Dream of one or more of birds’ means happiness will be blended with displeasures. Killing those birds means that you should be careful of a cunning and a cautious person. Chasing them is a signal of annoying and transitory grievance. Hearing them singing presages prosperity in your work. Nocturnal birds and prey birds represent false friendships and betrayal.

…Dreaming of seeing squirrels, denotes that pleasant friends will soon visit you. You will see advancement in your business also. To kill a squirrel, denotes that you will be unfriendly and disliked. To pet one, signifies family joy. To see a dog chasing one, foretells disagreements and unpleasantness among friends….

…end and will switch to prosperity for the dreamer. Dreaming of chasing and capturing one or more birds signifies the desire and ambitions of prosperity, which is taking a long time to arrive. Dreaming of killing a bird indicates disaster in the dreamer’s own business, particularly if the dreamer is a farmer or if his or her businesses are related to the countryside. Dreaming of talking birds suggests that the dreamer lacks skill and ability to manage his or her affairs. Dreaming of the singing of birds is a good omen, since it announces peace, happiness, awards, sympathy, and success. This applies particularly in the case of people who work in the artistic or intellectual field. Dreaming of a dead singing bird in one’s own hands, symbolizes that there will be failures in what’s most desired, and even more so, if the dreamer is an artist. Dreaming of freeing a…

…If a young lady dreams that her beau is a very tall man, it is a sign that her future husband will be a “wee bit of a fellow,” and not of much account. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4….

The tongue is like a flame, since it has the same shape and mobility. To dream we have a long, thick tongue indicates that we talk too much and without control. Our tongue being pulled means outrages and indiscretions. Bit our own tongue advises more prudence in speech. Struggling to speak unsuccessfully means timidity. To see yourself with your tongue cut out, mean impotence, sometimes even sexual. Seeing animal tongues means gossip and backbiting.

Dreaming of wheels or pulleys (of any kind) spinning really fast, means that you’re very active, maybe a bit of a nervous person, and a hard worker, which portends that you’ll have success in your activities. However, if you dream of wheels or pulleys that are not moving, are broken or old, then it means the opposite.

…the grave and he awoke shaking with fear.Another blind man told me that prior to a visit from his brother, he nearly always dreamed he was walking in a field full of blind animals that surrounded him on all sides, and felt him all over with their paws. They then suddenly vanished, and he found himself knee deep in water, when he invariably awoke.I once met a blind woman who informed me that, prior to receiving any disappointment, she always dreamed she was tormented by a little boy with a square-shaped head, who bit and pinched her till she shrieked with pain, when someone instantly came running up and shot him, and she always awoke with the report of the gun ringing in her ears.The ordinary dreams, such as I have mentioned in Part I, would seem to have the same significance to the blind as to other people….

Dream of suitcases or luggage represents desires, needs and concerns you are feeling and that weigh in real life, you should try to reduce the excess in problems and desires and relax a little bit.

The bobcat in dreams is the symbolism of lonely part of your personality. The dream shows that you perhaps wish to be on your own a little bit more. You are the person who feels good being by himself/herself. Sometimes the bobcat could indicate some person you do not trust or do not know very well. Perhaps you feel the danger because of the silence from this person.

…lady had given me strict injunctions not to do so.”The safe, where the diamonds had always” been kept, stood by the bedside on the top of a black oak chest, and as I set to work on it with my tools, I couldn’t help laughing to think what a precious trick it was, searching for what I knew wasn’t there — for what I knew only too well was safe and snug in the lady’s keeping, if not actually on its way to Amsterdam to be sold!”It did not take me many seconds to crack the lid of the safe open, and I had just done so, when there was a blaze of light, a loud shriek, and, on turning round, I saw the lady.”Softly, ma’am,”” I whispered, “” you’re a bit” too soon! You should have waited till I was ready to be off. I have kept my part…

…then this symbolizes difficulties while recognizing the familiar and intimate aspects of yourself. Maybe you find it difficult while expressing feminine or masculine side of your personality. Otherwise it could show the lack of internal safety in your own life. When you are dreaming that you’re going to bed with someone else – stay careful. It seems that you find it very easy to start new relationships, but remember that trusting everyone is not the best idea, as sometimes people give us wrong impression which leads us to disappointments. The dream of the bed that is floating in the air or you are flying out of bed, indicates your separation from everything that is happening around you. Maybe you became a bit irritating or even annoying and that is the main reason why people are avoiding you. Trying to be calmer and more sensitive is always the attractive feature….

To dream about the fox could have several meanings depending on the circumstances of the dream and your waking life. The fox could represent some person in your life that you should be careful with. Perhaps this person is a little bit mischief. The fox could also signify you, where the features of being charming could be very favorable to you.

To dream that you see the moose means that you are very steady and grounded person. The moose could also indicate the fact that you are being a little bit slower than the rest of the people.

To dream that you are snooping, means that you are a little bit nervous about particular situation or person. You feel that there is something you do not understand fully.

If you see one within dreams, you must take care of the education of your children or siblings, as this means that they can end up with traumas or psychological problems that will leave them a bit more than shaken up, and this can prejudice their future.

Usually dreams about coffee indicate the routine we have in our daily lives. It also shows how important it is to us and how influential the dreams are. The dream about coffee could also indicate things you are doing in life too fast. Perhaps the dream suggests you to slow down a little bit. Consider that dream about coffee could also indicate your life that is in lack of variety. The daily things you are doing and the routine you are in don’t bring the joy and happiness in your life anymore. The dream, in which you are making coffee to someone else, denotes to your hospitality towards the others. Perhaps you are the person who gives a lot of good qualities to others.

If you dream of the spice, then such dream indicates the need of the changes in your life. Maybe you need to make various differences in your life to make it a bit spicier.

…If you’ve dreamed of seeing bites it foretells about the evil you are surrounded by. You should stay wide awake and pay more attention to people you are in contact. Be careful as the enemy manages to destroy many things. Evil is not point of view, because it is something that people chose to do or not to do and mostly all of the bad things happen instantly. This is an example that you never know what to expect from the others and especially at this time of your life you’ve got t stay focused and careful. If you were dreaming that someone bit you, then it signifies to your inability to deal with severities. Maybe you have the barriers which should be removed, otherwise you will stay at the same point you are now. If the vampire has bitten you, you’ve got to get rid of the person…

The cat in dreams could have many different explanations, depending on the circumstances of the dream. The cat that is dreamed of you and is being your own cat could simply be a reflection of your actual cat. The animal spends much of the time in your life, therefore it is very normal to dream about it. If you do not own the cat, but still dream of one, it could mean that you are surrounded by very mysterious people in your waking life. You should be aware of that and do not trust them, because they will always have various secrets. The cat could also denote to your personality as being very independent and a little bit arrogant person. If the cat is sick, your problems will go away very soon. No serious danger.

Dreaming of getting a bit wet because of a fresh dew suggests that you’re entering a stage of fever or other disease. Dreaming of drops of dew on plants and grass at the beginning of the day suggests that you’ll receive some rewards in the near future, perhaps distinctions and fortune (at least if that’s what you want). This especially applies to young women who want to have an advantageous marriage.

If you dream of seeing or using an antifreeze, it means that you are not enough in contact with those around you. Maybe you should open up a little bit more to the others, show your personality to those you love, and only then you will make yourself and others feel good about yourself. Make sure you do not cover up from people and keep communicating as much as you can.

If someone has dreamed of being blind, the main meaning for this dream tells that there is something that has been misunderstood. It seems that you do not understand the situation exactly how it is an/or you have no idea how to deal with it. The dream shows you that you feel confused and lost and do not know which direction to turn, to make the right and good decision. The other meaning of this dream also explains that you trying to ignore something that is obvious. Try to be responsible for your actions and take the obligation for everything you supposed to do. This is a bit an eye opener situation, as it shows you that there are more opinions and ways than only yours.

…To sharpen an object when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as the need of the flexibility of the dreamer’s mind. Sharpening of something in the dream is like sharpening of the mind in the life. It means that you need to be better in what you’re doing or thinking. Alternatively, the dream about sharpening represents the lack of the dreamer’s quality to adapt to the requests of others. Maybe you are a little bit to egoistic. You should consider of the overall picture of your dream. Think what will be best interest for you and for others, than just thinking about your needs….

It is a little bit unlucky to dream of either of them.

If you dream of seeing anus, it means that you are suffering from bad emotions and hidden feelings you are not expressing. This dream signifies your disgrace and fault. The main meaning of anus is representing your avarice. Keep in mind that this dream represents, that you should relax a little bit more.

The person that is blond in your dream, offers you to start indulgencing the life you are living. Perhaps you should relax a little bit more. The dream, in which you colored your hair in blond, denotes to the necessity of relaxation. Perhaps you are very thoughtful and serious person, therefore the dream suggests you to let your hair down.

Dreaming that you hear the melancholic notes of a harp, indicates some things, that you have been enjoying (business, entertainment, pleasure, trips or just good luck), are coming to an end. Dreaming of a broken harp indicates the end of joy, for example, between lovers, perhaps a painful and difficult illness, either of your own or of family member; it may also mean making some mistakes in your political or social relationships. Dreaming of playing a harp indicates that the dreamer is overrated, so he should be a bit more humble, since that can lead to serious failures and frustrations.

The dream, in which you took the cocaine, shows your state of mind, where you feel useless and exhausted. Perhaps you are trying to get out of your duties and dedications. You have no arrogance or pride and would do anything to get out of the life you are living at the moment. Alternatively, the dream may suggest you to have more fun and try to relax a bit in order to get satisfaction.

…To dream of a squirrel, shows that there is a possibility of enemies who are endeavoring to slander your reputation, however they won’t be able to do that. For the lover, it shows your sweetheart is a little bit of a bad temper….

Dream of spitting blood means misfortune o bad news from a distant part. However if you spit only a bit of it, things will get fixed sooner or later.

Seeing in dreams a hedgerow with living plants or shrubs, usually mean that we will have to face some small obstacles, and that if we put a bit of effort in it, we can successfully overcome them. If you dream that the hedgerow is around a house, then it usually means that you’re being protected in everything you do; remember that houses in dreams usually symbolize the same dreamer and the hedge, in this case, it represents protection.

Dreaming of being blind means that you will experience great disappointments and reversals of fortune. Seeing one within dreams means that you have to be a bit less of a dreamer and put your feet on the ground doing a retrospective analysis and examine what your limitations are.

The dream, in which you are using the Jacuzzi, shows the need of clearance and renewal of your mind. Perhaps you are overtired and need to relax a little bit.

When you see the microwave in a dream, then such dream indicates your spontaneity or the ability to think quickly. Perhaps you are making decisions very quick. The dream suggests you to slow down a little bit, otherwise you will make many mistakes.

To dream that you are resting on the couch, means that you are having the rest because you feel tired in your waking life. Sometimes the couch could indicate your desire to be on your own and to relax a little bit more. You feel the lack of privacy.

When the one is dreaming about the umbrella, it means that he is trying to cope with the unfavourable issues in his waking life. If the umbrella is completely open, the dreamer is giving himself a shelter in order to protect from the evil. The opening of umbrella could also mean that the dreamer is trying to know himself better. When it is raining and the dreamer is carrying the umbrella that is closed, it means that he will suffer financial failure. The umbrella that is broken or has holes in it, means that you will achieve everything you wish for, but it will be a little bit harder than usually.

If you express yourself in very expressive way, then such dream signifies the fact that you are enjoying it and always show up yourself to those around you. The dream may also be interpreted as the indicator that you are a little bit arrogant while chatting with others. Make sure you pay attention to the colors of the peacock, as it will tell you more about your dream. The peacock with poor tale that has no colors in it or is much plucked, means that you are not being understood by those around you or you do not feel yourself anymore and someone put you in situation where which now you are being seen.

If you dream of being elegant, it means you’re egocentric. Think a bit more about others and be more generous.

A warning that we are or we will be in difficult circumstances that will require having every bit of caution.

Dreaming of abstinence, for example from drinking, drugs, smoking or any other dependence you are in, is a sign that you are too confident and truthful in your own skin. Dreaming about being abstinent also can mean that you are a little bit arrogant person. What you have to do, is to make sure that you do not move forward too fast. The interpretation of the abstinence symbol in the dream is telling for you to find out what do you want from your life, what you do the right way and what you do the wrong way. Make sure, you know what you are looking for.