To dream that you’re in a high level school, either as a visitor or as a student, suggests that you’ll soon reach your goals and will receive honors. To dream that you’re visiting the school where you studied as a child, suggests an intimate feeling of loss regarding your life and your current activities. To dream that you’ve just returned from visiting the school where you completed your studies indicates that you will accept propositions that you shouldn’t because you’re not prepared to perform them. To dream that you’re a student in any school suggests that you recognize your lack of preparation and that you’re not likely to succeed in life, mainly because you dont put enough energy and willpower in your projects. To dream that you’re visiting a school full of children announces that you’ll experience problems with your children or close relatives, either your family or friends….

To see or ride on a Ferris wheel, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as symbolism of repetition. It means that you are like a hamster, which is in the wheel and going around in circles. You are headed to the mist. You need to restart your life and retarget your destination. On the other hand, if in the dream you have a lot of fun and positive emotions, then such dream is symbolic importance of completeness in the circle of your life. Dont be afraid of ups and downs, because happiness in the life is reached by overcoming obstacles in the way to the success….

To dream that you’re hoping for something important to happen suggests that you’re experiencing anxiety because you dont know how to solve a problem that is affecting your mind and it’s causing you to feel uncertain. This dream is usually a consequence of living a sedentary and monotonous life, and such situation makes you desire a change; you’ll be seeking joy and waiting for something extraordinary to happen. In some cases it is a warning that something dangerous is about to happen, such as a disaster, accident, etc….

To dream about a cat symbolizes bad luck if you dont kill it, but in case you do, or if the cat flees, then it suggests that you’ll be successful in your affairs and will control your enemies. To dream that a cat attacks you suggests that your enemies will soon damage both your reputation and your economic values. To dream that a dirty and famished cat stands in the middle of your way suggests an upcoming grief and illness in your family. To dream that you see or hear a cat scratching the door indicates that your enemies are trying to harm you. If the cat rubs against your legs, it suggests that you’re surrounded by hypocrisy. When a woman dreams that she’s carrying and petting a cat, it suggests that someone is giving her negative advice about her emotional issues. If you dream that a spotted or…

…Indicates some mistrust regarding circumstances you dont control….

…Dreaming about oxygen symbolizes life, your inner strength and creative energy. Dreaming that you dont have enough oxygen to breathe suggests that you’re feeling suppressed by a strange situation in your life….

…If they are of our same gender and age, then the stranger dream is a reflection of ourselves. Not as we are, but as we wish we could be. If the stranger is our same age and gender but they are violent that indicates obstacles and fights. If they are of the opposite gender and we are attracted to them that reflects unsatisfied sexual desires. If we dont feel attraction it indicates that we will meet a person who will give us help and friendship. When the stranger is of an older age, whichever gender, it symbolizes help, along with protection and success in our companies….

…If we are fired from work this indicates a disagreement in our professional activity. If someone we know gets fired it’s a sign that we dont like mixing friendship and business….

Seeing an ostrich in your dream suggests you don´t face reality and live in a world of your own. You may refuse or be unwilling to accept a situation. Alternatively the ostrich symbolizes truth and justice.

…When you dream of a baby, it represents purity, chastity and sincerity. Babies usually represents the warmth and good intentions you might have. Dreaming of a baby could also represent the side of you which is weak, fragile and vulnerable. If you dreamed of having a baby, but forgot it as a fact it symbolizes your fear of being recognized as fragile person. You don not want others to know that you are not a strong person, because this is not something you are proud of. If you see yourself on the way of having a baby it means that you wish someone would take care of you as long as it is possible, you like to be dependant on someone. You do not want to take responsibility of anyone neither yourself, neither the others. If in reality you are already expecting the baby, then this dream indicates your…

To see a promissory note, when you are dreaming, is interpreted as suggestion for liberation and relaxation. You need to give the necessary time or opportunity for yourself to do something. Dont be so hard, strict or precise on yourself. Be more free! Give yourself freedom in your daily activities….

…If we dont suffer stomach sickness in reality this dream foretells difficulties and problems….

Usually this dream reflects our concern about the health. If we see our skin with wrinkles it reflects fear of menopause and old age. The imperfections in our skin revels sentimental doubts, unless they were rashes or spots that are very obvious, in which case it is a warning about our health. If we see the imperfections on someone we know, then this is a person of whom we attribute the meaning of the dream. If we don´t know this person, then it reflects our own fears. Dreaming about animal skin indicates that your material goods will be increased, depending on what kind of animal’s skin you’ve dreamed of.

To dream of any animal that is called a reptile, such as snakes, toads, alligators, and the like, is a sign of a quarrel: if you imagine you are bitten, it shows that you will come out second best, or badly injured either in person or reputation. If a girl dreams of a reptile, let her look sharp that her lover dont play her false. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 34 3….

To dream that you’re wearing gloves suggests that you must be cautious, mainly how you manage your money. This is a warning so you can prevent legal problems. To dream that you’re using a pair of dirty and torn gloves warns you to take precautions, as you may experience different losses; you could even loose some valuable objects. To dream that you’ve lost your gloves indicates that you should not rely on others assistance; you should plan to solve your problems by yourself. To dream that you find gloves indicates a probability of getting married or a new business. When a man dreams that he’s holding a woman’s glove in his hand, it indicates that a woman will try to dominate and blackmail him. To dream that you’re pulling off a glove suggests that your businesses will experience problems and if you dont address them properly they’ll worsen….

To dream about your own wardrobe indicates risks of failure because you pretend to have riches that you actually dont. To dream about an empty wardrobe symbolizes that you’re searching for a partner or someone that can help you solve your economic problems or any other kind of problem….

It is our own life that is represented and everything depends on us. The fuel represents our energy’s capacity. The bodywork indicates our appearance. The steering wheel foretells about our self-control capability. The breaks show our will. The electrical circuit portends about the intelligence. The headlights foretells about our capability to view the facts. If the automobile is in good condition, then it means that we have confidence in ourselves. If it is in bad condition, then it represents our fears. If we see ourselves driving the automobile alone, then it indicates desire for independency. If we are traveling accompanied by the actions of the passengers, including ours, then it will reveal our attitude with those around. If the automobile is being driven by someone else, then it means that we don´t feel owners of our own destiny.

Is a warning that you don´t know how to properly focus on situations and you can be fooled by letting yourself go with your feelings. Be alerted.

This dream will be valid if we do not have crutches in real life. Crutches represent moral support, and defects of the foot equal to defects of the soul. It is a sign of lack of confidence in our qualities unless we abandon the crutches during the dream, in which case it foreshadows the recovery of confidence and security in ourselves. If we see someone else using crutches when in reality they dont need them, such dream indicates that we perceive their own insecurity and they need our advice and help….

…If you dream of a hex, then such dream shows how revengeful you are. Perhaps you dont forget the things that other people have done to you, especially if you put a hex on someone. If somebody else has put a hex on you, then such dream shows the frustration and rage you have towards particular person. Perhaps you find it difficult to manage the existing situation….

Dont abandon caution because of your successes….

In a dream to eat bread indicates that you will have a good economical streak of luck or at least you don´t lack of anything to live. Eating bread also shows good health. Cooking it means wealth, benefit, good luck and relations with good and thankful people.

From the interpretation of dreams, as omen this dream indicates that we will soon find the solution or the expected help but dreaming about a shutdown lighthouse will indicate that we don´t see the way out from our concern yet.

…Dreaming that you are being crucified, is interpreted as suggestion that you are punishing yourself. Maybe there is situation in your life, which makes you feel guilty. Dont let yourself to be crucified for the actions of other persons….

…When you dream of being allergic to something, it means there are some kind of circumstances which makes you feel emotional. You should consider if there are things you dont like doing, maybe it is very enervating and hard and if you feel that way, then you should stop doing it, even if it will cause serious damage to others. You can not be responsible for the others, you have to look after yourself. Maybe you should take a short break, relax and think of what has to be changed….

To know, what the meanings of the dreams are, when we bury an animal or an object, we must look at the meaning of what we bury. If we dont know what we bury, that augurs a radical change in our life….

To have interaction or to encounter or to see or use a crock pot, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as symbolism that you need to seek for various methods, if you want to solve your problems. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, it means that you must be hard-working . Patience, endurance and hard work will pay off in the future. Dont let for difficulties and obstacles to stop you….

…Seeing or dreaming that you’re in a swamp suggests your emotional instability. You may be in a flooded situation, feeling insecure, or you dont know how to skip some difficult situations….

Dreaming of love and the beloved person means enjoying prosperity, happiness and fortune. To dream that your love is rejected means you have hidden sufferings and sorrows, that don´t let you live in peace.

To see someone knitting or to see a big amount of tissues portends prosperity, wealth and fertility. If the tissues are destroyed or damaged, then it signifies misfortune and loss of property. To dream that we want to knit and we can´t or we don´t know how to knit, reveals a creative incapacity or infertility.

If you dream of being a beggar it shows that you feel unsafe and have no respect for yourself. Maybe you think you are not worth of things that life has offered you, or maybe you feel like you don ot appreciate enough the things you have got from those around you.

…If they bite you, don´t trust on a miserable and mean person who will want to take advantage of you. If you see or feel, it means abundant money….

…When you dream of seeing an alloy it symbolizes the work you do and danger you will have. Make sure you are not tricking your colleagues and are honest doing your business. However, dont make any rush decisions as this might lead you to bankrupt and there is a possibility loosing all you have. Anyway, even if the things will go not the right way, it won’t involve your personal life….

…If we dream that our own suits or dresses are sent to the dry cleaner to clean or dry them, then it means that we should be more responsible with the way of acting and behaving with the friendships, in order to avoid people considering us as being vain and thoughtless, if they dont think about us that way already….

To have interaction with a laser, means your direct potential for success. Overall, to see a laser, when you are dreaming, is an omen for the condition of being transparent and state of being true. You have sharp mind and you’re seeing things much more clearly. You dont have any misunderstanding in your life. If you are playing in the dream with a laser, then it can be interpreted as symbolism of distraction. You must be more attentive in order to succeed. Do your best: focus your attention and concentrate on one project at a time….

To dream that you’re extorting a person suggests that you’ll soon experience failures and frustrations due to your association with other individuals, and that will cause you losses. This dream is a warning that such association is inconvenient. To dream that you’re being extorted suggests that you feel uncomfortable with certain friends, coworkers or neighbors because you dont trust them….

To dream that you are contestant or that you’re entering in any kind of a contest, shows a condition or situation of your life in which you are required to be excellent and valuable. You need to be important person, but for achieving this, you have to prove yourself as worthy and deserving. If in the dream you win the contest, then it has the symbolic significance of your honour, dignity. It shows your confidence in own powers and abilities. If you lose the contest, then it shows the way of your negative thinking about your powers. Do you think that you dont have enough worth? Are you feeling worthless? Change your mind because it is incorrect thought. And you should be more active. Apply yourself with full power to the task, that is very important….

…Dreaming about being behind the wheel may mean that both at work and in business, you can succeed if you put effort into it, because you can’t expect things to go as you want, especially if you dont really commit to them….

…Reveals the unconscious desire to escape from a situation, occupation or person oppressing us. If we dont finish packing our suitcase, then such dream indicates that we feel frustrated about something concerning our daily lives but without the desire to escape. If we carry a heavy, huge suitcase, it reveals that there is in us a secret that haunts us and we wish to be free. If someone steals our suitcase or we lose it that reveals we suspect that someone is exploiting us or trying to seize our property….

To dream of your complexion (general character, aspect, or appearance), has the symbolic significance of your social status. Complexion in the dream indicates your deep integrity into society. Alternative interpretation suggests that you may be the person, which is very interesting, but also there may be some persons, that can’t understand you. Maybe they dont have such abilities to see your character clearly….