…Dreaming that you’re a passenger suggests that you have no control in your life and you let others decide for you. Seeing passenger means that you spend too much energy to satisfy others….

The dream in which you are eating pastry means that you are very hungry or you haven’t ate before you went to bed. To make something out of pastry means that you are trying to do something important in your waking life.

Getting passport or using one indicates changes and unexpected happenings. Also, dreaming about passport foreshadows sufferings or indispositions due to excesses.

The passage way in dreams indicates your way from one direction to another. The dream shows which way while living your life you choose. The passageway could also indicate the path between your reality and dreaming.

The passport in dreams indicates your identity. If you have lost your passport it means that you are no longer feeling yourself. You feel that you are getting yourself into some unpleasant circumstances.

If it is spreadable paste, then it announces that a successful company will increase your assets. If it is paste of pasta, then it warns you to sacrifice and not to rush at any time.

…Dreaming of a password, foretells you will have influential aid in some slight trouble soon to attack you. For a woman Dreaming that she has given away the password, signifies she will endanger her own standing through seeking frivolous or illicit desires….

…Dreaming of pasteboard, denotes that unfaithful friends will deceive you concerning important matters. To cut pasteboard, you will throw aside difficulties in your struggle to reach eminent positions….

Dream of being in a passion and angry with some person, shows many enemies, and some evil is working against your happiness. If you feel passion in love, then it indicates a rival.

Doing something, like seeing, eating or any other action, with a pastry, when you are dreaming, represents the act of indulging or gratifying a desire. Pastry can have symbolic meaning of arousing gratification of the senses and physical pleasure, especially sexual pleasure. You are enjoying your life with sensual pleasures. And you experiencing satisfaction while reaping your rewards.

Dreaming of passengers that are getting close and are carrying their suitcases predicts a good future with some success. Dreaming of passengers with suitcases but having them be more distant suggests that the dreamer has lost some opportunities of gaining profit.

If the survivor is the dreamer himself/herself, it means the arrival of situations that are contrary to his/her own hopes and dreams, even though it won’t affect the essential things considerably. It generally announces that we’ll be submitted to hard tests that’ll demand new perspectives and motivations, different than the ones before, to keep the enemies away. If during the dream you find a survivor, it means that the harshness with which you treat others and the way you impose your own arguments won’t be enough to eliminate the threatening pressure of a particularly tenacious opponent.

If you dream of the surgery, then such dream foretells the need of changes or total new recovery. There are certain things in your life that must be removed. On the other hand, the dream indicates the affection other people have on you. Perhaps you are very dependant person who let other people make the decisions instead of you. Consider if you are not having the surgery in your waking life, as it would bring the fear or impatience you are experiencing.

If you made a surprise party for someone, you really appreciate and love this particular person. If somebody else threw the surprise party to you, you are feeling loved by family, friends and colleagues.

If you were happily surprised in a dream, then it shows your attitude towards new experiences and proficiencies. If you were surprised unpleasantly, then it foretells about your fear of things you do not know or never experienced before.

If you dream that you are surfing, it shows that you are enjoying the life with its ups and down. Perhaps you wish to have some freedom. The surfing is also a dream of people who have deep connection with nature.

…To dream about surgery operated on our heart is a clear warning to give a message about negative love even though it might mean a painful and sudden abandonment for us. If surgery is performed on our stomach it’s a sign that we must look back carefully on events because we have not processed one of them correctly, and that can cause problems….

To see a surgeon portends illness or accident. If the surgeon is operating indicates that there is something wrong with us from the moral point of view.

For a young woman Dreaming that she is in a siege, and sees cavalry around her, denotes that she will have serious drawbacks to enjoyments, but will surmount them finally, and receive much pleasure and profit from seeming disappointments.

…(Couch | Mattress | Sleeping pad) Abed without covers in a dream represents travels, a wife, honor or a high rank. Sitting on abed in a dream means regaining power or authority over something one had lost control. If the bed has it covers on, then it means ruling over a group of hypocrites who live in heedlessness. If it is not covered, then it means a journey. If one sees himself wearing his shoes and sitting on his bed in a dream, it means that he will undertake a trip in the company of an ostentatious person. Sitting on a bed in a pleasant surrounding in a dream means honor and power. The covers of one’s bed in a dream represent his wife, his livelihood, or his mistress. Whatever stands on top of a bed represents one’s male children and whatever is hidden under it represents one’s female…

If our dream is accompanied by an overwhelmed silence, then it indicates a feeling of being guilty about the topic the dream is about. If we are surrenders by people that observe us, then it insistently reveals that we fear everybody’s indifference.

…To sing in a dream is a good omen, as it symbolizes happiness, luck and success. The dream shows that you make other people happy while entertaining them with your good mood and vibe. If somebody else sang in a dream, then it also means that you feel that you live in a harmony, happy and peaceful atmosphere, where everyone is sharing joy with each other. Alternatively, the dream could predict about unpleasant feelings such as sadness, but only in those cases when the one is singing or hears somebody singing very sad songs….

To dream of being a singer, indicates the desire to be accomplishes and known for things you have done. The dream may also show that you want to express the emotions you have through your voice. The famous singer that was seen in a dream indicates the desire to have some of those qualities in your own personality.

If you wore garment made of silk, then such dream promises you rich and prosperous life you are going to have. It is also the sign of luxury, clarity and purity, therefore the one who wears a silk, has all of the great features.

Dream of a sink means shame. You may feel drained emotionally and/or physically. Dream of a broken sink means punishment as a result of living in a fast lane.

To dream of the sink, indicates the way the dreamer sees himself and how able he is to control himself. Probably there is a need to clean some of the negative emotions start all over again everything from the very beginning. The dream of the sink also identifies daily routine where everyone starts the day on and finishes it off.

…Having an illness in a dream represents a sickening character, or a hypocrite. Finding oneself ill in a dream means enjoying a good health for that year, or it could mean loss of devotion and lack of piety. If a warrior finds himself sick in a dream, it means that he will be wounded. If one sees his wife sick in a dream, it means that she is negligent of her religious obligations. If a sick person sees himself riding an ox, or a swine in a dream, it means his death. A feverish illness in a dream means pressure caused by a ruler. Feeling sick, or feeling down with an undiagnosed illness in a dream means spending money, or wasting it in ways other than on God’s path. In a dream, illness mostly denotes religious disobedience and religious disdain. If one’s sick child recovers from an illness in…

…Dreaming of silver, is a warning against depending too largely on money for real happiness and contentment. To find silver money, is indicative of shortcomings in others. Hasty conclusions are too frequently drawn by yourself for your own peace of mind. Dreaming of silverware, denotes worries and unsatisfied desires….

To dream you are clothed in silk, signifies honour; but to dream that you trade with a stranger in silk denotes profit and joy.

…To dream of singing solemn music in a choir, is a sign of the death of a young girl who is your esteemed friend or relative: to lovers, such a dream foretells the loss of sweethearts: if you imagine you are singing some lively tune by yourself, it is a sign of sorrow, though it may not be connected with any death. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 34, 18….

The yield sign in dreams is interpreted as the sign to be aware and cautious about particular aspects of your waking life. The other explanation is saying that you should stop for a while in whatever you are doing and take a break.

The sign in your dream can give you a lot of information of what you should do and how you should act. If you see the particular sign, pay attention to its meaning by different interpretation of the dream.

Silence is often the protagonist of most of our dreams, however, when this is noticed by the dreamer and stands out in the dream, it can be a symbol of possible guilt complexes, regarding the dream you are experiencing. This is why is always necessary to carefully examine all the other aspects of the dream. Silence during dreams usually presages the proximity of an era of peace and calm in which we will find feeling very conformable with ourselves and with life in general.

The number six is interpreted in some cultures as the number of devil. On the positive note, the number six is saying that you haven’t made your task to seven.

Dreaming that we are sick, is a warning to consult a doctor because our health is in danger. But if the same dream is not accompanied by this unpleasant impression, but rather is pleasant, it is an announcement of economic success. If we dream of one or more sick people, it’s a warning that delays and setbacks will be presented in our projects or businesses.

…If you saw a sibling of yours, then it means that you have some issues with that certain person which has not been solved yet. To dream of someone else’s sibling, means that you wish to have the features physical or mental ones that person has….

…(Besiege) In a dream, a siege represents an ambush or constipation. It also means having patience, determination and steadfastness. A siege in a dream also means victory over one’s enemy….

…To see a stop sign in your dream, suggests that you need to stop what you are doing and think about the situation before moving forward. You need to proceed with care and caution. Alternatively, it signifies barriers and difficulties on our path. To dream that you run a stop sign, indicates that you do not consider the consequences of your action. It may refer to your reckless habits….

…(Inequity | Wrongdoing) To see one’s movements hampered by sin in a dream means debts. To confess one’s sins in a dream means dignity and honor. To commit a sin in a dream means borrowing money….

If you put your signature in a dream, it means that you have accepted to do something or willing to agree with the offer that was given to you. The dream warns you that after you put your signature there is no way back, because you accept with all of the conditions.