…Dreaming that you’re watching a movie indicates that you’re in a phase of analyzing your life….
Dream dictionary: sixe girls and girls movie dream meanings
If you became one of the members from girls scouts, it means that you have a special connection with other people and enjoy being surrounded by them. The scouts could also signify the fact that you are being into too crowded space.
Dream of girls is the symbolism of good omen, expect to see a long unseen friend, because they will denote success and riches to the dreamer.
What we mainly have to analyze is what happens in the scene. If we are spectators, it reveals timidity and suspicion. If we are directing the film, then it indicates our tendency to dominate others. If we are shooting, it indicates that sometimes we act suspiciously.
Loving one’s fellow-being. 24….
Temptations; one must be very cautious of what he does. 47.
If you dream that you see a girl in a dream, then such dream indicates childish, playful and funny side of your personality. The dream may also show that you are not acting as the adults supposed to act. If you see a girl in a dream, whom you met lately, then such dream shows your desire to give a good impression for that certain girl. In reality you are thinking if you made a good impression, and if you will meet her again. If the girl didnt like you in a dream, it could show your fear to be rejected. When the man sees himself being a girl, this dream may indicate the feminine aspects of his personality such as innocence, sensitivity and tenderness.
Being deceived, or getting into trouble.
Dreaming of seeing a well, bright-looking girl, foretells pleasing prospects and domestic joys. If she is thin and pale, it denotes that you will have an invalid in your family, and much unpleasantness. For a man Dreaming that he is a girl, he will be weak-minded, or become an actor and play female parts….
Having good and faithful friends.
Discovering theft. 40.
…What we have to analyze is the principal that is going on the screen. If we are spectators, then it reveals timidity and suspicion. If we are directing a movie, then it indicates our tendency to overpower everybody else. If we are shooting, the movie indicates sometimes we act with suspicion. Storm is a manifestation that fate is testing us. Portends a moved period in our lives with the possibility of important changes that can be good or bad. The phenomena accompanying the storm will clarify if the final result is positive or negative….
…thought that they were sincere. If a mother dreams that her children are sick without them actually being sick in real life, then it could mean that shes worried about several issues related to herself and to her home. Dreaming that her younger son is sick or dead suggests that the dreamer is very worried because she fears receiving bad news. Dreaming of leaving children to their fate might mean that theres a risk of losing everything won by committing follies and errors. If dreaming of very young girls, who are happy and healthy, then it suggests that in the dreamers home there is happiness, health, and prosperity. If these young girls appear sick in the dream (weak, thin and sad) then the meaning is the opposite. If a man dreams of himself being a girl or a young woman, it suggests that he has an inclination towards homosexuality….
To dream that a man sees two or three children, shows he shall have cause of joy, and meet with good success in his business. When one dreams that he hath many small children, and that they seem to him to run about the house, and yet notwithstanding he hath none, it signifies it will be very difficult for him ever to have any, besides which, he that so dreams will have many cares and obstructions in his affairs. And here note that, among little children, it is better to dream that you see boys than girls. To dream of anything to befall little children, which is not proper to their age, is not good; as to dream that boys have beards and grey hairs, and that little girls should be married and have children, which betokens to them death.
…To dream of a sleigh-ride, where the sleighing is good, and the sleigh glides free and noiseless, is an excellent omen, as it foretells success and good fortune generally, particularly to farmers: but if you imagine the sleighing is poor, and that the runners screech on the ground, it foretells trouble and unhappiness. Young men who dream of sleigh-riding with girls, stopping at taverns, drinking, getting the girls boozy, and then performing unnameable pranks, are thus forewarned that they with be poor and shiftless as such dreams are certain omens of misery and disgrace. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 67, 40….
…fortunately restrained himself. (3) If one’s mouth in a dream is interpreted to represent his household, then the teeth of the right side represent the boys, and those on the left side represent the girls. On the other hand, the teeth on the right side could represent the older generation, and the teeth on the left side could represent the younger generation. The incisors represent the young men in the family, and the canines represent the young girls. As to the molars, they represent elderly people. If one loses a molar tooth in a dream, it means the death of an elderly person in his household. ‘”Human teeth in a dream also represent one’s business and management of his life. In that case, the molars represent one’s private life, the eyetooth represents what is semi-public, while the front incisors represent what is openly practiced, one’s public character, words and deeds….
First thing to do with this dream is distinguish if it is a fear from seeing terror or horror movie or information that lead us to being frightened. If not then it refers to a real insecurity or fear of something that concerns us. If dreams of fear occur very often, it would be advisable to consult a specialist as it may reflect nerve imbalances that certainly can be treated properly.
Dreaming that you are viewing pornography indicates your issues with intimacy, power, control, and efficiency. You may have concerns about your sex life. Dreaming of a porno movie suggests your desire to be more sexual.
The James Bond in dreams could simply indicate the movie that was seen while watching TV in the last days before the dreamer had this dream. The James Bond in the dreams could represent the person who has the features such as smartness, coolness and ability to adapt in various situations. The good looks are also inseparable from the description of the James Bond.
…need to work even harder. Alternatively, dragon is a fictional creature and can be induced by external stimuli, like movie or book. On psychological level, dragon is interpreted as a trigger, which shows that you allowing yourself to get carried away by your fantasies. And such dream is a reminder that such behaviour may give you some problems. Maybe you need to exercise more self-control. In the eastern cultures, dragons are seen as spiritual creatures and symbolizing superior fertility, huge wealth and good fortune. As internal stimuli dragon can be interpreted on emotional level. In such way, dreaming about yourself being a dragon and breathing fire, suggests that you are having emotional brake, you are full of various feelings. You’re letting these feelings out in your dream. Alternatively, fire refers to your anger induced by solving troubles or finding solutions or being in a particular relationship. This dream shows also…
…waking life we call some people vampires, because of their manner to take as much as you can. Maybe there are some people around you who make you feel frustrated and the unconscious mind of yours letting you know it. The vampires in dreams also are associated with the harsh sexuality you are having or wishing to have. The vampires may also denote to your emotional wreckage. If you have an addiction to something such as alcohol or drugs, then the dream could be a warning for you to start looking for help. If you are the one who has became a vampire in a dream, then it shows the tendency of yours to be egoistic and take from others more than you should. The media has also a huge influence of vampires appearing in dreams. Consider if you watched a movie or read the book about vampires lately….
…certain she owed her downfall to the sinister influence of a dream.”I was in a shop in Oxford Street at the time,” she said, ” and beyond being rather fond of flirtations and dress, as most girls are, I had never done any serious wrong. One night, however, I dreamed I was at a ball and my partner was a bear. He danced divinely and I fell in love with him. He very politely asked permission to see me home, and, on arriving outside the shop, suddenly kissed me; and, with the moisture of his nasty wet mouth still on my lips, I awoke. Well, try how I would I could not banish that dream from my mind. I saw the bear always, no matter whether I was at work or taking my recreation, my thoughts were always of him; and the result was I became thoroughly demoralised. I…
…Dreaming of laundering clothes, denotes struggles, but a final victory in winning fortune. If the clothes are done satisfactorily, then your endeavors will bring complete happiness. If they come out the reverse, your fortune will fail to procure pleasure. To see pretty girls at this work, you will seek pleasure out of your rank. If a laundryman calls at your house, you are in danger of sickness, or of losing something very valuable. To see laundry wagons, portends rivalry and contention….
…The first appearance of daylight in a dream represents the birth of girls or their marriage. Seeing the dawn in a dream also may signify remembrance of God Almighty and readingof the Qur’an. Seeingthedawnin adream also means walking into the light of guidance. It also means happiness and continuous joy. If one loses something in the night then finds it at dawn in a dream, it means that his opponent denies something he unjustly took from him, then a witness arrives to testify for one’s benefit and to help him recuperate his property….
…(Needle | Upholsterer’s needle) A sacking needle in a dream represents a woman, because of its threading hole. Holding a sacking needle in a dream means travels, or if one’s wife is pregnant, it means that she will beget twin girls….
…To dream of seeing a wet-nurse suckling a child, is a sign of venery: to a married man it foretells that he will break his marriage vows; and to unmarried girls it denotes shame. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 9, 63….
…If a man dreams that he has very long whiskers or beard, it foretells that he will commit some folly in connection with a female; to a married man it shows that he will appear ridiculous from neglect of his wife and attentions to other women who flatter him; to a single man, that he will lose caste by foolish, though perhaps not criminal conduct toward silly girls. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 78….
…For a young man to dream of associating with prostitutes, is a sign of poverty ‘and disgrace: if he dreams of seeing these girls anywhere, it foretells misfortune or bad luck: for a girl to dream of them, is a sign that her chastity is in danger. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 35, 9….
…(Teenage girl) A young girl in a dream represents an enemy however she may look. Seeing a well dressed and pleasingly adorned young woman in a dream means hearing pleasing news coming from an unexpected person. Seeing a young and a beautiful looking female servant in a dream means blessings, a favor, joy and festivities. In a dream, seeing an unknown young girl is more advantageous than seeing a known one. The strongest in meaning are those teenage girls who are presentable, well mannered and beautifully dressed. If she is seen dressed with modesty in the dream, then she represents goodness, chastity, discreteness, and following the correct religious conduct. If she adorns herself and plays up her charms in the dream, then such goodness will be public. If a young girl sees herself as an old woman in a dream, it means that she will live with modesty and…
…To dream that a ram runs at you for butting purposes, shadows forth to a young man that his society will be coveted by the girls, and that he will be fortunate in love matters generally: if a girl dreams this, she will probably have her choice of lovers, as all the young fellows around there will fall in love with her: if the ram succeeds in butting her, she will surely be taken captive and brought as Cupid’s prisoner into the matrimonial ranks. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19….
…For a young person Dreaming of taking a bath, means much solicitude for one of the opposite sex, fearing to lose his good opinion through the influence of others. For a pregnant woman Dreaming this, denotes miscarriage or accident. For a man, adultery. Dealings of all kinds should be carried on with discretion after this dream. To go in bathing with others, evil companions should be avoided. Defamation of character is likely to follow. If the water is muddy, evil, indeed death, and enemies are near you. For a widow Dreaming of her bath, she has forgotten her former ties, and is hurrying on to earthly loves. Girls should shun male companions. Men will engage in intrigues of salacious character. A warm bath is generally significant of evil. A cold, clear bath is the fore-runner of joyful tidings and a long period of excellent health. Bathing in a clear…
…Seeing ribbons floating from the costume of any person in your dreams, indicates you will have gay and pleasant companions, and practical cares will not trouble you greatly. For a young woman Dreaming of decorating herself with ribbons, she will soon have a desirable offer of marriage, but frivolity may cause her to make a mistake. If she sees other girls wearing ribbons, she will encounter rivalry in her endeavors to secure a husband. If she buys them, she will have a pleasant and easy place in life. If she feels angry or displeased about them, she will find that some other woman is dividing her honors and pleasures with her in her social realm….
…The element of a good building in a dream represents love, affection, unity, progeny, prosperity, a garment of honor, and girls in one’s family. A strong edifice means strength and firmness. It also means support, help and a long life. Raising a new edifice in a dream represents either personal or collective material benefits in this world. If one sees himself building an edifice in a dream, it means having intercourse with his spouse. If one builds a church, it defines him as Christian. If he builds a mosque, it defines him as Muslim. If a man of knowledge sees himself building a mosque as an offering to please God Almighty in a dream, it means that he will compile a study from which others will benefit or that people will seek his advice in religious matters or inter- pretations. If a king, or a ruler sees himself building…
…Dreaming of seeing young girls carrying sunshades, foretells prosperity and exquisite delights. A broken one, foretells sickness and death to the young….
…If you dream you have a new pair of pantaloons, it is a sign you will be prosperous; if they do not fit, and are too tight, it is a sign you will be pinched in money matters; if they are dark, it is a sign of long life, but if light, it denotes sickness. Young girls should try and not dream about pantaloons, for such an omen is very dangerous to them. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 46, 8….
…To dream of hearing the solemn and enchanting music of a church organ is a sad omen to young girls, as it foretells their early death: if a gentleman dreams this, it points to the death of some young girl in whom he takes an interest, and perhaps to his sweetheart, if he has one. To imagine you hear some lively tune on a street organ is also a bad omen, as it foretells that you will soon attend a funeral. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 55, 3….
To dream of elephants is a favourable dream, and denotes great sagacity. If you are in love, it implies great prudence and caution. If it lifts you with its trunk, and lays you down in a place of safety, and walks round you it is a true sign of a happy union. A circle drawn round you, signifies secure happiness. As often as you fancy he touches you with his trunk, you will have so many children if you see the female follow him, you will have an equal number of boys and girls. To dream of any animals that are sagacious, bears in some degree on this dream.
…If, in your dream, you imagine you are in a fine orchard, and the fruit looks fair and tempting, and you eat of it, it foretells that you will shortly be engaged in some pleasant adventure either of love or intrigue: if you see rotten, wormy, or scraggy looking apples, it shows that you will be thrown into mean and low company, much to your disgrace. Such dreams are bad ones for young girls. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 18, 12….
…To dream of shedding tears of sympathy, is a sign that someone is in love with you; this applies to both sexes, but more particularly to girls who cry easy: if you imagine you cry from grief, some good fortune awaits you, and you will have riches in proportion to the tears shed: if you dream that you shed tears from vexation, it shows that you will experience a loss just in proportion to the tears, or that someone will injure your prospects by circulating a scandal. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 14….
…In a dream, a potter represents someone who handles pots and pitchers, or he could represent a servant, a housekeeper, women, girls or daughters. Seeing a potter in a dream also means pride about one’s lineage, wealth, or beauty….