…If a man dreams that he has very long whiskers or beard, it foretells that he will commit some folly in connection with a female; to a married man it shows that he will appear ridiculous from neglect of his wife and attentions to other women who flatter him; to a single man, that he will lose caste by foolish, though perhaps not criminal conduct toward silly girls. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 78….

…For a young person Dreaming of taking a bath, means much solicitude for one of the opposite sex, fearing to lose his good opinion through the influence of others. For a pregnant woman Dreaming this, denotes miscarriage or accident. For a man, adultery. Dealings of all kinds should be carried on with discretion after this dream. To go in bathing with others, evil companions should be avoided. Defamation of character is likely to follow. If the water is muddy, evil, indeed death, and enemies are near you. For a widow Dreaming of her bath, she has forgotten her former ties, and is hurrying on to earthly loves. Girls should shun male companions. Men will engage in intrigues of salacious character. A warm bath is generally significant of evil. A cold, clear bath is the fore-runner of joyful tidings and a long period of excellent health. Bathing in a clear…

The suffocating in dreams means that you are actually feeling very thirsty while sleeping, therefore you dream about it. The dream could also be a suggestion to check your own health. The dream could also mean that you feel smothered by others.

If the sentinel is firm and vigilant, then it indicates that our interests are well kept. If he is sleeping, then financial losses will threaten us. If we surprise and master him, it signifies that we will have an initiative which will lead us to success.

To suffer the hunger may indicate your desire to fulfill your wishes to become true. Could also represent the growth of wealth, depending on the circumstances of the dream. The hunger is also a sign of your actual hunger while sleeping.

If you dream that you are falling asleep, it shows the huge tiredness you are suffering from. The dream is good omen, because it shows that your head is already resting. Alternatively, the falling asleep could have a negative meaning which is interpreted as the nightmare, but only if you are unable to wake up while sleeping.

If you dream of being in coma while dreaming, then such dream denotes to desperate state of your mind. Perhaps you find it hard to accept the various changes that are happening in your life. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the state of your body when we are sleeping which is called REM sleep.

To imagine while sleeping that you are a somnambulist, portends that you will unwittingly consent to some agreement of plans which will bring you anxiety or ill fortune.

Dreaming of being beheaded, could mean that you are sleeping in a bad position that causes a lot of pain. If not, then it indicates that the dreamer is failing to manage his or her own affairs, which could eventually lead to important problems and failures. Dreaming that someone is being decapitated and whose blood trickles down is a warning that the dreamer should take care of his or her behavior to avoid bad consequences.

If you were scratching yourself in a dream, then it could show the actual physical sense you were feeling while sleeping. Otherwise the dream denotes to tiredness and annoyances you are suffering from. Probably there is something that has been irritating you for a while. The dream could also show the tendency of yours to do everything yourself from the very beginning.

If you eat a hot dog in a dream, then it could indicate your desire for sexuality or/and intercourse. The hotdog could also mean that you are feeling hungry while sleeping.

Dreaming of being or sleeping in a bedroom is a warning that means you should be prudent because there may be someone who wants to uncover your secrets and that could be dangerous.

…Dreaming that you are in an attic, denotes that you are entertaining hopes which will fail of materialization. For a young woman Dreaming that she is sleeping in an attic, foretells that she will fail to find contentment in her present occupation….

…To dream of seeing one of these animals in a rage, is a sign that you have a treacherous friend who will endanger your reputation: to see, in your dream, a sleeping or quiet tiger, foretells that you will soon make the acquaintance of a treacherous or unworthy person. If a girl dreams this, she had better be suspicious of the next young man who offers her his attentions. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 59, 62….

To dream that you are taking the nap, means that you are feeling very tired and doesn’t sleep deeply yet. Alternatively, the dream may mean that you are sleeping very deeply, because you are super tired. The nap could also signify the fact that you are working too hard and must take a break from all the responsibilities.

To see sheep is a sign of consolation; if you see them sleeping or dead, you will have sorrow. To carry one signifies great luck; to hear them bleat, damage and loss. A sign of good luck, to be surrounded by many sheep. To kill sheep, or to see them killed, great sorrow.

If you are dreaming that you are dreaming, then it is very common dream, which shows that you are worrying too much about something and do not let your brain to rest completely during the sleep. It also shows that you are not fully asleep and you are in wide-awake dreaming, where you are not fully asleep and some part of your brain is still not sleeping. The main reason for these kind of dreams is the stress you are unable to get rid of in your wakening life.

…If you were urinating in a dream, then it could indicate the actual need to urinate in your waking life. Perhaps you are sleeping very deeply, therefore the physical needs are forwarded in your dreams. On the other hand, the dream about urinating could represent the state of your mind, where you are getting rid of unnecessarily. If you saw yourself urinating in front of other people, then it suggest you to make some privacy in your life. If you see the urine of the other person, then it denotes to the things you refused to take in of that certain person….

To see the toilet in a dream could be related to the actual physical need to urinate in your waking life. Probably you are unable to urinate while sleeping, therefore you see a toilet in a dream. On the other hand, the toilet is the place where we get rid of the stuff that is no longer in need, therefore the dreamer is also getting rid of negative people, emotions or thoughts. If you cleaned the toilet in a dream, then it indicates The self respect you started to lose. If the toilet is overflowing, then it denotes to your overfull emotions.

…To dream that you are eating some kind of food could simply denote to the fact that you are feeling hungry while sleeping. Perhaps your stomach is empty. If you eat too much of the food, it shows that you are feeling very bad and trying to escape your problems while stuffing yourself. The eating could also have several other meanings depending on the food that was eaten during the dream. Therefore, if you wish to know more about your dream, please pay attention to what was eaten….

The feeling of the breeze in a dream denotes to variety and changes in your life. The dream could also indicate the external stimulus such as the cold you feel while sleeping.

The jacket as the dream symbol is interpreted as the security and shelter the dreamer is trying to put on himself. Sometimes when the dreamer is sleeping he is feeling cold, therefore he dreams of wearing the jacket. The jacket could also indicate the clothing item you are dreaming of having.

The most frequent meaning is of a sexual nature, especially if the dreamers are young. It also symbolizes wisdom and healing power. Seeing a sleeping snake indicates that our instinctual forces are asleep. If it wakes up and wriggles without causing fear, it reveals desires of a spiritual evolution. Dreaming of snakeskin or seeing change indicates that a profound evolutionary change is coming. If poisonous snakes appear, it indicates fear to be in embarrassing situations.

When you are walking on the minefield, then such dream represents various severities that you have in your everyday life. While you are sleeping you are trying to figure out the way of solving those problems. Make sure you seek for help in order to get through the difficult time of your life.

…(Couch | Mattress | Sleeping pad) Abed without covers in a dream represents travels, a wife, honor or a high rank. Sitting on abed in a dream means regaining power or authority over something one had lost control. If the bed has it covers on, then it means ruling over a group of hypocrites who live in heedlessness. If it is not covered, then it means a journey. If one sees himself wearing his shoes and sitting on his bed in a dream, it means that he will undertake a trip in the company of an ostentatious person. Sitting on a bed in a pleasant surrounding in a dream means honor and power. The covers of one’s bed in a dream represent his wife, his livelihood, or his mistress. Whatever stands on top of a bed represents one’s male children and whatever is hidden under it represents one’s female…

The turkey if it is dreamed during the Thanksgiving Day is only a symbol of this celebration, because many people eat it during this day. The turkey could also represent the hunger you are suffering from while sleeping. Overall, the turkey is a happy sign which brings happiness and joy for those who dream about it.

The dream about your office, shows the dedication you have towards thing you are doing. Perhaps you are one of those people who give all they have to achieve the results they are aiming for. Alternatively, the dream could show the plenty of work you have to do, therefore you cannot relax even while you are sleeping. The dream in which you hold the public office denotes to your acceptation of what you get and what you have to do. Probably you are the person who takes the obligation for what he has done.

…Dreaming of a hut, denotes indifferent success. Dreaming that you are sleeping in a hut, denotes ill health and dissatisfaction. To see a hut in a green pasture, denotes prosperity, but fluctuating happiness….

Cat Signifies treachery of friends and disappointment in affairs of love; if the cat appears to be lying down, or sleeping, you will but partially succeed in what you may undertake; if the cat is fighting, or appears to be in a rage, you will be robbed.

The light in dreams is very common, because it gives people hope. The light is the symbol of hope, enlightenment, spirituality and love. The light that you see far way shows that you found the way to get out from all the negativity you were suffering from. You will get the answers to the questions that you’ve been asking for a very long time. The light could be dreamed of, because of the sun light or any other stimulus that shines into your eyes while sleeping, in this case it means nothing.

When you dream of the dentist, then such dream could indicate the actual fear you have for dentists. The dream could also show that you do not trust some person in your waking life. The dentist in dreams could be coming from the internal stimulus such as tooth pain you are suffering from while sleeping, therefore you see a dentist. If you see the dentist that is fixing someone else’s teeth, then it means you will be surprised by other people’s negative experiences.

As long as the dream is not triggered by external factors such as an excessive temperature in the room where you are sleeping, it usually indicates that we are in a dangerous situation whose output will be difficult and will cause many problems. Sometimes, depending on whether the atmosphere of the sauna is nice or not, the dream often indicates persistent health nuisances.

See a mattress in a dream means that you will have new responsibilities and duties that will occupy you for a while. To dream that you are sleeping on a new mattress symbolizes happiness in your life.

Dreaming of a platform represents separation between lovers. Dreaming that you are sleeping on a platform signifies that you have a rival who is jealous of your success.

If we see ourselves sleeping in our dreams it reveals a lack of attention. We are too negligent in real life.

To dream that you are feeling very asleep, means that you are not sleeping deeply and some part of your brain is still awake. Sometimes people who are very tired dream of feeling asleep, because of the work they did and tiredness they still feel even during the sleep.

If you feel you are thirsty in a dream, then such dream could indicate the actual feeling of thirst while you sleeping. On the other hand, probably you are trying to find the support and incitation from the surroundings. If you overcome your thirst, then it signifies your capability to get what you want wherever you want.

To feel shiver in a dream, denotes to hidden frustration and depression. The dream could also represent the actual physical shivering you are having while sleeping.