Dreaming of a viper, foretells that calamities are threatening you. Dreaming that a many-hued viper, and capable of throwing itself into many pieces, or unjointing itself, attacks you, denotes that your enemies are bent on your ruin and will work unitedly, yet apart, to displace you.

The dream about viper indicates the peace that has been disturbed.

The evil around you.

It can symbolize a powerful inner drive, such as fear of betrayals from abroad.

Luck in love, riches.

(see cobra, boa, viper, asp).

If it’s a European viper, it’s a very good dream that portends great fortune from a wedding with a very rich man or woman.

…future where honest, friendly and caring people will surround you. To dream that you’re walking in a beautiful flowered garden symbolizes joy and a probable success in what you are doing. To dream about a wedding party that’s being held in a garden, announces upcoming successes and benefits. When a girl dreams that she’s in a garden waiting for someone, it symbolizes that she’ll be granted what she desires, but if the garden appears gloomy, dirty, neglected, poorly flowered, it suggests that her wishes will be frustrated. To dream there are vipers (snakes or rats) in a garden suggests jealousies, intrigues and evil intentions of adversaries that will not allow you to succeed. To dream that you’re walking in a garden suggests joys and successes. If you walk in company of a beloved one, it then suggests an upcoming marriage, but if the garden appears dirty, neglected, sparsely vegetated, then…