To dream of your sister-in-law, denotes to features she has and those you find within your own personality. It is also very important the relationships you have with her in your waking life, as it could tell much more about a dream. If you have a great friendship with your sister-in-law, then you have good qualities within yourself and the ones you like in her.

If there are posters, warnings, or signs, such as traffic signals during dreams, the meanings of those signs usually apply in the same way to the own dreamer’s life. It’s a dream that warns the dreamer about upcoming difficulties that will appear if we don’t change our behavior. This also applies to other signals, such as indications given by someone, for example a traffic officer.

To hear sirens in your dream, stands as a mark for stressful situation or hidden problem. Any of these conditions is giving you much stress. The sirens in a dream may alert you to get attention in order to find a solution for problem at hand.

Seeing a signal in a dream indicates that something or someone drains energy and strength from you. A relationship or your day to day work is sucking the life and energy out of you. This dream can be a signal that represents your feelings of discomfort or irritation.

Dream of a nervous breakdown means you will clarify some situations or relationships.

Dreaming that you are nervous about something, is interpreted as suggestion that you are experiencing the lack of confidence and protection.

…its gleaming surface at a time, and a very few sweeps of the oars sufficed to shoot my skiff from one angle to another.The character of my surroundings changed as I advanced; the banks and trees grew in height until little of the sky could be seen; the rapidity of the stream ceased, and the waters became deep and tranquil; whilst over and above all hung a silence that brought with it an exquisite sense of rest, intermingled with which was a faint suggestiveness of something bizarre and ghoulish. An unusually abrupt bend, round which the boat subtly glided, laid before me a spectacle so extraordinary that for some seconds I was almost dazed. I had emerged into a gigantic circular basin of several miles in diameter, and entirely composed of glittering white marble. All around it were steps that led down, down, down, until they were lost to sight…

Dreaming of a pashmina means you will receive news of an already expected death.

(Baklava | Blintz | Pie | Strudel | Tart) In a dream, pastries represent enjoyable earnings. (Also see Seasonal sweets | Sweets)

(Desire) In a dream, to fulfill a desire with great passion denotes the actions of the dwellers of hell-fire. (Also see Desire)

…To hear a passing bell, unexpected intelligence of the sorrow or illness of the absent. To ring one yourself, denotes ill health and reverses….

…Dreaming of pastry, denotes that you will be deceived by some artful person. To eat it, implies heartfelt friendships. If a young woman dreams that she is cooking it, she will fail to deceive others as to her real intentions. See Pies….

To make pastry or confectionary, means pleasure and profit in all aspects of your life.

…I was wondering about the Order of the World, is it a dream or what else? Since we as humans have less rights than a bird. The birds do not need the Passports in order to move freely around the World. And how about the Humans? If one is without a passport, then he has less rights than any bird on the Planet. Why and who did this to us?…

In dreams, the pastor is also the guide, and if we dream that we are pastors then this reveals our ambition to lead others.

…(See Cattle.) To dream of seeing cattle feeding in a green and rich pasture, foretells thrift and wealth: if the grass is sun-burnt and only green in patches, and the cattle look lean, the sign is the reverse; and such a dream denotes short crops to farmers. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 6, 11, 66….

…Some time ago I dreamed I left my body, and, after travelling at a great rate through the still night air, arrived at the sphere I designate phantomania. The spot where I settled down was a lonely railway cutting, and I at once remarked on the loud moaning and sighing of the wind through the telegraph wires, and the curious jar, jar, jar of the iron railroad; and the metals which grew less and less like ordinary metals the longer I looked at them, suddenly became imbued with life, and, rising on end, rushed blindly hither and thither and then lay down again. Presently I heard whistle of an approaching train. Nearer, nearer, and nearer it came, and as it whizzed past me all the passengers put their heads out of the windows simultaneously, and burst into peal upon peal of mad, hilarious laughter. There was then a tremendous…

To see surgical instruments in a dream, foretells dissatisfaction will be felt by you at the indiscreet manner a friend manifests toward you.

…Dreaming of a surgeon, denotes you are threatened by enemies who are close to you in business. For a young woman, this dream promises a serious illness from which she will experience great inconvenience….

Be the subject of a survey announces that you have aroused the suspicions of your rivals. To be part of one indicates imminent victory over your opponents.

If you saw or ride yourself a surfboard, then it denotes to your way to continue with the present without changes the circumstances you are in. The dream suggests you to take more enterprise and motivation instead of being nonchalant. If there is something you wish to get in this life, you must put the effort to achieve the result you wish for.

Dreaming of yourself receiving a big surprise indicates that you’re restless because you’re expecting for something to happen (news, for example). This dream is a wish, more than anything, a loosely-defined longing, which is usually interpreted as a hunch or mere uncertainty.

Many authors believe that dreaming of being operated is a call to our subconscious, about a part in our life, or activity that could harm us. If in the dream we are having heart surgery, then this could mean emotional problems and if it’s the stomach, it indicates moral situations that can’t be accepted or analyzed.

To dream about surprise party means that you are looking forward for pleasant unknowingness. If you throw a party to some of your friends, then it means you wish to do good for others.

To dream of surrender, denotes to things that you must remove and eliminate from your life for good.

If you are surfing in a dream, then it means that you like taking risks. You are the person who is not afraid to fall down, because you tend to get up and move on very quickly.

Surgeon means an unexpected event.

Being surrounded by flatterers. 26.

Sickness means loneliness and imprisonment.

In a dream, sitting means inactivity, idling, failure, disappointment, paralysis and for an old woman, it may mean ceasing to bear children.

(Bread) Holdingtwo loaves of bread in a dream means the marriage of two sisters to one man, one after the other.

For a man to dream of singing, brings hope; to a woman, sorrow.

Sinus congestion in a dream means a sickness that will be followed by fast recovery, comfort and rejoicing.

If you feel sick during your dream it could mean the actual sickness you are suffering from. Perhaps you have the illness you haven’t known yet. Sometimes people are very afraid to get sick, therefore they dream about their fears. If you are sick in reality, it is simply a reflection of it. If you ae vomiting in the dream, please see the meaning of vomiting.

A singer in a dream represents celebrations, parties, festivals, travelling around the country, or a preacher. (Also see Singing)

If the dreamer is in the field of marine navigation then this dream should be taken as a possible danger of sinking, and necessary precautions should be taken in order to avoid this. If the dreamer isn’t in the field of marine navigation, then this dream should be interpreted as a need to make changes in life in case that there are circumstances that provoke failures in the future.

Dreams where silence is highlighted around a feeling or situation can symbolize a feeling of guilt that we may have towards an issue. But if we see other people around us being silent, it could be that the dream is showing us our fear of indifference from others perhaps about ourselves or our projects.

Seeing silver in a dream symbolizes the moon, intuition, and feminine aspects.

Dreaming about a simian indicates a warning about a possible hoax or some barriers in love.

Singing in dreams reveals the existence of some secret sorrow. Listening to someone sing announces happiness unless it is a rooster; that means there will be discord.