The dream, in which you are being frustrated represents the inabilities you have while dealing with difficult situations in your waking life. The dream could also show the inappropriate and wrong way of living you have chosen while sorting out your own problems.
Dream dictionary: waking up laughing dream meanings
Usually dreams about crocodile represent jeopardy that is waiting for you. The dream offers you to look around in your waking life and find the person that wishes bad things for you. You should be aware, because the danger is waiting for you. The crocodile could also indicate the angry aspects of your personality. If the crocodile has bitten you, then it means you will suffer from the deception by those you love. Alternatively, the crocodile could indicate the false behavior, because of the saying- crocodile tears.
The dream about corridor usually indicates the way from one place to another in your waking life. Sometimes the corridor shows that you are entering from one dream to another, therefore you are in transition and it means nothing. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of the house dream.
To see the frame in a dream is interpreted as the symbol of limitations and walls you will face in your waking life. Maybe you or somebody else is making these boundaries to you? On the other hand, the frame could indicate the loneliness you are suffering from.
…To dream about your own husband is interpreted as the reflection of your waking life. The reason why you dream about your husband is the situation and relationships you are with him at the moment. Make sure you think enough about the way you are talking with your husband only then you will be able to understand what kind of relationships you two have. If you see the other person being your husband, but not your own husband, it means that you see some of the features your husband has in your dream husbands personality. Alternatively, you are thinking what it would be like to have this person being your husband and what you would like to see in him. The dream in which you are seeing the other person being your husband could simply show that you like some of the features this person has. If you dream…
To dream that you are sweating foretells about your apprehension, fright and neurotic state of mind. The dream is an indicator about the unpleasant stages you have to pass in order to achieve the success. On the other note, the dreamer could go through the stage of his life, where he has lots of stress in his waking life, therefore he cannot let go this stress and dreams of sweating.
To dream that you are traveling is a very common dream and have few different meanings depending on the circumstances of the dream. If you are traveling with some people, then it means you have a great company around you in your waking life. If you are traveling in unknown places you should be aware of dangers that might be lurking for you. If you travel on your own on the bad road, you will have some obstacles in your life.
The dream in which you are eating pastry means that you are very hungry or you havent ate before you went to bed. To make something out of pastry means that you are trying to do something important in your waking life.
…To have interaction at the mill or to encounter it or to see a mill, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as symbolism of the inability to adapt. Maybe you don’t know how use information from your past. Are you able to learn from your experiences? Are you able to apply these experiences to current problems or situations? On the other hand, there can be different explanation. Alternatively, mill in the dream has meaning of turning around or changing poles. That means change, transformation or alteration in some situation or any relationship in your waking life….
When you dream about your friends, then such dream signifies the things in your life you appreciate a lot. Perhaps they play a big role in your waking life. If your friends are unhappy or they betray you, you should be aware and do not tell your secrets, because you never know who is the one who will betray you.
The dream, in which you help someone, shows the goodness, and honesty of your personality. The dream also shows the energy you put in, in order to achieve the success not only for your own goodness, but others too. If you helped for the person that you do not like in your waking life, then such dream suggests you to be less polite to those that want to harm you. If you are the one who is looking for help in his dream, then it means you are feeling abandoned, shocked and unsuitable.
To dream that you are resting on the couch, means that you are having the rest because you feel tired in your waking life. Sometimes the couch could indicate your desire to be on your own and to relax a little bit more. You feel the lack of privacy.
The tornado in dreams is the symbol of distraction, confusion and fear. Perhaps there is some situation or relationships in your waking life that makes you feel very uncomfortable. Sometimes tornado shows the suppressed anger.
If you are playing with Frisbee, then such dream symbolizes your fun side and ability to perform. The dream also represents some aspects in your waking life where you must take as much as you can, instead of giving it all away.
The train in dreams is the symbolism of your life journey. Sometimes the train could indicate some very important phase in your waking life. If you go on the train on your own, it means that you are comfortable being alone and do not wish to change anything. However, if you felt nostalgic and melancholic while having this dream, you are not feeling good being alone. If you are the one who control the train, it shows your confidence and trust. You believe in yourself a lot. Sometimes the train could indicate your daily life where you spend a lot of time while being on trains or working around them. To get more interpretation of your dream, please also see the meaning of train accident.
When the one is dreaming about the umbrella, it means that he is trying to cope with the unfavourable issues in his waking life. If the umbrella is completely open, the dreamer is giving himself a shelter in order to protect from the evil. The opening of umbrella could also mean that the dreamer is trying to know himself better. When it is raining and the dreamer is carrying the umbrella that is closed, it means that he will suffer financial failure. The umbrella that is broken or has holes in it, means that you will achieve everything you wish for, but it will be a little bit harder than usually.
The courtroom is the reflection of some area in your waking life where you feel as being judged and misunderstood. You feel very uncomfortable about it.
If you are in mental institution in your dream, then unconscious mind of yours is calling out for help. Perhaps you are over tired and exhausted by the problems in your waking life. Make sure you ask for help when its needed, because people are willing to give you a hand. If you are looking at the mental institution, then such dream shows how isolated and left out you are feelings from others. Perhaps you are seeking for company.