…In a dream, a river represents a noble and a great person. Walking into a river in a dream means befriending or encountering such a person. Drinking from a river in a dream means trials, but if the water is clear, it means enjoying prosperity and a happy life. Jumping from one bank of a river to the other in a dream means escaping from adversities, dispelling distress or anguish, and it means winning victory over one’s enemy. In a dream, a river also denotes travels. Swimming in a river in a dream means working in the government. If the river runs through the streets and markets, and if one sees people bathing in it or taking their ritual ablution in it in one way or another it in a dream, such a river then represents the justice of a ruler. If the river floods the streets, or runs…

…(Woman) Silver in a dream represents hard earned money or savings. In dream interpretation, the substance of silver and that of a woman are the same. A silver coin in a dream represents a beautiful woman. Extracting silver in a dream means taking advantage of a woman. If one finds abundance of silver in his dream, it means that he will uncover a treasure. Melting silver in a dream means having an argument with one’s wife that will become the talk of the town. Receiving silverware or silver cups as a gift in a dream means being entrusted with money or personal items for safe keeping. The same interpretation goes for receiving a silver mirror in a dream as long as one does not look into it. Once he looks into the mirror in his dream, it means adversities, defamation, and loss of respect, for only harm could come…

…(Goldsmith | Leather craftsman | or any craft using a hammer and a chisel.) An engraver in a dream represents knowledge and pursuit of the prophetic traditions. In a dream, an engraver also means deception, trickery and imposing credulity upon others through dishonesty. A stone carver in a dream represents someone who deals with people of ignorance. A copper engraver represents disputes and illness. Gold and silver engraver in a dream represents clear wisdom and putting things where they belong. An engraver in a dream also represents a worldly person. If he also deals with fabrics in the dream, it means that he is a peacemaker. Seeing him also means spending one’s money to serve evil people or investing money in their projects, lies, falsehood and hypocrisy. The customers in the dream represent people who prefer worldly and temporary benefits over the eternal reward and benefits of the hereafter….

…a punishment from God Almighty will soon befall him. If an unlettered person sees himself reading the holy Qur’an in a dream, it could also mean his death, or his reading of his own records. If one sees himself reading the holy Qur’an without true interest in it in a dream, it means that he follows his own mind, personal interpretations and innovations. If one sees himself eating the pages of the holy Qur’an in a dream, it means that he earns his livelihood from his knowledge of it. If one sees himself completing the reading of the entire Qur’an in a dream, it means that a splendid reward from his Lord is awaiting him, and that he will get whatever he asks for. If a disbeliever sees himself reading the holy Qur’an in a dream, the verses of admonition will help him in his life, the verses of punishment…

…In a dream, a fever means paying one’s debts, for fever in wakefulness is an atonement for sins. Fever in a dream also means a threat and a menace. If one sees someone he knows suffering from fever in a dream, it means that he will get involved in a business that will require him to lose his religious commitment. Fever in a dream also means wearing the garment of a revered person. Fever is the messenger of the angel of death and his warner. It reminds the person to repent before death comes and to corrects his conduct with his Lord before meeting Him. A feverish shiver in a dream means negligence and disdain regarding one’s religious duties. If one sees that he died and was washed and shrouded in preparation for burial in a dream, it means that he is persistent in indulging in sins and that…

…(Castle | Fortress | Stronghold) If a suitable person sees himself inside a beautiful citadel in a dream, it means that he will be appointed as a leader, or that he will he get married, have a child, buy a property, walk the path of the believers, or repent of his sins. If one sees himself inside a citadel or a castle in a dream, it means that he will be endowed with ascetic detachment from this world and with piety, faith and abstinence from sin. His share will depend upon that section of the citadel or castle where he stands in his dream. If one sees himself wandering in a desolate region outside the castle in the dream, it means that he will fall prey to his enemy. If one builds a castle or a citadel in his dream, it means that he will guard himself from his…

…I knew full well I couldn’t afford to keep more. Of course it was wrong of me to think of taking a tip for merely having done my duty, and it was wrong of me also to leave my beat, even for a moment; but then we are all prone to weakness at times, sir, — even Prime Ministers and Home Secretaries. Moreover, I must admit that, apart from the thought of a possible sovereign, I was curious to see inside a so strangely ordered house- hold, and the smell of the dinner to a half-empty stomach was very tantalising — prime roast mutton, onion sauce, pheasant, fish and tripe — an odd assortment, sir, but only in keeping with the arrangement of the cloth. The gentleman met me at the door, and insisted on my stepping inside.’ You can scent the good things, can’t you, Bobby? ‘ He laughed,…

The bus driver dream may have several meaning depending on the circumstances of the dream. The bus driver who is driving the bus with confident and you feel happy while being driven, shows that you have someone in your life who is very important to you. The bus driver could also mean that this person has a very big influence in your life. If you are the bus driver and driving many people in the bus, it shows that you feel appreciated and respected by those you are surrounded by. The crash of the bus shows that you who was driving the bus or another person who was the driver is unable to control the situation.

…Rivers in dreams symbolize the time of life that goes away to never return. When a woman dreams of swimming or simply bathing in clean, transparent water, it can mean that she feels pleased with herself, enjoys a good health, has the sincere love of a man, and the sympathy of several people, which could dote her with some social prestige. Dreaming of any stream of clean, and clear water announces new opportunities, perhaps at work, in business or in love. Dreaming of a creek, pipe, or any stream that has dirty, muddy, and stinking water, announces that the dreamer is developing several diseases and illnesses. In some cases it may mean that bad people are trying to harm you. Dreaming of a river that has very clear water is an announcement of a peaceful, quiet and successful life, and a promise for a nice future. Dreaming of a…

…Walking through fields of fragrant clover is a propitious dream. It brings all objects desired into the reach of the dreamer. Fine crops is portended for the farmer and wealth for the young. Blasted fields of clover brings harrowing and regretful sighs. Dreaming of clover, foretells prosperity will soon enfold you. For a young woman Dreaming of seeing a snake crawling through blossoming clover, foretells she will be early disappointed in love, and her surroundings will be gloomy and discouraging, though to her friends she seems peculiarly fortunate….

…(Case | bag) In a dream, a quiver represents a good wife, a trustworthy companion, or one’s confidant. If one draws arrows from his quiver in a dream, it means that he will beget a son. Buying a quiver in a dream means getting married. Receiving a quiver as a gift in a dream denotes a political appointment….

If we find a silver bullion or metallic silver, then it signifies that we will get an important benefit through a woman. If the ingot or any other silver object is blackened, then it represents the possibilities of serious losses due of what the object symbolizes, and if it has no meaning, the losses will be attributed to a woman. If we dream about silver coins, then we should look at the meaning of ‘’money’’.

Clear and calm river is usually a lucky omen for every dreamer. Troubled river indicates personal problems. The dreamer should take the warning signs and do not indulge with his parents or employer, and pay no attention to threats that are used against him. To dream of a clear river entering into your apartment, indicates a visit from a person of distinction who will treat you liberally and to your advantage. If dreaming of the contrary, the water is troubled and soils the furniture, then dream means violence, quarrels and destruction on the part of evil to your house. The water that is going out of your chamber symbolizes outrages and danger to life and limb. To walk on the river means elevation.

To dream that you (or your partner) have a lover, suggests the unconscious desire to end your current relationship. On the other hand you feel neglected in the relationship. To dream that you are the lover indicates a desire to have an affair. Seeing a lover in the dream suggests that you are being cheated.

…If you see a clear, smooth, flowing river in your dream, you will soon succeed to the enjoyment of delightful pleasures, and prosperity will bear flattering promises. If the waters are muddy or tumultuous, there will be disagreeable and jealous contentions in your life. If you are water-bound by the overflowing of a river, there will be temporary embarrassments in your business, or you will suffer uneasiness lest some private escapade will reach public notice and cause your reputation harsh criticisms. If while sailing upon a clear river you see corpses in the bottom, you will find that trouble and gloom will follow swiftly upon present pleasures and fortune. To see empty rivers, denotes sickness and unusual ill-luck….

Symbolize our existence. If the tide is low, then it symbolizes wealth and prosperity. If it overflows and devastates furious with everything on its way, then it portends misfortune and hunger. If the water is crystal clear, then it symbolizes pureness and happiness. Murky and muddy river indicates impure feelings that will cause grief. When the river flows, then it indicates that the current energy and feelings also flows through us. If we deny ourselves to watch the river which flows, then it reflects that we are losing energies and feelings without using them.

Dreaming that your lover, boyfriend or girlfriend, is beautiful but poor, implies that you want to have a rich partner. Dreaming you’re in a relationship with a partner that is old but rich, means failure if you were to marry your current lover. Dreaming that your lover, boyfriend or girlfriend, is dead means doubts as to formalize your relationships.

If you dream of a beaver that is building a dam, it denotes to hard work that must be done if you want to reach your targets. The beaver represents someone who is very hard working, no matter what the circumstances are. There might be unpleasant conditions, unfriendly people you have to do business with, but remember, that no matter how dissimilar you are, there always must be solution if you want to complete the target. The patience is the most important thing that has to dominate in your life. If the beaver is dead: the accusation is not avoidable for your own behaviour.

(Animal driver | Grooming | Tending | Stableman) An animal driver in a dream represents a leader, a president of a group or corporations or a wealthy person. In general, seeing a groomer, an attendant, a driver or a stableman in a dream denotes a bad dream and implies impetuousness, a pimp, a procurer, a pander, an officiant, an adulterer, or one who drives a chained male animal to copulate with a female animal. (Also see Copulation)

The silver coins in dreams are the reflection of valuable things in your waking life such as money, jewelry or real estate. Sometimes the silver coins indicate the features such as your mental goodness, financial situation or emotional state. The silver coins can also be a reflection of the investments you have made in your waking life and are seen in the form of coins.

The beaver is the animal who is very creative and able to build things from scratch. The dreamer who sees the beaver in his dream has the power to create his great life from nothing. The dream shows that if you work hard enough you will achieve great things. The beaver could also represent your ability to work as the team member. You have patience and courage to build the world you wish to live in.

…Dreaming of being on a veranda, denotes that you are to be successful in some affair which is giving you anxiety. For a young woman to be with her lover on a veranda, denotes her early and happy marriage. To see an old veranda, denotes the decline of hopes, and disappointment in business and love….

The dream in which you see the river is a good dream, especially if it is clean and calm. The state of the water is the main important and significant thing about this dream, because if the water is muddy, dirty, or the river is very stormy, it shows your unstable mind and emotions. The river could also be interpreted as your tendency to go with the flow.

Dreaming of silver bars is a warning that the dreamer should not only depend on money to be comfortable and happy. Dreaming of casually finding silver coins suggests that there is poverty in others, without the dreamer being rich either. Dreaming of silver utensils, silverware for example, announces upcoming concerns, frustrations, and various inconveniences.

A pearl diver in a dream represents a royalty, a great person, or a man of authority. Diving into the seawater to catch pearls in a dream means entering into a business with someone in authority, then marrying a daughter from his family and begetting a beautiful son from her. Seeing a pearl diver in a dream also means seeking to learn about something, or seeking to borrow money from a merchant, or asking someone in authority for an important appointment, or it could mean adventuring into the business of treasure hunting. A pearl diver in a dream also represents someone who knows the inside secrets of things, or he could be a scholar, a gnostic, a seeker on the path, or an interpreter of the true meanings of the early prophetic teachings. (Also see Diving)

Sick, burned or dried up liver means dissipation and loss in riches and treasures. To see or find liver of an enemy, triumph over that of enemy and you will enrich yourself with his spoliation. To find the liver or lungs of an ox, bull, ram, or other horned animal, approaching inheritance of goods, employment and dignity from your surroundings.

(Knitting) In a dream, a weaver represents a problem solver, garments, travels, or hesitation. Seeing a weaver in a dream also may indicate the death of sick person, or lowering his corps into his grave. (Also see Architect | Artist | Painter)

…Dreaming of a disordered liver, denotes a querulous person will be your mate, and fault-finding will occupy her time, and disquiet will fill your hours. Dreaming of eating liver, indicates that some deceitful person has installed himself in the affection of your sweetheart….

Dreaming about having a fever indicates that the dreamer is very worried, perhaps unnecessarily, about something that might have an easy solution. Dreaming that a relative has a fever suggests that someone in the family or a friend will suffer from a benign disease.

Generally is a symbol of loss, sadness and the end of something. If we dream the cadaver is ours, the dream is telling us that we are trying to escape from a situation or problem. If we see an enemy’s cadaver it symbolizes a peaceful conscience, and attending to a corpse’s funeral indicates that we’ll finally put end to some old grudges.

…To dream that you’re experiencing chills or having fever usually announces future problems, though not exactly health problems. To dream that others are experiencing chills or having fever suggests that they’re suffering offenses, and perhaps you’re the offender….

Rapid and flowing muddy river represents great troubles and difficulties. But a river with calm glassy surface foretells happiness and love.

…Dreaming of oneself with vertigo means that soon there’ll be problems at home and that as a result of that, your plans or projects won’t be satisfactory. Obviously this isn’t’ a definitive meaning, as it could be true vertigo as a result of illness, in which case you should see a doctor….

Seeing a revolver in a dream symbolizes hardship and danger. Seeing your lover with a revolver means a difficult relationship, misunderstanding or separating period.

Dreaming that you are covering something is interpreted as symbolism of fear. To cover or to mask anything in the dream shows the way of your action to hide something. Do you have any part of your character that you are want to hide? Are afraid to reveal some personal thing to anyone? Consider what you are trying to cover up, because it has more information about your current psychological and emotional state. See what this thing means and how it is interpreted for better understanding of signals, that send your subconscious.

To dream that some kind of verdict is about to be heard in court, means that you are awaiting for very important news. The verdict could also indicate your fear of being judged because you did something not good. The conscience is being felt. The dream suggests to get over it and if it is needed say sorry for the people you did the damage and this nightmare will stop.

…(Life | Rain | River | Vapor) Water in a dream represents a happy life, money, prosperity, expansion of one’s business, increase in one’s income, or it could mean marriage. If one sees the water pure and abundant in his dream, it means lowering of prices, peace and social justice. If one sees himself chewing on water in a dream, it means toiling and hardships related to earning his livelihood. Drinking a glass of water in a dream means protection against any danger from one’s enemy and it denotes a prosperous year for the one who drinks it in a dream. Drinking more water in a dream than what one usually drinks in wakefulness means longevity. If one glass of water does not quench one’s thirst in the dream, it means discord between husband and wife. If one immerses his hand in water in a dream, it means that…

To see your driver’s license in your dream represents your authority and rightfulness. If you lose your driver’s license, it symbolizes your inability to cope with changed status of yours. Possibly you have lost the sovereignty to move forward towards finishing your goals. If you find your driver’s license, it means that you become stronger by overcoming obstacles. Additionally, it shows that fortunate changes in your influence to others. Also finding of lost driver’s license shows increased self-confidence. You will have more weight in any given situation, related to work or relationship. You are the one with the lawful right to move everyone forward. Alternatively, driving permit means that you are facing catastrophe in your individuality. To lose your driver’s license in dream indicates that you have lost your true self. Maybe you became vulnerable to opinion of others. As internal stimuli, the dream about driver’s permit shows…

…Reading or listening to Qur’anic verses in a dream may carry needed interpretations related to one’s current studies of God’s holy Book. If they indicate verses of mercy in the dream, it means that he will receive it, and if they carry admonition in the dream, and unless one immediately repents, they mean a punishment for one’s sins. (Also see Pearl necklace)…

As in real life, a clover in dreams is a symbol of luck and is always auspicious. Usually clovers represent prospects for happiness and success, as long as the clover is in good condition. It is a sign that your aspirations will be confirmed.