To dream of this valuable metal, shows that false friends are about you, and will attempt your ruin. To dream you are receiving or picking up pieces of money, if they are small, as sixpences, denotes want and a prison; if they are shillings, they indicate a small sum of money, and the acquisition of some new friends, but if they are half- crowns and crown-pieces, then they denote misery and a prison, bad success in your undertakings, disappointment in love, loss by lawsuits, attack from thieves, and bankruptcy in trade; if a woman with child dreams of silver, it shows she will have a girl and a good time, but the child will grow poor.

(zool. Game | Graveyard) A vermin or any bird that kills game or dwells near the graveyards in a dream represents a procurer or a prostitute.

What happens to the liver in dreams reflects what will happen to the courage or the riches of the dreamer.

…(Sea gull | Seabird | Shorebird) A plover or any type of seabirds in a dream represent travels, tardiness, delinquency in one’s dealings, putting things in the wrong place, or praying at the wrong time….

Dreaming that you have vertigo, foretells you will have loss in domestic happiness, and your affairs will be under gloomy outlooks.

(Go under | Submerse) In a dream, a diver represents a spy, an inspector or a reporter. (Also see Spy)

Vermin crawling in your dreams, signifies sickness and much trouble. If you succeed in ridding yourself of them, you will be fairly successful, but otherwise death may come to you, or your relatives. See Locust….

In a dream, a vertical wound represents a friendship, commen- dation, or unity.

To dream you see a river of water, clear and calm, is good, but should it appear disturbed or muddy, the contrary.

Continual sickness. 189.

Diligence, courage, obstinacy, satisfaction with the work accomplished.

Luck with one’s children. 55….

Riches, heritage. 7.

Good health. 154.

(See Blanket | Envelope | Irreligious | Shade | Wrapping)

Destroying one’s health…

…one’s hand turns gold in a dream, it means that it may be paralyzed. Seeing one’s eyes turning gold in a dream means that he may become blind. Wearing a golden necklace, or a silver necklace, or a necklace studded with gems in a dream means that one will become a leader, or that he could receive something in trust. Gold in a dream also represents the elements of festivities, joy, profits, good deeds, dispelling stress, marriage, children, knowledge, spiritual guidance, or literally the business of goldsmithing. If one sees gold turning into silver in a dream, it means decrease in value, or changing conditions in relation to women, children or properties. The opposite is also true. If one sees silver turning into gold in a dream, it means increase in value, the rising moon of one’s wife, children, business or clan. Any gold embroidered garment or fabric in a…

See Metals and Money.

Luck in the married state, contentedness without being rich.

Inconstancy in love and friendship.

In clear water, it denotes happiness and good success in undertakings; in muddy water, unfaithfulness, vexation, and experience of disagreeable things. 239.

It indicates our desire to commit to our hobbies or to complete a task we are currently embarked on.

(See Metals.)…

See Metals.


Having a good situation.

Getting acquainted with a fickle person.

Gain, riches.

Reconciliation with enemies, having wealthy patrons.

Nothing good. 34.

If we are shivering during a dream, then it’s usually a warning that difficulties are coming towards us soon. In some cases this dream is directly related to actual illness the dreamer is suffering from and this dream has no meaning at all, only the reflection of reality….

Warning of difficulties ahead.

A good omen.

Profitable marriage.

Earnest business transactions. 26.

It can mean an excess of heat in the bed. In case that’s not happening, it indicates we are going through an unusual physical, moral or professional situation. Be careful….

(See Marriage)

Joy, gaining money and property. 5.

A period of concerns and constraints is coming.

Good indication. The results will be beyond your reasonable expectations. You will be happily surprised.