…(Communication | Communion | Invocations | Prayers | arb. Salat) To see oneself performing one’s obligatory prayers {arb. Fardh) in a dream means receiving a high ranking appointment, spiritual advancement, leadership, presiding over people, delivering a message, performing a duty, paying dues, turning over one’s trust or satisfying obligatory deeds and enjoying peace. If one sees himself in a dream performing one of the five obligatory prayers on time, having performed the proper ablution and correctly completed its obeisance of the proper standing, bowing and prostrating postures, standing with reverence and piety and facing the Ka’aba, it means that he will perform a religious duty or attend the annual pilgrimage in Mecca. It also means that he will extricate himself from an unjust deed he fell into and repent, or it could mean eschewing evil. Performing the divinely ordained prayers in dream also means loyalty to one’s promise, employment…
Dream dictionary: time dream meanings
People dream about time a lot, especially the ones who are afraid to be late. The time could also foretell about our view towards the world and what do we do with our time. Do we enjoy it? Id the time goes very slowly in dream, it means that we are very relaxed.
…Time or clock in a dream symbolizes the rhythm and the course of our lives. To see a stopped clock in a dream is an omen that our evolution has finished or that the clock’s owner doesn’t have any more hope, our lifetime has run out of time. If it’s a delayed clock it warns us to accelerate our pace of work, if we do not want to see ourselves overtaken by events. If the clock delays it, then it indicates that we should take things more calmly if we do not want to risk our health and our lives. If the hands turn madly or we dream we constantly look at the clock, then it reveals our anxiety about the pace of life we lead. If it works well and the time it tells catches our attention the dream’s meaning depends on the context and the marked time….
…Dreaming about a season symbolizes your emotional state of mind. Stormy or windy weather implies conflict and aggression. Rain and hail represent depression and sadness. Sun and rays represent hope and happiness. Dreaming about not having time to do things means stress, anxiety and fear. Dreaming about seasons may represent your fears of daily life. Dreaming about reading weather information can mean that you will change your place of residency and the current season. To dream that you dont have time to do something may represent stress, anxiety and fear about resolving a difficult situation. Dreaming about time means you may feel discouraged and have difficulty with a business or person. This dream may also indicate doing something useless….
…he saw,’ for what one sees in such a dream is the truth which resides in the realms of the unseen. In the second saying, when God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, said – “It is as if he has truly seen me,” it means that if one had seen him during the time of delivering God’s massage, the example will be the same. Thus, the first saying signifies what is real and true while the second saying implies the physical reality and its example. If one sees God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, coming toward him in a dream, it means blessings and benefits, and if one sees God’s prophet (uwbp) turning away from him in a dream, it means the opposite. Al-Qadi ‘Iyad, God bless his soul, in- terpreted the words of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in his saying – “Has truly seen me,” to mean – “has truly…
Soon realization of wishes, luck and plenty. 188.
…There are unquestionably certain people who, in their dreams, witness events that are actually taking place at the time.A lady I knew, Mrs. P., who lived in Gloucester Place, W., dreamed one night she was in a big seaport town, where the streets were all numbered and laid out in blocks according to the American system, and where in one part of the city the tramlines descended over a series of plateaux. The houses were very lofty, and in one street a single hotel occupied an entire block. Shortly after her arrival, the entire town shook and heaved under the influence of a stupendous earthquake; houses collapsed like packs of cards, and, amidst the most appalling shrieks and groans, the whole city burst into a lurid sheet of fire. Everywhere was the wildest confusion and despair. People of all nationalities, from fair-skinned Europeans and yellow-visage Chinese of which…
…it! Jim was a burglar, mister, a real top-sawyer in his profession, and there wasn’t his equal in London. I knew it when I first met him, and he knew all about me that I was one of the cleverest filchers pocket -pickers in Whitechapel. Well, mister, we took to one another at first sight, and, after a few months courting, agreed that, if we were to marry and have a quiet time of it, we must give up our present line of business. Burglary is all very well for a single man, if he is ‘pinched’ no one misses him, but when it comes to seven years’ penal for a man with a wife and half a dozen children, it isn’t good enough. Jim and I were sensible enough to see that, mister, and we both came to the conclusion that, after one more haul, we…
…The clock in dreams stands for the symbolism of the time that is passing by. Maybe there is some important event in your life and the unconscious mind of yours reminds of it. The dream could also indicate the worries you have about making things on time. Perhaps there is apparent time line that needs to be succeeded, therefore the dream suggests you to do things faster. On the other hand, the dreams about clock could indicate the end of something sometimes even death, but only if the clocked has stopped working. Those people who are suffering from the serious illness very often dream about the clock, because they know there is not much time left. If you see the clock, that is going backwards, then such dream indicates the important step you took back. Perhaps the dream suggests you to become braver and do things faster. Make sure…
…sentiments so that you need not be surprised at my asking you into my dining-room, which I have observed you admiring from the road for some little time. Oh! Bother the sergeant, he won’t see you, and you need only stay a few minutes, just to taste a bit of the good fare which you will find every bit as good as it smells.’ He badgered me so, sir, that in the end I gave in, and after assuring myself that the sergeant was nowhere about, I slipped through the doorway and into the dining-room. The gentleman very thoughtfully drew down the blind, and, bidding me be seated, left the room.”Well, I said to myself, ‘ here’s a pretty go” and no mistake! Here I am, P.C. Hardy K. 202, supposed to be on his beat, and stumping along towards the Common instead of which he is the guest…
…for the town for the theatre! Cannot we go there tonight?” ” Tonight!” I ejaculated; “say rather tomorrow!””No! Tonight” she answered, with a pout of her pretty lips;” you always try to disappoint me but I will have my way this time, you shall see! I will summon the horses!” She clapped her tiny, bejewelled hands together as she spoke. There was a loud clatter of hoofs, and the next instant two silver-grey, fiery-eyed horses trotted in at the front gates and galloped across the lawn. “Come!” she cried, seizing me by the arm, “let us be off at once!” Yielding to her wishes, I followed her out of the house and on to the lawn, where the steeds stood impatiently pawing the ground. Leaping nimbly on to one of them, she looked down at me with an artful smile on her bewitching lips, and crying out: “Through the…
When you are dreaming of acquaintance it represents your happy time. At this time of your life it is very appropiate time to make important desicions when it come to business. This dream means that changes to that wealthy matter, will be in very short period of time. If you see yourself fighting or arguing with an acquaintance, it is the sign, that you should be very careful as you might get yourself in very uncomfortable situacion.
…To dream of seeing or taking a bathtub denotes to your will of running away from the daily routine. You wish you could shake of all the problems you are having. Maybe you’ve been working too hard in the last weeks or months and now the subconscious mind of yours gives you the signal to stop and relax. The dream could also represent your interest of relaxation. Maybe you are one of those people who likes from time to time pamper themselves. To see you or someone being drowned in the bathtub foretells that it is not the time for you to confront your fears. It seems that you thought you are ready to move on and face your fears, but consider to hold on for the time when you actually will be prepared. Try to move on step by step instead of rushing into any occurrences….
When you dream about the hour, then such dream shows how the time goes by. Consider if there are things that you have to remember such as take a class, have a meeting, because the unconscious mind of yours gives you a warning to wake up or remember something important. The dreamer should also pay attention to the exact hour he saw in a dream, because the number would tell much more about the dream. When you dream of the happy time (hour) in your dream, then such dream foretells about the happiness and pleasure that are associated with the particular time. On the other hand, the hour in a dream could remind you of using the time thoughtfully that was given to you by life.
…Every clock means time, and if the hands are moving, it means active time, therefore this doesnt indicate death, like people in ancient times used to think. In contrast, today is thought it suggests activity, movement, life. Dreaming that you see the time on a clock suggests that you should be careful with the enemies you already know. Dreaming that a watch is broken is a threat that means that youll have several losses in business or any other affairs youre handling. Dreaming that the crystal of a watch falls off your hands suggests enmities, false friends, and that your own carelessness will make you have losses. Dreaming that your watch is stolen suggests that dangerous enemies will attempt to do things against you from the dark, to damage your integrity and disturb the peacefulness of your house. Dreaming that you flatter a clock suggests that youre trying to…
…To dream of a sunny day, has deep meaning and stands as an omen of the feeling caused by agreeable stimuli. Sunny day denotes clarity, pleasure and enjoyment in your life. You are seeing everything clearly. Anything, persons and situation, is giving you every time more happiness. To dream of a gloomy or cloudy day, stands as a symbol and sign of depression. Cloudy day is an omen of sadness. If you dream of a particular day, then you may need to look closely at that day for any significance. Consider the number associated with that day. The date of the day could be a reminder of special anniversary, appointment or occasion. To dream of the passing of a day, is interpreted as suggestion that you need to manage your time better. The passage of the day in the dream signalize about disruption to plan your day properly. If…
…Dreaming of one or more paths, usually indicates that the dreamer has a constant concern due to dubious conditions found in his affairs, business, love, etc., which produces a constant desire to make changes in ones life. The probabilities of these changes almost always appear in the same dream showing the difficulties or facilities to do them. For example: A large, long and clean path, easy to navigate, indicates that all is well in the dreamers life and that it will remain that way for some time. On the contrary, a narrow, muddy, rocky, and difficult to navigate path indicates abundance of problems, indicating that the change that is desired will not be easy or immediate. A path that appears suddenly blocked by wall or by any other obstacle like a huge rock, or that just doesnt end, indicates that one should not expect success in the change that…
To dream about your significant other such as your wife, your husband or your spouse partner, then it means that you have some issues with one of them. Sometimes the people who are in the begging of their relationships dream about their significant other, because they think about them all the time, spend lots of time together. In the dream someone who is your significant other, but in reality is not shows that you like particular features in this person. Sometimes you have a crush on someone and dream this person being your significant other, because you wish it happening in reality. Sometimes we dream about our ex significant other, which means that we feel lonely and wish to be with someone in reality. However, if you spent a lot of time with this person, it is very normal to dream about it either.
…prospect of being now able to quench my thirst, I hastened to the pool, and, kneeling down, dipped my mouth in it. But alas! Try how I would, I couldn’t drink the water every time I touched it with my lips it slipped away and I gulped at nothing. With a tin dipper, that I found lying close beside me, I tried to ladle the water out of the pool, but all to no purpose ^the water was in the pool, and in the pool it meant to stay. At last, worn out with trying to coax the water into my mouth, and perceiving some luscious-looking plums growing on a tree nearby, I resolved to slake my thirst with them instead. But the moment I touched a plum it changed into a reel of cotton. One plum after another I touched, but there was no exception to the…
…returned upon his memory. He made an immediate search for the papers, and recovered them; so that Mr. Reid was thus, by the instrumentality of his vision, enabled to carry to Edinburgh the documents necessary to gain the cause, which he was on the verge of losing. Here the account ends.”I think a feasible explanation of the dream is, that it was in reality a case of unconscious projection during sleep, when the spirit of Mr. Reid was disembodied through the agency of his dead father, who, having something of such vital importance to communicate, was thus permitted to converse with the phantasm of his son on the super physical plane.Lady B., with whom I am slightly acquainted, once had a very vivid dream of this description. She had been left a widow for some time, and was contemplating marrying again, when she dreamed one night she met her late…
…raging rapids; and then, tearing past my hut with the thunder of hell, hurled every tree in the forest to the ground. The effect of the sky was now apparent in everything; the whole landscape mountains, river, and sands, and even the prostrate forest shone with a violet glow. So far the rain had held off, but presently a huge hand was thrust out of the sky and shaken menacingly, whereupon a great fissure opened, and a whole sea of bubbling, violet water descended with such terrific force that the earth gave way beneath it; and amidst an inferno of sand, rafters, and water I was borne down, down, till all became suffused in the blackness of hell and I lost consciousness. On recovery, I was standing knee -deep in an ocean of violet water that seethed and hissed on all sides of me. From time to…
…dream is an atheist, it means that he will be guided and have faith in God Almighty. If he is a sinner, it means that he will repent for his sins. Hearing the roaring of thunder in a dream on the first day of October means death. If it is heard during the first six days of that month, it means benefits, or lower prices, but if it is heard near the end of the month, then it means a plague or a disaster. Hearing the sound of thunder at any other time during the month of October in a dream means evil. If it is heard during the month of November in a dream, it means blessings for the land, prosperity, the spreading of God’s words in a new land, the falling of a comet in a populated area, the death of a leader, a pollution that will devastate…
To dream about the beetle, means that you admire the qualities that are time checked and known very well. You appreciate the time of your life. The beetle could also represent some person in your waking life which is appreciated by you, because of the time you spent with him or her.
If you see the drain in a dream, then it shows the necessity to let go the unfavorable feelings you are keeping within yourself. You should not be afraid to release the pain from time to time. On the other hand, the drain could symbolize the time and effort you have put into something that is useless. You should also look around and realize if there is anyone in your life that is draining your energy.
…suggests that problems are going to be solved favorably because the white symbolizes intelligence and self-control. Dreaming that a donkey licks your face or that brays very near your face, indicates that the hypocrisy of who call themselves your friends, is causing you trouble. Dreaming of abruptly guiding a donkey, for example, hitting him or using harsh words, suggests that youre spending energy and time uselessly and/or trying to avoid the insidious attacks of opponents. If a lover dreams of pulling a stubborn donkey that doesnt want to walk, it indicates that he unconsciously know that his passions will cause serious problems, but if the donkey obeys without difficulty, it indicates that the dreamer is properly managing his affairs and ultimately he will succeed in the things he wants, including the emotional part. Dreaming of donkeys suggests that businesses, awards and news that you have been anxiously expecting, will take…
…If you are in the wheelchair in your dream, then this is a sign that it is a time for you to become independent and to start to create your own life. It doesn’t matter that you feel unsafe and helpless this will be only better for you. All the time the people around you pushed you to create something, but now it is your time to do it by yourself. In the dream you see a known person who is sitting in the wheelchair, and then this denotes that he/she needs your help and support….
…Traveling is always a symbol of life itself. Dreaming of traveling means gains or losses, based on what happens in the dream, that is: if you suffer or rejoice, if it’s a happy journey or if there are accidents. Dreaming that a friend is happily starting a trip means an upcoming change in one’s life which is reflected in one’s harmony with family and friends. Dreaming of friends who are invaded by sadness due to a trip might mean that the dreamer won’t see his loved ones for a long time. Also, that one’s at risk of losing his values. Dreaming of oneself traveling in a vehicle overloaded with passengers may mean that you are getting involved in adventurous and risky business and tasks in which a lot of people are not honest. Dreaming of oneself traveling in the sea suggests that you crave for new life, new relationships…
Dreaming of a banquet is a good symbol, especially when its developed in a healthy and joyful time, this dream implies that important people will encourage you, and help you selflessly without having bad intentions. Dreaming of eating expensive delicacies and drinking fine wine in a banquet, is a sign of success in the near future, therefore, it is an appropriate time to start doing business. This dream indicates that long-cherished wish will finally come true. If that wish is about of pleasure or entertainment, it will be ephemeral and wont leave pleasant traces pleasant. Dreaming of being in a messy feast, with several empty seats and guests with gruesome faces, indicates that its not the right time to start new complicated business or any other activities, since there is a risk of failure for lack of support.
The tree that is blooming indicates new phases in your life. The spring time came into your life. The trees that have no leaves signify the melancholic and maybe even sad period of your life time. Trees during the winter indicates the stagnation. Trees on summer time, the best days in your life.
…astronomer or a guide. Seeing the moon at its highest point in a dream means honor and blessings while seeing it at its lowest point in a dream means the opposite. Seeing the moon in the position of Aries in a dream means benefits for someone who desires to meet with high ranking people, though it could also have a negative connotation for someone who works in construction. Seeing the moon in the position of Taurus in a dream means losses for a business traveler. As for seeing it in the position of Gemini in a dream, then it means profits from a ranch and raising livestock. Seeing the moon in the position of Cancer in a dream means good time to get married and conceive children. Seeing it in the position of Leo in a dream means bad business for partnerships, securities, or mixing capitals. Seeing it in the…
…It symbolizes the rhythm and the passing of our lives as the clock, so its meaning is the same. To see a stopped clock in a dream means our evolution has finished or the clock’s owner doesn’t have any more hope, his lifetime has run out of time. If it’s a delayed clock it warns us to accelerate our pace of work if we do not want to see ourselves overtaken by events. If the clock delays it indicates that we should take things more calmly if we do not want to risk our health and our lives. If the hands turn madly or we dream we constantly look at the clock reveals our anxiety about the pace of life we lead. If it works well and the time it tells catches our attention the dream’s meaning it depends on the context and the marked time. For example: If…
…When you dream of seeing ballons it represents your frustration of finding your soul mate, the true love you have been looking for a very long time. It seems that there is a possibility for you life to get completely upsidedown. Keep in mind that ballons also represent pomposity and very high ambitions about yourself. If you saw ballons that are black it signifies sadness and uhapiness you are suffering from, especially if those ballons are becoming smaller and smaller. If you dream of the ballon that is pumping up with the air or becoming bigger and bigger it symbolizes the desperation and your wish to run from those problems away. The other meaning of seeing ballons indicates celebrations, parties and happy time. If you dream of the ballon that has blowed up it shows that there are some circumstances which you have not noticed yet, but it signifies…
…(New moon) If the new crescent appears in its correct position in a dream, it means begetting a blessed son or receiving an important appointment or profits from one’s business. Seeing the gathering of several crescents in a dream means attending the pilgrimage to Mecca. A red crescent in a dream means a miscarriage. If a crescent falls to the earth in a dream, it means a newborn. Seeing the new crescent when everyone else is looking an failing to see it in a dream represents one’s death, or it could mean that one will be aberrant and corrupt during that year of his life. Seeing the new moon at a time other than the time of its birth in a dream means happy news, glad tidings, the home returning of a long awaited traveller or having a newborn. The birth of a new moon in a dream also…
…authority or a scholar will persecute him. If one sees himself being Omar in a dream, or if he wears one of his garments in a dream, it means that he will be awarded honor, a dignified status, or die as a martyr. If one sees Omar smiling in a dream, it means that he follows the correct precepts of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, and emulates his practices. Seeing him in a dream also means that justice and truth will prevail in his time, or that he is a trustworthy person, or that the propagation of truth is prominent in his time. Seeing him in a dream also could mean signing a peace treaty with one’s enemy, annihilating hatred with love, good luck with one’s in-laws, renouncing one’s attachment to worldly things, though being capable of winning it, or presiding over people with justice, love and compassion….
You will experience a difficult time in your life. Bad time to make an inversion. Unproductive business. Sadness and melancholy. Difficulties.
When you take a trip in a dream, then such dream suggest you to make some time for yourself. Perhaps you are too tired both mentally and physically, therefore try to make some free time for yourself. The dream could also offer you to make some variations in your life and make it more interesting.
…To dream of parting from friends with regret, is a sign of disappointment; if a young girl dreams that her lover is going away anywhere, and she feels bad when he takes his leave, it predicts that he will not go raving distracted with delight” the next time he comes to see her, she will consequently be disappointed at his supposed coolness; but all this may not amount to anything more than to make her feel bad for the time being….
In dreams the air appears as a breeze or wind, then it means youre becoming visible and with some coloration. So if the air is dirty, almost reddish, as it is announcing a storm, that means possible disagreement. And if its a strong wind it may try to tell us that the time to make decisions on matters that we have neglected has come. However, when the breeze is smooth and gentle it is interpreted as omen of a prosperous period of time, a happy journey or the recovery of something lost. Some experts take into account the temperature in the dream, and if you are feeling a cold wind, thats interpreted as a possible loss of affection or friends.
When you see the hourglass in a dream, then it shows that the time is ticking about some matter. You feel that there is not enough time for something to finish. The hourglass could also indicate some situation that has been turned completely upside down.
…Some time ago I dreamed I left my body, and, after travelling at a great rate through the still night air, arrived at the sphere I designate phantomania. The spot where I settled down was a lonely railway cutting, and I at once remarked on the loud moaning and sighing of the wind through the telegraph wires, and the curious jar, jar, jar of the iron railroad; and the metals which grew less and less like ordinary metals the longer I looked at them, suddenly became imbued with life, and, rising on end, rushed blindly hither and thither and then lay down again. Presently I heard whistle of an approaching train. Nearer, nearer, and nearer it came, and as it whizzed past me all the passengers put their heads out of the windows simultaneously, and burst into peal upon peal of mad, hilarious laughter. There was then a tremendous…