You will try to overcome numerous obstacles.
Dream dictionary: votre numéro watsap dream meanings
Dreaming of snouts, foretells dangerous seasons for you. Enemies are surrounding you, and difficulties will be numerous.
To receive a property as a gift, indicates marriage with a maiden whose qualities of mind and beauties of person will be agreeable proportionately to the value of the gift. If the property is accompanied with considerable landed estate, with woods, gardens, vineyards, etc., then it about pleasure, good health, joy, wealth, a numerous family and great happiness in the household.
Wide and straight road indicates good progress of your business. Narrow and difficult road with steep slope will bring numerous of setbacks. Road that is under construction means loss of money.
See two together means marriage, numerous and well brought children. In the air, approaches of enemies and thieves. In the winter cranes symbolizes disaster.
(A RECAPITULATION) The dreams in which one flies from one scene to another with breathless rapidity, and all the characters are bewilderingly mixed and everything is hopelessly incongruous, though apparently very meaningless, often contain many significant features.To quote an illustration: A certain Doctor Eastlake dreamed he was cycling through Hyde Park one very sunny morning, when a servant-maid, dressed all in pink and yellow, shot a perambulator straight in front of him, and he was thrown head over heels in the air; but instead of alighting on the ground, he found himself running about in a cage at the Zoo without anything on. Then, just as his mother-in-law, her face green with fury, advanced on him with uplifted parasol, the scene changed, and he was picking up sovereigns in the street as fast as he could. One of the coins, as he was about to pop it into…
Dream of a forest means that in life, you’ll have to go through numerous tests, dangers and obstacles, which you would overcome being determined, with guile, determination, perseverance and without giving up on your goals….
Dreaming about a forest means that you will go through numerous tests, dangers and obstacles, and you will overcome them firmly, cunning and perseverant. Be persistent and dont give up on your goals.
Numerous setbacks disrupt your way of life.
Walnut symbolizes the difficult problems or important or tasty things which have difficult access. Maybe it indicates a series of small problems and difficulties without any profit. It can also mean potential goals possible to achieve but we must overcome numerous difficulties before. If we’re gathering nuts, then that announces a happy love life, although it will bring us many small problems on the way….
Dream of having a hand cut off, burned, or withered loss of a most valuable assets. If the dreamer has no important assets, then it foretells about misfortune and incapacity if he wish to continue his ordinary job. If the dreamer is a woman, loss of support from her husband. To have a hand hairy or shaggy, resentment and imprisonment of your own thoughts. To have a diminutive hand, means deliverance, disembarrassment. To wash the hands means toil and inquietude. To look at your own hands, infirmity. Swollen hands, riches and profit to others. Hands more beautiful and stronger than natural conclusion of an important affair, honorable as well as great, the affection of subordinates. Hands or fingers smaller than ordinarily, unfaithful people or abuse of confidence. Hands fresh and white, if the dreamer is rich, friendship and numerous companions, if he is poor, distress and few sympathizers….
Dreaming of a fish-net, portends numerous small pleasures and gains. A torn one, represents vexatious disappointments.
If you dream of seeing large herds of cows, it predicts prosperity and wealth. To see one cow in our dream is a sign of a, good piece of luck of some kind. If a young girl dreams of cows, it is a sign she will marry a rich man, and have numerous children. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 26, 1….
Getting a numerous relationship.
Eating apples indicates envy, rivalry or jealousy between family members. Dreaming of an apple tree full of fruit is a sign of friendship and numerous companies.
If you are in good health it is a happy and very positive omen that speaks of love and marriage. Orange denotes pure, warm and passionate love that promises numerous offspring. If the flowers of orange tree are wilted or the oranges spoiled those loves are waning or have not been taken advantage of it.
Biting someone in a dream portends that our aggression will create numerous enemies, or reveals the desire to possess and dominate the person we bite. If we are bitten it means that we feel hurt by the aggression of the person who bites us, or the aggressiveness of others if we do not recognize the person. It can also reveal the fear of sexual assault. If we are bitten by an animal the dream reflects the fear of letting ourselves be dominated by our instincts and passions, which will be symbolized by the animal that bites us.