…(Attire | Goodwill | Secondhand) Buying used clothing in a dream means poverty, but selling worn garments in a dream means good deeds, for in that case, one repels his aggravation or unwarranted adversities. A thrift shop salesperson in a dream represents a layman. Selling used clothing in a dream also means putting an end to one’s problems….

Denotes gain; also, having industrious servants. 125.

Having very little income, poor success after working hard.

Denotes a death in the family.

…Shaving one’s hair in a dream relates to one’s personal customs. If he is used to have short hair and sees himself shavinghis head in a dream, it means that he will pay a fine as an atonement. If he sees his head shaved in the summertime, and if he is used to doing so, it means benefits, comfort, or recovering from a migraine headache. If one sees his hair shaved during the winter in a dream, it means difficulties, adversities, penalties, or a sickness. Shaving one’s head in a dream also means paying one’s dues, appeasement of one’s fears, and success in one’s life. Shortening one’s hair in a dream also means appeasing his fears. If one is suffering from depression and he sees his head shaved in a dream, it means an end to his trouble, or payment of his debts. It also means abasement, disgrace, deception,…

…mental confusion, immobility for being tied to something, or inability to act. It means that the dreamer finds it difficult to avoid or solve problems that he or she has in real life, that is why the dreamer seems confused. Dreaming of sliding down a rope announces that the dreamer’s affairs are getting worse. Dreaming of being tied down with a rope indicates that you will have to do something against your will, even in the love area. Dreaming of tearing a rope implies that with effort you will succeed and overcome the difficulties and problems that show up even if they are serious. Dreaming about ropes being used to tie horses so they don’t flee, indicates that the dreamer has enough power and capacity to solve problems. Dreaming of a rope used to hang people is an indication that the dreamer might endure a long and painful illness….

When you dream of seeing an amber in your dream it indicates that something in your life is not like it used to be. This dream wants to show you that you should be more versatile when dealing with those around you. It also tells you that something that used to be very exciting and thrilling is not that way anymore. This dream represents something that happened before will be essential to something that only will happen in the future. The main mean of this dream is your thoughts of the stuff that happened before and does not let you move forward.

…for water to drink in a dream means lying to them by claiming to be needy. Stagnant water in a dream means imprisonment, distress, or depression. It is said that stagnant water in a dream has weaker meaning than running water. Bad smelling or putrid water in a dream represents a wretched life. Bitter water in a dream means a bitter life. Boiling water in a dream means suffering from heat. If boiling water is used during the daylight in a dream, it means suffering from chastisement, afflictions and punishment for one’s sins. If used during the nighttime in a dream, then it means fear of evil spirits. Salty water in a dream means hardships and difficulties in earning one’s livelihood. Murky waters in a dream represent unlawful earnings. Black colored water in a dream means destruction or family problems. Drinking black colored water in a dream also may mean…

…Mad people, I fancy, often dream of the subject of their mania. One madman, I was told, who believed he was a teapot, used constantly to dream that he was pouring out tea, and when anything prevented the tea flowing he would, on awaking, conclude it was a bad omen, and declare he was going to be ill; which prediction not infrequently came true. Another madman used often to tumble out of bed with a loud bump, and, on being questioned about it by his keeper, would say: “I can’t help it; I’m a plum, and when I dream I am ripe I am bound to fall. “This same man declared that whenever he dreamed he was eaten, something bad would always happen to him next day.I once heard of a mad woman who believed she was John the Baptist, and said that, whenever she dreamed she was in…

If you dream about binoculars, then such dream indicates the fact that you should be aware before making important decisions in your life. If the binoculars were used in order to follow someone, then such dream shows that you should be aware of those that are talking behind your back. Many false information is used against you. On the other hand, if you possess the binocular, then you will achieve success in your life.

…(Dung | Excrement) Manure represents money for one who eats it, or for one who collects it in his house or in a barn in his dream. Any animal excrements that are used to fertilize the soil, or if they are used as fuel represent profits when seen in a dream and particularly dried dung. Pigeons’ droppings, or the refuse of any type of fowl in a dream represent unlawful money. Cow dung in a dream is a sign of prosperity and a good harvest for farmers only. (Also see Droppings | Dung)…

The dream in which you see the donkey indicates your hard work which will not be appreciated. The dreamer feels that he is used for other people’s better life, therefore he sees the ass in the dream. In some dreams the ass could be applied not to you, but to other people who were used by you.

The color black in a dream means prosperity and happiness. In a dream, everything black represents money, dominion and power and particularly for those who are used to wearing black. Otherwise, as for those who are not used to wearing black garments, wearing it in a dream means sorrow.

…is used to wearing black clothing, then it means honor, wealth and receiving a high ranking position. Wearing a red garment in a dream means excess earnings that are not yet free from due alms. Such a person then must immediately pay the proper share of his earnings. A red garment in a dream means death, sickness and to a poor person, it means increase in his difficulties. Wearing a red garment in a dream can mean good only if the person wearing it is an unmarried woman. Otherwise, wearing red during festivals or social gatherings in a dream has no meaning. Wearing a yellow garment in a dream or any of its derivative colors in general means ulcer or other internal festering illness. Wearing a silken garment in a dream means loss and negligence of one’s religious life. Wearing a blue garment in a dream means distress and difficulties….

…(Air blower | Blacksmith) If a bellows is made from wood in one’s dream, it means loss of dignity, demotion or loss of property. Owning a bellows in a dream means acquiring vast control and sovereignty if one qualifies for that. Otherwise, a bellows in a dream means benefits and blessings. Seeing a bellows blowing fire in a dream means completing a project, satisfying a need, reaching one’s goal or earning money. If the bellows are not in use, or if they are not blowing air into the fire, then they signify distress, adversities and trouble. Seeing bellows that are used by a goldsmith or a silversmith in a dream means sincerity in one’s faith, certitude and devoting one’s life to worshipping God Almighty. Seeing bellows that are used in blowing glass in a dream signify deceit and cunningness. Bellows in a dream also represent a woman who conceive…

The oil is very often associated with the sexual desires the one has, therefore he dreams about slippery textures. The oil is also used in many traditional ceremonies, therefore it could be an omen of upcoming an important event in your life. The oil is also a symbol of wealth for many people.

…the object borrowed in the dream. The borrowed object also could signify prosperity and success in one’s life, or it could mean committing a shameful act, suffering from a scandal , or a warning which implies the need to avoid a scandal, deceit or corruption. Borrowing or lending in a dream represents the importance of, or one’s need for such an object or his love for it. Thus, the enchantment which is derived from borrowing or lending an object to satisfy such things as love, attachment or need may be temporary. To borrow a bad object or something which is used for evil purpose or something one can do without, or an unnec- essary thing means that one will suffer because of it, though one’s sufferings will not last. To borrow a vehicle in a dream means to carry the lender’s burdens or liability. (Also see Lending | Loan)…

(Crab apple | Crataegus azarolus | Mespilus germanica) Eating a bitter tasting applelike fruit of the medlar tree or any of such varieties that are also used in making preserves, or eaten yellow, spoiled, or unripened in a dream means a sickness. The more yellowish is its color in the dream, the more pain and suffering such an sickness will bring. Eating a green medlar fruit in a dream represents no such danger. Eating any yellowish fruit in a dream represents a sickness, except for citron, apples, or the lotus fruit, for their yellow color in the dream does not cause any harm, since their substance is a viable medicinal cure.

…(Artificial lake | Farm pond | Ombrometer | Ombrograh | Pluviometer | Rain gauge | Reservoir) The water level of an artificial lake or a reservoir in a dream represents God’s mercy, blessings, rain, celebrations, festivals, a wed- ding, the pilgrimage season, a good harvest, or the governor’s mansion. Seeing the city’s reservoir full to capacity means glad tidings and prosperity. If one finds the water level low, and if the waterside is covered with crusts, mildew, decay and produces a fetid odor in the dream, it means drought and adversities. The city’s reservoir in a dream also represents its governor. Whatever condition it portrays in the dream, be it good or bad, will be exhibited in his work. In a dream, all gauges that are used in measuring the water level have the same interpretation. (Also see Water)…

Dreaming of rice is a sign of success in business, love and friendship. Precisely because of these things are used at weddings to wish happiness to the newlyweds. Eating rice in a dream symbolizes prosperity for a long time. Dreaming of mixing rice with any other impure thing indicates diseases, anger, or breaking relationships. A young woman who dreams of cooking can expect to be asked to get married, having an economically affluent and peaceful home.

…In a dream, a lamp stand represent humankind and their character- istics. The lamp itself represents one’s soul, the oil represents one’s blood, and the wick represents his temperature. Once the wick is used up, and the oil is burned in the dream, it means one’s death. If one sees the wick in good condition, and the oil clean and radiant in the dream, it means that he will enjoy a life of purity and happiness. If the wick is black and the oil is murky in the dream, it means experiencing a wretched life. If the stand itself has some deficiencies in the dream, it means an illness in one’s body. If the stand is strong and clean, it means that one’s body and blood are free from illness. A broken lamp stand in a dream represents a terminal illness. (Also see Lamp’ | Wick)…

The fan is a sign of flirtation, intrigue and small betrayals. A fan is used to produce air as well as to stoke the fire, and in this sense to increase superficial and ephemeral flirtation fires and intrigue, that is how we should interpret the dreams of fans. In these dreams the person who handles the fan is the person who takes the initiative in the real world. If we are handling the fan we are moving and acting with a lack of seriousness, if we limit ourselves to see how someone else handles it is that there are others who encourage us and are the ones that want clandestine love dates.

When you dream of seeing a beehive it symbolizes the possibilities you will have on your way, but you should stay concentrated and focused and do not let them out of your sight. When the universe sends you the signals and opportunities you should use them the best way you can. Meanwhile the dream could also show the priority of tough efforts combined with cooperation. Sometimes there are things that you are not able to do on your own and as a result of that you’ve got to work with those around you to achieve the results you are for. We are used to see a beehive that is full of bees, but if the dreamer sees an empty beehive, he should be cautious in his relationships or while dealing with his profits. The broken beehive represents wastage and/or misery which should not be permanent.

…In a dream, the stomach represents the elements of property, family, secrets, one’s mate, prison, grave, health, sickness, friend, wayfarer, one’s religious life and nature of one’s devotion. If in a dream one sees his stomach open, it means that his business may be temporarily put out of commission, or that he may lose any benefits he used to derive from it up to then. The other aforementioned elements also may apply. If the person in question is a pregnant woman, and if she sees her baby or any part of it comes out of her open stomach, this may mean that a jailed person in her family will be set free, or that the family graves will be desecrated, or that the body of someone in her family will be exhumed, thus uncovering its diseases and infestations, or it could mean that one’s personal life will become public…

…(Noria) In a dream, this type of water wheel which is used to raise and discharge water from a low level stream into a higher ground means help, assistance, keeping one’s promise, or complying with preset conditions. (Also see Noria)…

…held a huge pair of forceps, and in the other the needle of the whirling instrument used for boring holes in teeth prior to filling them. ‘I am Paul’ he said, ‘ and it is my unpleasant task to attend to your mouth every day. I shall first of all extract your teeth, then replace them, and, lastly, fill them. It will hurt you frightfully, but you must be patient; and I shall keep on at it till you cease swearing and begin of your own accord to repeatThe Old Hundredth, when your punishment will cease, and you will find yourself on the high road to Heaven. Now!’ And here I could stop him, he thinks the forceps into my mouth and began pulling. Pain! The pain was unendurable, inconceivable! All my previous sufferings were as nothing to it. And with the extraction of each tooth it increased. At last…

…Dreaming of a fishing rod cork floating in the water indicates clean and quiet successes nearby. When the water is dirty and worse if it’s agitated, indicates that some unscrupulous people will produce different ailments and annoyance, perhaps through blackmail. Dreaming of corking bottles indicates that the dreamer is handling well all his or her affairs. A young woman who dreams of uncorking bottles of champagne, hints that she will soon be approached by a lover who has a good economic position, but will question the reputation of the dreamer. This dream is a warning. Dreaming of a corkscrew implies being dissatisfied with what is surrounding the dreamer, or that nothing pleases nor satisfies the dreamer, which is creating social or family problems. If the corkscrew gets broken when used, it is a warning for the dreamer to either change their way of being, or problems will get worse….

Dreaming of someone whistling insinuates that people with unknown or hidden interests will try to harm the dreamer. Dreaming of someone whistling may mean that you’ll soon reach the success that you have been waiting for. This same dream in a young woman suggests that her behavior is indiscreet, which won’t allow her to get the things she wants the most. If a whistle appears in our dreams, whether you hear it or not, it is often a symptom of possible disease. If you dream that the whistle is used, it is a sign that you have perceived that there’s danger surrounding you and it won’t be easy to triumph over your enemies.

(Castle) Seeing any of the pieces used in the game of chess in a dream denotes rightfulness, balance, privacy, confidentiality, truthfulness, or it could mean a sudden death. If a pregnant woman sees any of these pieces in a dream, it means giving birth to a daughter. (Also see Chess | Chessboard)

The framework in a dream, signifies the basic structures you have made for yourself or others. There are many different kind of frameworks, which some of them could be used for houses. The wooden framework is known as the positive omen, which indicates the confidence and the steel framework, denotes to the coldness and uncomfortable factors. Perhaps you have certitude towards the things and how they supposed to be and look.

To dream that you are chatting on your mobile phone, means that you are lacking of communication with others. The mobile phone that is used to call for help could indicate the fact that you need help. If you are browsing on internet while using your mobile phone, it means that you are looking for some information.

…life at this very moment. The bigger the storm or the bigger the waves are, the more dractic changes will happen. If you dream of looking towards the beach it means that you are settling down and taking back the life you had or joining the process you used to be in before. Consider that this dream shows your ability to admit all the new sauses that is happening in your life. If you see yourself just lieing down, taking the nap or just loosening on the beach it is a sign of upcoming quiet and peaceful next chapter. If you see yourself doing particular or any work on the beach it foretells that very soon you might get the project that will take lots of your time and strength to get it done, so prepare yourself for hard work and try to keep calm with lots of patience….

…neutralization of a blood sucking mosquito can be a source for dreams. In order to kill a red snake in a dream is enough to see in waking life something that resembles such act. For a woman, a finalization of a menstrual cycle can be an external stimulus for a dream about a killing of a red colored snake. For a man, a release of blood from erected body part can be seen as a cause for the dreams about the killed red long limbless reptiles. And the relaxation of the organ can be felt up to few times during a night sleep. Also, if you move year head and your closed eyes away from morning sunrise red light, then this removal of external stimulation can be used by your mind to recreate a dream in which you kill or someone else does it to the red color snakes….

If you dream of the foundation that is used for building, then such dream denotes to the main beliefs you have. The dream shows that you already created the basics for your life. If the foundation seems unstable in a dream, then it means that you are losing the control. The foundation of the makeup, denotes to your wish to protect yourself from the surroundings or to pretend someone you are not.

If you used a toothbrush in a dream, then it suggests you to be more indulgent with what other people saying to you. There is no need to take every opinion as very important to your being. On the other hand, you are the one who says more then he should, therefore you brush the teeth, because you are trying to wash away that guilt.

…To dream about bows and arrows that are used in sports, it suggests that you enjoy a good entertainment, party and to travel for leisure. In case you’re experiencing setbacks in your real life, they will soon be overcome. To dream about bows and arrows of any kind, but that these are old, worn or broken, suggests setbacks, failures and losses in your romantic relationship, business, job, studies, etc. To dream that someone throws an arrow announces an upcoming danger, disease and even the risk of death by accident….

The mallet in dreams is the symbolism of your new relationships. You will find the love of your life, but only if it is used in a game. The mallet that does nothing, indicates the bad behaviour of those you love.

Traditionally it is considered as a harbinger of force that will be used, so it is a good time to impose your conditions.

…shortly marry: if you dream of buying these antiques, it is a sign of poverty: to dream of silver dollars, or bars of silver, used in commerce, is a sign that you will gain money either by a legacy or speculation. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 6. Steel. To break a piece in a dream, shows that you will overcome your enemies; if you only touch it, your position in life is secure; if you try to bend it, and cannot, you will meet with any serious accidents. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 41, 50. Tin. To dream of tin is a good omen and signifies you will marry a rich wife, and make money at business.;;41, 8. Zink. To dream of this metal denotes happiness and prosperity to the dreamer. To lovers it is a sign of success in love affairs. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 43….

If you dream that you are being experimented, it is interpreted as the nightmare. The dream could also indicate the very sensitive features of your personality. Perhaps you are feeling that you are used by others.