Dreaming of a teapot announces unpleasant news. Dreaming that you serve cold water with a teapot announces you’ll receive unexpected favors. Dreaming of an empty teapot indicates that you’ll have a bad streak regarding your finances and maybe your health.

Seeing a teapot in a dream provides bad news.

…Mad people, I fancy, often dream of the subject of their mania. One madman, I was told, who believed he was a teapot, used constantly to dream that he was pouring out tea, and when anything prevented the tea flowing he would, on awaking, conclude it was a bad omen, and declare he was going to be ill; which prediction not infrequently came true. Another madman used often to tumble out of bed with a loud bump, and, on being questioned about it by his keeper, would say: “I can’t help it; I’m a plum, and when I dream I am ripe I am bound to fall. “This same man declared that whenever he dreamed he was eaten, something bad would always happen to him next day.I once heard of a mad woman who believed she was John the Baptist, and said that, whenever she dreamed she was in…