…Water in language of dreams is very significant, it symbolizes life, feelings and the inner life of people. When the water is clear and clean, it announces such a long and happy life as our feelings. Mineral water symbolizes convalescence, health improvement. Holy water means physical and spiritual health. If the water is dirty or stuck, it usually presages disgrace and misfortunes of moral character. If water comes bitter, shady or yellowish, it predicts disease. Tainted means living with anger in your body. Reek, it means misappropriated goods. Stuck, it means loss of freedom. Blackish, it means unhappy marriage. Receiving water in a container indicates health. Receiving water without drinking it and store it indicates greed. If we bring water to another home and receive money, we are actually selling our honesty and purity. If we bring it without charge, it shows mercy and religiosity. Rainwater presages an abundant…

The dreamer that watches cartoon is going through life easily with no stress or responsibilities. Perhaps the dream is telling you to look more seriously at life in general. If you see yourself being in a cartoon world, then it indicates your humorous view at life. The dream may also suggest you to look at things indulgently and how you are acting. To get a better interpretation about your dream, please also see the meaning of Cartoon Character.

If you see the junkyard in the dream, it shows that you are dealing with unpleasant circumstances in your life. If you are picking up good stuff from the junk yard, it shows that you are not enjoying your life and trying very hard to find the positivity in all of this mess. Sometimes the junk yard indicates the life you are not happy with, because of the others damage that was made to you. The junk yard could have a positive meaning either, because it shows your ability to find the goodness in the bad things and take what is the best for you.

Gems in dreams are the symbol of illnesses and anxiety. Germs are very small problems in your waking life, which causes too much stress. You should start paying less attention to small and minor details. On the other hand, the dream could indicate deficiency of will to do something with your life. Maybe the dream suggests you to make some reasons and points in your life. Consider about your health, as the dream may warn you about some illness.

If you dream of the airplane, then such dream indicates your desire to be free. If you are the pilot of the airplane, then it shows that you are the leader of your life. The airplane could also indicate the fact that your life will have either its ups or downs. The airplane crash or the airplane on the fire shows that you are unable to control your own life. You’ve got problems that you do not know how to deal with them. If you survived and stayed alive in your dream, then it shows you will deal with your problems perfectly.

Dream of washing yourself means you’re proud of your social life and personal efforts and may also mean you’ll receive some fame and prestige. On the other hand, it symbolizes cleansing from unhappy experiences or emotions in your life. Dream of washing your feet means you’ll change your line of work and undertake a more fruitful work. Dream of washing your car suggests your troubles will soon pass. You may be ready to go through life with a new perspective and fresh attitude.

…(Clouds | Drizzling | Life | Vapor | Water) If no harm or destruction is caused by a rainstorm in a dream, then it means blessings, profits and mercy. Rain in a dream also represents life, an earthly being, or fulfillment of a promise. If the rain falls exclusively on a particular location in a dream, it means sorrow and distress for its dwellers, or it could mean the loss of a beloved. If one sees rain falling exclusively over his house in a dream, it means personal blessings. Otherwise, it he sees it falling over the whole town in the dream, it means blessings for everyone. Rain falling exclusively over one’s house in a dream also means that someone will fall sick in that house, or suffer from a debilitating and excruciating pain. If the skies rain stones or blood in a dream, it means calamities and punishment…

The dream about calm and transparent waves announces you peacefulness and calmness in your inner world. Now you are ready to clear your thoughts and make a very important decision which will change your current life. If you hear how waves break of on the shore, then a dream will bring you calmness and relaxation period in your life. To be in a tidal wave shows your power to withstand against negative events or thoughts. In the dream to see muddy or dirty waves denotes to mistakes that you have done in your life while making important decisions.

If you dream of the teacher, then such dream signifies your search for help, suggestion and intelligence. Try to pay attention of what kind of the teacher you were dreaming of, as the subject that this teacher taught you have some relations in today’s life. On the other hand, the things that are not related to the subject this teacher has taught you could have a huge impact in your life either. The dream about the teacher could also indicate the feeling of being a student in some situations of your life where you are taught many new things.

Dreaming of having a mustache, when in real life you don’t have one, is a warning which indicates that your own vanity and selfishness will cause different problems, especially in the emotional and social areas of your life. When a man dreams of shaving his mustache off, it suggests that he want important changes in all aspects of his life. When a woman dreams of admiring a man’s mustache is warning that there is a risk of starting behaving in an illicit way.

The dream, in which you are in abject, denotes to the variation in your life. You should prepare yourself for unexpected. Consider that the dream shows only the temporal changes that will be in your life. The dream could be interpreted as the good omen, especially if you responded on a friendly way, then there is a possibility to get very prosperous life.

If you dream of having an abortion, it represents your own insecurities of suspending and halting your increment as individual. Dreaming about abortion also means that you are insecure and weak while moving forward in your life. The dream may also mean that you had an abortion and only now you are facing it. The dream signifies how guilty and disappointed you are of the actions you did in your life. This is the process of healing and moving forward for something you did in your past. The other meaning of the dream is that there might be possibility of unhealthy life.

The knee in dreams indicates the power to move through your life. If the knee is healthy, you are dealing with your life perfectly. If the knee was injured because of some reason, you have difficulties in your life and feel helpless.

If you have some dinner by yourself, then it means you are trying to figure out which direction of life too choose. Perhaps you reached the point of your life where you need to make these kinds of decisions. The fact that you have the dinner on your own could also represent the lack of communications with those around you. Maybe you are the person who feels best on his own. If you are having dinner with other people and having a great time, then it means you are able to communicate with those around you. The dinner could also represent the important meeting that is waiting for you in the waking life.

To dream that you see a donkey means that you tend to get things in life easily. Perhaps you do not like working too hard. The donkey could also indicate some person in your waking life which you shouldn’t trust too much, otherwise you will be sorry for that. The features of the donkey could be applied not only to you, but to other people in your life as well.

…If you see dead people around you, then such dream warns that you are surrounded by bad people or not appropriate ones. The dead people could also represent the losses you will suffer from, especially material ones. The dreamer should also consider if there are any people in your life that you recently lost and are unable to deal with it. If there is someone in your life that passed away for a long time and you have dreamed about this person, then it means there are certain features in this person you recognize in yourself. It means that you must recognize these issues and get rid of them as soon as it is possible. If you see your relatives such as your parents or children being dead in a dream, then it means you are afraid of losing these people too soon. Every one of us has many…

The weather in dreams is interpreted as the conditions of your inner self. The good weather when the sun is shining is a good omen, because it promises happiness in life. If the weather conditions are bad, your mind and life is a mess. You should start fixing up things in your waking life.

The symbol of the wedding in dreams is associated with sadness and bad emotions, but only in those cases when the dreamer is suffering about certain things in his waking life. On the other hand the dream of the wedding denotes to commitment, dedication and promises one has made. If the dreamer has got married to his current partner of the life, then such dream shows the strong bond between them. Such dream could also denote to the new period of your life. If you are having a wedding to someone you do not know, then it foretells about your own personality and how feminine or manly you are. Perhaps you are trying to get to the point, where your emotions meet your intelligence.

The airplane could simply indicate your waking life when you have a flight or will have one soon. The airplane is also a symbol of freedom and our ability to be in the group. The airplane that is controlled by you, signifies your ability to manage your own life. If the flight goes smoothly, it shows how great you are dealing with your own life. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of plane.

The raft in dreams usually means that you are going through life in very risky way. Perhaps you are not sure about your future, you do not know where you will be brought with the flow and who will save you. You should rely only on yourself, because you cannot let yourself go with the flow, the effort is needed to make your life better which will make you happy. If you see yourself being already on that raft, the changes must be done immediately, because you are feeling very scared, don’t know where you are going and how you will reach your destination in life.

If you were attending the ceremony, then such dream shows the dedication you will make to someone special. The dream might also show the difficult time you have in your waking life and now you have to accept the challenges that life have given to you. Perhaps this is a time of your life where you will see lots of discoveries within yourself.

The snow in a dream denotes to unexpressed feelings and longing for something important in your life. Perhaps the dream suggests you to let everything go including your emotions, thoughts and feelings. The snow could also indicate the feeling of loneliness, singleness. To see the snow that is melting denotes to the sad emotions which are going away. Probably you are getting to the point where you are no longer afraid of who you are. If the snow is dirty, then it means that your health, goodness has been lost. If the snow is white and clean, then it means you are in peace and tranquility. If you were playing in the snow, then it means that you need to have some happy time in your life. If you found something valuable in a dream, then it means you are confronting new and exciting ideas of the life.

The cigarette butt is the indicator of the fact that there is something in your life that is very old and no longer useful. The dream shows that there is some situation or person in your waking life that makes you feel this way. The cigarette butt could also signify that you finished something unpleasant in your life.

Dream of a wooden spoiled and ugly object indicates that you feel discouraged and unemotional inside. Dream of a nice-looking wooden object means success but with help of good people. Dream of working a piece of wood indicates power and development. On the other hand, wood also symbolizes spirituality and vital energy. Dream of wood symbolizes prosperity and tranquility. Dream of wood represents life, fertility, rejuvenation, and spring. On the other hand, it symbolizes the unknown and unconscious. Dream of walking through woods means your return to a spiritual aspect of yourself, also indicates you’re starting a new phase of your life. You’re expressing some anxiety to go behind a relative. Dream of some dried wood in suggests there is an unsolved situation in your life. It may also mean you’re overwhelmed with problems.

When you see a hallway in a dream, then such dream indicates the beginning of some journey you took while trying to find out who you are. The hallway is the symbol of the transition from one stage of your life to another one. Perhaps you are going to have magnificent changes in your waking life which will make you totally different person then you are now. The hallway is also the symbol of life and death and the way we have to get through while moving from one phase to another one.

…To dream of the shoes represent the dreamer’s view to life generally. The dream indicates how much grounded the one is feeling. To change the shoes for a different ones means that the one is changing some part of his life. To forget the shoes means that the one leaves the old times in the past or finding it hard to deal with it. To dream of wearing old shoes, means that the dreamer is very conservative person, who holds to his old ideas. Alternatively, the old shoes signify the acceptance of who you are. The new shoes symbolizes new ideas, new look into life. If the shoes do not fit, then it means that you are in the situation which you not supposed to be in, maybe there is something you feel uncomfortable about, therefore the shoes do not fit. To wear no shoes, means that there is…

If someone has attacked you in the dream, then such dream means that you are feeling out of control with your life. Sometimes these kinds of dreams indicate your fear of being actually attacked by someone in your waking life, especially if this person has threatened you before. To be hit could also mean that there are huge changes that are happening in your life and causes lots of stress.

When you dream of the war, then such dream identifies the chaos in your personal life. Maybe you are in conflict with someone in your waking life. Try to sort out those issues with the certain people. The dream of the war could indicate the personal conflict you are having with yourself. Maybe you have the disagreement with yourself and cannot find the right solution. Some people that were soldiers at war in their waking life, very often have dreams about war, because of the past and influence of the war that has been made.

…Dreaming about DNA has ambiguous meaning. To dream about DNA, represents your scientific nature. Alternatively, it suggests for you to calculate everything very pedantic. To be such person is a huge advantage. If you don’t have scientific abilities and you aren’t pedant, then you need to have such qualities. The dream suggests that you need to focus your attention and think a lot about things. You need to carefully plot out everything in order to move forward in life. Maybe you need to learn from the negative situations that you have experienced in your life. The dream may also represent the initials of some persons or something else. The initials are D, N and A. You should consider who or what in your life has these initials….

…Perhaps you are trying to close yourself from all of the negativity you are surrounded by. Maybe you find it difficult to be open to other people. If you lost the keys in a dream, then such dream indicates about some position in your waking life which you’ve lost. Perhaps you are unable to manage it anymore. The dream, in which you’ve lost the keys could also symbolize some unwanted changes in your waking life. If you gave your keys away to someone else, then such dream shows the lack of responsibilities. You do not want to be in charge of some things. If you found the keys in a dream, then it shows some pleasant unexpected news. The dream could also indicate the solution you’ve found for some problem to be solved. If the keys which you see in the dream are broken, then it denotes to broken…

If you dream about the top toy, it means that you are balancing in your life perfectly especially if the toy is spinning perfectly. The top toy that is not working great or you accidently dropped it, means that you are unable to keep the harmony in your life. You need to prioritize issues in your life.

…When you dream of the milk, then such dream indicates the motherhood and parental instincts. The dream also represents unity, goodness, purity, innocence and life. If you drank the milk in a dream, then such dream indicates the inner peace and happiness. The dream in which you are drinking milk, also suggests you to look at the relationships you have with your friends, because there might be necessity to make the relations stronger. When you drink the milk that is sour, then it indicates the minor problems, which will cause lots of distraction. If you spilled the milk in a dream, then it indicates the sorrow and sadness. Perhaps you will lose someone or something important in your life. If you took the bath filled with milk, then such dream shows the tranquility and peace within your mind and life in general. The hot milk in dreams suggests you…

…The tool way in dreams signifies going from one phase to another in your waking life. The dream can indicate the facts that already happened, the ones that happening at this time of your life or some situations that are waiting for you in the future. If you paid for the tool way in your dream it means that you will have to give something in order to receive something in your waking life. The dream shows that you always have to pay for what you get. If you are stuck on the line to the tool way in your dream, it means that you are unable to act now because of the barriers that were given to you. If you see yourself being on the tool way, but somehow took the wrong direction, it shows that you are either very smart for taking this action or silly, because…

Very often people who have a physical need to go to toilet during their sleep dream about the toilet, because they simply want it. The toilet could also be interpreted as the place you get rid of the negativities in your waking life. The toilet is the symbol of your patience that is going away. You are no longer able to cope with some things, but only if the toilet is overflowing. If you are unable to flush the toilet in your dream, this means that you are trying very hard to finish some part of your life, but the circumstances doesn’t let you to do it. If you dropped something in the toilet and it drowned, it means that due to your silliness you will lose important things or people in your life.

The train reflex your life and the path you’ve chosen to take. If you are the one who controls where this train is going, then you are controlling perfectly your life and going on the direction that you have chosen. The train according to some interpreters is the symbol of sexual intercourse, especially if it is going through the tunnel, therefore if you dream about it, you have sexual desires, wishes and urges either. The other explanation tells that if you miss the train, you miss some of the chances in your life either.

The computer is the symbol of your capability to control your own life. If the computer is easy to use, you are easily going through your life, if you have no idea what is going on while looking at it, you do not know what to do with your life. The computer that is broken has the same meaning. If you work a lot with the computer, it is simply a reflection of your daily job.

…To dream that something of your property is on fire, and the fire is stunning, it suggests that you’re at risk of losing something, and it’s worse if there are victims in such fire. In case there are no victims, and you can see yourself as a spectator, then it suggests that your enemies or competitors are losing their chance to beat you. To dream about a bright and smokeless fire suggests that you enjoy inner-peace, which will give you great opportunities to succeed in life. To dream that you’re handling fire without getting burned announces major successes. To dream about a place where a fire occurred suggests grudge, revenge, and resentment towards others and from others towards you. To dream about a major fire when in you’re real life you’re planning a trip suggests that the trip will be successful and enjoyable. For a person linked to an…

…To dream of ghosts like the ones that wear white sheets, and that they have a cheerful attitude, or at least are friendly, it announces an upcoming success and the realization of long-yearned goals, including material gains. When young people frequently dream that they’re dressed as black ghosts, they should monitor their behavior, but particularly their sexual behavior, because it can affect their future. To dream about ghosts of one or more of your acquaintances that in real life are still alive is a sign that you have not put enough attention to your activities, such as your social relations and businesses; this can end up hurting you. To dream that one or more dressed in black ghosts suddenly appear and then they suddenly disappear announces upcoming calamities that will affect some of your most important economical affairs and in some cases even your life. Dreaming about the ghost…

…When a worker appears in our dreams, then such dream reveals that something exists in our lives that has e very important message which must be read carefully. Perhaps it has something to do with our jobs in waking lives. The most unfavorable explanation is for sailors and fishermen because they work at sea level. The dream shows that these men will have to face the harsh times, because of being away from their loved ones and family. The most favorable explanation of the dream goes to the farmers, gardeners and other workers in the fields and valleys. For pastoralists and farmers working on the slopes of the mountain the explanation of the dream is the same one. Consider that different qualifications of the workers have different meanings. If you are a shop assistant in your waking life and dream about being one, then such dream is simply a…

The way you are riding the horse and the connection you have with an animal indicates your life as it is at the moment. If you are riding the horse smoothly and the animal listens to you that is the way you are going through life. If the horse is not listening to you or do not move at all, you are managing your life in a bad way. The changes must be done immediately.