To see nails in your dreams, indicates much toil and small recompense. To deal in nails, shows that you will engage in honorable work, even if it be lowly. To see rusty or broken nails, indicates sickness and failure in business….

Drinking nonalcoholic wine in a dream means distress, sorrow, a wretched life, poverty, or unexpected expense. In a dream, drinking nonalcoholic wine also represents lawful money that is earned from one’s toiling and sweat. However, drinking alcoholic beverage in a dream means money that is acquired through rough words and arguments, and for a governor in his dream, it means loss of his job. Alcoholic beverages in a dream mean money of suspicious source, or they could mean distress or depression. (Also see Wine)…

Dreaming of vouchers, foretells that patient toil will defeat idle scheming to arrest fortune from you. To sign one, denotes that you have the aid and confidence of those around you, despite the evil workings of enemies. To lose one, signifies that you will have a struggle for your rights with relatives….

A wooden ladder in a dream means distress and toiling one may endure during a journey. A ladder in a dream also represents peace and safety. Climbing a ladder in a dream means receiving a warning or an admonition to do good and eschew evil for someone who does not oblige. If one’s ladder turns into concrete stairs in a dream, it means assiduity and veiling or protecting of one’s privacy. A ladder laid on the floor in a dream means authority, while a raised ladder means recovering from an illness. A ladder also represents travels, comfort to a person who is struck by sorrows, or it could represent a great person. Climbing a new ladder in a dream means reaching new spiritual attainments, or it could represent his business success. Even climbing an old ladder in a dream means success in one’s bushiness, exaltation and profits. Falling…

(Cloven foot) In a dream, a cloven hoof means toiling, hardships, evil, or sexual intercourse.

(Life | Rain | River | Vapor) Water in a dream represents a happy life, money, prosperity, expansion of one’s business, increase in one’s income, or it could mean marriage. If one sees the water pure and abundant in his dream, it means lowering of prices, peace and social justice. If one sees himself chewing on water in a dream, it means toiling and hardships related to earning his livelihood. Drinking a glass of water in a dream means protection against any danger from one’s enemy and it denotes a prosperous year for the one who drinks it in a dream. Drinking more water in a dream than what one usually drinks in wakefulness means longevity. If one glass of water does not quench one’s thirst in the dream, it means discord between husband and wife. If one immerses his hand in water in a dream, it means…

Instances in which people owe their “conversions” to dreams are not confined to the Scriptures, but are as common to-day as at any other period of the world’s history.I have frequently questioned men as to the causes that led to their “conversion” and have occasionally elicited very curious replies. A Salvationist, for example, related the following dream, assuring me that he owed his conversion entirely to it. “I was a terrible drunkard, “he said” I drained oceans — beer, gin, brandy, methylated spirits were all the same to me; and I more often fell asleep in a dustbin than in a bed. Well, one night I dreamed I was a chimney-pot amid a veritable sea of chimney-pots of all sorts and descriptions. At first, the air, blowing up through me, was cool and pleasant, but it gradually grew hotter and hotter, and more and more smoky, until I…

Villages, ill-paid toil and bad luck signify. Travelling through them is suffering, perhaps to die. If one burn, then welfare.

Work, toil in the family and persecution.

In a dream, it means toiling in one’s life and exhaustion. This is thus interpreted if one does not actually see himself going through the motion of taking off his shoes and walking barefooted. Otherwise, in that case, it means that he will receive an appointment to a high ranking position. Walking barefooted in a dream is also interpreted as unloading one’s burdens and relief from pressure, divorce or death in one’s family. If one sees himself traveling barefooted, it represents a debt that he could not repay. If one sees himself walking with one foot bare and the second fitted in the dream, it means breaking up a business partnership. (Also see Walking)…

(Hard work | Toil) Hard labor in a dream means comfort in wakefulness. If a businessman or a rich person sees himself working as a laborer in a dream it represents conceit and a sham, or that he is deceiving people to control their money, or defrauding them of their assets. If one sees himself laboring in a dream, it means thriftiness, discretion, or virtuous along with satisfaction and ease in one’s life. Laboring in a dream also means a misfortune or one’s peril. (Also see Laborer)…

(Defecate | Excrete | Human excrements) Feces in a dream represent money. Excreting solid intestinal waste in a dream means that one will spend large amounts of money in caringforhis health. Having diarrhea and defecating in public in a dream means that one should be careful about exposing himself or becoming subject to a scandal or saying dirty words. Excreting involuntarily, then cleaning after oneself and carrying one’s pickings in a dream means earnings and money. Feces in a dream also mean honey. Defecating in one’s bed in a dream means divorcing one’s wife. Walking on feces in a dream means distress or depression. Walking away from the bathroom after cleansing one’s bowels in a dream means walking away from adversities. Falling into the sewers or a toilet bowl in a dream means entering a prison. Defecating in one’s pants in a dream means falling into sin, humiliation,…

(Flesh | Knowledge | Money | Substance | Wealth) Cooked meat in a dream means money. Eating raw meat in a dream means illness and pain. Eating raw meat in a dream also may mean benefits. Seeing raw meat and not eating from it in a dream could have adverse meaning. Eating cooked meat in a dream means increase in one’s wealth. Eating a meat dish with an old man in a dream means becoming renowned, or entering the inner circle of a governor. Buying meat from the butcher in a dream means adversities. Tender meat in a dream mean death or backbiting. Eating the flesh of a human being in a dream means backbiting him. Eating one’s own flesh in a dream means earning money from one’s own sweat. If a woman eats the flesh of another woman in a dream, it means that they are lesbians….

(Coal | Fire | Fumes | Oven) In a dream, ashes represent unlawful money or they could mean burns. Ashes in a dream are also interpreted to mean money one will receive from someone in authority or directly from the government. Seeing ashes then mean difficulties or toiling for no benefit in the service of a person in authority. Ashes in a dream also mean vain talk, or a knowledge one cannot benefit from. If one sees himself carrying a container filled with ashes in a dream, it means that he is engaged in falsehood, backbiting or in acquiring useless knowledge. If one sees himself blowing air into cold ashes in a dream, it means that he will engage in futile undertaking. Ashes in a dream also denote sadness, sore-eyes or heedlessness. Ashes in a dream also mean quelling the fire of war, suppressing upheaval, or attaining peace….

A new one brings honor. A broken one, damage. One that was used trouble. A golden one, gain to the one who will wear it. A silver one will bring triumph, although not such as if you wore the golden one.

In the ear, profit and wealth for the dreamer. Heaped in great quantity, abundance of wealth and great profits. In small quantity means famine and misery. Carry it signifies infirmities. See a wheat sheaf burn and consume, represents famine, mortality. Burn without consuming, fertility and abundance of wealth to the dreamer. Tread it under foot when on the ground signifies money gained through trouble.

Bow and arrow in a dream, denotes great gain reaped from the inability of others to carry out plans. To make a bad shot means disappointed hopes in carrying forward successfully business affairs….

(Celestial beings | Heavenly beings) If one sees the heavenly angels (arb. Mala’ika) coming before him to congratulate him in a dream, it means that God Almighty has forgiven that person his sins and endowed him with patience, through which he will attain success in this life and in the hereafter. If one sees the heavenly angels greeting him or giving him something in the dream, it means that his insight will grow, or that he maybe martyrized. If one sees angels descending upon a locality that is raging with a war in a dream, it means that the dwellers of that place will win victory. If the people are suffering from adversities, it means that their calamities will be lifted. Flying with angels or visiting the heavens in their company in a dream may mean that one will die in the station of a martyr and receive…

Dreaming that you manure or cultivate the earth, is a sign of melancholy to those who are in good condition, but to labourers it signifies gain and a plentiful crop.

(Spy glass | Telescope) In a dream, binoculars represents a notable person or the person who is looking through them. Looking with binoculars from a distance in a dream means victory over one’s adversary, attainment of one’s goals, rising in rank, spying, or happiness. If a merchant looks through binoculars in a dream, it means sovereignty, prosperity, presiding over his fellow merchants and gaining power….

Dreaming of medals, denotes honors gained by application and industry. To lose a medal, denotes misfortune through the unfaithfulness of others….

If the dreamer is the one who is approached by an unknown person, then in most cases he will receive an unexpected surprise that may manifest him on arrival of money, an inheritance, gains in various forms and honors. If, however, the dreamer is the one who approaches to another person, then such dream usually indicates that he is in need to seek outside help for a problem that afflicts him.

(Amusement | Cynicism | Playing games | Playing) To play games or to act sprightly in a dream means pride, arrogance, being cynical, profanity or defiling what is sacred in one’s religion and lacking reverence for it. Playing backgam- mon in a dream means exaltation, gaining power, honor and rank, or it could denote one’s pride, arrogance and cynicism. Playing with a wedding ring in a dream means concealing secrets, except if someone else appears in one’s dream, then it could mean looking for a missing person. Sitting and playing with one’s heels in a dream means governing. Playing football in a dream means recon- ciliation or making peace with one’s enemy. If a sick person sees himself playing a game in a dream, it means recovering from his illness and returning to a normal healthy life. Playing cricket ball in a dream means a fight followed by…

To see your own brain in a dream, denotes uncongenial surroundings will irritate and dwarf you into an unpleasant companion. To see the brains of animals, foretells that you will suffer mental trouble. If you eat them, you will gain knowledge, and profit unexpectedly….

Dreaming that you are very independent, denotes that you have a rival who may do you an injustice. Dreaming that you gain an independence of wealth, you may not be so succcessful{sic} at that time as you expect, but good results are promised….

The dreams about cattle, oxen, sheep, etc. if you see them in large numbers, abundance and riches. Dream of pasturing them, shame and damage to the rich people and profit and gain to the poor ones.

To dream of eggs, is honourable, because whatever you are then about will succeed. To dream of broken eggs, if married, you will have no children. But to dream of eating them, you will have many. To dream the cock and one hen remain on the roost after the others leave it, if married you will lead an easy comfortable life; if unmarried and a cock and a hen gain the roost, and the others do not, is a sign you will marry a constant companion.

(Fowl | Man | Woman) An unknown bird in a dream represents the angel of death. If one sees a bird diving to the ground to pick a pebble, a paper, or a worm, then if he soars away from a house that hosts a sick person in a dream, it means that the sick person will shortly die from his illness. If one sees a bird diving toward him in a dream, it means a journey. If one sees him standing over his head, or over his shoulders, or sitting in his lap in a dream, it denotes one’s work or profession. If the bird is white in the dream, it means that one’s work is clean, If his color is tanned in the dream, it means that one’s work is tainted. If a male bird sits in the lap of a pregnant woman in a dream,…

To dream of eating rice, denotes health: if you imagine that you see large quantities of rice, it foretells to one who does not live in a rice country, a successful and pleasant journey; and to those who five there, it predicts gain and riches. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 12, 2, 24….

Dreaming of seeing feathers falling around you, denotes that your burdens in life will be light and easily borne. To see eagle feathers, denotes that your aspirations will be realized. To see chicken feathers, denotes small annoyances. Dreaming of buying or selling geese or duck feathers, denotes thrift and fortune. Dreaming of black feathers, denotes disappointments and unhappy amours. For a woman Dreaming of seeing ostrich and other ornamental feathers, denotes that she will advance in society, but her ways of gaining favor will not bear imitating….

The yellow bird in dreams is very good omen money wise, because it brings the abundance in financial gains. The yellow bird for lovers is not such a great omen. If the bird is sick or lands on your head, you will get some kind of sickness that is easy to cure.

Dreaming of traveling, signifies profit and pleasure combined. Dreaming of traveling through rough unknown places, portends dangerous enemies, and perhaps sickness. Over bare or rocky steeps, signifies apparent gain, but loss and disappointment will swiftly follow. If the hills or mountains are fertile and green, you will be eminently prosperous and happy. Dreaming you travel alone in a car, denotes you may possibly make an eventful journey, and affairs will be worrying. To travel in a crowded car, foretells fortunate adventures, and new and entertaining companions. See Journey….

Gaining honour, fortune and wealth.

(Overcoat | Trench coat) In a dream, a raincoat means comfort, superi- ority, backing, cooperation and strength. As for a merchant, wearing a raincoat in a dream means prominence, distinction and fame in his field. Wearing a heavy raincoat in a dream means profits in one’s material and spiritual life. Wearing a cotton overcoat in a dream means lesser benefits. Wearing silk brocaded overcoat in a dream signifies attachment to one’s worldly gains and disregard for one’s religious and spiritual benefits. Being the only person who is wearing an overcoat or a raincoat in a dream means becoming poor and mixing with good people by displaying praiseworthy qualities. (See Overcoat)…

To dream of leaving your mother’s house is a bad omen whence you extricate yourself with difficulty, elevation in dignity. If returning to your mother’s house or return to your native country, if you have been away, then it means reunion of relatives and friends. Dwell with mother means peace, security. To see her, gain. Speak to her happy times. See her dead, peril in person or in goods….

To dream that you’re swimming and involuntarily sinking, and that you’re at risk of drowning, suggests that you may suffer great losses or even die, but if you’re saved and removed from water, it suggests that at the end you’ll get rid of all your problems, and perhaps even gain any profits. To dream about someone who is drowning and that you aid in his/her rescue, is a warning that someone will probably ask for your help. When a young woman dreams that her lover drowns, it suggests that he has already decided to break up with her and there is no chance for them to get married, at least for now….

Dreaming about an exchange of any sorts represents activities with huge profit and financial gain which will influence your way of living. This dream is seen as very favorable.

Gaining a good reputation and many friends. 69.

If you are moving away in a dream, then such dream indicates your wish for the variation. Perhaps you are tired of the monotony and wish to gain new experiences. The dream could also denote to your past which you are leaving behind.

(Car racing | Competition | Contest | Horse race | Pigeon racing) Racing on foot in a dream means activities, actions, accomplishments, workout, amuse- ment, playfulness, idling, a vacation, or travelling without a purpose. If a sick person sees himself racing in a dream, it means his death. If a poor person sees himself racing in a dream, it means financial gains. If a traveller sees himself racing in a dream, it means returning to his home. Horse racing in a dream means indulging in what is forbidden, arrogance, self-deceit, or guaranteeing the success of what has no prospect of succeeding. Horse racing in a dream also could mean engaging in a dangerous adventure that could lead to one’s death, corruption and divisiveness. Pigeon racing in a dream means sodomy. Car racing in a dream means exceeding the boundaries of safety, or crossing into the boundaries of danger….