Very often people who have a physical need to go to toilet during their sleep dream about the toilet, because they simply want it. The toilet could also be interpreted as the place you get rid of the negativities in your waking life. The toilet is the symbol of your patience that is going away. You are no longer able to cope with some things, but only if the toilet is overflowing. If you are unable to flush the toilet in your dream, this means that you are trying very hard to finish some part of your life, but the circumstances doesn’t let you to do it. If you dropped something in the toilet and it drowned, it means that due to your silliness you will lose important things or people in your life.

(Lavatory) In a dream, a toilet means relief from distress, satisfying one’s innate needs, a bathhouse, taking a ritual ablution, a place where one’s secrets are exposed, a place where one hides his money, a treasury, a coffer, a rest room, or a place to reflect. Washing the toilet’s floor in a dream means becoming poor. A flooded toilet in a dream means distress, pregnancy, or prosperity. To fall into a toilet in a dream means imprisonment. Pouring honey or milk into the toilet bowl, or urinating blood in a dream means sodomizing. Looking into the toilet bowl and finding blood in it in a dream implies that one engages in the forbidden sexual intercourse with his wife during her menstrual period. A toilet in a dream also represents a guard. (Also see Bathroom)…

The toilet in dreams is the symbol of the point where all of the negative things are being put. The dream shows that all of the negative emotions and thoughts you were carrying with yourself are no longer in your life, because you already flushed the toilet and left all of the negativities behind. If the toilet is overflowing or you are unable to flush the toilet, it means that you have problems while getting rid of all the negativities. If you flushed into the toilet something that is important to you, it means that you should pay attention to everything you do and become more careful, otherwise you will be sorry for the consequences. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of toilet.

To see the toilet in a dream could be related to the actual physical need to urinate in your waking life. Probably you are unable to urinate while sleeping, therefore you see a toilet in a dream. On the other hand, the toilet is the place where we get rid of the stuff that is no longer in need, therefore the dreamer is also getting rid of negative people, emotions or thoughts. If you cleaned the toilet in a dream, then it indicates The self respect you started to lose. If the toilet is overflowing, then it denotes to your overfull emotions.

If the dreamer falls into a ditch in the dream, then it means that someone is trying to deceive him. If he dreams that he is jumping a ditch, then it is a sign of serious and imminent danger. If the dreamer finds himself digging a ditch, then it tends to be a sign of upcoming fortune. If the ditch is being covered with soil, then it indicates professional or business losses.

The mongoose indicates the qualities such as smartness, playfulness and fierce to move on. The one who was dreaming about it, is having these qualities of the mongoose. Alternatively, the dream could represent some individual from dreamer’s life who has the qualities of the mongoose.

Falling into a ditch means imminent danger, risk of theft. Make a ditch means, love or family brawls. Dodging a ditch means overcoming challenges and difficulties.

The dream about credit card represents the values and security. The situation in your waking life could give much more of the interpretation about dream, therefore you should reconsider if you owe something to someone and what duties you have. If you have lost the wallet with your credit cards, then such dream may suggests you to be more careful with your incomes and money, because the inattention can lead to bankrupt. If someone has stolen your credit card, then it shows the people around you should be aware , because they will take away lots of time, energy and even money from you.

Seeing a toilet in your dream symbolizes a release of emotions. If you clean a vanity that means you will lose your inhibitions. Seeing a clogged toilet means you are holding in your emotions. Seeing an overflowing toilet shows your desire to fully express your emotions.

To dream you see great ditches or precipices, and that you fall into them, is a sign that he who dreams will suffer much injury and hazard by his person, and his goods be in danger by lire. To dream you go over a ditch by a small plank, means much deceit by lawyers.

If you see the ditch in a dream, then such dream indicates the things in your waking life you should be aware of. The dream, in which you are falling into the ditch denotes to the trap that has been set to you. You should be careful when dealing with those around you.

Dreaming of asking for credit, denotes that you will have cause to worry, although you may be inclined sometimes to think things look bright. To credit another, warns you to be careful of your affairs, as you are likely to trust those who will eventually work you harm….

To have interaction with bandit or to see or dream that you are a bandit, shows the way to or the direction of primitive sexuality, sexual character or potency and suggests some chances of involvement in sexual activity and primal lust.

To leap one or to cross it using a plank, means that hidden enemies might come to you and try to destroy your work. If the dreamer is in love with a lady, she will deceive him while provoking an unknown rival. Fall into a ditch means some injury from unexpected situation.

To dream of digging a ditch a long journey you’ll take,…

Dreaming of falling in a ditch, denotes degradation and personal loss | but if you jump over it, you will live down any suspicion of wrong-doing.

Give credit and demand payment means misery, distress.

(Defile) To discredit someone’s reputation or to defile something in a dream means the same in wakefulness. On the other hand, it may mean defaming and backbiting someone, or it may mean making peace with someone after a long separation….

If you dreaming about being a bandit it symbolizes your sexual hunger. It seems that you wish you were more intimate to someone more than you are at this period of your life.

To dream of ditches, steep mountains, rocks, and other eminences, foretells danger and misfortune: expect thieves to rob your dwelling, or that your children will be undutiful, and bring you into trouble; if you are in love, it foretells unhappiness if you marry your present sweetheart: if you are in trade, it denotes loss of goods, and other trouble: to farmers, it foretells accidents to their livestock, loss of sheep. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 73, 8….

Dreaming you see great ditches or precipices, and that you fall into them, shows that you will suffer much injury, and your goods be in danger by fire.

The toilet and the bathroom have nothing indecorous, unmoral, or dirty in dream meanings, but just the opposite meaning, because that are the places where we clean our body inside and out. This dream indicates that we are releasing something that was intimately detrimental for us, whether guilt, inhibition, repression, trauma or anything else, thereby achieving greater standardization of our psychic life.

If we see ourselves gain weight in a dream, that’s an omen of an increase in goods and health….

Gaiety, foretells trouble to the dark and fair.

(See Weasel)

Overcoming danger, escaping devices. 278.

It symbolizes feminine instinct.

It announces that events will be adverse.

If we see it and we work out way through it, then it means that we will do the same with some hazards. If we fall on it, it is unlikely that we will achieve success.

A heritage is coming.

It symbolizes problems and difficulties often created by ourselves and our behavior. If we see the pit in time it indicates that we are still able to avoid the looming danger. If we jump over we will be able to overcome all the difficulties. If we fall into it we will fail in our enterprises. If the grave is inscribed and the headstone has our name or our companies that indicates that we should give up the fight and take a new direction, changing our attitude which has so far been wrong.

Deceit and unfaithfulness. 56.

Sign of next financial difficulties.

(See Labor)

Rude labors, such as hewing wood, drawing water, blowing the fire, means servitude, if the dreamer is rich and profit, if he is poor.

Many authors agree that it’s usually a good omen, we will be able to get rid of a burden, something intimately harmful, like guilt, fear or some kind of inhibition. Therefore, it is interpreted that we will improve our psychic life by achieving purification of our mental state.

You should try to put a stop to criticism from certain people.

Dreaming of gaiters, foretells pleasant amusements and rivalries.

(See Booty)

If acquired justly, you may hope for wealth; if by injustice, you will lose your fortune. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 33, 14….