(See Earthquake | Thunder)
Dream dictionary: thunder dream meanings
(See Earthquake | Thunder)
…To dream of a gentle rain, is a good omen, as it foretells success in any undertaking: if you dream of a violent rain-storm accompanied by wind and thunder and lightning, it predicts much trouble and misfortune, though ultimate success in your undertakings. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 21, 12….
(See Earthquake | Thunder)
A soft rain without storm means profit and gain to the dreamer, especially if he is if an agriculturist. Damage, loss and suspension of business if the dreamer is a mechanic, trader or capitalist in a city. A strong and long rain, accompanied by thunder, wind, tempest, hail or lightning indicates affliction, vexation, worriment of mind and loss to the dreamer if he is rich. If the dreamer is poor repose and perfect tranquility to him. A shower of gold represents great joy. A shower of silver symbolizes bitter sorrows. Rain that is made of fire, means disappointments.