In a dream, trickery means betrayal, deception, misleading others, or it could mean war. (Also see Advice | Tricks)

…(Burrow | Hole | Underground passage) In a dream, a tunnel represents trickery and deception. If one sees himself digging a tunnel or a hole for someone else in a dream, it means tricking and deceiving him. If one enters the tunnel that he dug in the dream, it means that he will fall in his own trap. If one enters a tunnel or a burrow and cannot see light at the end of it, or if a traveller digs a hole, enters it and can longer see the skies or the stars above him in the dream, it means that thieves will rob him from his luggage, or that he will be high- jacked, or stopped by a band of highway robbers. If one sees himself taking an ablution or a bath inside the tunnel or in the hole in a dream, it means that he will arrest…

…represents the world. Seeing oneself in an unknown city in a dream is also a sign of righteousness. The best of cities in a dream are the large ones. One’s home town in a dream represents his father, while one’s homeland in a dream represents his mother. Seeing oneself in a northern city in a dream mean increase of one’s cash flow. Seeing oneself in a southern city means increase in one’s trickery and deception. Seeing oneself in a low plateau in a dream means difficulties and trouble, while seeing oneself in a high plateau means trustworthiness and truthfulness. Seeing oneself in Egypt in a dream means longevity and a comfortable living. Seeing oneself in a farmland in a dream means pursuing innovation. Seeing oneself in a bower in a dream signifies the coming of a prosperous year. Seeing oneself in Jerusalem or at the feet of Mount Sinai in…

…In a dream, a fishing net represents trickery, deception, profits, knowledge, realizing one’s hope, and victory over one’s enemies if one owns a fishing net. If one sees himself entrapped inside a fishing net, it means that he may be jailed or fall to sickness or marry a rebellious wife, or it could mean money, or a child that will preoccupy him. A fishing net in a dream also represents a harsh employer, hard working laborers, or an adversity they may suffer. As for a clear minded fisherman who earns his livelihood from a fishing net, seeing a fishing net in a dream represents trials, imprisonment, short breath, or it could mean profits or good news. As for a traveller, seeing a fishing net in his dream means his return home. A fishing net in a dream also means increasing difficulties for a worried person. If one who has…

(Fresh seafood) A fresh fish salesman in a dream represents a jeweler, one who earns lawful money, knowledge, strive, trickery, exposing secrets or defamation. To buy a fresh fish in a dream also may mean gettingmarried. (Also see Seafood restaurant)

…the company of righteous people and saints from whom he will learn about the inner spiritual knowledge, or that he will find a good companion for a journey he intends. If one eats a fish without cleaning or cooking it in a dream, it means that he will speak ill of his own friends, slander his associates, commit adultery, acquire money from trickery and falsehood, or become inflicted with a dangerous disease or suffer from a stroke. If one sees fish on the shore rather than in the water in a dream, it means that he may change his profession. The different types of fish in a dream represent human beings and their professions. A fish in a dream also could mean that death will take place where it is found, because of the departure of its soul, its stench, weight and one’s responsibility to bury the deceased. Eating a…

…In a dream, a fight means deception, betrayal, misleading or trickery. A fight in a dream also means inflation and rising prices, plague, food lines, adversities or stress. If a soldier sees himself engaged in a battle in a dream, it means that he will receive benefits and a rewarding success. Fighting unjust people in a dream means triumph over injustice, supporting the needs of one’s father or mother first, or being protective of one’s wife or husband. Fighting against the truth in a dream means aligning oneself with heedless people or going astray. (Also see Disbelief | Killing | War | Wrestling)…

Usually when a dreamer dreams of bees the main symbol represents work. The bees are known for working hard and putting lots of effort into it. This dream foretells about the fortune you will meet very soon and you will receive the award for something good you did. It is very surprising how in real life bees are something we are afraid of or trying to avoid, but contrary when it comes to dreaming mostly of the time it is a good sign. If in the dream, just like in reality the bee stings you, be aware of someone in your life as you could be tricked or/and deceived or already feel the consequences of it, and therefore having these dreams.

To pretend means we will act with disloyalty. To suffer it, means that you will be tricked by your relations.

…(Leopard) In a dream, a tiger represents a tyrant, an unjust ruler, or an avowed enemy. Killing a tiger in a dream means vanquishing such an enemy. Eating the flesh of a tiger in a dream means money, profits and honor. Riding on a tiger in a dream means power and sovereignty. A tiger inside one’s house in a dream represents an insolent person who attacks one’s family. Seeing a tiger or a leopard in one’s dream means receiving money from an insolent or an artful person. A struggle with a tiger in a dream means fighting with an insolent person. Tiger’s bite in a dream represents damage caused by such a person. A tiger in a dream also represents either a man or a woman. It also represents deceit, trickery, an illness, or eye irritation. Tigress milk in a dream represents enmity. Seeing a tiger in a dream…

(Percentage | Proportion | Ratio) A measure in a dream represents a magician, a thief, trickery, or wasting money. (Also see Scale | Scale beam | Unit of weight | Weight)

(Fight) In a dream, war means deception, betrayal, misleading, or trickery. War in a dream also means inflation, rising prices, a plague, food lines, adversities and stress. If a soldier sees himself fighting an enemy in a dream, it means that he will gain benefits and success in his life. (Also see War corre- spondent)

…(Band | Chain | Fetters | Shackle | Strap | Ties) In a dream, a bond signifies assiduity, piety, a pretext, an illness, an ongoing debt, cognizance of the one who puts the chain, or a rope around one’s hands. A silver band in a dream means a lasting marriage. If it is a brass band in the dream, then it means decisiveness but with trickery and regarding something loathsome. If the bond is made from lead in the dream, then it means having determination about something weak or unworthy of such attention. A bond made with a rope in the dream signifies piety and religiousness. If it is mad of wood in the dream, then it means persistence in hypocrisy. If it is a bond made of a piece of cloth, or a thread in the dream, then it means attachment to something that will not last. In…

The fluid, chiefly water with dissolved sugars and mineral salts, that circulates in the vascular system of a plant, is explained as the dream with symbolism of strong health and vitality of the dreamer. To see sap in you dream means your physical health and great mental energy. It may also represent someone who is excessively trusting or believing. Maybe you are the person, which can be easily tricked or deceived. Dreaming of sap also is the representation of sentimental aspects in the dreamer.

…(Dark | Nightfall) In a dream, the evening signifies trickery, lies, corruption and arrogance. The evening in a dream also means celebrating God’s praises and remembering Him….

Cunningness, trickery.

You will be tricked and humiliated by people you trust.

(Mountain pass | Mountain trails) In a dream, deep valleys or canyons represent deception, betrayal, perfidy and trickery. Seeing a mountain pass in a dream also could signify overcoming adversities or relief from difficulties. (Also see Aqiq canyon)

…(Deception | Double-cross | Milk | Misleading | Renegade | Trickery | War) In a dream, betrayal of others mean shortcomings or religious disdain and failure in one’s life in this world. Betrayal in a dream also means a robbery or being in dire need of the victim….

(Canyons) In a dream, deep valleys, or mountain trails represent deception, betrayal, perfidy and trickery. (Also see Aqiq canyons)

…G-d disguised Himself into Snake and tricked the first Humans to eat the apple. This is direct cheat from G-d on to Himself since Human is created like G-d. The story itself is a joke since if G-d can cheat on Himself thus believing in it is also a cheat onto believer. So, if it simple cheat, why should anyone believe that the story itself is not cheat. So, when we see that the story itself is a trick to cheat our minds, then we don’t have the ground on which our world is being built. What is hidden behind that? So, if this Myth is just a cheat, then we don’t have any reliable source about G-d, Human and how everything was created….

…(Goldsmith | Leather craftsman | or any craft using a hammer and a chisel.) An engraver in a dream represents knowledge and pursuit of the prophetic traditions. In a dream, an engraver also means deception, trickery and imposing credulity upon others through dishonesty. A stone carver in a dream represents someone who deals with people of ignorance. A copper engraver represents disputes and illness. Gold and silver engraver in a dream represents clear wisdom and putting things where they belong. An engraver in a dream also represents a worldly person. If he also deals with fabrics in the dream, it means that he is a peacemaker. Seeing him also means spending one’s money to serve evil people or investing money in their projects, lies, falsehood and hypocrisy. The customers in the dream represent people who prefer worldly and temporary benefits over the eternal reward and benefits of the hereafter….

…(Bedchamber | Chamber) In a dream, one’s bedroom signifies trickery or speaking soft words in fear of retribution, retaliation or rejection. One’s bedroom in a dream also represents his inner thoughts. The good and the bad ones. Seeing a new bedroom in one’s house, means renewing one’s hopes, or affirming a good intention between the one seeing the dream and his Lord. A beautiful looking bedroom in a dream represents one’s good qualities, while a bad looking bedroom in a dream represents one’s bad character. (Also see Chamber)…

…a dump, then it represents a knowledgeable person living in the midst of ignorant people who care little about learning anything from him. Eating a turtle in a dream means profits, benefits, or money. If one sees a turtle inside his house, or if he owns one in a dream, it means that he will benefit from the company of a learned person who is acquainted with ancient manuscripts, or in interpreting ancient scrolls. If one sees a turtle lying on its back in a dream, it means that there is a man of knowledge in that town people do not recognize. If one sees a well kept and fed turtle sitting on a brocade in the dream, it means that the people of that town honor their scholars. However, a turtle in a dream also can be interpreted as deception, trickery, spying, hiding, evil and acquisition of weapons….

…(Creation | Lower world | Material | Woman) In a dream, the world repre- sents a woman, and a woman represents the world. If one sees himself departing from this world in a dream, it means that he may divorce his wife. If one sees the world as totally destroyed and that he is the only remaining soul in it in a dream, it means that he may lose his sight. If one sees as though the entire world is placed before him to take whatever he desires from it in a dream, it means that he may become poor, or that he may die shortly after that dream. Seeing the world in a dream also means distractions, jokes, deception, arrogance, negating promises, failing one’s promises, theft, cheating, trickery, sufferings, a prostitute, adversities, sickness, paying fines, mental depression, limitations, appointments, dismissals, or disappointments. It also may be interpreted as…

If one receives an advice from his enemy in a dream, it means deception, trickery, cheating, duplicity, stratagem, dishonesty and arrogance. (Also see Soliciting advice)

…(zool.) A mole in a dream means blindness, uncertainty, unavoidable circumstances, disappearing from social circles, or it could mean incompetence in one’s field. A mole in a dream also could mean having sharp hearing, or correcting one’s vision if one happens to have hearing disability or sight problems. If a mole is seen beside a deceased person in a dream, it represents hell-fire. Seeing a mole in a dream also may indicate finding support in mundane endeavors. It also means trickery, insolence, or finding a permanent residence….

…in a dream also means travels. If the limping is caused by one’s right leg in the dream, it could mean that an illness will inflict one’s son, If the limping has affected the left legin the dream, it could mean that one’s daughter will be engaged. If one has no children, or if he has no plans to travel, then limping in a dream means a warning to set back, slow down and to be careful about his next move. If one’s leg is dislocated in a dream, it means that his wife may get sick. Limping in a dream also means longevity, knowledge and religious understanding. Seeing a woman limping in a dream means receiving something deficient. The same goes if a woman sees someone limping or hopping on one foot in her dream. Limping in a dream also represents trickery, perfidy, or treason. (Also see Lameness)…

(Betrayal | Deception | Milk | Swindle | Trickery | War) If one sees that someone is misleading him or tricking him in a dream, it means that God Almighty will grant him victory over his enemy. The deceiver in the dream will be the loser, and the misled person in the dream represents the real winner. (Also see Fraudulent bankruptcy)