…(Arm) In a dream, a weapon means power and victory, or it could mean overcoming a disease. If one sees himself carrying a weapon while others around him are not armed in the dream, it means that he may become a leader in his community or field. If one notices people admiring his weapon in a dream, it represents their jealousy and envy toward him. If one sees himself carrying a weapon which he uses with mastery, it represents his maturity and fulfilment of his goals. However if a sick person sees himself carrying a weapon, it may mean his death, satisfying one’s religious duties, or correcting himself. If he feels fear while carrying that weapon in the dream, it means that God Almighty will cure him from his illness. If he is travelling, it means that he will return home safely. If one is stripped from his weapon

If you use the knife as the weapon in order to protect yourself, it means that you feel as being attacked by something or someone. You know that there is no one that can protect you, but yourself. The knife that’s been used against you indicates the dangers you could put yourself into. The dream suggests to be more careful with people you know.

Chopping weapons indicate problems with family relationships. If you fire weapons, then it signifies the fierce and aggression.

…Dreaming of firearms (the bigger and powerful, the worse) means an alteration of the nervous system. Firearms in a dream foretell that the dreamer fears that new war or an attack occurs in his personal life. This dream is more common in young men who do not wish to participate in any war. Dreaming of small and commonly used weapons indicates fear of being assaulted or attacked by your enemies by surprise. When a woman dreams of weapons, particularly firearms, it suggests that somehow she’s getting involved with military people. Weapons in general, indicate violence, brawls, quarrels, fights, unfair competition in the case of commerce, envy, jealousy and betrayal. Dreaming of being wounded by a knife indicates that someone is betraying the trust of the dreamer. If you have been shot to death by a gun in a dream, it can be severe sign and announce that someone close…

Luck and honour.

Dreaming of one or more knives or any other white and light weapon announces the presence of hidden but dangerous enemies. If the weapon appears in the hands of someone who is acting in a threatening manner, it means that the dreamer’s enemies are willing to do the worst. If the dreamer snatches the knife from the other person it could mean that he or she will triumph over enemies and adversities in the immediate future.

Is a white weapon and therefore is considered as symbol of rupture and divisions, but also we must add a touch of concealment or betrayal because usually we carry this weapon hidden and not visible. So in dreams is harbinger of violent separations accompanied by slanders that may hurt our reputation.

…Dreaming of having defective teeth from birth or crooked teeth is a bad dream because it insinuates that health and all of the dreamer’s affairs, business, interests and emotions go from bad to worse and will remain that way if they are not given immediate attention. Dreaming of spitting out your own teeth insinuates an imminent risk of disease, either your own or from a loved one. Dreaming of pulling out, extracting or losing a tooth and feeling the cavity with the tongue suggests that you are about to enter business matters that you won’t like. You will take them under consideration because they will seem promising, but eventually you’ll have to reject them. Teeth that are pulled by force always indicate all the dreamer’s unpleasant fears. To dream that by getting hit or by some other violent cause teeth are broken, it announces misfortunes and in some cases even…

The shaving blade implies the desire to apply more willpower and sincerity in the way with which we face events and problems presented to us. The blade as a weapon always augurs breakups and violent separations related to passionate problems, jealousy, revenge and romantic deceit.

…(Nail) In a dream, a claw signifies victory over one’s enemy, as it provides a weapon, protection and a tool for a bird….

…(Combat | Competition | Contest | Marriage) In a dream, a duel signifies strength or a dispute with someone or disruption, dispersion or a fight. A duel with weapons in a dream means marriage to someone whose character is similar in interpretations to the weapon one is carryingin his dream. Wearing armature during a duel in a dream means marriage to a rich but deceiving person, for part of the human body is covered during the combat. A duel with swords in a dream means honor. Waving a sword during a duel in a dream means becoming known in one’s field. (Also see Marriage | Sword)…

To dream of aiming someone or something, represents that you should move on the right direction. Make sure you are facing only the destination you are directed to. There will be many circumstances that will disturb you from the actions you should do, but do not loose the vigilance, make sure you concentrated on one thing. When you dream of aiming the weapon it signifies your rage and hard feelings you have against someone. This dream could also be the meaning of your restrain sexual feelings. Maybe there is some things you are afraid to talk to your partner and do not feel fulfilled in sexual life.

(See Weapon)

Dreaming of fire weapons means sickness and death. To be injured with a sharp object is a sign of envy, jealousy and dislikes. Having a gun in your hand is a sign that you need material things to feel fully satisfied. To see or to hold a weapon in your dream indicates a need to defend and protect yourself emotionally and/or physically. You are experiencing some conflict in your waking life. Alternatively, the dream may also indicate a hiding desire to hurt someone or something. Your dream provides a safe asylum to express these desires. To dream that others are rich suggests you have to look help on those around you.

If you dream about a gun it means disease and death. If you dream you’re injured by a sharp weapon it’s a sign of envy, jealousy and displease. Dreaming that you have a gun in hand indicates that you need material things to feel satisfied.

Dreaming that you’re holding a bayonet in your hand, or other similar weapon is a bad sign which warns that you shouldn’t get carried away or be dominated by anger. Dreaming of one or more bayonets or other weapons like that indicates that there are some evil enemies around you, with them you must be careful and maybe even fight against them.

In the dream to have a weapon, this denotes protection. You defend yourself from negative influence which may affect you emotionally or physically. Also this dream announces that you will have disputes or serious disagreements with your family members or close friends. The dream protects your hidden feelings such as a wish to revenge or to hurt someone.

…To dream that you’re healing a wound or an animal bite suggests that some people to whom you have done favors are scheming to harm you. To dream that you’ve been injured or bitten is always a symbol of envy, resentment and sometimes warns you about possible attacks by disaffected people. To dream that you’re wounding or biting someone suggests that your behavior isn’t correct, and that it could cause you problems in your relationships or even cause you material losses. This dream is a warning that you have to correct yourself. To dream about blood that is coming from someone else’s open wound or bite, or even from a wound or bite of your own, indicates that your health is not doing well, so you have to be careful. To dream that a bullet has wounded you or that you’ve been hurt with any other weapon and are…

…Used as a weapon portends separations and break up, the guilt will be on the aggressor. If it works as support, it symbolizes our friends. If it’s broken, the support we are provided with is ineffective, and we will fail….

…To dream about nails on hands and feet, of your own or others, means too much work and effort compared to the reward that was obtained. The dream shows that there is an intimate discontent. To dream about defective and painful nails suggests that there will be health affections or failures in many subjects. To dream about nails being pulled means danger of serious illness that can even lead to death if precautions are not taken. Dreaming about white nails, of your own or others, suggests that there will be various problems soon, both at home and in business. To dream about getting your nails done suggests that you will start business and deals apparently honorable, but these may be unproductive. To dream about cutting your own nails means that you will have high interest rates debts and also will have certain drawbacks in the family environment, but if…

Dreaming of traveling in a slow and antique wagon or carriage pulled by an old horse or an ox hints that an arduous and intense work in the immediate future will arise. Dreaming about observing a slow wagon pass by, indicates that there will be bad news that will arrive late. This dream advises that there needs to be patience. Dreaming of leading a slow wagon is a warning that with due patience and persistence the dreamer will achieve his or her objectives. Young people who dream of traveling in a slow wagon, hints that they aspire to have a happy and peaceful marriage, even if there aren’t any luxuries or richness.

To dream one sees a bath, is a sign of affliction or grief. If a person dreams he goes into or sees himself in a bath, and that he finds it too hot, he will be troubled and afflicted by those that belong to his family. If one dreams he has only pulled off his clothes, without going into the bath, he will have some disturbance, but of no long continuance. If one dreams he goes into an extremely cold bath, the same signification is to be given of it as when it is too hot. But if it be temperate, and as it ought to be, it is a good dream, presaging prosperity, joy and health.

…till the whiskey flowed. And all the while the alcohol poured from me, and I saw them gulp it down, my thirst and craving for it grew, and I besought and implored them to spare me a drop — just one drop, one tiny drop. But they shook their heads, and murmured. ‘Serve you right! Ask Paul, and see what he says.’ And none of them pitied me, till my youngest niece, Dorothy, whom I had many a time in her childhood half scared to death by my tipsy antics, and who had lately joined the Salvation Army, came into the room, and, on seeing my mother-in-law slyly give my sore and bleeding nose a vicious twist, at once ran up to her and pulled her away, crying out, ‘ For shame! Poor uncle! See how you have hurt him!’ And as she fetched some cold spring water, and bathed…

…sense of high standards, superior morality and complete integrity. The dream may serve to guide you down a straight path. If you have recurring dreams that you are a police officer, then it may mean that your past actions have left you feeling embarrassed. Consider your behaviour and activities as being the cop. Dreaming that you are having difficulties in contacting the police suggest that you have yet to recognize your own credibility in a position. You need to take control and be in command of the direction of your life. Dreaming that you are pulled over by the police, suggest that you need to slow down. You need to think over some important things. Dreaming and seeing that you are a police officer chasing a felon, indicates that your naughty, mischievous and more devious side is in struggle with your side of superior integrity and high moral standards….

…into his head. While she thus meditated, the man had reached the stile, and seizing her by the neck, he dragged her over the stile, and she remembered no more. It appeared that he had pulled off all her clothes and thrown her into an adjoining ditch. Fortunately, a gentleman came to the spot, and observing a body above the water, he hailed others who were approaching, and it was immediately raised. It was evidently not dead, and some of the party remarking that the robber could not be far off went in pursuit of him, leaving others to guard and to endeavour to revive the body. The pursuers went different ways, and some, at no great distance, saw a man sitting at a public-house with a bundle before him. He seemed to be so much alarmed at the sight of the gentlemen, that they suspected him to be the…

…To dream that one’s nails are longer than usual, signifies profit, and the contrary, loss: to dream your nails are cut off, signifies loss and disgrace, and contention with friends and relations. If your dreams his nails are pulled off, it threatens with misery and affliction, and danger of death: for a man to dream he bites his nails, showing quarrels and dissensions: to dream of paring your nails, foretells lingering sickness. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 57, 8….

Invitation to a marriage-feast; honour and power, especially when the carriage is pulled by men. 10.

…(Guild) If one sees himself flying with wings in a dream, it means travel. Wings in a dream also represent one’s children. If one sees his wings feathered, this could represent his prosperity or authority. If someone sees himself flying with someone else’s wings in the dream, it means that he will receive his help and support. In that sense, traditional people say – “So and so flew with so and so’s wings.” Having wings and not using them to fly with in a dream means acquiring worldly wealth. A broken wing in a dream represents a severe illness one’s son may attract. If one experiences the excruciating pain from his wings being pulled off his shoulders in a dream, it may mean the death of his son. A wing that does not allow one to fly in a dream means a wound or a permanent scar in one’s…

…Dancing in a dream means a calamity. If one sees himself dancing for someone else in a dream, it means that he will share his problems with him. Dancing alone in one’s house in a dream signifies joy and satisfaction. If a sick person sees himself dancing in a dream, it denotes his anxiety. If one is pulled to a dancing circle in a dream, it means that he will be saved from tribulation or be declared innocent from false allegations. If a child is seen dancing in a dream, then it means that he may lose his speech or become dumb, because when a child dances, he mostly moves his hands to express himself. If a prisoner sees himself dancing in a dream, it means that he will be set free. Dancing on top of a table, a raised stage or on top of a hill in a…

…To dream that you have the tooth-ache is a sign of trouble: if you imagine that you are about to have the tooth pulled, it foretells that your trouble will end by a piece of good luck; and if you dream that the tooth is out, and you have it in your hand, you will soon gain a good lump of money. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 8, 5, 34….

The tongue is like a flame, since it has the same shape and mobility. To dream we have a long, thick tongue indicates that we talk too much and without control. Our tongue being pulled means outrages and indiscretions. Bit our own tongue advises more prudence in speech. Struggling to speak unsuccessfully means timidity. To see yourself with your tongue cut out, mean impotence, sometimes even sexual. Seeing animal tongues means gossip and backbiting.

…receives a silver ring from God’s Messenger (uwbp) in a dream, it represents a gift of a greater knowledge. If it is gold, iron, or copper, then it has negative consequences, because iron rings represent the chains of the dwellers of hell-fire. Somehow, to wear a simple band in one’s dream is better than wearing a heavy ring. Heavy rings in a dream also may connote an assassination or deceit. On the other hand, large rings in a dream also can be interpreted to mean something great, or something which entails sizable benefits. Lead rings in a dream mean weak authority. If one sends his ring to some people who returns it to him in the dream, it means that he is asking to betroth someone from such a family, but his request will be declined. If one sees his ring being forcefully pulled out from his finger in a…

…in the dream, it means that he backbites his family members. (6) Teeth in a dream also represent a pearl necklace, a grinder, or an army formation. The right wing, the left wing and the front assault formation, or they could mean severingblood ties. The incisors may represent the heart of a human being. Teeth in one’s pocket or in the palm of one’s hand in a dream represent one’s brothers. If one has an incarcerated relative, and if he sees his teeth pulled out in a dream, it means the release of his relative from prison. Pulling out one’s teeth in a dream could mean the return of a traveller to his homeland. Tartar in a dream represents weaknesses in the family. Black or broken teeth in a dream mean sorrow caused by one’s relatives. Wisdom teeth in a dream represent one’s followers, while the incisors and the canines…

…there, I’m no good at business. You shall have it, cash down, as soon as you have played the requisite part. To-day is Tuesday, isn’t it? “Here she thought for a moment, puckering up her forehead into tiny white wrinkles and tapping the back of the chair with her pointed nails — bird’s claws, I call them”. I have it!” she suddenly burst out.” Sunday! Yes, Mr. Bailey, you must come to my house on Sunday evening between seven and eight. See, here is the address and a plan of the house as well.” She gave me an envelope — a common enough envelope for a lady in her position— and bid me master the contents. She then went into minute details of the “plant” and at last prepared to take her departure. My word, old girl, you should have seen the phiz she pulled when I asked if she…

…existence in a deep, brown river that flowed sluggishly by me, when suddenly a white fox came bounding down the street, and, stopping in front of me; vomited sovereign after sovereign. With a wild shout of delight, I sprang forward, and, clutching hold of the gold, was filling my pockets with it when I awoke. That day, I found myself the proud possessor of some hundreds of pounds I won in a lottery; but I attributed it all to the fox.”Another man dreamed he was flying a kite, when his coat-tails were violently pulled, and, on looking round, he saw a white fox that darted swiftly between his legs, and was suddenly metamorphosed into his uncle. The shock was so great that he awoke, and, a day or two later, heard the very same uncle he had seen in his sleep had died and left him his entire fortune….