If you dream of coworkers, then such dream indicates the communications you have with those people around you. The dream shows the wishes and targets you have made for yourself and desire to take part of leaderships in some aspects of your waking life. If you see the coworkers you don’t have relationships with, then it means you are going to struggle while dealing with your professional life. Perhaps you do not know what path to choose. If you were teaching someone to become the coworker, then it shows your tendency in giving others the features you have learned through life. If you are the coworker, then it means you are adapting the new surrounding in your live and accepting the rules you have been given. To get more detailed ream interpretation, please also see the meaning of Office.

If you heard the flute or were playing with one by yourself, then it symbolizes the happy and balanced life. At this time of your life you feel joy and happiness. The future will bring harmonious and stable life for you.

To see the floor in the dream is interpreted as the symbol of base. The foundation you have built reflects in your dreams, showing your current state of the mind and how safe you feel being on that floor. If the floor is made of wood, looks nice and shiny, then such dream shows the strong basics you have made for your life. You have the targets and getting them on the right way. If the floor has minor defects, is rotten or broken, then you should start reconsidering the priorities in your waking life. Perhaps the dream suggests you to start being more serious when building your own life.

If you see a handle in a dream, then it shows your ability to manage your own life. The dream shows that the main decision maker in your life is you. On the negative note, the dream could show the lost control o your life, but only if the handle is broken. Make sure you fix it.

…If you see a friend in the dream, then such dream represents your waking life and the relationships you have with the people you are surrounded by. The dream shows that the people make the big influence to you and your personality. The friendships and relationships you have, made the person you are today. The dream about certain friends could also show how you wish to integrate the features of these people into yourself. If you see the friend from your past or childhood, then such dream shows that you have missed this certain person or you wish to be less responsible in your waking life and live carelessly. Perhaps you wish to become the child again and live the life without any responsibilities and duties. There is also a possibility that you are acting very childish in some situation, therefore you dream about the friend from your childhood….

The train in dreams is the symbolism of your life journey. Sometimes the train could indicate some very important phase in your waking life. If you go on the train on your own, it means that you are comfortable being alone and do not wish to change anything. However, if you felt nostalgic and melancholic while having this dream, you are not feeling good being alone. If you are the one who control the train, it shows your confidence and trust. You believe in yourself a lot. Sometimes the train could indicate your daily life where you spend a lot of time while being on trains or working around them. To get more interpretation of your dream, please also see the meaning of train accident.

…(Cellar) In a dream, one’s mouth represents his life from inception to completion. One’s mouth in a dream also represents the course of one’s livelihood and the source of his strength. Putting medicine in one’s mouth in a dream means correcting one’s life for the better. If one puts food in his mouth in a dream, it means worldly gains and profits, unless one puts something that tastes bad, or which is spoiled, then it means losses, distress and depression. Putting good and tasty food or sweets in one’s mouth in a dream means living a happy and a rich life. If one’s mouth is buckled in a dream, it means death, sickness, dumbness, silence, helplessness, or defeat. If one’s mouth looks larger than usual in the dream, it denotes growth and greater benefits, but if one’s mouth looks smaller in the dream, then it means the opposite. If…

The dream in which you see the garden full of fruits, represents fulfilment in all aspects of your life. The fruits are the symbol of fertility, therefore you should also be happy within your family life. The fruits also indicates the stable life and happy days. The dream in which you see the garden full of flowers, denotes to love, stable relationships, inner happiness and positive personal relationships. If the garden has no flowers, trees or fruits, then you should become anxious about your spiritual and inner peace.

If you dream of seeing the Aurora Borealis (or the northern lights) it symbolizes love and peace in your life. Alternatively, this dream represents harmonious and peacefull life you will have in your personal life.

…Dreaming about your legs means that you have recovered your security and you will take control of your life again. Dreaming that your legs are weak means that, from the emotional point of view, you feel vulnerable. Dreaming that you have wounds on your legs or that you can’t walk represents the lack of balance or independence in your life. Dreaming that you have three or more legs means that you include too many actions in your real life. It’s better to do a few things properly rather than doing too many badly….

…(Beloved | Enamored | Honey | Hostage | Lover | Platonic love) Love in a dream means trials and temptations. If one does something he loves in a dream, it means that he will engage in an act that has no limitations. If a man says to woman – “I love you,” in a dream, it means that he truly hates her. If one sees himself indulging and satisfying every desire he has and without feeling any restrictions in the dream, it means that he will stray from God’s path and lives a corrupt life. Love in a dream also means distress, worries and sorrow. Love in a dream also represents one’s ability to express something. Otherwise, it could mean that he keeps to himself. Love in a dream also means trials and fame that incurs people’s compassion for the person in love. Love in a dream also means…

…a punishment from God Almighty will soon befall him. If an unlettered person sees himself reading the holy Qur’an in a dream, it could also mean his death, or his reading of his own records. If one sees himself reading the holy Qur’an without true interest in it in a dream, it means that he follows his own mind, personal interpretations and innovations. If one sees himself eating the pages of the holy Qur’an in a dream, it means that he earns his livelihood from his knowledge of it. If one sees himself completing the reading of the entire Qur’an in a dream, it means that a splendid reward from his Lord is awaiting him, and that he will get whatever he asks for. If a disbeliever sees himself reading the holy Qur’an in a dream, the verses of admonition will help him in his life, the verses of punishment…

…When you dream of attacking someone, it means that your behaviour will have consequences to others. This dream about producing an aggressive and violent action against a person or a place is the sign that you are trying to let go your bad emotions. Also, dream of attacking or assaulting is better and easier way to feel that your behaviour disappointed you. If you see yourself being attacked by someone, it signifies the protection you have on yourself. At this moment of your life, you are feeling like no one cares about you and you want to be understood and looking out for help. If you dream of being attacked by the animal it symbolizes that you have to be careful with people you are surrounded by. Make sure you pay attention to someone in your life that have the same features just like the animal you dreamed of…

If you dream about the pillow, then such dream represents the comfort, stability and safety you have in your waking life. If the pillow feels comfortable and pleasant, then you are happy with your life. If it feels very uncomfortable, then it means that you should make some more comfort in your waking life instead of thinking about the comfort and goodness of the others. The pillow is also a symbol of domestic happiness the one has or do not have.

When you dream of throwing your garbage away, then such dream represents unnecessary things in your life. Perhaps you are willing to finish some kind of relationships or change your life completely. The pile of garbage could also indicate the bad habits you have and wish to get rid of them. Maybe you wish to quit smoking or start exercising in your waking life? If you see the garbage of the other person, then such dream shows you wish to help for other person in solving out some problems.

If you see the fruit in a dream, then such dream indicates the time of your life where the things will get bigger and greater in your life. The fruits are also the symbol of sexual aspects in your life, which shows your desires and wishes. Consider to pay attention to the state of the fruit if it is ripe or not, because the ripe fruit shows the issues you are dealing with. You should ask yourself if there is some opportunities that you have missed. If you saw yourself being a seller of the fruits, then it shows the profit you will gain depending on how much of the fruits you have sold. If you wish to get more detailed dream interpretation, please see the meaning of specific fruits you were dreaming of.

The garage in dreams may have many different explanations depending of the circumstances in your waking life. The garage as the symbol is only small part of your personality, which may be hidden. Perhaps you are keeping only those memories, dreams and feelings aside from everything else. The dream may have some positive explanations, especially if you are putting your car into garage, then such dream shows the security in your waking life that you’ve build yourself. If you have opened the door of the garage then such dream represents resolutions you made for some matter. Perhaps you made up your mind about something very important. If you closed the door of the garage in the dream, then it could also show the end of something important in your waking life.

…Traveling is always a symbol of life itself. Dreaming of traveling means gains or losses, based on what happens in the dream, that is: if you suffer or rejoice, if it’s a happy journey or if there are accidents. Dreaming that a friend is happily starting a trip means an upcoming change in one’s life which is reflected in one’s harmony with family and friends. Dreaming of friends who are invaded by sadness due to a trip might mean that the dreamer won’t see his loved ones for a long time. Also, that one’s at risk of losing his values. Dreaming of oneself traveling in a vehicle overloaded with passengers may mean that you are getting involved in adventurous and risky business and tasks in which a lot of people are not honest. Dreaming of oneself traveling in the sea suggests that you crave for new life, new relationships…

When you dream of seeing the cuckoo, then such dream indicates destiny of your life. Perhaps the dream suggests you to start changes the circumstances of the life. On the other hand, the dream could represent someone in your life you wish to avoid.

The dream, in which you eat the wafer, shows the necessity of variety in your life. Perhaps you are living the life that is quite boring, therefore the unconscious mind of yours gives you the clue to change something and make the life more interesting.

The dream, in which you see yourself taking a cruise, indicates some different stages of your life. Perhaps at this time of your life you are experiencing many different experiences. The dream could also show the easiness you have while going through daily life.

…Dreaming that you’re on a boat that is in calm waters indicates coming successes, happy moments and satisfactions. However, if the waters are muddy and turbulent, which also seem threatening, indicates that soon there will be problems against which you must be alert. Dreaming that you see a boat going far away, into the deep sea, hints that there are too many illusions that you must control. Dreaming that a ship is sailing towards a storm suggests that the dreamer’s affairs related to business, work, family are not going well, and that the problems soon will increase due to rumors and gossips. Dreaming of boats anchored in the port and stevedores loading things on them, it’s an announcement of personal gains, prosperity, a change of life, etc. If boats are still, without moving around, it indicates that the dreamer’s affairs and business will be the same as the boats….

The coyote in dream is the indicator that you are having the very huge knowledge about certain things in your life. You are also able to feel the harmony while living the life. The coyote dream shows that you feel very secure and safe. These features of the coyote dream explanation could be applied not only to you, but to the person in your life as well.

…that he will be inflicted with a great calamity because of a falsehood he fosters, or innovations he practices. If one becomes a messenger in a dream or a caller to God Almighty, and if someone hearkens to him and accepts his message in the dream, it means that he will rise in rank. Otherwise, it means that he will become a broker, a liar, a defrauder, a swagger, depending on his level of knowledge, or it could mean that he will be struck with a major calamity in his life. Such a calamity will be of the same caliber, degree and nature that a messenger of God Almighty may have suffered from his own people. Seeing one of God’s prophets in a dream also means living the experience of time, space and condition in which he saw him in the dream. Wearing the cloak of one of God’s prophets…

If in dream we see flower garlands the dream involves a double symbolism, on one hand the welcome to new events that appear in our life, and secondly, the ephemeral because flowers fade in a short space of time. So it may be a warning about a coming issue that although friendly and cheerful content will be short.

…should guard his money. A wound which does not bleed in a dream also represents recognition by others. If a man of authority is wounded in an accident, whereby his flesh splits open, and his bones are dissected in a dream, it means that he will live a long life to see the burial of most of his relatives. If an army general sees his left hand wounded in a dream, it means that his army will double in size. If his right hand is wounded in the dream, it means that the area of his control will expand. If one suffers from a wound in his stomach in the dream, it means growth in his financial standing. If one is wounded in his thigh in the dream, it means that his clan will grow stronger. If one sees himself wounded in his legs in a dream, it means longevity….

…(A mountain short-winged and a stout-bodied bird | Mountain quail | Par- tridge | Woman) In a dream, a mountain quail represents a thief, a confidant, or a pimp who secretly conducts his business of soliciting clients for his prostitutes. However, a quail in a dream also represents a blessed food, an answer to one’s prayers, repelling a calamity, or overcoming an adversity. In dream interpretation, a quail also could represent a double-faced person. If a hobbyist finds himself seeking to hear the cry of a quail in a dream, it means profits from suspicious sources, or earnings made from reciting poems, singing, gambling, or it could mean squandering money. In this sense, seeing a quail in a dream could represent a crime which is punishable by death or life imprison- ment….

…(Deception | Double-cross | Milk | Misleading | Renegade | Trickery | War) In a dream, betrayal of others mean shortcomings or religious disdain and failure in one’s life in this world. Betrayal in a dream also means a robbery or being in dire need of the victim….

…Dreaming of a shotgun, foretells domestic troubles and worry with children and servants. To shoot both barrels of a double-barreled shotgun, foretells that you will meet such exasperating and unfeeling attention in your private and public life that suave manners giving way under the strain and your righteous wrath will be justifiable. See Pistol, Revolver, etc….

…(arb. Mourning period. Aprescribed waiting period of three month during which a divorced or a widowed woman may not remarry. Islamic Law) If a woman sees herself in a dream observing the ‘Iddah period, it signifies distress, adversities, trouble, concern, sickness, or divorce. If she is observing the ‘Iddah period because of her husband’s death in the dream, it means her divorce, or the death of her husband, mother, father, or anyone for whose sake one will renounce comfort, beautiful clothing, tasty food, the pleasures of this world and the company of others….

…will confide her personal life to her, or divulge all her secrets, become her intimate friend or a fan, shares opinions with her and emulate her actions and look in public. If she does not know that woman in the dream, it means that she will indulge in sin. If a married woman sees herself engaging in tribadism with another woman in a dream, it means that she will separate from her husband or become a widow. Engaging in sexual intercourse with a deceased person, be it a man or a woman in a dream means one’s own death, unless if one is travelling, then it could mean visiting that country where the deceased person is buried. Any sexual intercourse in a dream that culminates in ejecting semen and necessitates a complete ritual ablution in wakefulness represents disturbed dreams, or engaging in a forbidden sexual intercourse from the anus, or…

…(Blowing one’s nose | Snot) In a dream, nasal mucus means a son or a daughter. To blow one’s nose in someone’s house in a dream means marrying someone from that family, or betraying the house master by having a secret affair with his wife. If a mother blows her nose in a dream, it means that she will wean her child. If the wife of such a friend wipes the nasal mucus of her husband’s guest in a dream, it means that she will betray her husband and carry the child of his friend. If one blows his nose in a dream, it also means paying a debt, or it could mean rewarding someone for a favor. Blowing one’s nose and using someone’s bed sheet in a dream means betraying him with his wife. Blowing one’s nose in someone’s handkerchief in a dream means betraying him with his…

…(Love) In a dream, honey represents lawful money, love, prosperity, or wealth which is accumulated from a business partnership, or from a successful business. As for a pious person, honey in a dream represents the delight of his religious life and good deeds, while for profane and worldly people, it means little earnings which are acquired through toiling and hardships. If one sees the skies raining honey in a dream, it means confirmation of the social order, fostering proper moral standards, easiness, religious assiduity, blessings and plenitude. Honey in a dream also could represent a husband and a wife, or their private moment, taking a rest, or engaging in a marital relationship. However, honey in a dream also means distress, trouble, bad-temper, jealousy, or worrying about people’s perfidy, for honey also attracts flies and wasps. Purified honey in a dream means relief after suffering from a depression, or recovering…

…(Sperm) In a dream, semen represents a growing and a lasting capital, whether there is little or much of it. If one sees a drop of semen coming out of his reproductive organs in a dream, it denotes money that will surface. If the man’s semen spatters over his wife in the dream, it means that he will buy her a new garment. Owning an earthenware jar filled with semen in a dream means uncovering a hidden treasure, or becoming wealthy. If the husband is spattered with the semen of his wife in a dream, it means that he will satisfy his desire for her and attain his purpose. Drinking water from one’s own reproductive organ in a dream means lustfulness. If the husband sees a thick yellowish fluid flowing from his wife’s sexual organ in a dream, it means that she will give birth to an unhealthy child….

To dream of a mule, denotes to a female, if she is married, a want of children, and a malicious sickly husband, if she sees two mules, she will have another husband, live happy, and have two sons.

…If a righteous person sees his face blush in a dream, it means that he feels ashamed of something he did. If one’s face is soaking with sweat in a dream, it represents his modesty and reserve. If one is frowning, and if the color of his face turns red in the dream, it means that he may suffer from distress or losses. Frowning in someone’s face in a dream also means suffering at his hand. If a woman sees her face blackened with soot in a dream, it means the death of her husband. If she sees herself putting makeup and anointing herself with perfume in a dream, it means good news for her and for her husband. A smiling and a cheerful face in a dream connotes happiness and righteousness whether the person is alive or dead. The beauty of a woman’s face or that of a child…

To dream you are eating oysters, is a favourable omen. If you are married, your wife or husband will be very fond of you, and you will have many children. If a maid dreams of eating many oysters, it shows that she will be quickly married, and she will be a suspicious character in the eye of her husband.

…(Castle | Chivalry | Generosity | Goodness | Merchant | Nobility | Partner | Son | Travels | Wife) Owning horses in a dream means prosperity, or victory over one’s enemy. Riding a horse in a dream means dignity, honor and wealth. Perhaps it could mean that one will befriend a noble person, or meet a good companion on the road. Owning a mare in a dream means begetting a beautiful son. If it is a nag or a workhorse in the dream, it means that he will live satisfied, or that he may marry a rich and a noble woman who will bear his children. Seeing a horse in a dream also may connote owning a good house. If it is a blond horse in the dream, it means knowledge, devotion, piety and fear of wrongdoing. A nag in a dream represents a wife or a husband. A…

…or death. If a soldier sees his head shaved in a dream, it means that he will lose his strength and esteem. If one sees himself chipping his hair in bits in a dream, it means that he will lose people’s respect. Shaving one’s head in a dream for someone who does not usually shave it also may mean an affliction or an illness. If a woman sees her head shaved in a dream, it means divorce, or the death of her husband. If she sees her hair sheared in a dream, it means confinement to her house. If she sees her husband giving her a beautiful haircut and talking to her affectionately in a dream, it means spiritual growth, delivering a trust, or paying one’s debts. Trimming women’s hair in a dream means inability to conceive children. Cutting one’s hair in a dream means losing one’s strength. Shaving half…

…Dreaming of camping in the open air, you may expect a change in your affairs, also prepare to make a long and wearisome journey. To see a camping settlement, many of your companions will remove to new estates and your own prospects will appear gloomy. For a young woman dreaming that she is in a camp, denotes that her lover will have trouble in getting her to name a day for their wedding, and that he will prove a kind husband. If in a military camp she will marry the first time she has a chance. If a married woman after the dream of being in a soldier’s camp is in danger of having her husband’s name sullied, and divorce courts may be her destination….