…If we are the doctor this dream warns us that we must attend to both the body and the soul. The medicine symbolizes support for the body and soul. If the medicine is for someone else then it’s that person who requires our help….
Dream dictionary: to be a doctor dream meanings
The dream in which you see the doctor signifies some problem that needs to be fixed immediately. The doctor could also represent the actual illness you are suffering from. Sometimes the dream about the doctor may indicate the fact that you are feeling not well mentally, therefore the help from your family or friends would be great to be received. The doctor could also denote to another person who is in need for assistance because of some matter.
Dreaming of having a friendly chat with a doctor is a good sign, because it indicates that at the moment the dreamer is in good health and there are prosperous businesses in sight. For a young woman, who has a dream about visiting a doctor, is a sign that her romantic relationships are in the wrong path. Dreaming of visiting a doctor because the dreamer feels sick, hints that the dreamer or somebody in the family requires immediate medical attention. Dreaming of being operated on by a doctor announces various risks in life. If blood is not seen in the dream, the risks are minor and can be controlled, but if blood is seen flowing, then the losses will be substantial and imminent.
If you see the doctor in a dream, then such dream indicates the sickness, illness or diseases you are suffering from. Perhaps you are looking for help and wish that someone helped you to solve some situation or fix the things you are unable to do by yourself. The dream could also represent the mental state of yours where you feel over tired and wish to get some help. If you see doctor that is amongst the other people, then it symbolizes richness and wealthy life. If you are the doctor in a dream, then it shows your will to be needful to others.
…(A RECAPITULATION) The dreams in which one flies from one scene to another with breathless rapidity, and all the characters are bewilderingly mixed and everything is hopelessly incongruous, though apparently very meaningless, often contain many significant features.To quote an illustration: A certain Doctor Eastlake dreamed he was cycling through Hyde Park one very sunny morning, when a servant-maid, dressed all in pink and yellow, shot a perambulator straight in front of him, and he was thrown head over heels in the air; but instead of alighting on the ground, he found himself running about in a cage at the Zoo without anything on. Then, just as his mother-in-law, her face green with fury, advanced on him with uplifted parasol, the scene changed, and he was picking up sovereigns in the street as fast as he could. One of the coins, as he was about to pop it into his…
Dreaming of being a doctor could be interpreted as an indication to address both our physical problems as well as emotional problems, and if we have a dream about a doctor, it could be interpreted as the harbinger of a favorable presence for our development.
…This is a most auspicious dream, denoting good health and general prosperity, if you meet him socially, for you will not then spend your money for his services. If you be young and engaged to marry him, then this dream warns you of deceit. Dreaming of a doctor professionally, signifies discouraging illness and disagreeable differences between members of a family. Dreaming that a doctor makes an incision in your flesh, trying to discover blood, but failing in his efforts, denotes that you will be tormented and injured by some evil person, who may try to make you pay out money for his debts. If he finds blood, you will be the loser in some transaction….
The doctor in dreams is interpreted as the need for help you are looking for either physical one or emotional one. The doctor could also signify your beliefs.
To see a quack doctor in your dreams, denotes you will be alarmed over some illness and its improper treatment.
…are grimmer stories in connection with Pomeranians. One man I met told me that he once dreamed he saw his little boy worried to death in the most horrible manner by a Pomeranian dog, and that, on the following evening, his house was broken into by burglars.Another person if I remember rightly, an Anglo-Indian doctor once told me that he dreamed he was alone in a very gloomy church, and that a gigantic man in a black surplice suddenly appeared in the pulpit, and, after making the most hideous faces was transformed into a monstrous Pomeranian dog. What happened then the dreamer could not recollect, but he thinks it must have been something very alarming, as he was bathed in perspiration when he literally awoke to the fact that his bed was gently rising beneath him. Unable to determine whether he was still dreaming, he gave himself a…
Dreaming of a doctor indicates that you will have a vexing situation, some annoyances.
Anger and difficult problems.
(See Ophthalmologist)
(See Physician)
To dream about quack doctors is unfavorable omen, which brings temporary problems.
Marriage in the family.
Denotes failing health. 81.
…their impending fate.T. Charley, in his News from the Invisible World, furnishes another example of this type of dream, namely, as follows:”Dr. Donne and his wife lived for some time in London with Sir Robert Daury. Sir Robert having occasion to go to Paris, took the doctor along with him, leaving his wife, who was in a delicate state of health, at Sir Robert’s house. Two days after their arrival at Paris, Dr. Donne was left alone in the room where Sir Robert, and he, and some other friends had dined together. Sir Robert returned in half an hour, and as he had left so he found the doctor, alone; but in such an ecstasy and so altered in his looks as amazed Sir Robert to behold. He inquired the cause, and after some time the doctor told him he had seen a dreadful vision. “I beheld,” he said,” my…
…An ordinary dream of teeth augurs an unpleasant contact with sickness, or disquieting people. If you dream that your teeth are loose, there will be failures and gloomy tidings. If the doctor pulls your tooth, you will have desperate illness, if not fatal | it will be lingering. To have them filled, you will recover lost valuables after much uneasiness. To clean or wash your teeth, foretells that some great struggle will be demanded of you in order to preserve your fortune. Dreaming that you are having a set of teeth made, denotes that severe crosses will fall upon you, and you will strive to throw them aside. If you lose your teeth, you will have burdens which will crush your pride and demolish your affairs. Dreaming that you have your teeth knocked out, denotes sudden misfortune. Either your business will suffer, or deaths or accidents will come close…
…(See Medicine.) In a dream-book published 1151, is this prediction: ” If any man doth dream he taken much physicked, it foretells a bad liver, and a quarrel with ye doctor; but a virgin who dreamed this dream, will marry her doctor first, and quarries thereafter.” Lucky lottery dream numbers – 37, 8….
…(Banner | Flag) In a dream, the flag of an army represents a pious man, a scholar, a religious doctor, a spiritual leader, an ascetic, or a rich and a generous person who is an example to others. A red flag in a dream means war, while a yellow flag means a plague. A green flag in a dream means a blessed journey, while a white flag means rain. A black flag in a dream means drought and doubt, or it could mean a rainstorm. Sighting the flag of an army in a dream means finding one’s way or finding guidance. For a woman, seeing a flag in her dream means getting married. (Also see Banner | Colors | Flag)…
…To dream of an actor or actress portends success in courtship; an author, a rencontre with an old friend; a baker, missing a train; a builder, a present in the way of dress; a clergyman, neuralgia or biliousness; a coachman, an injury to the head; a chemist, getting into debt; a dentist, ill-ness or death; a dressmaker, kisses; a doctor, danger from cows and horses; a gardener, an accident to the feet or legs; a grocer, sickness; a lawyer, pecuniary losses and danger from dog-bites; a manicurist, presents from a lover, success in courtship; a parvenu, danger from tramps; a publisher, danger from stinging; a member of Parliament, a birth; a sailor, an accident to a clock or watch; a soldier, breaking china or glass; a tailor, quarrel with parents-in-law; a tinker, visit from mother-in-law, or debts incurred by wife or sweetheart; a tramp, present of a dog or…
If you dream of M.D. it shows that you are looking for help and trying to make things better of your health or your life. The dream could also be understood as the suggestion to look after your health and check your doctor. If you are feeling physically sick in your dream, it means that you are trying to understand your body and mind. In some cases the dream about M.D. could show that you are going on the right track while dealing with your spirituality.
If you dream that you are looking out for help in some medical office, then this dream means that you actually need some mental or physical help. To get more interpretation of your dream, please also see the meaning of doctor, illness and sick.
When in dreams we stare down into the eyes of those before us that reveals the fear to betray something we want to keep hidden. To feel like we are being observed insistently but without seeing the eyes that look at us denotes guilt complexes. If we dream we are blind or blindfolded, then it is indicative of an illogical fear of being cheated or persecuted or can also reveal our powerlessness over the circumstances in real life. To dream that we suffer from bad sight without wearing glasses shows a lack of courage that prevents us from looking straight at facts. If we go to an eye doctor it indicates the desire to find someone we can involve in our problems and who would help us.
…In dreams mines refer to all the treasures and riches that have not yet come to light. To dream a mine it’s an omen of wealth and benefits to a worker, businessman or entrepreneur. To a scientist mine dream represents a scientific discoveries or new applications of science. To a doctor, a dream represents the discovery or the healing of a new disease. To a politician it means founding a political party….
If we dream that we are blind or we see ourselves with our eyes closed, then the dream is showing us an illogical fear of being cheated on or persecuted and also powerlessness over the circumstances of life. But dreaming of going to the eye doctor indicates our desire to find a solution.
…If you are troubled with warts on your person, in dreams, you will be unable to successfully parry the thrusts made at your honor. To see them leaving your hands, foretells that you will overcome disagreeable obstructions to fortune. To see them on others, shows that you have bitter enemies near you. If you doctor them, you will struggle with energy to ward off threatened danger to you and yours….
Dreaming with little health ailments or infirmities, may indicate that they are actually ahead so it is indicated to be attentive to our health or visit the doctor. But some authors indicate that if in the dream the ailment is not unpleasant, its an omen of wealth that will bring us greater responsibilities.
Dreaming that we are sick, is a warning to consult a doctor because our health is in danger. But if the same dream is not accompanied by this unpleasant impression, but rather is pleasant, it is an announcement of economic success. If we dream of one or more sick people, its a warning that delays and setbacks will be presented in our projects or businesses.
…Dreaming of oneself with vertigo means that soon there’ll be problems at home and that as a result of that, your plans or projects won’t be satisfactory. Obviously this isn’t’ a definitive meaning, as it could be true vertigo as a result of illness, in which case you should see a doctor….
…fireplace in the dream, it represents a person who is favored by someone in authority, or it could mean business success. Firewood in a dream also means adversities or stinginess. Wrapped firewood in a bundle means mixed profits. If an unemployed person sees himself carrying a bundle of firewood in a dream, it means that he will work for a generous person. Gathering firewood in a dream means bringing medicine for a sick person. Attributing the firewood to its mother tree or distinguishing its fruit in the dream means money of a doubtful source. Offering timber to burn in a religious ceremony in a dream means nearness to one’s Lord, or it could mean offering a gift to one’s teacher, bringing a culpable before a judge, or bringing a sick person to the doctor. In this case, if the timber burns before putting it in the fire, it means that…
(Eye doctor | Oculist) In a dream, an ophthalmologist represents a spiritual guide who brings people out of darkness into light and who brings peace and unity between beloveds. An ophthalmologist in a dream also represents a teacher who entices people to seek knowledge, to reflect in advance about the consequences of their actions and to develop a sharp sight. An ophthalmologist in a dream also could represent a pearl diver, an ocean diver, one who digs wells or restores old springs, or an eye expert who can tell the difference between false eyes from the true ones. An ophthalmologist in a dream also represents a preacher, or a counsellor who can show the difference between the path of righteous people and the path of the heedless ones. An ophthalmologist in a dream also may represent someone who has something to say, or news to report.
…(Money) A minter in a dream represents a well spoken person who tricks others with his fancy words. If he does not receive a wage for his work, a minter in a dream represents a reliable and an honorable person of a pleasant character and company. However, if he asks for wage in the dream, then he represents a hypocrite, a slanderer, one who follows hearsay, or he could be a poet. Minting in a dream connotes an appointment at a high ranking position for a qualified person. A minter in a dream also represents the ruler, his chief minister, a religious leader, a spiritual person, an artist, a scribe, a tax collector or an employee of a collection agency. A minter in a dream also represents religious jurisprudence, or one who observes his religious rites. A minter in a dream also represents a srotyteller, a religious doctor, or…
Dreaming of bloody red beef suggests that soon diseases that could be dangerous will appear, which is why the dreamer should take precautions especially with food and going to the doctor for a general check-up. Dreaming about eating cooked beef hints that soon the dreamer will require help in certain activities and mainly in regards to health. Dreaming of being in a party where delicious and well-seasoned beef is being served hints that matters are going well but they should be monitored to avoid unexpected problems. If the dreamer is eating that beef the good prognostics increase.
…If we are left: If powerful people or our lover left us, it indicates the possibility to liberate ourselves from their influence. If our mother leaves us we will have economic problems. If it’s the father, it indicates our lack of will to realize our projects. When it’s our husband/wife it means there are some economic problems because of us. If it’s you who leaves someone: what we leave in this dream will indicate what or who torments us and what we must modify or what we must break free from. In every other case there will be problems and difficulties. In any case there are dreams in which our unconscious tells us something isn’t right inside us without reacting to any external suffering, and then we will go to the doctor who will clear up if we are ill without knowing it….
If accompanied with a pleasant feeling, it indicates economic success. If not, you will go to the doctor.
(see DOCTOR)
Additionally, read the interpretation about doctor.
…(Mother) A physician in a dream represents a wise man, or a religious doctor. A physician in a dream also represents a scholar, and a scholar in a dream represents a physician. If one sees a physician examining him in a dream, it means an improvement in his health condition. If one sees a religious scholar advising him in a dream, it means that hypocrisy and doubt will be dispelled from his heart. A physician in a dream also represents one’s mother, or he could be an opponent, or an adversary. The death of one’s physician in a dream means the death of one’s mother. If a sick person sees a physician visiting him in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. If a physician visits a healthy person in a dream and write a prescription for him, it means that he will fall sick….