…If you saw a sibling of yours, then it means that you have some issues with that certain person which has not been solved yet. To dream of someone else’s sibling, means that you wish to have the features physical or mental ones that person has….

If you dream of sibling rivalry, then it shows the anxiety or doubts about who you are. Probably you feel unloved and rejected.

The cousin in dreams represents the aspects in you that are similar with someone else in your waking life. Perhaps the dream suggests you to analyze more your own personality, otherwise you will never know of who you are. If you see the cousin in a dream, then it could also signify the features you are not able to see in yourself, but see in your sibling. If you have sexual feelings to your cousin, then it shows the acceptance you have made with your personality, because you agree with who you are.

…Dreaming of a deceased is usually a warning that something unpleasant is about to happen. If in the dream you speak with the deceased, even though you do not remember the dialogue, it may be warning you to take care of enmities, or more likely, to monitor your own actions, behavior and errors. In spiritualism it states that this type of dream is actually a direct communication with the dead. If the person who appears in the dream is a known enemy, the risk is greater, but if you don’t know the deceased, then you should meditate on the case. For example, if the deceased is a beloved family member (parent, sibling, etc.) then the approach can be interpreted as a warning to protect the dreamer of possible unpleasant situations, but it can also be a visit or loving encounter between parents and children, in which case the dreamer…