…(Endowments | Inheritance | Profits. See Endowment | Fulfilling one’s goal)…

…Eating swan’s meat in a dream means benefits drawn from pious and religious people. (Also see Dusk | Meat)…

…Dreaming that you are in a rogue’s gallery, foretells you will be associated with people who will fail to appreciate you. To see your own picture, you will be overawed by a tormenting enemy….

(See Cleaver)

Trouble and vexation.

…(Anger) Suppressing one’s anger in a dream means having good qualities, receiving a commendation, blessings, doing good for those who appreciate and those who do not appreciate good favors. (Also see Anger | Suppressing one’s feelings)…

…(Intertwine) In a dream, interlocking one’s hands means a partnership, a contract, marriage, stagnation, stillness of business, delinquency in one’s prayers, negligence of one’s duties, difficulties with one’s family, or a meeting that purports evil….

…If a sick person sees himself suppressing his feel- ings, or down-playing his pain and sufferings in a dream, it means that he will shortly recover from his ailment. (Also see Suppressing one’s anger)…

…Dreaming of repeating the Lord’s Prayer, foretells that you are threatened with secret foes and will need the alliance and the support of friends to tide you over difficulties. To hear others repeat it, denotes the danger of some friend….

…If one’s sins are forgiven in a dream, it means receiving guidance, abstinence from sin, protecting one’s chastity, hoping for God’s forgiveness, engaging in charitable actions and offering atonements….

…(Blow | Pound | Shake | slap) In a dream, pounding one’s head, or smiting one’s face means begetting a son at an old age….

Great honour, riches. 54.

…If one sees himself turning in his sleep and putting his face down, or resting on his stomach in a dream, it means that he will turn away from his faith and lose both his earnings in this world and in the hereafter. If one sees the reverse, which is turning from resting on one’s stomach to lying on his back in a dream, it means that he will repent for his sins. It also represents his willingness to face the people and to correct his wrongdoing. If the subject is a woman, then sleeping on her stomach in a dream means that she is refusing to sleep with her husband. (Also see Running away | Take a flight | Sleep)…

Good. 23.

(See Hermitage)

(See Fur)

…Fulfilling one’s goal in a dream means increase in knowl- edge, guidance on the path of God Almighty, earning lawful money, marriage or becoming wealthy….

…To see your driver’s license in your dream represents your authority and rightfulness. If you lose your driver’s license, it symbolizes your inability to cope with changed status of yours. Possibly you have lost the sovereignty to move forward towards finishing your goals. If you find your driver’s license, it means that you become stronger by overcoming obstacles. Additionally, it shows that fortunate changes in your influence to others. Also finding of lost driver’s license shows increased self-confidence. You will have more weight in any given situation, related to work or relationship. You are the one with the lawful right to move everyone forward. Alternatively, driving permit means that you are facing catastrophe in your individuality. To lose your driver’s license in dream indicates that you have lost your true self. Maybe you became vulnerable to opinion of others. As internal stimuli, the dream about driver’s permit shows your…

Advantage, profit.

…This dream denotes great violence and danger. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 21….

…To dream of battle’s rage, is joy and pleasure….

…In a dream, it means commanding good and for- bidding evil, protecting one’s family and giving a good advice to the assailant….

…To see an empty bird’s nest, denotes gloom and a dull outlook for business. With eggs in the nest, good results will follow all engagements. If young ones are in the nest, it denotes successful journeys and satisfactory dealings. If they are lonely and deserted, sorrow, and folly of yours will cause you anxiety….

(See Yearning)

…Holding one’s uncle’s beard in a dream means inheriting him through unlawful means….

Luck, joy fullness.

…To dream that one plays at blind-mind’s-buff, signifies prosperity, joy, and pleasure….

Payment of debt.

…Noah’s arc in a dream represents happiness, joy, festivities, salvation, relief from distress and worries, protection against drowning, a wedding, a leading position, or winning victory over one’s enemy. (Also see Noah | Ship)…

…(A gift from God Almighty | Authority) If a ruler or a rich person sees himself wearing Solomon’s ring in a dream, it means that his authority, wealth, lands, travels and all his goals will be successful and grow further. If someone invokes spirits for a living, then wearing Solomon’s ring in a dream will make him rich. Seeing or finding Solomon’s ring in a dream also means renewing one’s term of leadership, or a manifestation of a great confounding wonder that will bewilder everyone. (Also see Ring | Solomon)…

(See Zikr)

Freedom from disagreeable affairs, good luck. 248.

Much trouble with-out reward, sadness, restlessness. 125.

…Dreaming of a Jew’s-harp, foretells you will experience a slight improvement in your affairs. To play one, is a sign that you will fall in love with a stranger….

Bad success.

Overcoming misfortunes.

Long life. 25.

Happiness, prosperity in future life.

…Pounding one’s head, or smiting one’s forehead, or shaking one’s head in a dream means begetting a son at an advanced age….

Increase of wealth, riches. 33.