If you were washing yourself, then such dream could have negative and positive meanings depending on the situation in your waking life and the way you felt during the washing. If you were washing yourself to get rid of all the dirt, then it signifies the negative emotions you are trying to wash away. If you washed yourself and felt well about it, then it shows how happy you are because of all the aspects in your life. If you were washing your car, then it means you are ready to move forward in your life full of energy and potential.

…To dream of a young and sport full kid, implies the birth of a child. A young girl who grants her lover too close intimacy before marriage should never dream of the innocent and harmless kid. It is a good dream for married people who desire children. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 70….

The yard that is very tidy, full of trees, flowers and the pavement looks perfectly, represents your responsible aspects of the personality. You like to take care not only of yourself, but those around you either. If you see yourself running around the yard, playing in it, it shows that you are missing the days when you had no responsibilities and been just a child.

If you dream that the bottle is empty, then it indicates that there will be setbacks and afflictions if it is full, then it means there will be love and joy. If it is broken it is a sign of frustration.

The dream symbol of a wasp indicates negative emotions and attitude toward others. To be stung by a wasp shows that there are persons around you who feels full of bad emotions such as detestation, intense dislike, anger and envy. They want to make damage and destroy you. When you kill a wasp in a dream such an action indicates that you are fighting against your enemies and you stand for your beliefs.

…Opening a goods box in your dream, signifies untold wealth and that delightful journeys to distant places may be made with happy results. If the box is empty disappointment in works of all kinds will follow. To see full money boxes, augurs cessation from business cares and a pleasant retirement….

…If you dream about an empty bottle, it means that you’ll face adversities, distress, and health problems. If you dream about a full bottle, it’s sign of love and joy. If the bottle is broken, is a sign of frustration….

…Dreaming of any secret order, denotes a sensitive and excited organism, and the owner should cultivate practical and unselfish ideas and they may soon have opportunities for honest pleasures, and desired literary distinctions. There is a vision of selfish and designing friendships for one who joins a secret order. Young women should heed the counsel of their guardians, lest they fall into discreditable habits after this dream. If a young woman meets the head of the order, she should oppose with energy and moral rectitude against allurements that are set brilliantly and prominently before those of her sex. For her to think her mother has joined the order, and she is using her best efforts to have her mother repudiate her vows, denotes that she will be full of love for her parents, yet will wring their hearts with anguish by thoughtless disobedience. To see or hear that the…

…is full with water, means struggles and overwhelming emotions. Hearing the water run denotes meditation and reflection on your thoughts and emotions. Dreaming rough seas or rough waters means misfortune, anger and many afflictions. Dreaming of calm and crystal clear waters is a sign that you enjoy great peace of mind and your health is in very good condition. If a place where water is scarce appears in the dream means you are going through a difficult and uncertain time. Dreaming of stagnant, muddy and swampy water is a sign of upcoming illness or death. If in the dream you are spilling water, then it is a sign of loss or theft. Dreaming of walking on water is a sign of success in companies you intend to start. It also suggests that you have supreme and ultimate control over your emotions. It may also suggest that you must control your…

…(See Body’ | Lungs | Pain)…

…(Anger | Pulmonary | Soul | Woman) In a dream, lungs represent the abode of the soul. Damaged or decaying lungs in a dream represent the nearing of one’s death. If one sees his lungs turned black in a dream, it means cessation of his business or source of his livelihood. Healthy lungs in a dream represent longevity. Lungs in a dream also represent one’s wife, anger, or one’s composure. (Also see Body’)…

Dreaming of exaggerated cleanness is evidence of a desire to free ourselves from something that can be unpleasant or objectionable. If we wash our hands or body that reveals the desire to get rid of any actual or alleged guilt. If we wash the bedding that reveals concern to keep facts about our sex life hidden.

…fault, or recognizing his improper behavior with his customers. If one’s hands are tattooed with henna in a dream, it means that he cheats to acquire his earnings. Eventually, he will be exposed and his opponents will rejoice at his misfortune. If a woman sees her entire body dyed with henna in a dream, it means having a good relationship with her husband. If after applying the henna to her hands, the dye does not work in a dream, it means that her husband does not show his love for her. If only the fingers are dyed with henna in a dream, they then represent branches of dates, or clusters of grapes. In general, dyeing one’s hands and hair with henna as a makeup in a dream represents joy for the husband and wife as long as they do not exceed the common norms. (Also see Dye | Tattoo)…

To dream that you see the wound on your own body, means that you should be aware at this time of your life more than ever. Make sure you pay attention what kind of accident made that wound on you and try to avoid being in these situations in your waking life.

Dreaming that you have a mole (mark or spot) on your face or body, symbolizes that something is becoming involved in your affairs in a way that is neither needed nor welcome. This situation or person is interfering with your personal respect. On other hand, it shows that you are unable to obtain the approval of others.

…on the eyes of a corpse in your dreams, denotes that you will see unscrupulous enemies robbing you while you are powerless to resent injury. If you only put it on one eye you will be able to recover lost property after an almost hopeless struggle. For a young woman this dream denotes distress and loss by unfortunately giving her confidence to designing persons. For a young woman Dreaming that the proprietor of the store in which she works is a corpse, and she sees while sitting up with him that his face is clean shaven, foretells that she will fall below the standard of perfection in which she was held by her lover. If she sees the head of the corpse falling from the body, she is warned of secret enemies who, in harming her, will also detract from the interest of her employer. Seeing the corpse in the…

The carburetor in a dream denotes to the equilibrium of your thoughts and body.

…while bathing in the sea.”The other dream, which occurred only last year, was to this effect: I was riding outside an omnibus in London when a bat suddenly flew past me. All my fellow-passengers cried out in a chorus, ‘How remarkable! A bat!’ and I awoke actually repeating those words. I was so impressed that I jotted down the dream in my memorandum book. Exactly a week later, I received tidings of my father’s death: he had been thrown from a trap, whilst descending a steep hill near Dublin, and killed on the spot. “In reference to motionless bats, a lady informed me, that one night she dreamed her counterpane was covered with bats, and bats being her pet aversion, she was so terrified that she immediately awoke, to find her whole body bathed in perspiration. The following day, she learned that an aunt to whom she was greatly attached…

To dream that someone is giving you a massage suggests lack of sensual or sexual stimulation. On the other hand, it indicates that you need to take care of your body.

The junk food could indicate that you are actually feeling hungry during your dream. The junk food could also show that you feed yourself with the bad food. Your body is giving you a signal. The junk food could be used as the metaphor for people you are surrounded by or the relationships you’ve got yourself into. If you ate too much of the junk food, you should reconsider your life, perhaps you are sick of everything.

…(Rodent) A jerboa in a dream represents a liar who often swears in God’s Name that he is speaking the truth. Fighting with a jerboa in a dream means having an argument with a person of such qualities. A jerboa in a dream also represents a body snatcher or a researcher….

Medicines symbolizes support for our body and soul. If the medicine is for another person, then it shows that this person will need help from you.

Lemon reminds us that there are many bitter moments, however, are negligible for the health of body, soul or business life.

…(Chin | Indignant talk) The lower jaw represents the chief of a group of people who has a large offspring. If one sees his chin elongated in his dream, it means that he will become reproving of others, and he will gossip in vain. It also means weakness after strength. (Also see Body’ | Chin)…

…the dream, it denotes growth and greater benefits, but if one’s mouth looks smaller in the dream, then it means the opposite. If one’s mouth smells good in the dream, it means speaking good words. Infection of one’s mouth in a dream means a disaster or business losses. If something nice comes out of one’s mouth in a dream, it means kindness toward others. If one sees his mouth sealed in a dream and did not know who did it, it means a scandal or defamation. In a dream, one’s mouth is interpreted in seven ways – It could mean knowledge, a coffer, a cellar, a bookcase, a market, a doorman, a minister, or a door. If a pious person sees a harness around his mouth in a dream, it means fasting from food. If an impious person sees that, it means rebuke and reprimand. (Also see Body 1)…

…heedlessness. If one sees Malik coming toward him in the dream, it means his salvation and the restoration of his faith. However, if one sees Malik turning his back to him or going away from him in the dream, it means that he will commit an act that will deliver him to the blazing fire of hell. The angels in charge of punishing the sinners in hell in a dream represent the authority, soldiers, or tax collectors. If one enters hell-fire then comes out of it in his dream, it means that, God willing, his life will culminate in paradise. If he sees his limbs reprimanding him in the dream, it means that one’s own body is telling him something, or admonishing and trying to awaken his conscious to the realities of the hereafter and the Day of Reckoninh. (Also see Bathhouse | Fire | Malik | Mental hospital)…

It is our own life that is represented and everything depends on us. The fact that it is a cargo vehicle indicates that we do not start with empty hands. Gasoline represents our energy capacity. Body, our external appearance. Steering wheel controls capability. Brakes are our will. Electrical circuit, intelligence. Headlights, our ability view of the facts. If the truck is in good condition, it means we are confident. If it is in bad condition, it represents our fears. If we are alone driving the truck, it indicates desire for independence. If we travel accompanied, the actions of the passengers, including us, will reveal what our attitude is to those around us. If another person drives, it means that we are not masters of our destiny.

…One’s heels in a dream also represent his estate. Strong heels in a dream represent good deeds. Dark heels in a dream represent heedlessness and disobedience to the divine commands of God Almighty. Heels in a dream also signify punishment for one’s sins. One’s heels in a dream also may represent a son who is a gambler. A low heel and tendon in a dream represent a daring, courageous and a forward person. As for a bachelor, seeing his heels in a dream means marriage. Heels in a dream also mean vain talk. Playing with one’s heels in a dream means enjoying one’s success over his opponent. A broken heel in a dream means an illness. One’s heels also represent his property and money. Having no heels in a dream means losing one’s wealth. A nice looking heel in a dream means glad tidings and blessings. (Also see Body’)…

…To dream that you have the itch, or that your body itches, shows that you will shortly receive money. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 40, 9….

When you dream about your hands and you see them being clenched, then such dream shows the suppressed anger you are suffering from. The hands that are not clenched, but opened ones represents the friendly side of your personality. If your hands are covered in blood, then such dream foretells about some situation you will feel bad about, because of your own fault. If someone has injured your hands, it means you should protect yourself from others, because you never know where your enemy is. If you have at least one hand that is not yours or is wooden one, then you do not feel yourself completely, therefore you have some parts on your body that is not yours. If your hands are tied, then it means you are not feeling free enough, there is a lack of freedom in your life.

If the dreamer is wearing a garter in a dream, then such dream denotes to temptation and excitation. Perhaps you are looking forward on finding new sexual aspects within your body and mind.

If you dream about the hammer, then such dream signifies the necessity for power and strength because of the others actions. If you use the hammer for cutting the wood, then such dream foretells about great success and fortune you will face very soon. If you cut some of your body parts with the hammer, you will suffer because of your own mistakes.

The dream in which something has been pierced to you means that you tend to take risks that are very dangerous to your life. The piercings could also indicate your desire to get some on your body.

Embalming the body of a deceased person in a dream is a cause of happiness for a sad person and repentance of a sinner. (Also see Shroud)

…Cutting someone’s gall bladder with one’s teeth in a dream means perfidy and jealousy. If he drinks any blood that comes out of such cut in the dream, it means that he will confiscate or appropriate someone’s money having no right to do so. A gall bladder in a dream also means anger, sexual excitement, sexual climax, laughter or one’s personal secrets. (Also see Body’)…

…In a dream, a neck represents an embrace, a donation with terms, a legal will or a conditional endowment. The neck and the shoulders in a dream represent one’s trust or trustworthiness. A healthy strong neck in a dream means trustworthiness and ability to repay one’s debts. Wounds, festering, or purulence in one’s neck in a dream mean betraying God’s trust. If one sees a nice bird sitting over his neck in a dream, it means benefits or an alibi. If it is not a gentle bird, then it becomes a bad omen or a rebuke. If one sees a necklace, a rope, a wire or a thread wrapped around his neck in a dream, it means fulfilling a promise, acquiring knowledge, status and honored. (Also see Body’)…

…a beast talks to someone in a dream, it means his death. If one’s head or nose talk to him in a dream, it means that whoever these two members represent in one’s life (See Body’) will suffer from an adversity. If a tree speaks to someone in his dream, it means benefiting from that line of thinking. A talking tree in a dream means a fight, or the end of one’s exile. The speech of a tree in a dream also could mean exaltation. Whatever a baby says in a dream is true. It also could mean falling into sin. If a godly and a spiritual person sees a baby talking to him in a dream, it means that he will witness wonders or a miracle, or become a witness to an unbelievable agreement. The speech of inanimate objects in a dream always means good, provides a lesson or…

Announces sadness and regret. If you have a cast for some of your body part, then it indicates the risk of accident.

Ants in the dreams symbolize organized and proactive work. If ants invade your house, it announces some crowd will make little annoyances. If ants attack your body, it foretells an accident or illness.

…(Setting the tooth on its edge.) To set one’s tooth on its edge in a dream means a betrayal carried by a member of one’s family the tooth represents. This includes one’s children, wife, partners, or employees. To set one’s teeth on their edge in a dream also could mean changes in one’s behavior that may lead to a changing attitude on the part of such family members. (Also see Body 1 | Tooth)…