…and their dwellers, a woman and a pimp, or a cadet posing as her husband. If one goes to a public bath, then after completing his wash wears a white garment, and takes a carriage back home in his dream, it means that he will shortly die and the elements of his dream represent his washing, shrouding, coffin and funeral. The element of a bathhouse in a dream also represent a library, knowledge, guard’s post, house of worship, a mosque, a church, idol worship, a prison, or a marketplace. It also represents repentance, guidance, richness, healing, an ocean or marriage. If one sees himself taking a bath with his clothe on in a dream, it means that he will fall prey to an attractive prostitute who will deceive him and lead him to commit his religious life to waste. (Also see Bath | Bathroom | Hell-fire | Turkish bath)…
Dream dictionary: siffler parles tu dream meanings
…In a dream, listening to the Qur’an, or to the teachings of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, or to words of wisdom, or to an admonition, or a discourse of knowledge in a dream means receiving guidance, and it means turning repentantly to God Almighty. Otherwise, if one sees himself listening to backbiting, slandering, defamation, or eavesdropping in a dream, then it means that some harm will befall him. Listening to good advice and following its best guidance in a dream means receiving good news. Eavesdropping in a dream means that one intends to defame the other person. Listening, though pretending not to hear what is being said in a dream means that one makes it a habit to lie. The sound of a crowd in a dream means money beside other benefits. The bleating of sheep in a dream means distress and fear. The neighing of horses…
Dreaming that we cook with gas or we use it as light, it is a sign that everything will be fine. If the gas is turned off, it is that we will not realize our projects due to lack of preparation. If there is a leak or an explosion occurs is a warning for us to review our plans because we are threatened with disaster.
…with his sword unsheathed in a dream, it means that he commands good, forbid evil, and that he will receive blessings and praises in this world and in the hereafter. This dream also can be interpreted as earning one’s martyrdom. If one sees himself sitting under the central Tuba tree in paradise in a dream, it means blessings and prosperity in this world and in the hereafter. If one sees himself sitting in the gardens of paradise in a dream, it means that he will be blessed with sincerity and perfect religious adherence. Eating from the fruits of paradise in a dream means acquiring knowledge. Drinking from its rivers of honey and milk in a dream means receiving wisdom, inner knowledge and prosperity. Leaning against a tree in paradise in a dream represents the chastity of one’s wife. Picking the fruits of paradise and feeding them to others in a…
…Taking a bath in a dream means payment of one’s debts, dispelling one’s fear or stress, release from prison, attending a pilgrimage or recovering from an illness. If in his dream, one shaves his hair when taking a bath, it means loss of his wealth or cheating on his wife. Shaving the pubic region in a dream represents benefits and increases in pubic hair in a dream means increase in money. Bath in itself denotes many things. (Also see Turkish bath)…
Dream of falling symbolizes disrespect. Fall and rise again at different turns means honors. Fall into the water or the sea, some new affairs with a married woman, loss of health, of honor, of wealth, extreme trouble in extricating yourself from the traps of enemies, and of those who envious you. If the dream is prolonged then you will face persecution.
…If raw and bloody, cancers and tumors of a malignant nature will attack the subject. Be on your guard as to bruises and hurts of any kind. To see, or eat cooked beef, anguish surpassing human aid is before you. Loss of life by horrible means will occur. Beef properly served under pleasing surroundings denotes harmonious states in love and business, if otherwise, evil is foreboded, though it may be of a trifling nature….
…Dreaming that you are wounded, signals distress and an unfavorable turn in business. To see others wounded, denotes that injustice will be accorded you by your friends. To relieve or dress a wound, signifies that you will have occasion to congratulate yourself on your good fortune….
…To dream that you’re eating accompany by gastronomes suggests that you want to stand out in some way in order to be awarded and honored. This dream also symbolizes that you live among selfish people who will try to prevent your triumph. To dream that you’re a gourmet indicates that you’re vain, selfish absorbent and dominant, all of which may help you turn out to be somewhat successful. When a married woman dreams that she’s feeding a gourmet, it indicates that she is unhappy with her husband, who she considers an inconsiderate and selfish tyrant….
…in the dream, it denotes positive effects and particularly for a policeman. Otherwise, for the majority of people, seeing one’s forehead made of any solid element causes them to be despised by others. A normal broad forehead in a dream represents a good character, while a tight forehead in a dream means the opposite. If one sees his forehead broader in a dream, it means that he will develop stupidity after being intelligent, or become ignorant after being knowledgeable, or become stingy after being generous. If one sees his forehead turning black in the dream, it means disdaining from paying one’s due alms tax. However, its brightness represents one’s concern and caring for others. The forehead in a dream also represents one of the seven points in one’s prostration and in that sense, its growth or transformation may affect one’s devotion and assiduity in his prayers. (Also see Body)…
…Dreaming that you drive along an embankment, foretells you will be threatened with trouble and unhappiness. If you continue your drive without unpleasant incidents arising, you will succeed in turning these forebodings to useful account in your advancement. To ride on horseback along one, denotes you will fearlessly meet and overcome all obstacles in your way to wealth and happiness. To walk along one, you will have a weary struggle for elevation, but will &ally reap a successful reward….
…To dream of washing, foretells change of abode, and if you wash in clear, cold water, the dream is an omen of good; but if the water is dirty or turbid, it is the reverse. If a woman dream he is washing clothes, it is a sign she will hear good news within twenty-four hours. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 20, 16….
…To dream about a train may have several meanings; the interpretation will depend on your current situation. To dream about a moving passenger’s train announces an upcoming trip. To dream that youre traveling on a train that moves slowly suggests that you feel restless because your business affairs are not progressing as fast as you expected. To dream that you’re traveling on a train and it passes through a tunnel suggests that you are considering getting involved in dark and dangerous issues that will alter your life. To dream with a parked train indicates that your issues will not progress, so you should put special attention to them to avoid the intervention of selfish people and enemies. If the train is parked because the path is broken or obstructed, then it suggests that someone is betraying you. To dream about a parked freight train announces that your business affairs…
Dreaming that we use gas in a domestic service means that our plans will go as planned, but if we try to turn on the gas and we cannot, this dream warns us that unforeseen will hurt us in its resolution. This symbolism will be even stronger if what we see in the dream is a gas explosion, because in that case what is advertised is a disaster due a lack of foresight.
…If one sees himself hanging down loosely from a high place in a dream, it means that he will turn pious and for the sake of his faith, he will give preference to his life in the hereafter over that of this world. One’s fall in the dream connotes despair or disappointment. Hanging loosely to reach a lion, a serpent, a scorpion, or the like creatures in a dream means hanging around with evil companions, soliciting marriage from a corrupt family, or seeking the friendship of the wrong people. Hanging loosely to reach some cattle or a herd of sheep in a dream means delivering charities or spending money in a good way….
…If you dreamed of the books, then such dream symbolizes tranquility and intelligence. The books are the tool to get to know the world better and gain the knowledge about the world in general. The dreamer should pay attention to the type of the book he saw in a dream, because it gives much more of the clue about the dream. The unconscious mind of yours might have the message to you that could turn around your life completely. If you saw dirty or dusty books in a dream, then such dream symbolizes the things you have forgotten. Perhaps you need to look back at the past and take the things which will help you in the future. If you saw the book, which is written for kids, then it represents your memories and childhood. The dream could also show your desire to get out of the reality and…
…It symbolizes the rhythm and the passing of our lives as the clock, so its meaning is the same. To see a stopped clock in a dream means our evolution has finished or the clock’s owner doesn’t have any more hope, his lifetime has run out of time. If it’s a delayed clock it warns us to accelerate our pace of work if we do not want to see ourselves overtaken by events. If the clock delays it indicates that we should take things more calmly if we do not want to risk our health and our lives. If the hands turn madly or we dream we constantly look at the clock reveals our anxiety about the pace of life we lead. If it works well and the time it tells catches our attention the dream’s meaning it depends on the context and the marked time. For example: If…
…In a dream, each one of God’s prophets, upon all of them be peace and blessings, is like a compassionate father toward his son, who is trying to save his child from the hell of this world and the hell-fire in the hereafter. In a dream, a prophet also represents a teacher, a tutor, a shaikh, a warning, or glad tidings. If one sees them standing in a stately form, or if one prays behind them, or follows them on the road, or eats something from their delicious food, or drinks from their drink, or if one is anointed with their perfume, or learns something from them, or acquires a particular knowledge from them in a dream, it demonstrates his trueness, faith in God’s oneness, following His Messenger and being faithful to his traditions. Otherwise, if one walks before them, or leads them into a narrow lane, or stones…
Dreaming of a cane announces the probability of relationships with people who could help you to solve your problems, but that could also harm you. Dreaming of walking and using a cane is a warning that tells you that you should ask for advice and maybe even help from another person to solve the problems you have. Dreaming of beautiful canes and intending to keep them hints that youre thinking of leaving your interests so other people can take care of them (partners or employees), but this will turn out badly.