If you dreamed of being a superhero, then it means that you have some super abilities and did not show them yet, because of the lack of self-confidence or shame. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the over-confidence the dreamer has.

If you dreamed of being a telekinetic, then such dream indicates the super powers you have to get the special connection with the spiritual aspects of yourself and others. On the other hand you have many thought that are not explored and utilized. Probably you need to start doing things if you wish you reach the targets you have set or yourself.

…sleep they go to Phantasmagoria. Pursued and pursuing, in bed, at work or at play, they are never free from fantasies. In my novels my imagination runs riot, I make no attempt to suppress it. I write of the fantastic the weird, the occult; for at night I move, I breathe, I think in phantom land. So often have I visited this same phantom land that I have made a map of it, naming its isles, seas, mountains, lakes, forests, rivers, and plains. With many of the smaller landmarks, too, I am familiar, and I know what each turn and twist of certain roads have in store for me. Everything is portrayed to me so vividly that I believe my spiritual body, separating itself from my material body, actually visits the super physical plane and participates in its events. As types of the fantastic dream I quote the following:…

…there were legions — to swarthy Dagos and bullet -headed negroes, vied with one another in their mad efforts to escape the falling bricks and burning timber. In trying to elude one death men only courted another, and the dreamer saw scores of human beings who leaped from burning buildings, only to be dashed to pieces on the cruel stone pavements. Nor was the heroic element wanting, for many men and women perished in their efforts to rescue the infirm and sick, and to help those to escape, who were either too old or too young to help themselves. For some time, the dreamer was merely a spectator, but very suddenly, and by some inconceivable impulse, she became imbued with personal interest in what was going on, and, labouring under the impression that her home and family were in danger, fought her way to get to them. The city was…

To dream that you are taking the nap, means that you are feeling very tired and doesn’t sleep deeply yet. Alternatively, the dream may mean that you are sleeping very deeply, because you are super tired. The nap could also signify the fact that you are working too hard and must take a break from all the responsibilities.