…no idle thing and that the haunting words had some deep signification? Out of pure mischief and curiosity I nodded a grave assent. “Do you intend to go?” I added.”Ere eight hours chime/’ was her reply, and the words brought with them a perfect recollection of my own dream-answer. Then I saw again the brown form and the brown river, and shuddered. The girl, I was sure from her face, perceived the tremor that made the cup and saucer I held vibrate in my nervous grasp.Meanwhile; the eyes of the man had never ceased to scrutinise me; I felt them like burning points.What an ill-looking ruffian he was — sinister and repulsive, jealous as Othello, and ready, I felt sure; for any pretext whatsoever to assassinate me.I was not surprised when he addressed me, and his voice was in admirable keeping with his person.”If you belong to the society, signor;…

…(Woman) Silver in a dream represents hard earned money or savings. In dream interpretation, the substance of silver and that of a woman are the same. A silver coin in a dream represents a beautiful woman. Extracting silver in a dream means taking advantage of a woman. If one finds abundance of silver in his dream, it means that he will uncover a treasure. Melting silver in a dream means having an argument with one’s wife that will become the talk of the town. Receiving silverware or silver cups as a gift in a dream means being entrusted with money or personal items for safe keeping. The same interpretation goes for receiving a silver mirror in a dream as long as one does not look into it. Once he looks into the mirror in his dream, it means adversities, defamation, and loss of respect, for only harm could come…

…it means receiving money from an unexpected source. Talking with deceased people in a dream means longevity. Kissing a renowned person who had passed away in a dream means acquiring something from his knowledge, wisdom or inheritance, or it could mean receiving benefits from his descendants. Talking to dead people in a dream means having ingratitude toward one’s family or friends. If a sick person sees himself kissing a deceased person in a dream, it means that he will shortly die. If a healthy person sees that same dream, it means that what he says is false. Having sexual intercourse with a deceased person in his grave in a dream means committing adultery or mixing with an evil person or losing money to a deceitful and a hypocritical person. If one sees that a deceased woman has come back to life, and if he engages in sexual intercourse with her,…

…(Chanting | Song) Singing in a dream means falsehood and trouble. Having a beautiful voice in a dream may represent a profitable business. Otherwise, if one sings off key in his dream, it means that he is venturing into a losing business. A singer in a dream also represents a wise person, a preacher, or a physician. The location where the singing has taken place in the dream will experience lies, falsehood and separation between beloveds because of jealousy, envy and perfidy. Singing in a dream also connotes evil, disputes and fights. If a professional singer, a musician, or a music writer sees himself singing his repertoire in a dream, it means benefits and profits. If the singing is bad, or off key in the dream, then it could mean lack of work, meekness, or it could mean having little opinion about oneself. If one sees himself singing while…

…or pillow means that you’re trying to solve the issues you have in your own affairs and poverty at the expense or sacrifice of others. Dreaming of silk cushions without touching them announces prosperity or success in the affairs you’re handling. A young woman who dreams of sewing or making a silk cushion, indicates that she wants to get married with someone good. Dreaming of wearing silk clothes suggests that you have too many ambitions for money, power, and business. It also reveals vanity and pride. If the silk clothing is dirty or stained, it means disappointment, sadness and failures. Dreaming with silkworms may mean that you’ll get a very advantageous job, but if the worm is dead, then it’s quite the opposite. Dreaming of silk scarves or bandanas suggests that you have a pleasant, magnetic and charismatic personality, and you project it to the people that surrounds you….

Passion is usually a mental condition that’s more or less temporary, but it makes the person that’s being affected into suffering from depression or in being very aggressive. Consequently, dreaming of being passionate is always a reflection of what’s happening in real life. Dreaming of being intensely passionate about something indicates that the dreamer is suffering from sudden changes that are making the dreamer go from happiness and optimism to depression and even anger, perhaps due to indifferent, uncontrollable, dubious and contradictory situations, for example, in love, business, politics, etc. Dreaming of having high hopes in love that turn very passionate, suggests that in some cases that the loved one is passionate and unreflective, not in a loving or sexual way, but ideologically, in sports, business, politics, anything that’s capable of producing successes or failures as a result of outbursts of passion which even though they might be temporary,…

Dreaming about silk is a good omen. Silk in the dream represents past achievements, current success or bright future. To see or feel silk when you are dreaming, has also the symbolic significance of luxury in your life, your business without difficulties, and friendly personality. Dreaming that you are wearing silk, can be interpreted as symbolism of widespread respect and admiration felt for you on the basis of your achievements or your qualities. Alternatively, a silk, the strong and soft fiber produced by silkworms in making cocoons, in the dream announces that you will never be in huge poverty. The lack of daily necessities in life is unknown condition for you.

…There are unquestionably certain people who, in their dreams, witness events that are actually taking place at the time.A lady I knew, Mrs. P., who lived in Gloucester Place, W., dreamed one night she was in a big seaport town, where the streets were all numbered and laid out in blocks according to the American system, and where in one part of the city the tramlines descended over a series of plateaux. The houses were very lofty, and in one street a single hotel occupied an entire block. Shortly after her arrival, the entire town shook and heaved under the influence of a stupendous earthquake; houses collapsed like packs of cards, and, amidst the most appalling shrieks and groans, the whole city burst into a lurid sheet of fire. Everywhere was the wildest confusion and despair. People of all nationalities, from fair-skinned Europeans and yellow-visage Chinese — of which…

…Dreaming of sickness, is a sign of trouble and real sickness in your family. Discord is sure to find entrance also. Dreaming of your own sickness, is a warning to be unusually cautious of your person. To see any of your family pale and sick, foretells that some event will break unexpectedly upon your harmonious hearthstone. Sickness is usually attendant upon this dream….

…Seeing loose silk in a dream means being enamored, or falling in love. If a person in authority wears silk in a dream, it represents his arrogance. Wearing yellow or red silk in a dream means a sickness. If a warrior wears one of these two colors in his dream, it means that he will be decorated for his chivalry. If a man of knowledge is adorned with silk in a dream, it means that he is desirous of worldly status, or that he will lead people astray through innovation. As for the rest of people, wearing silken garments in a dream means that one’s deeds are worthy of paradise, though such a person may attain leading ranks and success in the world as well. Wearing a silken garment in a dream also means marriage to a woman from a noble lineage. Wearing a silken shawl without patterns in…

To dream about your significant other such as your wife, your husband or your spouse partner, then it means that you have some issues with one of them. Sometimes the people who are in the begging of their relationships dream about their significant other, because they think about them all the time, spend lots of time together. In the dream someone who is your significant other, but in reality is not shows that you like particular features in this person. Sometimes you have a crush on someone and dream this person being your significant other, because you wish it happening in reality. Sometimes we dream about our ex significant other, which means that we feel lonely and wish to be with someone in reality. However, if you spent a lot of time with this person, it is very normal to dream about it either.

…As in everyday life, the sidewalk is an area of relative safety, although in a dream this security is always provisional and depends on what we see ourselves doing. If we dream that we get on the sidewalk it means that we have gained some certainty in life or a career step that we must consolidate as soon as possible if we do not want to lose it. If we walked down the sidewalk it means that we feel very confident in our current position, regardless of what could happen if everything came crashing down in a moment of carelessness. But if we go down the sidewalk, then it indicates that even though everything looks the same as always, we are about to lose that position that gave us confidence and we must strive to think that it’s still in us, or about what we have done or not…

(Bolter | Colander | Filter | Separate | Sift | Sort | Strainer) In a dream, a sieve represents knowledge, discerning, honor, rank and discriminating between truth and false. A sieve in a dream is like a detector of true banknotes from counterfeit, a person who chooses his words, a choosy person of the type of work he does, or a discriminating buyer, a pious person, or it could represent a comb. If a sieve is given as a collateral, or as a promissory note in a dream, it means that the depositor will flunk his promise, for a sieve does not retain water. (Also see Bolter | Strainer)

…To dream of metals has different significations and interpretations according to the metal you dream of. To bring our readers to more readily discover the meaning of their dream, we subjoin a list of the metals with their explanations: Brass. To dream that you see a brass ornament, is a sign your sweetheart will be false to you. To see any one working in brass, or cleaning that metal is a sign you will hear of the death of a distant relative who will leave you a legacy. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 43, 11. Copper. To dream of copper, signifies that your sweetheart is deceitful and loves another, it also shows secret enemies. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 54, 8, 40. Gold. To dream of receiving gold is a good sign, and shows you win be successful in all your undertakings. To dream you pay gold betokens increase…

Dreaming that someone is singing happily announces good news of loved ones that are far away. Dreaming of singing among other friendly and cheerful people is a promise of prosperity and joy. If the dreamer is sadly singing this indicates bad news. Dreaming of singing with modern music indicates extravagance, reason why the dreamer won’t achieve the success desired.

If we find a silver bullion or metallic silver, then it signifies that we will get an important benefit through a woman. If the ingot or any other silver object is blackened, then it represents the possibilities of serious losses due of what the object symbolizes, and if it has no meaning, the losses will be attributed to a woman. If we dream about silver coins, then we should look at the meaning of ‘’money’’.

To dream of the sister, reflects the bond you have with your sister. The dream may indicate how close or apart you are with your siblings. If in your waking life you do not have a sister, then the dream may be an indication of your loneliness, where you have no one to talk to or cry the shoulder on. The dream about sister could also be related to the dream of the nun. In this case the dreamer has serious issues with the spirituality and beliefs has made.

…that I could stand among them without being seen by any one from a distance — I came on the round at nine o’clock, and on arriving at the house I kept an eye on, was not a little surprised to find the shutters of the front sitting-room open, the blinds up, and the table laid for dinner. This rather astonished me, as we had received no intimation at the police station that the family were back. The room looked so warm and cosy, and the good things on the table so extremely appetising, that I could not refrain from stopping for what I intended should be a few seconds and looking at them.”Now I don’t suppose, sir, for one minute that many members of the force take much interest in table-laying, but with me it was different. My wife had formerly been a cook in good families in the…

…(Affront | Attract attention | Criticize | Excavate | Probe | Sideswipe | Stir up) Digging up the past in a dream means an argument or exposing one’s dirty laundry, blocking the road, earning unlawful money, or it could mean excavating hidden valuables, reviving past knowledge or discover- inga treasure. Diggingup the past and not confronting anyone with it in a dream means relief from distress or receiving glad tidings. (Also see Court)…

…Dreaming that you see passengers coming in with their luggage, denotes improvement in your surroundings. If they are leaving you will lose an opportunity of gaining some desired property. If you are one of the passengers leaving home, you will be dissatisfied with your present living and will seek to change it….

…Seeing a passport in a dream means your ability to experience various situations. On the other hand, it also indicates that you will analyze your knowledge and survival. Dreaming that you lose your passport indicates that you’re trying to change the way you are in or that some nearby opportunities are out of reach for you….

…Walking on a slippery surface, or tripping over a slippery surface may mean abolition of a wrongdoing one has committed in the past. It also means forgetfulness, distraction, slowing of mental keenness, or diversion from one’s pursuit of knowledge. (Also see Slip of a tongue)…

Surgery in a dream represents the real limb which is operated on in one’s dream. If a young man or a young woman see themselves having an operation where their chest is opened, or having an open heart surgery for example in a dream, it means that they are in love. As for elderly people, it means distress. Having a minor surgery on the thumb in a dream means signing a loan. (Also see Body 1 | Chest)…

The peace sign could indicate the past when the Hippies were very popular and it was their sign, which meant freedom and peace in all aspects of the life.

The dream in which you see a size of something, relates to the size of the penis. The dream also indicates the significance we have to things. The dream also shows the power other objects or people we are surrounded by does to us.

…Dreaming of a very friendly dog could mean that the dreamer has very good friends and that he or she will get new ones as well. If the dog is white and it gets near to the dreamer in a friendly way, it could signify that soon the dreamer will achieve the success that he or she is looking for, either in sentimental aspects, business, or at work. If a young woman has this dream it means that there are probabilities of future marriage. If the dog is black, then it suggests that there are hidden enemies that are trying to harm the dreamer. Dreaming of being the owner of a smart dog that knows how to do various tricks (this dream is like thinking about one-self), could signify that prosperity is approaching and that it could create an economic boom. Dreaming that a hunting dog or a hound…

…To hear singing in your dreams, betokens a cheerful spirit and happy companions. You are soon to have promising news from the absent. If you are singing while everything around you gives promise of happiness, jealousy will insinuate a sense of insincerity into your joyousness. If there are notes of sadness in the song, you will be unpleasantly surprised at the turn your affairs will take. Ribald songs, signifies gruesome and extravagant waste….

To dream of seeing a sign in a dream, means that you need help from others while working on some situation or project. Make sure you interpreter what the sign says, as it will give you more of the clue what you should do next.

The silver coins in dreams are the reflection of valuable things in your waking life such as money, jewelry or real estate. Sometimes the silver coins indicate the features such as your mental goodness, financial situation or emotional state. The silver coins can also be a reflection of the investments you have made in your waking life and are seen in the form of coins.

Dreaming of being short-sighted without actually being short-sighted in real life, indicates ignorance of one-self, which will produce bad results. It also implies infidelity from the dreamer’s partner. Dreaming that a romantic partner is short-sighted implies that this person is indifferent to the love of the dreamer.

To see a sidewalk on which you are walking, symbolizes the road one is taking while trying to achieve the goals. Probably you are taking the new way in your life. Consider that if the sidewalk is broken or cracked, then it shows the barriers and obstacles one will face while walking to the end of that road. Make some changes which can make that sidewalk easy to walk on.

…Dreaming about your siblings or other family member is usually a good dream; it symbolizes love, thou it depends a lot on how you see them in that dream. To dream about your own siblings and that they’re healthy and happy suggests that the same state reigns among you and your family members, so it promises a great future. If instead your siblings seem poor, sad, sick, etc., you may end up the same way….

…Walking down a sidewalk, both in dreams and in real life, means in principle be within appropriate limits for the walker but we will have to see what we’re doing on that journey. If in the dream we are going up on the sidewalk it may indicate a possibility to climb up a hierarchy, either professional or another kind and, if we dream that we are going down the sidewalk that will mean the opposite. It can be a good starting point for analyzing everyday actions in which we operate and how we deal with them….

The peace sign in dreams stands for your inner tranquility and balance that you found with the environment. The peace sign is also a sign of being chilled and cool.

…Dreaming about silk has evident erotic connotations. If it is underwear and it belongs to the same sex of the dreamer, then it indicates our narcissism. If the garment is of the opposite sex, then it tells us that we are fetishists. If the silk is white, then it is saying about marriage hopes. If the silk is black, then it signifies a morbid eroticism. Gaudy colors tells us which at the same symbolism of color we must add the desire to attract the attention of others….

Dreaming of silver bars is a warning that the dreamer should not only depend on money to be comfortable and happy. Dreaming of casually finding silver coins suggests that there is poverty in others, without the dreamer being rich either. Dreaming of silver utensils, silverware for example, announces upcoming concerns, frustrations, and various inconveniences.

…To dream of metals has different significations and interpretations according to the metal you dream of. To enable our readers to more readily discover the meaning of their dreams, we subjoin a list of the metals with their explanations. Brass. To dream you see a brass ornament, is a sign your sweetheart will be false to you. To see any one working in brass, or cleaning that metal, is a sign you will hear of the death of a distant relative who will leave you a legacy. Copper. To dream of copper, signifies, that your sweetheart is deceitful and loves another, it also shows secret enemies. Gold. To dream of receiving gold is a good sign, and shows you will be successful in all your undertakings. To dream you pay gold betokens increase of friends. Iron. For one to dream that he is hurt with iron, signifies that he…

To dream that you see the stop sign means that you are facing some barriers and walls while achieving your goals. The stop sign could be a reflection of certain situation or person that doesn’t let you move along. Sometimes the stop sign is interpreted as the necessity to slow down, perhaps you do too much at this time of your life and subconscious mind is sending you a message.

…Dreaming of wearing silk clothes, is a sign of high ambitions being gratified, and friendly relations will be established between those who were estranged. For a young woman Dreaming of old silk, denotes that she will have much pride in her ancestors, and will be wooed by a wealthy, but elderly person. If the silk is soiled or torn, she will drag her ancestral pride in the slums of disgrace….

…To dream that you are nervous about something indicates doubts and feelings of insecurity. To dream that you or someone has a nervous breakdown suggests that you’ve lost a relationship’s framework, or you’ve done so in a situation, so you’re seeking more clarity and insight. This dream also indicates that you’re doubtful about your own judgments and decisions that were made….