The cigarette butt is the indicator of the fact that there is something in your life that is very old and no longer useful. The dream shows that there is some situation or person in your waking life that makes you feel this way. The cigarette butt could also signify that you finished something unpleasant in your life.

…Your own is a sign of hypocrisy and betrayal. A woman’s butt cheeks indicate repressed desires….

Seeing the butt of a gun announced oppositions and rivalries. Having it, authority to defend your interests.

…husband on the margin of a beautiful lake. She went up to him and, laying her hand on his arm, said,” I know you will not object to anything that will promote my happiness. I am thinking of marrying!”Regarding her with a look of the greatest kindness and affection, the phantasm remained silent for a few minutes, and then replied, “No, I object to nothing that will ensure your happiness; but marriage with Mr. S will have an opposite result. He does not love you, he only wants your money. If you wish to know more — to find out what manner of man he really is, write to Mr. Scott Tanner, of West Watling Street, Brisbane, enclosing your fiancé’s photograph.” The phantasm then kissed her, and, with the impression of his lips still upon hers, she awoke. Much startled by the dream. Lady B carried out the instructions Contained…

…(Cleaning | Sanitation) Sweeping the floor, or caring for the floor matt or carpet in a dream means to care for one’s community or family. Sweeping dirt or cleaning a floor in a dream means financial benefits for people who do that professionally. Sweeping someone else’s house in a dream means receiving money from him. If a rich person sees himself sweeping a floor in a dream, it means poverty, or loss of a business. (Also see Cleaner | Garbage | Sanitation | Trash collector)…