…A young woman who dreams about other people who are admiring her new shoes must be cautious with new friends, especially men, when they approach her with unusual intimacy, since they could be hypocritical flatterers. When you are dreaming about shoes without any detail, then it shows changes in the immediate future. If the shoes are new, then it suggests that there will be financial gains soon. If they are old and broken, it means poverty. If the dreamer is working on shoes, it suggests someone is betraying her. When you are dreaming that you are shining your own shoes, then it represents about an upcoming improvements in issues, business, love, etc., all of which will bring satisfaction. When you are dreaming about yourself being with dirty, old or broken shoes, then it can mean that you easily make enemies due to your character and scathing criticism. When you…

To dream of the shoes represent the dreamer’s view to life generally. The dream indicates how much grounded the one is feeling. To change the shoes for a different ones means that the one is changing some part of his life. To forget the shoes means that the one leaves the old times in the past or finding it hard to deal with it. To dream of wearing old shoes, means that the dreamer is very conservative person, who holds to his old ideas. Alternatively, the old shoes signify the acceptance of who you are. The new shoes symbolizes new ideas, new look into life. If the shoes do not fit, then it means that you are in the situation which you not supposed to be in, maybe there is something you feel uncomfortable about, therefore the shoes do not fit. To wear no shoes, means that there is…

…Dreaming about shoes generally shows your attitude toward life and your convictions. It also suggests that you should put your feet on the ground. Dreaming about changing shoes means you will change your behavior about new events and people. To dream that you forget the shoes indicates that you’re trying to leave your old opinion, usually an unfavorable one, based on insufficient knowledge, irrational feeling, or inaccurate stereotype. To dream about losing shoes means you’ll find what you want. Dreaming about not wearing shoes means you have a lack of confidence and low self-assurance. Dreaming of new shoes means you should not be so sure about success. Dreaming about wearing a new shoe indicates your approach to life. Seeing old or worn shoes, means that through diligence and hard work, you will achieve success. To dream that you are wearing the wrong shoes indicates your path for your current

In some cultures, it is a rule to remove your shoes before entering a temple or the house of another person as an indication that we are at the owner’s disposal. The shoe represents us, and we let it out as a symbol that we do not claim any personal authority. Hence some dreams about shoes indicate a desire to possess the shoe owner. But shoes are also a symbol of walking and paths. Dreaming that you have dirty shoes on, can mean feelings of guilt. If in the dream we are walking barefoot, it can symbolize fear to see us subjected to unwanted situations of humiliation. If in the dream our shoes are not comfortable, they are reflecting a situation in everyday life that makes us uncomfortable, perhaps we do not have freedom of action or authority to impose our judgment.

…Dreaming of seeing your shoes ragged and soiled, denotes that you will make enemies by your unfeeling criticisms. To have them blacked in your dreams, foretells improvement in your affairs, and some important event will cause you satisfaction. New shoes, augur changes which will prove beneficial. If they pinch your feet, you will be uncomfortably exposed to the practical joking of the fun-loving companions of your sex. To find them untied, denotes losses, quarrels and ill-health. To lose them, is a sign of desertion and divorces. Dreaming that your shoes have been stolen during the night, but you have two pairs of hose, denotes you will have a loss, but will gain in some other pursuit. For a young woman Dreaming that her shoes are admired while on her feet, warns her to be cautious in allowing newly introduced people, and men of any kind, to approach her in…

The shoes are the symbols of your path through your life. The different shoes have different meanings. For example dirty, muddy or old shoes that you are tired of living your life. The beautiful and luxurious shoes indicates your desire for great life or shows that you already have one.

To see the brand new and beautiful shoes, means that you will be involved in some deal that will bring great results especially money wise. If your shoes looks very old and have been worn for a very long time, you will achieve whatever you wish through your hard work. If you lost one of your shoes, you will make minor mistakes that won’t do too much of the damage.

New shoes, profits. Lost shoes, inescapable poverty. Old shoes, poverty for the one that is using them.

…Symbol of freedom. Dreaming that we have dirty shoes on, indicates guilt. When we are barefoot-walking, then it signifies danger of being subjected to others. When we seeing us walk barefoot, then it reveals fear of poverty. If we seeing us well shod, then it is equivalent to feel free. When we dreaming that we wear children’s shoes, then it reveals that we are immature. If the shoe is tight, we still do not know to develop ourselves with the freedom in a new situation. If we break a shoe, it portends loss of our freedom….

To dream you have a pair of shoes, denotes success in life, in love matters, they signify marriage, which will turn out an equal advantage to both parties — each will taste of the same pleasure. If the male journeys, the female will be his companion; and it is a sign they will travel different countries. To dream your shoes are worn out, denotes poverty. If a sole falls from the right shoe, a male friend will die; if from the left, a wife, or female friend.

…(See Boots.) If you dream that one of your shoes has a hole in it, it foretells that your sweetheart will offend you by favouring a supposed rival: if a girl dreams this, her lover will be jealous of her: for a young man to dream that he has lost a shoe-string, is a sign that he will be kissed by a lady with whom he had no previous acquaintance. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 33….

Resembling a cross, many authors interpret dreaming with this letter as a plan of service to others, or the need to go through dedication and sacrifice for the greater good.

…When you see a t-shirt in a dream, then such dream shows your openness towards the others. Make sure you look at the print or any other symbols of the T-shirt, as it would tell much more about the dream and the meaning….

…Releasing one’s self from a troublesome affair….

Benefit and advantage. 44.

Taking proper precautions to insure success in business.

Wealth, profit. 8.

Poverty, shame, sorrows.

Contentedness, happiness in domestic life.

Getting into poor circumstances.

Getting sore feet.

Too much haste, carelessness.

Damage, dishonour and mockery.

Victory over enemies. 49.

Great depression of mind, brooding over unnecessary troubles.

Deceit. 26.

A good sign.

…would like a cup of coffee!”I came here professionally, Mr. Bailey,” she said, “and not socially. Please understand that.” And she left me feeling more like a stalactite than a human being!””Is that all, Jim? I asked.”Yes, Lil, that’s all for the present,’ Jim replied. What do you think of it? “”Risky, Jim,’ was my answer, ‘ risky. It may be a dodge on the part of the police.” “Jim shook his head.””Dont think so, Lil,’ he said.’ I thought of that, of course, the moment the lady spoke about Towell, but as soon as she mentioned her husband I knew she was genuine. The very thought of her old man was poison — the best actress in London couldn’t have simulated such hatred. You can take it from me, Lil, the lady will keep her bargain if I keep mine.””Still, it is risky, Jim,’ I said; ‘ her husband”…

Elegant shoes, indicates honor, profit coming from subordinates. To have bad or old ones means shame and loss, to endure in poverty. To shoe a horse or to see it being done, indicates trouble and obstacles. To wear wooden shoes promises some increase in fortune. To make shoes, decay and poverty to the rich people and prosperity and gayety to poor men. To lose shoes means poverty.

…‘ who has been keeping an eye on this house during my absence?”’ Yes, sir,’ I replied, not a little embarrassed, for I felt I had done rather a mean thing in thus spying on him.”I am really very much obliged to you,’ he” went on, ‘ for I find everything is all right; but come in for a moment, I can’t talk to you out there.’ Now, as you are aware, sir, the pay of a policeman is no great shakes — not as much by a long way as that of an ordinary mechanic, who has no responsibilities and very little education — so that when the gentleman fingered his waistcoat– pocket I had visions of something that might come in very useful for my wife and kids. Without unduly singing my own praises, I’m not as selfish as many working men. I only had one child, because…

…(See Shoes.) To dream of new boots and shoes, indicates sweethearts to the single, and friends to the married; old shoes or boots show separation, and dirty or old ones are a sign of poverty and sorrow. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 33….

…(Sandals) In a dream, a pair of shoes represent one’s son, a vehicle, a friend, a brother, a business partner, or travels. Wearing a pair of shoes without heels in a dream means having abarren wife. Walking with one shoe in a dream means separation between husband and wife, or the breakup of a business partnership. Taking off one’s shoes in a dream means victory and rising in station….

…see! And dont stop to ask questions!” But his brother shook him off.How ridiculous! I shall do nothing of the sort! He said. “I came here to walk, and walk I shall.Ah! By Jove! There is Mrs. So-and-so. How well she looks!” and in the most gallant manner possible he took off his hat and bowed. A universal shriek was the result, and a piping voice — that of the charming girl’s small brother — was heard to cry out, “Look, look, Ethel! There are the DeJones, and they have nothing on!” Then a huge policeman bounced across the road, and in a moment the two brothers were hustled along the busy thoroughfare, with half London at their heels. I cannot remember what my friend told me happened to him next, but I well remember him assuring me that, until he woke up, he certainly had an exceedingly disagreeable time…

…with a leap, he was gone. I shouted out to him, ” Why not ask that tree?” (There was a poplar growing near) but he did not hear me, and was out of sight before I could speak again. I walked on, but had not gone very far, before I came across a boy standing on a big stone, and blowing out his cheeks. There was a look of the most exquisite joy in his round, gooseberry eyes, as if he found his occupation the most delightful in the world. ”Why, what on earth are you doing?”I asked. He opened his mouth and out flew a swarm of bees. “Oh! Isn’t it Paradise?” he said. ”Paradise! They make their honey in my stomach!” “But dont they sting you?” I asked. “Well, now you come to speak of it, I believe they do” the boy responded, “but what is that compared…

…In a dream, arrows mean messages, a messenger, writings, victory over one’s enemy. If a woman sees her husband’s arrows in their quiver in a dream, it means that her husband has turned away from her. Arrows in a dream also are an indicator or a guide. Seeing an arrow outside its quiver, means failure to perform one’s duty or inability to deliver one’s message. Shooting arrows in a dream means writing letters. If one shoots an arrow but fails to hit his target in the dream, it means that he will send a messenger to do something and his messenger will fail to deliver. If one sees a woman shooting him with an arrow in a dream, it means that she is showing kindness toward him and consequently he may fall in love with her, or he may marry her. If one shoots an arrow and hits his…

To dream of horse-shoes is very lucky, but, to dream of one only, shows that you have an evil-wisher. If the nails are in any of the shoes, you will soon be married to a farrier or smith, and have a great many children.

To dream that you clean your shoes into the doormat, means that you are using clean strategies while entering into new phases of your life. If you ignore the doormat and enter the building with dirty shoes, it shows that you are not the person who follows the rules. The doormat that has a nice welcome sign on it signifies the positive conditions to your life.

…(Beautician | Broker | Woman) A shoemaker in a dream represents someone who brings peace and unity between adversaries, a lawyer, a peace- maker, a scholar or a shaikh who specializes in jurisprudence relating to inheritance laws. A shoemaker in a dream has many meanings. Some shoemakers specialize in repairing women’s shoes. In that case, in a dream, he represents a pimp or a brothel owner. As for those specializing in men’s shoes, seeing him in a dream means travel, or employing people to work in one’s business. (Also see Tailor)…

…found myself being whirled along at a terrific pace — up, down, dash, smash, through pebbles and puddles, on and on I flew, and I saw all around me thousands of other boots and shoes, all propelled by gigantic, never-tiring Suffragettes, who covered the ground with prodigious, elephantine bounds. This terrible punishment went on for days and nights, till I at length grew so thin that there was scarcely anything left of me. Sometimes I was baked, sometimes drowned, whilst, at all times, my inside and outside were torn and mangled.Then, to my immeasurable joy, I was kicked off, and for some brief moments enjoyed perfect rest.From this happy state I was abruptly awakened, to find myself sitting bound and gagged in a high- backed chair. Bending over me was a very tall and slender dentist with a big, round, babyish face and happy, innocent smile. In one hand he…

…If you were dreaming that you were holding a baseball bat then the dream wants to show you how reasoned you are when it comes to getting what you want. There is an expression when someone is calling an “old bat” someone they dont like. As we know an “old bat” describes an old person, especially an old woman who is annoying, silly and unpleasant to be in contact with. You should consider if there is someone in your life you dont like or you might also feel neglected by the others. The dream could also represent the other meaning of this dream which represents sexual needs and/or wishes….