The garbage usually shows the things we are trying to get rid of such as unnecessary people or situations you are sick of. The garbage could also indicate the things that happened before and are no longer important to you. If you see lots of the garbage it may be a suggestion to change your views about something, maybe because you think better about yourself then the others. When you dispose the garbage of the others, then it means you will help those people to clear their minds or even solve some situation.
Dream dictionary: tree with lots of guava fruits dream meanings
The dream of hearing sirens in a dream, denotes to things you are afraid of something that gives you lots of tension. The dream could also be a warning for a dreamer to focus on some very serious matter.
…If you have a crush on someone in a dream, then such dream indicates the particular problem you are trying to solve or get rid of it. Perhaps the unconscious mind of yours is sending the signal to you, which shows how much you are worrying. The dream, in which you have a crush on someone, could also indicate the special feelings you have towards someone in your waking life. Such dreams could also indicate the present status of your feelings towards someone in your life. If you are spending lots of time with this person in your daily life or thinking about him/her either, then dreaming about the crush is very normal, because your feelings are the same while you are sleeping. The dream, in which someone has rejected you and you had a crush on this person, shows your fear of being neglected. If there is someone…
When you dream of being assassinated, it signifies desperate situation which must be changed drastically. There are some of the details, that needs to be resolved. If you dream of seeing someone being assassinated, it signifies your rejection to small components, which might look irrelevant, but it has lots of significance in your life. Make sure you do not avoid these details, because it will have much importance in the future.
If you were skating in a dream, it shows the fun and playful aspects of your personality. You find it interesting and nice to try new things while going through life. The skating also requires lots of balance, therefore the one who is skating is able to keep his way straight. The skating on ice also shows the strong aspects of the personality.
…To dream that you are having some of the false teeth, means that someone will give you a hand when you will need it the most. You should rely on this person. If your teeth are rotten and looks disgusting, then it represents the disgusting side of your personality where you lied to someone or said the things that would make some situation favourable to you. If your teeth are falling out, it means that the bad things you said about others or did something awful to them made lots of damage and those people are suffering a lot. If you swallowed one of your rotten teeth, you will pay for your bad behaviour. To dream about healthy looking teeth, means that you will be the victim of other peoples lies. To get more detailed interpretation about your dream, you have to know which tooth has fallen out exactly,…
The TV show is usually very common dream for those who watch lots of television in their lives, so its simply the reflection of your daily life. If you adore someone from TV or even become friends, it shows the admiration you have towards that person and wish to have these qualities of the personality in yourself.
…The dream of a well indicates your qualities. You have lots of hidden talents, skills which are buried deep inside. This is a sign that it is a time for you to show and to use them all. The dream symbol of a well marks that you are very sensitive and emotional person. All your feelings come from the deepest place of your inner world….
If you dream about handkerchiefs, then such dream signifies that you are feeling under pressure. There is a lack of space you wish to have. If you see the handkerchiefs that are in white color, then such dream foretells about the things that will turn on your positive way. If you waved goodbye, then such dream foretells about some situation you wish to finish and get over with it, because it took lots of energy from you.
The gun in dreams is known as the symbol of anger, apprehension, frustration and sadness. Perhaps you are feeling lots of anger and aggression. The gun can also be interpreted as the sexual aspects of the dreamer, because the gun is the symbol of penis. Maybe you have some sexual desires or your sexuality has been suppressed for a while. If you are loading a gun, then you should start paying attention to your anger and ask yourself if you can control it. If you shoot someone with a gun, then it shows your anger you have towards the certain person that has been shot. If somebody pointed the gun into you and shot, then you are facing some unavoidable situation in your waking life. To get better interpretation of your dream, please see the meaning of Pistol or Shot dreams interpretations.
…arent very honest but it will give you significant profits, even though it will also bring lots of problems. This is a dream that warns that you should be careful of falling into dangerous temptations. When a woman dreams of riding a horse and carrying a man with her, it means that she wants a marriage proposal from a specific person. But if she feels scared, while riding, then it indicates that in real life she doesnt trust this man a lot. Dreaming of wild horses peacefully grazing nearby indicates success in the things youre working, but if the horses are skinny, the grass is very scarce and the countryside looks gloomy, it indicates the opposite. Dreaming of slowly riding a horse insinuates that your affairs are going well, but you have to accelerate the process, otherwise you wont have good results in the long run. If youre galloping, it…
If you are moving to west in your dream, then such a dream will bring you lots of interesting opportunities and chances to implement your desires and hopes. You will grow as a personality and will become wiser and more intelligent. On the other hand this may be a sign of the end of work or position.
If you dream of Thanksgiving, then it indicates the connection you have with your family, friends and relatives. The Thanksgiving is the day of everyone getting together by one table. Love and other positive feelings are expressed towards those you are surrounded by. On the other hand, the dream could show the need to than for somebody in your waking life. Perhaps there are people who gave you lots of supportive advices, therefore you feel thankful for them.
The antlers symbolizes lots of happiness and even some celebration.
If you were attending the ceremony, then such dream shows the dedication you will make to someone special. The dream might also show the difficult time you have in your waking life and now you have to accept the challenges that life have given to you. Perhaps this is a time of your life where you will see lots of discoveries within yourself.
…friendship, goodness, love, affection. The dream in which you see the puppy signifies your tender and sweet side of the personality. The puppy is the symbol of innocence. If you have this dream, it means that you are the one who is trying to help for others or have lots of love and tender feelings towards those you love….
The one who dreams of moving in a slow motion is going through very difficult lifetime. There are lots of frustration and stress that you are suffering from. Make sure you find the way how to deal with the pain and hard feelings.
The dream in which you see the wash bowl denotes to the new activity that will bring lots of joy and happiness. The dream, in which you washed the face with the water from the washing bowl, denotes to new unseen feelings. If the washing bowl was broken, then it means you will receive the satisfaction by hurting the others.
(See Casting lots | Gambling)
To dream that you are in debt means that you are feeling afraid of losing your friendships with others. The debt could also signify the fact that you think that someone owes something to you, but only if another person is in debt with you. If you give someone lots of your attention and love but do not receive the same, then it means that you are feeling that life is not fair to you. You should think of situations or people that are very important to you and sort it out.
If you saw the cafeteria or been in one, then it denotes to relaxation and rest. Alternatively, the dream could indicate the matters that make you nervous and take lots of energy from you.
To dream you are climbing a tree, and gain the top, shows you will rise to preferment, or your love will succeed.
A bread crust signifies difficulties and financial concerns. A cheese cortex indicates that abundance has harmed you. A tree cortex, delicate and fragile protection. A peeled or torn cortex, loss of valuable support.
To dream you see and hear a blackbird and thrush singing upon the same tree, a female will have two husbands, and a male two wives.
To dream you see and hear a blackbird and thrush singing upon the same tree, shows a female will have two husbands, and a male two wives.
To dream about lemons suggests resentfully envy against others. This meaning may be ratified if those lemons are unripe and are also hanging in a tree that is property of the dreamer. To dream that you taste (suck) a lemon symbolizes that you feel humiliated for a situation that may well be unjustified. If married couples dream about unripe lemons, it suggests their problems will likely worsen. This dream means the same for unmarried couples, and it usually indicates a relationship breakup.
Drinking lemon juice is a sign of pain and anguish. Disease. Dream of a lemon tree means peace at home.
Dream of drinking lemon juice is a sign of pain and anguish. Also indicates disease. Dream of a lemon tree indicates peace at home.
It symbolizes the temptation. you are trying to solve some situation and finish the things off in your work place or relationships. If we see ourselves sawing a hammock, then it indicates that inside us there is an excess of indolence and passivity. If it is about a tree, then it indicates that we will lose protection, and If there is another person who cuts it, then it indicates that we will lose this protection due causes of not our own fault.
If you dream you see a laurel-tree, it denotes victory and pleasure; and if you be married, it betokens inheritance of possessions. Dreaming you see or smell laurel, if it be a married woman, she shall have children; if a maid, she will be suddenly married.
(bot.) In a dream, tamarisk represents someone who hurts the rich and benefits the poor. (Also see Tree)
Eating apples indicates envy, rivalry or jealousy between family members. Dreaming of an apple tree full of fruit is a sign of friendship and numerous companies.
…Dreaming of trees in new foliage, foretells a happy consummation of hopes and desires. Dead trees signal sorrow and loss. To climb a tree is a sign of swift elevation and preferment. To cut one down, or pull it up by the roots, denotes that you will waste your energies and wealth foolishly. To see green tress newly felled, portends unhappiness coming unexpectedly upon scenes of enjoyment, or prosperity. See Forest….
(See Tree | Walnut)
It is a bad ominous tree and portends losses, accidents and duels.
If the tree is blooming, it is a good augur for our hopes. If it is full of apricots, we will have new opportunities in our lives. If it is dry, we will pay more attention to our financial affairs to avoid deception.
Dreaming of eating apricot fruit usually indicates happiness, joy, pleasure, as long as the fruit is ripe. When its eaten green or dry, it usually portends disappointments and failures. Dreaming that an apricot tree is full of fruit indicates wellbeing; on the other hand, if it only has leaves, it may indicate suffering.
Eat them, or simply to see the tree whereon they grow, represents troubles and difficulties, followed by wealth and satisfaction. Find them hidden indicates discovery of a treasure.
If you see the sycamore tree in a dream, then it refers to thing you want to remove out of your life forever.
…To dream of simply treeing a raccoon, is a good omen, for you will probably either gain a sum of money, or have it left to you as a legacy: if you imagine that you shoot the animal, and he falls to the ground, this will spoil the luck; you should stop dreaming as soon as the coon is up the tree. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 61, 12….