…Dreaming of a beautiful and clean baby is a sign of happiness in the soul and suggests that the dreamer is willing to give and receive affection from family and friends. Dreaming of clean and healthy babies always indicates joy in a near future. If in your dream you see a baby fall and get hurt, you’ll face some failures in your affairs. Dreaming of one or more babies crying insinuates that have you’ll have very unpleasant problems that will continue to appear for some time. Dreaming of a little baby boy walking alone, with no one around to protect him, suggests that the dreamer longs for independence. When a woman dreams that she’s taking care of a sick baby it indicates that the people in whom she trusts will disappoint her, particularly the man with whom she has a warm relationship. Dreaming one or more sick babies with…

…(Needle | Upholsterer’s needle) A sacking needle in a dream represents a woman, because of its threading hole. Holding a sacking needle in a dream means travels, or if one’s wife is pregnant, it means that she will beget twin girls….

…means that the one leaves the old times in the past or finding it hard to deal with it. To dream of wearing old shoes, means that the dreamer is very conservative person, who holds to his old ideas. Alternatively, the old shoes signify the acceptance of who you are. The new shoes symbolizes new ideas, new look into life. If the shoes do not fit, then it means that you are in the situation which you not supposed to be in, maybe there is something you feel uncomfortable about, therefore the shoes do not fit. To wear no shoes, means that there is a lack of self –esteem. To lose the shoes means that you are in search of who you are. The shoes of the kids or babies, symbolizes purity and innocence. If you already have kids it shows the very strong between you and your children….

…When you dream of a baby, it represents purity, chastity and sincerity. Babies usually represents the warmth and good intentions you might have. Dreaming of a baby could also represent the side of you which is weak, fragile and vulnerable. If you dreamed of having a baby, but forgot it as a fact it symbolizes your fear of being recognized as fragile person. You don not want others to know that you are not a strong person, because this is not something you are proud of. If you see yourself on the way of having a baby it means that you wish someone would take care of you as long as it is possible, you like to be dependant on someone. You do not want to take responsibility of anyone neither yourself, neither the others. If in reality you are already expecting the baby, then this dream indicates your…

The diaper is the symbol of childishness and innocence. If you have been wearing the diapers in a dream, then it shows how much dependent you are on others. If you have changed the diapers for somebody else, then it means that this particular person relies on you. The dirty diapers are interpreted as the necessity to clear up your mind and environment you are surrounded by. Perhaps you need to change your views and look at things from different angle. The diapers could also show how you are longing for the times you were irresponsible and didn’t have some many responsibilities. If you have babies and dream of the diapers, then such dream simply reflects your daily life.

To dream that you experience afterbirth, shows major events in your life that made very big influence in your life. This experience is coming into your dreams. The dream could also represent your actual desire to have babies.

The baby in dreams could indicate your mother instincts if the dreamer is the mother. Many pregnant women dream about the babies and it is absolutely normal. The pretty and healthy baby may also represent the peacefulness of your mind and life. The dream may signify that you are dealing with some new project in your waking life, therefore in dreams it stands as the baby omen.

…one’s nose in a dream, it means that a cattle, a pet, or a domesticated animal will give birth to its babies in such a house. A large nose in a dream represents honor and respect. Smelling a nice fragrance in a dream means begetting a son, or it could mean relief from difficulties. One’s face in a dream represents his happiness or his sorrow. Seeing the forehead and the face in a dream means money, honor and a beautiful woman. The earlock and the temples represent two noble and blessed daugh- ters. A bright face in a dream means glad tidings, while a yellowish face in a dream means bad news or miseries. Frowning in a dream means a misfortune. If a woman sees herself frowning in a dream, it means the death of her husband. The two lips in a dream represent one’s helpers. The lower lip is…

…Dreaming of crying babies, is indicative of ill health and disappointments. A bright, clean baby, denotes love requited, and many warm friends. Walking alone, it is a sure sign of independence and a total ignoring of smaller spirits. If a woman dream she is nursing a baby, she will be deceived by the one she trusts most. It is a bad sign Dreaming that you take your baby if sick with fever. You will have many sorrows of mind….

…Dreaming of small children or babies is always a good symbol and it suggests good things for the dreamer in the immediate future. Dreaming of playing with children symbolizes good things because it could mean that the dreamer’s matters are unfolding in a satisfactory manner. Dreaming of seeing children happily playing or studying on the floor, it signifies that there will be success of many types in the immediate future. Dreaming of children crying after suffering from a punishment can mean that the dreamer will soon receive disappointments from friends who the dreamer thought that they were sincere. If a mother dreams that her children are sick without them actually being sick in real life, then it could mean that she’s worried about several issues related to herself and to her home. Dreaming that her younger son is sick or dead suggests that the dreamer is very worried because…

…To see a bald-headed man, denotes that sharpers are to make a deal adverse to your interests, but by keeping wide awake, you will outwit them. For a man Dreaming of a bald-headed woman, insures him to have a vixen for wife. A bald hill, or mountain, indicates famine and suffering in various forms. For a young woman Dreaming of a bald-headed man, is a warning to her to use her intelligence against listening to her next marriage offer. Bald-headed babies signify a happy home, a loving companion, and obedient children….

Unless you have in mind the desire to have children and you worry so much about the idea, that the desire appears in your dream, if you dreamed with babies is because your creativity is on the way. It might be that you will start a new business very soon, or that your skills will be recognized.

It is a sign of happiness at home. If we are babies, it indicates that the dreamer felt very loved and cared.