…If we dont have a cold in reality to sneeze in a dream is a sign that we will receive a surprise….

Symbolizes concealment and deception. If we are the ones who wear the postiche, then it is a sign that we desire to hide any features or facets of our character from others, which we are not satisfied. If we see ourselves wearing the postiche, then it indicates that if we could, we would hide from ourselves. If others wear the postiche it is about people we know in real life of whom we don´t want to recognize their behavior to us. That dream warns us that something is being planned behind our backs.

To dream that you’re working on a sculpture without being a sculptor suggests that you always try to do something for which you’re not prepared or skilled, for example, doing businesses that you dont know anything about, what will obviously cause you problems and losses. However, when you’re able to finish the sculpture and it ends up being beautiful, it suggests that you’ll successfully solve such problems, but if it’s ugly, defective, and poorly made, it suggests constant setbacks and difficulties. Dreaming about sculptures, especially if they are old, it announces upcoming changes in your life; these changes will worsen your economy but at the same time may improve your social status….

…Struggling within a net means you feel trapped and helpless in a difficult situation due to an emotional bond, or a vice, or a habit which you want to quit. If we don´t get out of it, then it indicates that we have resigned. If we are fishing, what we are trying to do is to keep memories and feelings. Fishing also indicates the desire to delve into ourselves to discover our innermost being and seek for improvement. If the net breaks letting scape everything we have catch, then it reveals the fear to lose what we have get so far. To dream that we repair a net means the craving to prevent or fix a mistake, imprudence or a fault committed that could be dangerous to continue the affection. There are dreams in which we try to hunt birds and the environment and feelings that arise inside us,…

To Jump in dream is always a good omen, because it shows happiness no matter how you jump with or without a pole. Pole vault indicates that we will receive help from other people. When the jump is not a sporty the nature of the obstacles or dangers will be explained with the name of what we are trying to skip. If we are forced to jump, it means that we will be in a difficult situation. If we must jump and we don´t dare to do it, then it reveals our fear to be imprudent.

To dream of digging in clean and healthy ground, is a sign of thrift, and good luck generally: if the ground be dirty or wet, it shows trouble: if you are digging for gold, and find large and rich lumps, it shows you’ll have some good luck, but if the product is meagre, or if you dont find any, it foretells disappointment li you lose any of your tools it is a sign of a quarrel. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 14, 71….

…Dreaming that you are in a casino, stands as a symbol of risky personality or situation. Casino means that you’re person who takes risks. If you are a reserved or passive person, then the dream can be interpreted as suggestion for you not to be afraid of risk and to take a chance. If you are not, then it implies that you need to be more responsible. Before making any decision you must be a more informed. Dont rely on fate….