…To see a train of cars moving in your dreams, you will soon have cause to make a journey. To be on a train and it appears to move smoothly along, though there is no track, denotes that you will be much worried over some affair which will eventually prove a source of profit to you. To see freight trains in your dreams, is an omen of changes which will tend to your elevation. To find yourself, in a dream, on top of a sleeping car, denotes you will make a journey with an unpleasant companion, with whom you will spend money and time that could be used in a more profitable and congenial way, and whom you will seek to avoid….

…thought that they were sincere. If a mother dreams that her children are sick without them actually being sick in real life, then it could mean that she’s worried about several issues related to herself and to her home. Dreaming that her younger son is sick or dead suggests that the dreamer is very worried because she fears receiving bad news. Dreaming of leaving children to their fate might mean that there’s a risk of losing everything won by committing follies and errors. If dreaming of very young girls, who are happy and healthy, then it suggests that in the dreamer’s home there is happiness, health, and prosperity. If these young girls appear sick in the dream (weak, thin and sad) then the meaning is the opposite. If a man dreams of himself being a girl or a young woman, it suggests that he has an inclination towards homosexuality….

To dream that a man sees two or three children, shows he shall have cause of joy, and meet with good success in his business. When one dreams that he hath many small children, and that they seem to him to run about the house, and yet notwithstanding he hath none, it signifies it will be very difficult for him ever to have any, besides which, he that so dreams will have many cares and obstructions in his affairs. And here note that, among little children, it is better to dream that you see boys than girls. To dream of anything to befall little children, which is not proper to their age, is not good; as to dream that boys have beards and grey hairs, and that little girls should be married and have children, which betokens to them death.

…To dream of a sleigh-ride, where the sleighing is good, and the sleigh glides free and noiseless, is an excellent omen, as it foretells success and good fortune generally, particularly to farmers: but if you imagine the sleighing is poor, and that the runners screech on the ground, it foretells trouble and unhappiness. Young men who dream of sleigh-riding with girls, stopping at taverns, drinking, getting the girls boozy, and then performing unnameable pranks, are thus forewarned that they with be poor and shiftless as such dreams are certain omens of misery and disgrace. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 67, 40….

…fortunately restrained himself. (3) If one’s mouth in a dream is interpreted to represent his household, then the teeth of the right side represent the boys, and those on the left side represent the girls. On the other hand, the teeth on the right side could represent the older generation, and the teeth on the left side could represent the younger generation. The incisors represent the young men in the family, and the canines represent the young girls. As to the molars, they represent elderly people. If one loses a molar tooth in a dream, it means the death of an elderly person in his household. ‘”Human teeth in a dream also represent one’s business and management of his life. In that case, the molars represent one’s private life, the eyetooth represents what is semi-public, while the front incisors represent what is openly practiced, one’s public character, words and deeds….

If you feel hungry in a dream, then such dream symbolizes the lack of something in your waking life. You feel hungry for love, affection, attention or wealth. You wish to get something you have wanted for a while long time. The dream in which you feel hungry could also be a reflection of actual hunger while you are sleeping. Maybe you haven’t eaten properly for a while, therefore you feel hungry while sleeping.

The chicken is the symbol of femininity. The one who is dreaming about it may wish to have some children. The chicken could also mean that you are feeling hungry while sleeping. The dream is also a symbol of the fear the one is having because of something. Sometimes the chicken could be related to sexual dreams, because the chicks are the woman, therefore you wish to interact with them.

If the sheets are dismal, dark color, in bad condition or in a bed inside of gloomy and dark room, then it warns us of a possible disease that is lying as the symbol on those sheets. If the bed is empty, then it denotes to danger from someone close. Huge sheets indicates obsession for sexual issues. If the sheets are very small, then it brings disinterest on sexual issues. If the sheets are clean and well-arranged, then it indicates that we are in good terms with our partner. If the sheets are dirty and untidy, then it shows disagreement and unconformity. If the sheets are torn, that is a bad omen which foretells about divorce or widowhood. Very ornate sheets, refinement of love. If they are different from ours, new loves. To see unknown people sleeping on our sheets, danger and squabbles.

…If you have a crush on someone in a dream, then such dream indicates the particular problem you are trying to solve or get rid of it. Perhaps the unconscious mind of yours is sending the signal to you, which shows how much you are worrying. The dream, in which you have a crush on someone, could also indicate the special feelings you have towards someone in your waking life. Such dreams could also indicate the present status of your feelings towards someone in your life. If you are spending lots of time with this person in your daily life or thinking about him/her either, then dreaming about the crush is very normal, because your feelings are the same while you are sleeping. The dream, in which someone has rejected you and you had a crush on this person, shows your fear of being neglected. If there is someone…

…If one sees himself turning in his sleep and putting his face down, or resting on his stomach in a dream, it means that he will turn away from his faith and lose both his earnings in this world and in the hereafter. If one sees the reverse, which is turning from resting on one’s stomach to lying on his back in a dream, it means that he will repent for his sins. It also represents his willingness to face the people and to correct his wrongdoing. If the subject is a woman, then sleeping on her stomach in a dream means that she is refusing to sleep with her husband. (Also see Running away | Take a flight | Sleep)…

I you dreamed of having the stress in a dream, then such dream indicates the actual tension and strain you are suffering in your waking life. The dream shows that even while you are sleeping you cannot relax, because the stress you are carrying with yourself if following you in your dreams. Make sure you find the way to remove the stress you have and pay more attention to your needs.

…It symbolizes sacrifice, patience, work and strength. If we see it glowing and with good antler, it predicts abundance of material goods. Without horns portends poverty. If it’s furious, disease. Sleeping, or very thin, poverty. Dead, misery and misfortune….

…In a dream, a lioness represents an evil woman, or a despot who is also affectionate toward her cubs, or she could represent the daughter of a king or a ruler. Sleeping with a lioness in a dream means conquering one’s enemy. Eating the flesh of a lioness in a dream means that one may become wealthy. (Also see Lion)…

If you dream that somebody stings you, then it shows the pain you are suffering. It could be possible that some bug has bitten you while you were sleeping, therefore it calls the dream about stinging you. Consider that the dream could indicate your feelings towards someone, where you feel you are in love with that particular person.

…Dreaming of a random bed that has nothing special to it, usually indicates sexual desire that hasn’t been satisfied. Clearly dreaming a clean bed, preferable if it’s white, hints inner peace and tranquility of the dreamer| however, if it’s a dirty and messy bed with dark colors, it announces disease either in the dreamer or someone close to the dreamer. A young woman who is making a bed hints that she wishes for a lover to appear in her life, or that she’ll enjoy a new job soon. Lying in bed in an unfamiliar room hints that friends will visit soon. Dreaming about sleeping in a bed outdoors hints that the dreamer will soon receive important opportunities that will make life better. If a sick person dreams about lying in bed this means that it could be a warning, and if the dreamer doesn’t take the proper precautions, soon…

When sleeping or resting in your room it means secret love, hidden passions. Act with caution and do not trust so much on others.

…In a dream, a potter represents someone who handles pots and pitchers, or he could represent a servant, a housekeeper, women, girls or daughters. Seeing a potter in a dream also means pride about one’s lineage, wealth, or beauty….

…To dream of shedding tears of sympathy, is a sign that someone is in love with you; this applies to both sexes, but more particularly to girls who cry easy: if you imagine you cry from grief, some good fortune awaits you, and you will have riches in proportion to the tears shed: if you dream that you shed tears from vexation, it shows that you will experience a loss just in proportion to the tears, or that someone will injure your prospects by circulating a scandal. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 14….

…Dreaming of laundering clothes, denotes struggles, but a final victory in winning fortune. If the clothes are done satisfactorily, then your endeavors will bring complete happiness. If they come out the reverse, your fortune will fail to procure pleasure. To see pretty girls at this work, you will seek pleasure out of your rank. If a laundryman calls at your house, you are in danger of sickness, or of losing something very valuable. To see laundry wagons, portends rivalry and contention….

…If, in your dream, you imagine you are in a fine orchard, and the fruit looks fair and tempting, and you eat of it, it foretells that you will shortly be engaged in some pleasant adventure either of love or intrigue: if you see rotten, wormy, or scraggy looking apples, it shows that you will be thrown into mean and low company, much to your disgrace. Such dreams are bad ones for young girls. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 18, 12….

…To dream of hearing the solemn and enchanting music of a church organ is a sad omen to young girls, as it foretells their early death: if a gentleman dreams this, it points to the death of some young girl in whom he takes an interest, and perhaps to his sweetheart, if he has one. To imagine you hear some lively tune on a street organ is also a bad omen, as it foretells that you will soon attend a funeral. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 55, 3….

…If you dream you have a new pair of pantaloons, it is a sign you will be prosperous; if they do not fit, and are too tight, it is a sign you will be pinched in money matters; if they are dark, it is a sign of long life, but if light, it denotes sickness. Young girls should try and not dream about pantaloons, for such an omen is very dangerous to them. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 46, 8….

…Dreaming of seeing young girls carrying sunshades, foretells prosperity and exquisite delights. A broken one, foretells sickness and death to the young….

…Seeing ribbons floating from the costume of any person in your dreams, indicates you will have gay and pleasant companions, and practical cares will not trouble you greatly. For a young woman Dreaming of decorating herself with ribbons, she will soon have a desirable offer of marriage, but frivolity may cause her to make a mistake. If she sees other girls wearing ribbons, she will encounter rivalry in her endeavors to secure a husband. If she buys them, she will have a pleasant and easy place in life. If she feels angry or displeased about them, she will find that some other woman is dividing her honors and pleasures with her in her social realm….

…If you dream, that you are playing on a fiddle, or hearing the music of one, it is a sign you will soon attend a funeral. Such a dream is a bad omen to girls, as it points to the death of a lover, or of some dear friend. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 61….

(Small hawk) In a dream, a kite means an insouciant or a languorous ruler who is audacious, defiled and stouthearted. If one catches and trains a wild kite to hunt for him and he finds that it is not obeying him or holding fast to his wrist in a dream, it means that he will bear a son who will become a ruler. Otherwise, if the kite flies away from his wrist in the dream, it means that the fetus may die before birth. Its chicks represent boys and girls banding at wrongdoing. A kite in a dream also represents an adulterous wife and a secret affair. (See Introduction)

…warning that one should remain aloof for three days. Both the white sheep and the black sheep in a dream mean profit, though the benefits one draws from a white sheep are greater. Seeing a herd of sheep in a dream means continuous happiness. Walking by a slaughter house or a tripe shop and witnessing the heads and trotters of sheep in a dream mean longevity. To find oneself transformed into a sheep in a dream means a booty or winning something. Seeing a sheep in one’s dream also represents an obedient son. If one’s wife is pregnant, and if he is presented with a sheep as a gift in a dream, it means that she will deliver a boy. Otherwise, the remaining little domesti- cated animals represent headache, because of the responsibility involved in caring for and in upbringing the boys, except for the girls, for they represent worldly…

…If you dream of doing to a flouring-mill, where you see plenty of grain and flour, it is a good omen, as it shadows forth thrift, and abundance; but to imagine in your dream that you are in any manufactory of cloth fabrics called a mill, is a sign of poverty and want. Girls who work in such places should be careful never to dream of them. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 55….

A goat in a dream means prosperity, richness, a servant, associating with a cheap woman or a prostitute. A fat goat in a dream represents entertaining girls, or it could mean orphans. If one brings a goat into his house in a dream, it means that he is inviting poverty into his life. (Also see Billy goat | Bullfight)

…To dance a jig, denotes cheerful occupations and light pleasures. To see negroes dancing a jig, foolish worries will offset pleasure. To see your sweetheart dancing a jig, your companion will be possessed with a merry and hopeful disposition. To see ballet girls dancing a jig, you will engage in undignified amusements and follow low desires….

To dream that a man sees two or three children born, shows he shall have cause of joy. It is better to dream that you see boys than girls.

…(Boring) Piercing a hole in a dream means deception. Piercing a hole in a stone in a dream means investigating someone in authority. Piercing a hole in the wall of a citadel in a dream means being obsessed with virgin girls and desiring to deflower them. Piercing in a dream also means spying, pursuing someone’s tracks, desecrating one’s earnings by bringing unlawful money into them, or it could mean deterioration in the conduct of one’s children. Digging an underground tunnel in a city in a dream means searching for someone. Digging an underground tunnel to reach the inside of a house in a dream means trying to court a woman, exerting an irresistible influence on her, then luring her to deceive her. (Also see Tunnel)…

To dream of elephants is a favourable dream, and denotes great sagacity. If you are in love, it implies great prudence and caution. If it lifts you with its trunk, and lays you down in a place of safety, and walks round you it is a true sign of a happy union. A circle drawn round you, signifies secure happiness. As often as you fancy he touches you with his trunk, you will have so many children if you see the female follow him, you will have an equal number of boys and girls. To dream of any animals that are sagacious, bears in some degree on this dream.

To dream that a man sees two or three children born, shows he shall have cause of joy. It is better to dream that you see boys than girls.

…To dream that a ram runs at you for butting purposes, shadows forth to a young man that his society will be coveted by the girls, and that he will be fortunate in love matters generally: if a girl dreams this, she will probably have her choice of lovers, as all the young fellows around there will fall in love with her: if the ram succeeds in butting her, she will surely be taken captive and brought as Cupid’s prisoner into the matrimonial ranks. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19….

…(Teenage girl) A young girl in a dream represents an enemy however she may look. Seeing a well dressed and pleasingly adorned young woman in a dream means hearing pleasing news coming from an unexpected person. Seeing a young and a beautiful looking female servant in a dream means blessings, a favor, joy and festivities. In a dream, seeing an unknown young girl is more advantageous than seeing a known one. The strongest in meaning are those teenage girls who are presentable, well mannered and beautifully dressed. If she is seen dressed with modesty in the dream, then she represents goodness, chastity, discreteness, and following the correct religious conduct. If she adorns herself and plays up her charms in the dream, then such goodness will be public. If a young girl sees herself as an old woman in a dream, it means that she will live with modesty and…

…For a young man to dream of associating with prostitutes, is a sign of poverty ‘and disgrace: if he dreams of seeing these girls anywhere, it foretells misfortune or bad luck: for a girl to dream of them, is a sign that her chastity is in danger. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 35, 9….

…To dream of seeing a wet-nurse suckling a child, is a sign of venery: to a married man it foretells that he will break his marriage vows; and to unmarried girls it denotes shame. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 9, 63….

…(Needle | Upholsterer’s needle) A sacking needle in a dream represents a woman, because of its threading hole. Holding a sacking needle in a dream means travels, or if one’s wife is pregnant, it means that she will beget twin girls….

…The first appearance of daylight in a dream represents the birth of girls or their marriage. Seeing the dawn in a dream also may signify remembrance of God Almighty and readingof the Qur’an. Seeingthedawnin adream also means walking into the light of guidance. It also means happiness and continuous joy. If one loses something in the night then finds it at dawn in a dream, it means that his opponent denies something he unjustly took from him, then a witness arrives to testify for one’s benefit and to help him recuperate his property….