stored food is consumed, then it is necessary to depend on a new source. If one sees an underground granary demolished or filled with dirt in the dream, and if his mother is sick, it means that she may die from her illness. If one’s wife is pregnant, it means that she will soon deliver her infant. A demolished underground granary in a dream means finding a buyer for one’s grains, and the dirt that fills the storehouse in the dream represents money. If the stored grain turns into dirt in a dream, it means that…

…a dream also represent the different arts and sciences, but they could also mean that the person in question has no stability. In a dream, one’s ear may represent the jewelry a woman attaches to herself as ornaments. To clog one’s ears with one’s own fingers in a dream means death in a repugnant state of innovation. Plugging one’s own ears in a dream also means ignoring a repulsive thought. Plugging one’s ears in a dream also could mean becoming an advisor to someone or a caller to prayers in a mosque, i.e., a muezzin. If one’s ears are transformed into an animal’s ears in a dream, it means losing respect or developing inertness or apathy. As one’s awareness, one’s ear in a dream represents a pouch, a wallet, a coffer or a safe. Ears in a dream are also interpreted to mean separation from one’s wife or daughter. If…

Dream of worshiping something or someone indicates that you are paying too much attention to the worshiped object. This dream may also mean you are open or receptive to outside influences. Sexy lingerie multiplies your seduction options.

Usually the color red is the symbol of sultry, sexy sometimes dangerous situations or people. The people who are lurking for sex are dreaming about this color very often, because of the lack of intimacy.

When you see underwear in a dream, then it indicates the shame you are suffering from. Perhaps there is something you did, therefore you feel the guilt about it. On the other hand, the dream about underwear could show the things you wish to keep to yourself and do not show the others. If you feel shy while showing of your underwear, then it signifies the things you are afraid to open up about. If you saw the other person being only in his underwear, then it means you see the actual face of that person. When the dreamer sees the unclean and dirty underwear, then it indicates the lack of self-confidence. Maybe the dreamer feels unattractive and not sexy. To get the better interpretation of the dream, please check the meaning of Panties.

…If a woman dreams that she’s being shaven, it means that due to her natural behavior and character, she is being too masculine, it annoys men who she interacts with. When a woman dreams of a man shaving, it could signify that due to her sexy nature she’ll easily fall into illicit pleasures. When a man dreams that someone else is shaving him, it’s a warning that dishonest people will try to defraud him in some way, morally or in a materialistic way. Dreaming of shaving indicates your own firm decision of handling your own affairs at work and at home, even though a woman with a bad character will create difficulties. When a man dreams of having soft skin and without having a need to shave, it means that soon he’ll have happy moments and that his behavior has been great towards family and friends. When a man…

When you dream about something being hot, then such dream points the dangers and menace that is lurking for you. The hotness could also indicate the fact that you feel attractive and sexy. If you see someone being very hot in a dream, then it show your sexual attraction towards that particular person.

Dreaming of telling stories or anecdotes that make someone laugh indicates that the dreamer is naturally prone to be a victim of backbiting and criticism, and prefers the superficial, the trivial, and frivolous, over what can be truly transcendent, which will create problems. If a young girl has this dream it insinuates that she has by nature a frivolous and perhaps sexy personality. In reality, this is a warning dream for the dreamer to correct his or her behavior.

…Dreaming of being in a coal-mine or colliery and seeing miners, denotes that some evil will assert its power for your downfall | but if you dream of holding a share in a coal-mine, it denotes your safe investment in some deal. For a young woman Dreaming of mining coal, foreshows she will become the wife of a real-estate dealer or dentist….

…(Diaper) A swaddle in a dream represents a pregnant woman, a broken bone, or defeating one’s enemy. If one sees his wife swaddled in a piece of cloth and if he unwraps her in a dream, it means that he will divorce her. Seeing a fugitive, a sick person, a traveller, or a prisoner swaddled in a dream may not purport advantages or a favorable end….

Getting wealth, honour and a good wife, receiving money unexpected. 37.