If you dream of visiting the grave, then such dream indicates the necessity to look back into your past. Perhaps there is something that you put aside, but now you need to face it again if you wish to deal with some situations at your present time. The dream suggest you to make the action. Alternatively, the dream may indicate something in your life that needs to be finished. Do not be afraid to close some chapter of your life. If you are digging the grave, then it could show something you are trying to hide from others or don’t know how to deal with some situation.

…(Acrimony | Dice | Grasping | Longevity | Migration) Falling teeth in a dream means longevity, or living past one’s contemporaries. Collecting one’s lost teeth in a dream means longevity, or it could mean having a large progeny. If one cannot find his teeth in the dream, it means that his family will die before him, or that a member of his clan will emigrate to a new land. If one finds a lost tooth in a dream, it means the return of an immigrant to his homeland. If the upper teeth fall into one’s hand in the dream, they represent profits. If they fall in his lap in the dream, they mean a son, and if they fall on the floor in the dream, they means death. If the lower teeth fall in the dream, they mean pain, sufferings, sorrows and distress. Falling teeth in a dream also…

…To dream of being someone’s accomplice while making a crime, represents someone in your life, who is making negative influence on you. Think who is that person, who is affecting your behavior and try to stay out of contact with that person. This dream is a sign that you should finish having for this friendship as soon as it is possible. This dream might want to tell you that there is a guilt you are having for something you did in the past….

To dream of the thermos, indicates the tendency of yours to live on the past. Probably you find it hard to let the old things go and move forward. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the ideas that you still holding and not letting them go, because you believe in yourself and what you are able to achieve.

When you dream of being an accountant , it signifies your impartiality in the situation you are at the moment. This means, that you are looking behind your back, trying to look at the past and comparing the circumstances you are surrounded by. This represents you as being cautious person and attentive to the ones you are in contact.

Dreaming that you are in a cellar, has the symbolic significance of secret worries and fears. Cellar in the dream suggests that side of your subconscious mind, where you have kept your fears and problems, is trying to release this hidden burden. Dreaming that you are going down into the cellar, stands as a symbol of courage and freedom from the past. It means that you are digging deep into your own old experiences and facing bravely your fears. You are becoming less anxious than you was before.

If you are not married, but getting ready for your wedding then the dream about the wedding is normal and it shows the fact that you are looking forward for this celebration. If you are married and dream about your wedding that happened in the past, it shows that you missed the old good times you had with your partner. The wedding could also represent the new ideas the dreamer has, or commitments he made. Some people who are not married, but dream about the wedding have these dreams very often, because of the desires. If you attend into someone’s wedding during your dream and enjoy the time there, then it means that you support the relationships of these people. Sometimes the wedding could indicate the dreamer’s desire to be in the center of the attention.

To dream about the visitation means that the end for something has come. You finally understand that there are certain things that must be left in the past. Sometimes the visitation dream is caused by the fact that the dreamer has lost the loved one, because of this person death, and the dream is interpreted as the last goodbye. Sometimes visitation is interpreted as the help we provide for those who need it.

To dream of your backyard signifies your memories from the past or it could also represent your hidden thoughts and feelings, the ones you did not express in the meanwhile. Anything you saw in that dream shows your unwillingness to express those thoughts towards those around you. Make sure you pay attention the way the backyard looks, as it is the reflection of your lifestyle.

…Dreaming about your ex-boyfriend / ex-girlfriend or ex-husband / ex-wife or to dream that you and your ex got back together again, symbolizes that you have feelings to something or someone in your current life. Dreaming about ex, shows that now in your life is something or someone, that is bringing out similar feelings you felt during the relationship with your ex. Also, dream about ex may be an alert for you. The dream may be a way of indicating you to the same or similar situation, behavior in a current relationship. If this is a reason, then you must apply this: what you have learned from that previous relationship with ex may need to be applied to the curent relationship, because only then you will not repeat the same mistake. Alternatively, past lovers in dreams often give special importance or prominence to the positive experiences you had with…

Dream of a coffin indicates unclear conscience because of remorse for things of the past. It may also be synonymous with disease and a strong state of sadness.

To see or use a washing machine in your dream, suggests that you need to resolve past issues and old problems in order to make a clean start for yourself.

Ask for grace indicates that you will benefit from the favors of an influential person. To grant grace notes that past mistake will have no consequences.

…that will take place during it. If the angel appears in the form of an old man in the dream, he represents the past. If one sees the angels praying and asking for God’s forgiveness on his behalf in a dream, it means that one’s spiritual and religious life will grow for the better, and that he will become wealthy. If one sees angels descending upon a cemetery in a dream, it signifies the presence of blessed and righteous souls in that place. If one sees angels walking in the markets in a dream, it means that the merchants are trifling with prices and playing with the measures. If the angels who are in charge of punishing the sinner in hell walk before a dying person and he does not fear them in the dream, it means peace and tranquility. If one sees the angels teaching a dying person how…

When you dream of baby clothes it means that you are showing yourself in more graceful and sophisticated way. You must be delicate and refined in various positions. Dreaming of baby clothes shows your past understanding of different things.

…Dreaming that you are stricken with this malady, signifies that you are worrying over trifling affairs while the best of life is slipping past you, and you should pull yourself into shape and engage in profitable work. Dreaming of seeing some of your family sick with fever, denotes temporary illness for some of them. See Illness….

To dream that someone has broken their word shows that you do not trust people at all. Or you have been disappointed in the past. If you were the one who made a promise, but didn’t follow it, then it shows how guilty you are feeling about your act. The promise in dreams is also interpreted as the symbol of misunderstandings between people.

If you dream of having an abortion, it represents your own insecurities of suspending and halting your increment as individual. Dreaming about abortion also means that you are insecure and weak while moving forward in your life. The dream may also mean that you had an abortion and only now you are facing it. The dream signifies how guilty and disappointed you are of the actions you did in your life. This is the process of healing and moving forward for something you did in your past. The other meaning of the dream is that there might be possibility of unhealthy life.

…Seeing an old ex-boyfriend from childhood in the dream, may have two a lot of meanings in relation to the feeling of dream. If the dream was good and the connection with ex-boyfriend was huge, then dream represents your longing of that feeling. Alternatively, it means that you are reliving the past in order to have better future. You are recharging yourself with old good emotions throughout your dream. When old connection with your ex of childhood was very simple and without big expectations then such dream represents your freedom. It refers to a freer, less overloaded relationship. The dream brings you back to a time where the responsibilities of adulthood (or marriage) didn’t restrict the spontaneity of youth and the romance of undiscovered feelings. You need to recollect the enthusiasm, freedom, and energy of youth that may be lacking in your current relationship. To dream that your ex-boyfriend…

To dream that you became young again, means that you are longing for the old days. It could also show that you are regretting the things that happened in the past. To see your children being young, means that you are worrying about them too much and wish to protect because of some matter. For parents it is a very common dream, especially if the children are already adults.

The devil in dreams is the symbol of bad features that are lurking in your personality. The dream could also represent the regrets you have about something you did in the past. Perhaps the dream suggests letting go these feelings of regret. On the other hand, the devil may indicate the wisdom, smartness and resourcefulness. If you were fighting the devil in a dream, then it shows the success while dealing with your components. You will be the winner. If you had some kind of conversation with a devil, then it means you will have some temptation and will find it hard to resist. If the devil was pretending someone else and you got sued in some deal, then it shows the unknown badness you will be taken into by not your will.

(See Digging up the past | Grave)

…Dreaming of abusing a person, means that you will be unfortunate in your affairs, losing good money through over-bearing persistency in business relations with others. To feel yourself abused, you will be molested in your daily pursuits by the enmity of others. For a young woman Dreaming that she hears abusive language, foretells that she will fall under the ban of some person’s jealousy and envy. If she uses the language herself, she will meet with unexpected rebuffs, that may fill her with mortification and remorse for her past unworthy conduct toward friends….

Seeing an exit in the dream represents that you are looking for a way out of a stressed situation. Alternatively, it denotes forgetting of the past and letting new to come into your life.

…When you dream of yourself backpacking it represents your independence and ability to look after yourself without anyone’s help. This dream shows that you are assured persona, who takes responsibility for your actions. It seems that you will face the results of the things you did in the past….

The dream in which you see your own son, indicates the high expectations, young age, the experiences the one has. The dream about the son also shows your attachment to your relatives and what a big importance they play in your life. The one who dreams of the son, but actually does not have one is going through the time of his life when he feels nostalgic about the past, or it represents the youth and manhood that still lies within him

To dream that you see the loon means that you have lots of wisdom in yourself. The loom is symbol of past and understanding of the importance of life.

To dream of the childhood, denotes to the past memories and longevity. Perhaps you feel you have too much of the things that must be looked after and taken care of, therefore you feel tired of all that responsibility. The dream could also show the purity and childishness that lies within you. On the other hand, the dream may show some aspects from your childhood that hasn’t been dealt. Make sure you find the answers to all of your questions that arise from the childhood.

…Dreaming of seeing frost on a dark gloomy morning, signifies exile to a strange country, but your wanderings will end in peace. To see frost on a small sunlit landscape, signifies gilded pleasures from which you will be glad to turn later in life, and by your exemplary conduct will succeed in making your circle forget past escapades. Dreaming that you see a friend in a frost, denotes a love affair in which your rival will be worsted. For a young woman, this dream signifies the absence of her lover and danger of his affections waning. This dream is bad for all classes in business and love….

If these dreams become repetitive, it may be a neurosis. It can also be the result of a recent events. In other cases, it indicates that we are going through a period of uncertainty and doubt. Longing the past.

The evil that is seen in the dream is interpreted as the nightmare. Sometimes the situations that are out of control causes these kind of dreams. The stress that was caused in the past or the fears that were had in the childhood are seen in the dreams as well, because the dreamer didn’t get rid of them.

If you dream about your ex, it shows that you still have the feelings for this particular person. Sometimes the big amount of time has the influence to have these dreams, because it was the big part of your life, therefore it is very normal to dream about your ex and it means nothing, because it simply represents your past.

(Gum | Past | Tree) In a dream, glue represents blessings, nobility, or one who shares some of the good qualities and attributes pertaining to such a tree.

Dreaming of being in a union is a collective action. It may mean that you should do something that will be good for everyone. Seeing a union in your dream means harmony or a period of tranquility. You may try important ways in life. This dream also represents unification of separate aspects of oneself. Consider the qualities and characteristics of the person you are in a union with. For these qualities you should look within yourself. Dreaming of a marriage proposal suggests that some situations are taking a turn for the worst. Dreaming of being in a union with someone from your past, means learning about mistakes. On the other hand, it means that your current relationship shares commonality with your previous relationship. However, you’ll make some mistakes.

When you dream of reading the journal, then such dream indicates the individualism. Perhaps you are the person who likes to learn new things every day. The journal in dreams could also symbolize your wish to make some differences in your past and rewrite it. Make sure you don’t regret what happened before, because you can learn a lot from your mistakes and move on with huge lessons that life has given to you. The dream interpretation also suggests to look at what kind of the journal you saw in a dream, then you would be able to compare it with the situation in your waking life. If someone else was reading your journal, then such dream shows the things you keep hidden. Perhaps there is a lack of independence in your life.

When you are gazing longingly at old portraits, then such dream reveals us that we are attached to the past. If we are portraying a person, then it indicates that this particular person has a certain interest on us. If we look at our own portrait, then such dream reveals who we are and who we wish to be.

A young woman who dreams about walking past cemetery graves could signify that she might soon become a widow. If an adult woman dreams that she’s carrying flowers to the cemetery it indicates that her luxuries and family are in good health and there’s no reason to worry. A widow who dreams that she’s walking through the cemetery could mean that she’ll soon get married again, this time with better luck. Dreaming about being in a cemetery or pantheon could signify that loved ones who are supposed to be dead aren’t, and soon the dreamer will receive news about them. Dreaming of abandoned and forgotten graves suggests that friends or distant relatives, who were already being forgotten, will soon be present again. Elderly people that somehow dream of cemeteries, hints that the dreamer is physically tired and that they yearn for a true and prolonged rest.

…If you saw the spindle in a dream, then such dream indicates a productive and long life. The dreamer also should remember the saying, which says that karma is very important thing and whatever you did in the past, will come back to you in the future….

Almost always indicates our relationship with the past that is bringing consequences to the present. When we see a boat chain in the dream, it symbolizes our anchoring in previous situations, bonds, and commitments. Breaking a chain means the upcoming end of penalties thanks to our perseverance.

Dreaming of chains indicates the current problems were created in the past. Breaking a chain portends the end of problems.