…Dreaming of gathering cowslips, portends unhappy ending of seemingly close and warm friendships | but seeing them growing, denotes a limited competency for lovers. This is a sinister dream. To see them in full bloom, denotes a crisis in your affairs. The breaking up of happy homes may follow this dream….

…If anyone dream that he sees the moon shine, it shows that his wife loves him extremely well; it also implies the getting of silver; for, as the sun represents gold, so the moon doth silver. Dreaming you see the moon darkened, denotes the death or sickness of your wife, mother, sister, or daughter; loss of money, or danger in a voyage or journey, especially if it be by water; or else it denotes a distemper in the brain or eyes. To dream you see the moon darkened, and grow clear and bright again, implies gain to the woman that dreams, and to the man joy and prosperity; but to dream that you see the moon clear, and afterwards cloudy, presages the contrary. To dream you see the moon in the form of a full white face, implies to the virgin speedy marriage; to the married woman, that she…

…When the water well is well constructed, uncovered and full of water, then it becomes a symbol of sincerity, honesty and happiness. If the well is poorly constructed, sealed or the water dries up, or the rope breaks, or the bucket is holed and the water cannot be retained the meaning is totally contrary. If in our dream we fall out the well it is one of the worst omens, unless someone get us out of the well. It symbolizes that we are immerse in the depths of the unconscious, unable to return to the conscious, which is equivalent to desperation, neurosis and madness….

Seeing a theft usually means loss, problems, worries, and obstacles. To dream that you have something stolen denotes that you are in a crisis and you are suffering a lot. Dreaming that you are stealing denotes fiscal or legal problems. Alternatively, it may mean unfulfilled goals.

To dream about a great flood, and worse if the water is dirty, suggests that the dreamer and his/her family will face negative situations. To dream about people that are swimming in a flood, and are agonizingly trying to save their lives, suggests that the negative situations that are soon to come will affect many people (may be an economic crisis, epidemics, etc.). To dream about a flood but that its water is very clear, clean and calm indicates that the negative situations that the dreamer and his family are experiencing are mild and will soon pass.

(Health) Physical fitness in a dream denotes the opposite in wakefulness. On the other hand, it could mean enjoying blessings. (Also see Physical paralysis)

…Such dream is very common among children, and among adults is usually accompanied with anguish, denoting to fear of falling into a catastrophic situation. Once we are awake, it could be good to analyze, to investigate the basis on which our actions are settled, from the moral, economic, sentimental, etc., point of view. It may be that the dream is telling us about the fear of giving what we considering as lower instincts. If we dream that we fall into an abyss but we managed to get out of it, or we are forced to cross it on a weak walkway, it means that there is a possibility to recompose the situation and regain happiness, but all this after great efforts. If we see the abyss but we did not fall in it, it means that we still feel we are in time to avoid the evils that threatening…

…(Date palm) A palm tree in a dream represents a sire, a scholar, a noble man or a wise man who imparts his knowledge and wisdom to others. Cutting a palm tree in a dream means the death of such a man. Seeing a plantation of palm trees, or an oasis or palm trees in a dream mean leadingpeople and guiding them on the straight path. If a merchant or a trader sees a palm tree in his dream, it means business success. If a shopkeeper sees a palm tree in his dream, it also means profits. A dead and dried out palm tree in a dream represents a hypocrite. To uproot a palm tree in a dream means that a plague will befall that place, or it could mean suffering from the persecution of an unjust ruler. Uprooting a palm tree in a dream also means a dead…