(arb. Retreat | Seclusion) In a dream, it represents a spiritual retreat, prayers, hunger, fast, depression, humbling oneself, controlling one’s passions and desires. (Also see Retreat)…

Dreaming of exchanging them indicates a good bargain soon.

…(Sanctuary | Spiritual retreat, arb. I’tikaf) The place where one may see himself observing a spiritual retreat in a dream represents what the person is inclined to do. If it is a mosque in the dream, it means blessings or a marriage to a righteous woman. If one’s retreat takes place inside his own shop in the dream, it means that his business has become his primal concern. In a dream, a spiritual retreat represents devotion, prayers, hunger, votive fast, depression, humbling oneself, controlling one’s passions and desires. If one secludes himself in a known location in a dream, it means that such a place is a source of comfort. If one takes refuge in his shop in a dream, it means clinging to one’s livelihood. (Also see Hermitage | Temple)…

To dream you are counting numbers by thousands, is a token of great elevation to your children, and that you will live to share the benefits they desire.

Dreaming you see a person suspended on a gibbet is a token of a hurt and heavy affliction.

To dream you see or catch large fish, it is a token of profit. A woman with child to dream she is brought to bed of a fish, shows that she will be delivered of a dead child.

…Dreaming that a man’s feet are cut off, is a sign of damage. Dreaming one hath a wooden leg, implies alteration of your condition, from good to bad. Dreaming you walk when your feet are sore is a token of fastening….

…pursued the vision, that Mr. may have forgotten a circumstance which is now of very old date; but you may call it to his recollection by this token, that when I came to pay him his account there was difficulty in getting change for a Portugal piece of gold, and that we were forced to drink out the balance at a tavern.’”Mr. Reid awaked in the morning with all the words of the vision imprinted on his mind, and resolved to ride across the country to Inveresk, instead of going straight to Edinburgh. When he came there he waited on the gentleman mentioned in the dream. Without saying anything of the vision, he inquired whether he remembered having conducted such a matter for his father. The old gentleman could not at first bring the circumstances to his recollection, but on the mention of the Portugal piece of gold the whole…

To dream you see this goddess, or as a statue or picture, denotes an intrigue in which you will be engaged: and the more important will this affair prove if the planet Venus reigns at the time as an evening or morning star. To think Venus appears to you in mortal form and speak to you, is a token of a happy marriage to either sex. To dream of the star Venus, shows you will not be very constant in the affairs of the heart.

…Dreaming of angels is prophetic of disturbing influences in the soul. It brings a changed condition of the person’s lot. If the dream is unusually pleasing, you will hear of the health of friends, and receive a legacy from unknown relatives. If the dream comes as a token of warning, the dreamer may expect threats of scandal about love or money matters. To wicked people, it is a demand to repent | to good people it should be a consolation….

To dream of ants, betokens an earthly, covetous mind; and, as they live under the earth, to dream often of them, shows the dreamer not to be long lived. To see ants with wings, shows a dangerous voyage, or other ill accident. To dream you see common ants, which are diligent and industrious in providing their food, is good for farmers, because they signify fertility; for where there is no grain, you will find no ants. To such as live upon the public, and reap profits by many, they are very good; and to such as are sick, if they dream they come near the body; for they are industrious, and cease not to labour, which is proper to such as live; but if they dream that ants range about their bodies, it is a token of death; because they are inhabitants of earth, and are cold and black.

…If you see vitriol in your dreams, it is a token of some innocent person being censured by you. To throw it on people, shows you will bear malice towards parties who seek to favor you. For a young woman to have a jealous rival throw it in her face, foretells that she will be the innocent object of some person’s hatred. This dream for a business man, denotes enemies and much persecution….

To dream of roses during the season that brings them forth, is a token of happiness. In love, they show your sweetheart to be faithful, yet flowers soon fade, and, if the dreamer is a virgin, she should be cautious never to trust to appearances. To dream of roses in winter, denotes good fortune will attend you in spring, or begin about that time. If a maid dreams of roses in winter, it is a sure sign she will be married in summer.

To dream you are running a race, is a token of good, if you see anybody running hastily along, it is a sign of their death soon afterwards.

To dream you see or catch large fish, it is a token of profit. A woman with child to dream she is brought to bed of a fish, shows that she will be delivered of a dead child.

…Dreaming that a man’s feet are cut off, is a sign of damage. Dreaming one hath a wooden leg, implies alteration of your condition, from good to bad. Dreaming you walk when your feet are sore is a token of fasting….

To dream one sees a majestic oak, is a token of riches and profit to the dreamer or his friends.

To dream that you do the act of marriage, denotes danger. Marriage, or the wedding of a woman, is a token of the death of some friend; and for a man to dream that he is newly married, and that he hath had to do with his new wife, it denotes some evil accident will befall him. See Death.

To dream that one’s nails are longer than usual, is a token of profit; and the contrary, of loss and discontent.

…If one dreams that his mouth is wider than ordinary, his family will be enriched, and he be more opulent than formerly. To dream that one’s mouth is closed, and shut in such a manner that he cannot eat is a token of sudden death….

…(Cent | Money) For a pregnant woman, pennies in a dream represent a son, or a sign of gratitude, prayers and remembrance of God, or they could mean assaulting someone, or beating him. If one receives pennies in a stack in a dream, it means that someone will place a trust with him. Pennies in a dream also mean talking. If they look new, the conversation will be meaningful. Pennies in a dream also mean solving someone’s problem, or performing one’s prayers. Counting pennies in a dream means valuing one’s deeds. Nickels, dimes, quarters, halves, or other coins or tokens in a dream represent worldly gains and prosperity. If pennies are tied to one’s wrist in a dream, they represent his livelihood. Owing money in a dream means that one will be summoned to testify in a court of justice. If his pennies are old, chipped, or broken in…

To dream that you do the act of marriage denotes danger. Marriage is a token of the death of some friend or relative.

If you dream of victuals, and that you eat a variety of sorts, denotes loss, to dream you are in want of food is a token of pain.