…To dream of crossing a large and clear river, foretells a splendid fortune: if the water is muddy or riled, it predicts difficulties, but they will be overcome provided you get safe over the river without accident. If a girl dreams this, it is a sign she will travel somewhere and get a rich husband. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 34, 20….

To dream that you are the driver of your vehicle means that you are coping with your life perfectly. You are able to move through life with comfort. If the other person is the driver, you tend to put the responsibilities of your life to other people.

…Dreaming of silver, is a warning against depending too largely on money for real happiness and contentment. To find silver money, is indicative of shortcomings in others. Hasty conclusions are too frequently drawn by yourself for your own peace of mind. Dreaming of silverware, denotes worries and unsatisfied desires….

To dream you see a river, water clear and calm, presages good to all persons. To dream of swimming in a great river, signifies future peril and danger. See Boat.

To dream you see a river of water, clear and calm, is good; but should it appear disturbed or muddy, the contrary.

Symbolizes our experiences and our destiny. Therefore, many authors interpret that if see the river naturally going down, this indicates tranquility and small possibilities of unforeseen issues in our projects ahead, but if we see it overflowing, it’s a harbinger of misfortune, and a warning that indicates that we will not be able to contain the force of some events in our life, and we may be harmed by their arrival. Some authors translate this dream in reference to sentimental sorrow.

Seeing a calm clear river flowing in a dream means that your life will float forward and you will achieve everything you want without much effort, now is a good time to make a decision and direct your life.

Peaceful and little mighty is a sign of cured disease and fruitless work. Mighty river portends torments, misfortunes, jealousies and dangerous evils. Swim in one is possibility of being wrapped in gossip and lies.

…Dreaming of oneself being versatile, that is easily shifting between activities or opinions or social relationships or even ideology, may mean a voluble, unstable, inconsistent and temperamental person. Overall, it’s about an unreliable personality that will cause several problems….

Dreaming that you have a lover in an affair means that you’ll suffer from moral damages, your luck will be reversed, or a possible illness.

Dreaming that you have vertigo symbolizes sadness and loss of a domestic happiness.

…The dream, in which you see the three-leaf cover, indicates three different times: past, present and future. The dream shows how you are coping with your life and what it will bring you in the future. The dream, in which you see the four – leaf clover, represents good fortune. Perhaps the dream indicates the situation you made to become favorable to you….

If you cross the river, some changes are going to come to your waking life.

Dream of having fever means that inside you have a negative feeling like anger or hatred and these feelings may leave the surface of your conscious. You should look for a safe and peaceful way to express these feelings.

The river in dreams is the symbol of spiritual aspects of your personality and limits you have.

To dream you suffer from fever or that someone else does, means greed and excessive ambition.

…(Butcher’s knife) In a dream, a cleaver represents a strong and a courageous man, who distinguishes clearly between right and wrong, easy and difficult and who fosters no enmity, though if someone dares to fight him, he will have the power to disperse him in the land….

If you have a fever in a dream, then such dream shows the negative emotions that are lurking in your mind. Perhaps there are many feelings that must be externalized.

If you dream you have fever it’s because you may actually have it, so check your health. It could also indicate some alteration in your affective states.

To dream you see a river, water, clear and calm, means good to all persons. To dream of swimming means future peril and danger.

…For a young woman Dreaming that she sees her sweetheart with a revolver, denotes that she will have a serious disagreement with some friend, and probably separation from her lover. See Pistol, Firearms, etc….

…To dream of any kind of vermin, is ominous of ill-luck and enemies, especially if they are in the house, or near the fireplace; but if out of the house, they are unimportant. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 27, 62….

To feel shiver in a dream, denotes to hidden frustration and depression. The dream could also represent the actual physical shivering you are having while sleeping.

Silver forebodes good trade and matrimonial joy.

(Transportation) In a dream, a driver signifies travels, a marketplace, a carrier, or driving toward good or evil for one who is intending that. (Also see Car | Carrier)

The Irish symbol which brings good luck for those who find the four leaf clover. Sometimes the dream could indicate the Ireland or Irish people.

Dreaming of a stage driver, signifies you will go on a strange journey in quest of fortune and happiness.

…Dreaming that you are stricken with this malady, signifies that you are worrying over trifling affairs while the best of life is slipping past you, and you should pull yourself into shape and engage in profitable work. Dreaming of seeing some of your family sick with fever, denotes temporary illness for some of them. See Illness….

If you heard some kind of the verdict in a dream, then it means you are not ready to confront the true. The dream may also show the apprehension you have of being evaluated by others, because the opinions of others are very important to you.

To see the vermin in a dream denotes to problems and illness. There is a possibility that you will get to meet many despairs and frustrations.

…To dream of the screwdriver could relate to the same symbol of the screw, which means that you are thinking about having sex with someone. Or the dream may be an indication about small details you really care or do not care, because of the saying “all screwed up”….

(Headdress | Scarf) If a religious Muslim woman sees herself without a head cover in a dream, it means that her husband has left her with the intention not to return to her again. If she is not married, it means that she may never marry.

Seeing a beaver in a dream means initiating a project that will not be completed, or it could mean living with false hopes. (Also see Dog)

…Dreaming of liver, denotes you’ll soon resign breath….

It is considered a symbol of the Trinity and therefore is always a beneficial symbol. If it is a four-leaf clover, then it symbolizes a good luck.

In a dream, a camel driver represents a manager, a guide, a sailor, the captain of the ship, travels, or death of a sick person.

Seeing silver in a dream symbolizes the moon, intuition, and feminine aspects.

…Dreaming of scarlet fever, foretells you are in danger of sickness, or in the power of an enemy. Dreaming a relative dies suddenly with it, foretells you will be overcome by villainous treachery….

To dream of the silver indicates the feminine aspects of the dreamer. It is also a symbol of the wisdom and intuition the one has.

(Architect | Engineer | Graphic artist) A carpet weaver in a dream represents a marriage officiant. (Also see Architect | Artist | Carpet)