If you see yourself being on a spotlight, then it means that you wish to be noticed and appreciated by others. Probably you feel unnoticed, therefore you see a spotlight in a dream. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the pressure you feeling from someone, because you think that somebody is watching you all the time and controls you either.
Dream dictionary: spotlight dream meanings
The dream in which you feeling being in the spotlight means that you like attention, but only if you enjoyed it during the dream. If you felt very uncomfortable while being in spotlight, you are feeling too much pressure from your surroundings. Perhaps you wish to have more privacy.
To dream of a spotlight indicates the need or the desire to be in the center of the attention.
The light which you see in the dream represents the hope the dreamer has. The light could also indicate the new ideas that came into your mind during the dream. Sometimes the light could indicate the feeling of being in the spotlight.