Dreaming of wild ducks swimming peacefully in clear and calm waters suggests that the dreamer is at peace with himself or herself, and it could also mean that the dreamer is preparing a long trip that will be pleasant and productive. Dreaming of wild ducks flying in a sunny and quiet sky could signify that the dreamers affairs require time to reach fruition. Dreaming of hunting ducks suggests that the dreamer is thinking of changing jobs, business, etc. If during the dream other people are shooting and killing flying ducks, then this signifies failures in the dreamers plans due to the intervention of others.
Dream dictionary: sky mining dream meanings
If you see the clouds and the sun is covered with them, then such dream represents your liability. When the clouds are over the moon, then it shows that you are very preserving. The sky that is very cloudy in a dream signifies your hidden emotions and even depression. You are hiding from others. If clouds are very white and fluffy, good days ahead of you.
To dream of the air, has many different interpretations, and depends mostly on the different appearances the dream has. If you dream that the sky is clear, blue, calm and serene, then it has a good symbol and promises good future.
…It symbolizes your soul and the fact that youre longing for freedom. Seeing birds flying through the sky reflects impatience. If birds are emigrating, you have a desire to change the environment. If theyre caged, you see yourself with limited freedom. Caged and with a broken wing or leg, or shivering, indicates that your soul is imprisoned. Seeing a bird flying in a limited space, crashing into walls and finally landing on your head, reveals that you have fixed ideas and complex thoughts. If the dream is about the struggle with night birds, it will cause you great impression and reveals our fight against destructive thoughts. To get more detailed interpretation about your dream, please also see the name of the bird….
…which rise up before him with extraordinary reality and vividness. And each tableau has its meaning nay, not merely each tableau, but each item in each tableau from the quivering of a leaf to the hue of the sky and trees; and trees, flowers, grass, rocks and pebbles, even the glistening of the water, the whispering of the wind, the odours in the atmosphere all, all contain a whole world of suggestion of significance. And, yet again, in the fancies of delirium tremens, those wild, frightful fancies of snakes, and rats, and devils, that surround the wretched drunkard on all sides, and twist, and turn, and twirl some red, some black, some blue in these too, there may be meaning each animal, each colour, each gyration each convolution may have its individual purport. Amid the most extravagant confusion there may yet be some…
If you see feathers that are up in the sky or simply in the air, then such dream promises honor you will receive. The feathers indicate the life without stress, domestic happiness and financial growth. The dream also shows how easy you are going through life. The feathers could also represent chaos in your life and inability to control things you are surrounded by. If you see the feathers of the chickens, then it promises small troubles you will solve easily. The feather of any other bird indicates any progress on your life. The feathers are also symbols of dominance.
…To see one’s country’s banner floating in a clear sky, denotes triumph over foreign foes. To see it battered, is significant of wars and loss of military honors on land and sea….
…If a young person dreams about the moon, it suggest that he/she is exploiting his/her age or romantic era, and that he/she is full of illusions, including love illusions. Overall, dreaming about the moon means that you’re acting very slowly and in a negligently way, and that will lead you to failures. In some cases, to dream about the moon indicates that you are not addressing your everyday problems because you ignore them, and such situation is leading you to make mistakes and to failure. When superstitious people dream about the moon, it generally means that a distant person is cursing them. This interpretation is only a consequence of their superstition and perhaps because they fear the dark. To dream about a full moon in a calm sky announces that your plans will be successful if you work with determination. To dream that the moon is somewhat opaque and…
…dream, it means easing of his burdens and expectation of great benefits to come his way. Seeing oneself in a dream flying upside-down means evil happening. If a sick person sees himself flying in the air in a dream, it means that he will die from his illness. If one sees himself laying over his bed and flying with it in a dream, it means a severe illness or an ailment that will strike at his legs. Enjoying flying between the sky and the earth in a dream means having exaggerated hopes. Flying in a dream also means seeking a destructive knowl- edge, or pursuing an evil idea, or associating with villainous and notorious people, or it could mean being in a hurry, or that one takes lightly a serious project, then fails to accomplish it because of his angry character. Flying in a dream also denotes extreme happiness, or…
If a solitary tower emerges from the fog, clouds or a stormy sea, then it indicates a process of individualization and ripening. If the tower appears solid and perfectly seen in the sky, then it represents the possibilities of defense and our ability to successfully overcome the ravages of life. Sometimes the tower can also be a symbol of virility. Sometimes the tower could be a symbol of strong power we are carrying within ourselves. The dream shows our ability to be unbreakable and respected by others.
It symbolizes the spirit and the spiritual side of the dreamer. The flame symbolizes the intellect. The flame without smoke rising straight into the sky symbolizes the intellect in the service of the spirit. The flickering flame symbolizes the intellect forgets the spirit. The smoking and devouring fire symbolizes the exalted passion. A small or moderate fire represents desire and tenderness. If the fire is too strong and wild that indicates danger of arguments, passions and anger. If the fire burns badly and produces a lot of smoke, then that announces betrayals. Feeling threatened by the flames denotes fear of facing an enterprise. Walking through the flames with impunity reflects the determination to overcome all obstacles.
…To dream about a balloon that rises into the sky until it gets lost in the distance suggests that your wishes will be frustrated due to upcoming failures. To dream that you’re travelling in an air balloon suggests that youre living among unfounded illusions, and that you’re standing with your feet off the ground, and if you make a trip it can be disastrous in many ways. When a woman dreams that she floats like a balloon, it announces that she yearns to be or is already pregnant, or it can also suggest that she may soon be pregnant. To dream about a crystal globe (ball) that is used for divination is a warning that soon you’ll doubt about love and perhaps experience disappointments. To dream that the world is floating like a balloon suggests that you lack of firmness or conduct in your actual affairs….
To dream of the clouds means that you understand the fact that everything is very temporary. The clouds that are white foretells about your spiritual growth. The clouds that are dark show how depressed, melancholic and even frustrated you are feeling. There is a possibility that you will face some challenge in your waking life that will take a lot of courage to deal with. However, you will be ok with it. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of sky.
…its gleaming surface at a time, and a very few sweeps of the oars sufficed to shoot my skiff from one angle to another.The character of my surroundings changed as I advanced; the banks and trees grew in height until little of the sky could be seen; the rapidity of the stream ceased, and the waters became deep and tranquil; whilst over and above all hung a silence that brought with it an exquisite sense of rest, intermingled with which was a faint suggestiveness of something bizarre and ghoulish. An unusually abrupt bend, round which the boat subtly glided, laid before me a spectacle so extraordinary that for some seconds I was almost dazed. I had emerged into a gigantic circular basin of several miles in diameter, and entirely composed of glittering white marble. All around it were steps that led down, down, down, until they were lost to sight…
To see an arrangement of parts or elements or in the sky to see a constellation of planets, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as suggestion that something in your life was apart, but now it is coming together. The situation in your life is going to become better, but in a complex way. Constellation also has the symbolic significance of a mental processes. You should consider what it is, that the constellation in your dream is describing or representing.
…In these dreams it’s very important to remember and analyze the direction of our walk and if someone is with us. If we enter a forest we enter the realm of the unconscious. If the sky is covered with clouds there’s a latent threat that stops us from acting. If a rainbow appears that means everything is well. If a bifurcation appears that means we must choose where we’re going….
April is a symbol of rebirth and joy. If your dream is set in this month, it indicates that things have started well and you will soon achieve the things you had been craving for. If your dream is set in April, but the sky is cloudy, and worse, cold and stormy winds are blowing, it indicates that the things you are working on (business, love, etc.), will go wrong in the immediate future; there will be failures, but they wont be permanent.
Seeing a telescope in a dream suggests that you need to take a closer look at a certain situation. It may also indicate that you are passing through a period of uncertain changes. Dreaming about observing the sky means pleasant but expensive trips.
A flame symbolizes the intellect. Dream of a flame means passion or frustrated love, also indicates a platonic love. The flame without smoke rising straight into the sky symbolizes the intellect and great intelligence. The flickering flame symbolizes the intellect, forgetting the spirit. Dream of feeling threatened by the flames denotes fear to face an activity or situation. Dream of advancing without impunity in the flames reflect a firm decision to overcome all obstacles.
The dream may be talking to you about your desire for harmony and spirituality. Also about a stage of good health as when you look at the clear sky and you breathe deeply and you feel full of energy. However, some authors say that if the dreamer is a materialistic person a dream with the color blue may be a warning to the person of a danger or threat to their hopes of economic stability. Blue is considered the color of devotion.
Skywriting in the dream represents the spirituality of the dreamer. Dreaming about skywriting, has also the symbolic significance of the secret message, which refers to non material or religious content. Alternatively, the dream about the words in the sky, in the form of smoke trails made by an airplane, stand as a symbol of the connection and the union between spirituality and materiality. Skywriting in the dream means that the spiritual realm and the physical realm are joining together. Maybe you have been looking for the action of removing doubts or fears. Skywriting is the message from your subconscious, that foretells complete reassurance for your success in the future of your life.
This position of stars in the sky indicates that time comes to have full accomplishment.
To dream of white clouds, signifies joy and prosperity, but black clouds means trouble. Thickset clouds moving rapidly in the air, grief and trouble to the dreamer. Clouds disappearing and the pure sky, denotes prosperity.
To see the sky that is serene, means joy and happiness in all aspects of your life.
…Dreaming of dirty, stagnant water, even if its streaming, indicates evil, corruption, and larceny. Dreaming of clean, clear water in any form, it is always a good sign of joyful motivation to live in prosperity, tranquility, etc. When you see dirty water within dreams, in whatever form it appears (the worst is the muddy water), suggests poor health or unpleasant events, undesirable and hypocritical friends. Dreaming of clean, fresh water that falls on the face or head of the dreamer, announces that love illusions are going well. When the water is clear, clean and seems still or perhaps with gentle waves, and reflecting the sky, its reflection of cosmic things and quiet meditation. Dreaming of playing with clean water or walking on it, announces that there will soon be pleasing illusions, which is more probable if you can see decorative plants and aquatic flowers in the water. Dreaming of…
…Blue is the color of the sky, feelings and religious thoughts and innocence. It is the color of devotion. Green is the color of nature, fertility, sympathy and adaptability. It is the color of sensation and perception. Yellow is known as the symbolism of sun, gold, generosity and light. It is the color of intellect. Red is the color of war, blood, fire and passion. It is the color of feeling. Violet is the color of memories, longing and the border with the beyond. Grey is the color of dejection, inertia, indifference and ashes. It is a neutral color. Orange is the color of pride and ambition. It is the color of intellect (yellow) and (red) passion. Pink is very fresh color which foretells about sensuality and affection. It is the color of the limit and rebirth (white) and (red) passion. Gold color symbolizes the mystical aspect of the…
If you see the seagull flying up in the sky, it shows that you are a happy person who is enjoying the life to its fullest. The seagull that is wounded is not a good omen, because you will lose your freedom or already lost to live the life you want to live. The seagull is mostly a very good omen that brings joy, happiness, safety, freedom and security to your waking life.
…Dreaming about a constant light of any kind, and better if its sunlight is a good sign that announces a nearby success. To dream about a flashing light is a negative sign that announces relative or temporary success. To dream about a dim light suggests that the issues that are being handled will continue the way they are, without any appreciable change. To dream about light flashes that annoy your view suggests that soon you’ll suffer setbacks and frustrations. To dream about exaggerated lit faces suggests that anything that you’ve thought to do will be made secretly. To dream about an extremely lit sky, without knowing the reason why it is that way, suggests that you’re falling in deep sorrow because you portend a misfortune. To dream about children that are standing under an intense moonlight is a warning that you should control your thoughts and actions to avoid…
Dreaming of a comet traveling in the sky indicates that in the near future the dreamer will receive good news or surprises that will drive the dreamer to achieve self-improvement, even though it will produce some confusion. It doesnt seem to have to do with money or material wealth, but of moral and spiritual values.
Dreaming of lightning means that you will be altering between successes and failures for a short time. If one of the lightings falls near the dreamer, it announces a struck of good luck, but that will have bad results that will hurt others. Dreaming of lightning or thunder in the sky, especially among storm clouds suggests that sadness and a bad luck are approaching.
…treachery on the part of a friend; act of ingratitude and jealousy.White, deaths.Examples, A lady who is intensely psychic, prior to the death of her husband dreamed the bedroom suddenly became black, and that a huge black lobster slowly descended from the ceiling and settled on her. Another lady, whom I have met in literary circles, shortly before her first manuscript was accepted, dreamed that on all the fingers of her right hand she saw rings set with enormous emeralds, and that the sky, stars, and moon were all of the brightest and most vivid green. Prior to going on a quite unexpected trip to America, a man I met dreamed a red pocket handkerchief fluttered through the air and fell on his lap, and when he put out his hand to pick it up, each of his knuckles emitted a lurid scarlet glow. Lastly, prior to a piece of…
To dream you see a rainbow in the sky, betokens your changing your present state and manner of life; to dream you see the rainbow in the east, is a good omen to the poor and sick, for the former will recover their estates, and the latter their health ;if you dream you see it in the west, to the rich it is good, to the poor a bad sign ; to dream you see a rainbow directly over your head, or near you, signifies a change of fortune, and most commonly the death of the dreamer, and ruin of his family. Note also, that in your dreams, the rainbow on your right hand is good, on the left ill, and you must judge the right and left by the sun.
Symbolizes the creative power and destroyer of divinity. The sudden intervention from sky over our destiny. It indicates a sudden derangement of the situation, the brutal transformation of our lives that can be for good or for bad.
Clear and beautiful, means prosperity, profit on a journey, good news and complete success. Somber and pale stars brings some of misfortune depending on circumstances. Shining into the house, danger of the sickness of the head of the household. Falling from the sky, your dreams will come true. Falling across the roof, indicates minor sickness, arguments in the house, incendiarism.
…. Hearing a thunderous sky without seeing the lightening in a dream means an assassination, deception, falsehood or slander. Hearing the sound of thunder in a dream also means being reprimanded by a higher authority. There are no benefits in hearing the sound of thunder in the darkness without seeing lightening in the dream, this would be interpreted as apostasy or disloyalty. This can be particularly true when it is accompanied with an earthquake. If one hears thunder in its season in a dream, it means good news and blessings. Otherwise, out of its usual season, thunder in a dream represents an army on the move, or a foreign occupation of a country. Hearing the sound of thunder in a dream also represents hymns, praising God Almighty, glorifying Him, or it could mean a sickness, fear, deafness, or the sound of drums in a wedding. If the one seeing the…
The flame symbolizes the intellect. A flame without smoke rising straight into the sky symbolizes the intellect in the service of the spirit. A flickering flame symbolizes the intellect that forgets the spirit. To feel threatened by the flames denotes fear of facing an enterprise. To advance with impunity through the flames reflects the determination to overcome all obstacles.