…warning that one should remain aloof for three days. Both the white sheep and the black sheep in a dream mean profit, though the benefits one draws from a white sheep are greater. Seeing a herd of sheep in a dream means continuous happiness. Walking by a slaughter house or a tripe shop and witnessing the heads and trotters of sheep in a dream mean longevity. To find oneself transformed into a sheep in a dream means a booty or winning something. Seeing a sheep in one’s dream also represents an obedient son. If one’s wife is pregnant, and if he is presented with a sheep as a gift in a dream, it means that she will deliver a boy. Otherwise, the remaining little domesti- cated animals represent headache, because of the responsibility involved in caring for and in upbringing the boys, except for the girls, for they represent worldly…

Seeing a person who is whipping in a dream suggests you’re hurting yourself. Reckless behavior and activities will lead you to a path of destruction. You need to find yourself and think about what you want to do with your life.

…If you dream of seeing a fairy, you will meet a woman, who will seduce you from the path of propriety, and make your life vexatious. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2, 22….

Being forced to give up a project, also, removing an obstacle in your path. , 123.

The shoes are the symbols of your path through your life. The different shoes have different meanings. For example dirty, muddy or old shoes that you are tired of living your life. The beautiful and luxurious shoes indicates your desire for great life or shows that you already have one.

…I believe there are people who dream the same dreams repeatedly, even down to the most minor details. One of the dreams I am continually dreaming is as follows: I am walking along the sea-front of some popular watering-place, which, judging by the style of houses and appearance of the people, I should say was abroad. The sun is shining, the sea exquisitely blue; whilst, to enhance the beauty of nature, a band is playing, and playing remarkably well, some gay operatic music. What I see, what I feel, what I think, has about it nothing of the unmistakeable idiosyncrasy of a dream, but all is rigorously self -consistent. I am enjoying myself to the utmost, when, on turning round, I perceive behind me a tramp — a man with a shock head of red hair, and features that are ineffaceably stamped on my memory. He is a blight,…

Obstacles in your path, which can be overcome by temperance.

Dreaming of self-criticizing is a warning which tells you that you’re adopting some incorrect behavior, hanging out with the friends, taking part in risky issues or planning or doing something wrong, either in your relationships, family, friends or business. This dream indicates that you should rethink the path in which you’re going. Self-criticism in dreams is very common and shows up in mostly every dream as a kind of self-defense mechanism. It is also can be as an advice to prevent major diseases.

…see the dead horse, symbolizes the end of something important in your waking life. You are going to finish some relationships, business matter or other. When you see the herd of wild horses in a dream then such dream signifies freedom. The herd of wild horses could also indicate shortage of responsibilities. Perhaps you do not want to be in charge of some things in your waking life or have too many duties on yourself. If you are riding a horse in a dream, then it denotes to achievements of your goals. The dream shows that you are taking the right path, because the success is already on your way. If the horse that you are riding is not in your control, then such dream represents your inability to manage your own life. Perhaps you did everything to reach your goals, but the luck was not with you. If the…

The freeway in dreams indicates the way people go from one point to another. The freeway might also indicate the things that already happened in your life and you are unable to forget or the future which you are dreaming about and have some plane to fulfill it. If you find yourself being stuck in some freeway, it means that at some point of your life you are unable to move. If you do not find the way out of this path, the dream shows that you are feeling lost in some kind of situation. If you took the wrong way from your freeway, then such dream means that you accidently will put yourself in unpleasant situation.

…(Avenue | City gates | Path | Road | Trail) Seeing a lane in a dream is like seeing the city’s gates. If it is closed during the daylight time in the dream, it means that an accident will take place inside the city or at the end of the lane, and that such an accident will necessitate the closing of its gates, or the blocking of the lane. A lane in a dream also represents a servant or cohabitation. Whatever shape the lane takes in one’s dream, one will see the same in wakefulness. Following that trail of thinking, walking a lane in a dream means suffering the wrong treatment of a merchant, a person in authority or a craftsperson. An open road in a dream means that one may work for someone in the government. (Also see Alley | Road)…

…(Foreseer | Fortuneteller | Predictor | Soothsayer) Seeing an astrologer in a dream means associating oneself with spiritual masters and witnessing some of their miraculous signs. An astrologer in a dream also may mean knowledge of people’s secrets, curiosity, inquisitiveness, meddling in people’s affairs, divulging people’s secrets, soothsaying, fortune-telling, backbiting, predicting the future, hearsay, gossip, distress or trouble. If the one who is seeing the dream suffers from any of the above ills, seeing an astrologer in a dream also means dispelling such misfortunes. Seeing an astrologer in a dream also signifies marriage, divorce, the death of a sick person, travels, delivering a baby, hearing good or bad news. Seeing an astrologer in a dream also may denote knowledge, following the true path and acting upon it, for a God fearing astrologer mostly arbitrates by the prophetic rules. (Also see Astrolabe | Divi- nation | Fortuneteller)…

To dream of any black animal is unfortunate. They are associated with evil spirits. Crossing your path – danger!

…(Beverage) Drinking an unknown sweet drink or a glass of a cold and fresh water in a dream means guidance, knowledge, having good taste, and the diligence of the people of the path. Drinking a glass of cold sweet water in the early morning in a dream means lawful earnings and profits for everyone, except for someone who is used to drinking hot boiled water which means sickness, stress, depression and a scare from evil spirits. Any yellow colored drink in a dream means sickness. Drinking an infusion of a violet flower in a dream means recovering from an illness, or avoiding certain food in one’s diet. If one is unwillingly drinking a bitter medicinal syrup in a dream, it means that he might suffer a light illness. If he drinks apple juice or honey or myrtle drink or any other delicious drink in a dream, it means happiness…

…are going on a trip with a train, denotes to the right direction of the life you chosen. Needless to say, that the train is also associated with the romantic feelings such as love and affection, that is why it is important to look who was sitting next to you in a train. If you missed the train, then it signifies the chances you missed and opportunities you were given. Perhaps only now you realized what you have missed and feel sorry for yourself. To dream that the train was wrecked, foretells about the confusion of your mind and unstable status you are in at the moment. On the other hand, the train wreckage could symbolize your fear to start changing your life. If you were the engineer of the train, then it symbolizes the right path you have chosen and able to fix it if something goes wrong….

…Having an illness in a dream represents a sickening character, or a hypocrite. Finding oneself ill in a dream means enjoying a good health for that year, or it could mean loss of devotion and lack of piety. If a warrior finds himself sick in a dream, it means that he will be wounded. If one sees his wife sick in a dream, it means that she is negligent of her religious obligations. If a sick person sees himself riding an ox, or a swine in a dream, it means his death. A feverish illness in a dream means pressure caused by a ruler. Feeling sick, or feeling down with an undiagnosed illness in a dream means spending money, or wasting it in ways other than on God’s path. In a dream, illness mostly denotes religious disobedience and religious disdain. If one’s sick child recovers from an illness in…

(arb. The person who leads prayers in a mosque | Guide | Leader | Ruler) If one sees himself building a prison in a dream, it means that he will meet a righteous man or an Imam who will guide him on the straight path. An Imam in a dream also represents the spiritual leader of all Muslims. (Also see Five times prayers | Pharaoh)

(Beacon) Carrying a torch in a dream means knowledge, wisdom, guiding and leading the people on the straight path, or it could represent someone people depend on to learn about the truth. However, such a person will enjoy no luck, and he will receive little appreciation for his work.

…To see a lamp-post in your dreams, some stranger will prove your staunchiest friend in time of pressing need. To fall against a lamp-post, you will have deception to overcome, or enemies will ensnare you. To see a lamp-post across your path, you will have much adversity in your life….

When you dream of the left, then such dream symbolizes the subliminal mind of yours. Perhaps you took the wrong direction in order to get the success. The dream suggests you to take the right path. The dream about left, could also foretell about your ability to leave things behind your back and live the life for the future. The left is also a symbol of your tendency being stagnant, instead of being initiative.

…Wealth for a poor person in a dream means trouble, because wealth can divert a poor person from the straight path. Wealth in a dream also denotes a righteous wife, a successful business, imposingone’s conditions upon his enemy, or subduing the evil of a jealous friend….

…Dreaming of a corridor represents a new path in your real life and a new phase of transition. In dreams a corridor is also a symbol of spiritual, emotional or mental paths. Dreaming that you’re going through a long corridor represents your need to avoid a situation or a repetitive behavior….

Dreaming of having an abortion suggests that a certain idea or plan is yet to come. This dream can also be interpreted as a warning about your behavior. You should alter your path or you may risk losing something very valuable to you. Also, this dream may indicate that you have been wronged in some way. For pregnant women, dreams of having an abortion are common in the second trimester of pregnancy.

…reply will be the same, or it could mean a knowledge he will teach to others. If one sees himself shaking hands and embracing his enemy in a dream, it means that their disagreement will cease. If one sees the angels greeting him in a dream, it means that his insight will grow. Greetings in a dream represent submissiveness, surrender, or the need for a reply concerning an interest one has with the other party. If one commences talking to someone before greeting him in a dream, it means innovation, and the same interpretation is given if he does not reply to a greeting, or if he replies with a gesture. Payingthe regards of peace at the end of one’s prayers in a dream means pursuing one’s path, following the proper traditions, completing one’s job, resignation from one’s job, appointment, dis- missal, travels and profits. If one ends his prayers…

…(Frugal | Taking the middle course) Taking the middle course in a dream, or following one’s own interest, or being frugal, or adopting restraint in one’s dream means finding an appropriate woman to marry, choosing a suitable partner, or pursuing a spiritual path to learn about good conduct. If one finds himself limiting his outdoor walks, or intentionally staying away from crowds in a dream, it denotes his humility and good character….

…Drowning in a dream means falling into sin and incurring the displea- sure of God Almighty. Drowning in a dream also means entering hell-fire. If one dies of drowning in his dream, one should fear going astray or following innovations. Drowning in the sea, then floating in the process of trying to save oneself from death in a dream means indulging in the business of the world and forgetting about one’s spiritual commitment. It also means attaining success in one’s endeavors and gaining a strong foothold in one’s business. If one does come out of the water alive in his dream, it means amending his life for the better and pursuing the correct course of serving one’s religious life. If one sees himself after coming out of the water wearing a green garment in a dream, it means that he will pursue the path of knowledge and succeed in…

…Shrouding the body of a deceased person in a dream is a cause of happiness for a sad person and repentance for a sinner. If someone sees himself brokering on behalf of a friend or a relative to purchase a shroud for him in a dream, it means that he will pay and intercede on behalf of someone who strayed from God’s path, whom one regularly admonishes and advises to correct his actions and thoughts. It also means helping him against poverty or adversities, because death is the culminating phase of practicing one’s religion in this world. A shroud in a dream also connotes a prison, or committing a major sin. Shrouding the dead after washing the body in a dream means washing it from impurities. (Also see Burial | Camphor | Disrobe | Mummification | Shroud)…

…Dreaming you lose your way, warns you to disabuse your mind of lucky speculations, as your enterprises threaten failure unless you are painstaking in your management of affairs. See Road and Path….

…join the circles of people of knowledge. If a man of knowledge is asked to give money in charity, and if he complies in his dream, it means that he will expound his knowledge to others. If he is a merchant, it means that he will benefit others with his business or teache them his trade. If he is a craftsman, he will teach people his craft. If one who is under pressures, or if one is scared of something sees himself feeding a beggar who is undergoing his own trials in a dream, it means that one’s fears and stress will be dispelled. Charity in a dream also denotes celebrating God’s praises, devotion, visiting the graveyards and doing good. To spend money on God’s path in a dream means that one will surely receive money in wakefulness. (Also see Alms tax | Endowment | Good deeds | Loan)…

…To dream that you are searching indicates that the path to achieving your goals can be difficult. However, it is necessary for growth and progress. To dream that someone or something is looking for you indicates that you refuse to recognize certain viewpoint or idea. To dream of looking for someone suggests that they are denying your energy and influence. You need to regain your strength and focus your efforts on something else. Dreaming that you’re looking for something means the need to find something missing or needed in your life. You can also be searching for a solution to a problem….

Dreaming of being entangled in threads means your rivals win more than you. Dreaming of a thread symbolizes a difficult path or a journey. It may also represent a connection to your thoughts and ideas. Also, you should consider the thread color.

…pouch | Purse) A wallet in a dream means getting married or begetting a son. A wallet in a dream also represents money placed in a wallet, or it could represent a key. If one’s wallet falls in a sea or in a river, it means loss of one’s capital at the hand of people in authority. If it falls into a fire, it means losing one’s money to a greedy, envious and an unjust person. It is also said that one’s wallet in a dream could represent his body. If one’s wallet is taken away from him in a dream, it means his death. Carrying a money belt in a dream means having knowledge one has earned in the first half of his life. If it contains some change only in the dream, it means that one has to pursue the path of knowledge and further his studies….

…(Coralline) In a dream, corals mean money, wealth or a beautiful young woman. Wearing a necklace carrying a coral stone in a dream means heedless- ness and straying from God’s path….

The elephant is the symbol of power and strength. The dreamer is becoming the stronger person who doesn’t care about the consequences, because he is following his path. The dream about elephant and its qualities could be related not only to the dreamer, but to the person that is close to the dreamer or is taking important part in his/hers life.

…of Mount Judiyyi. If the seer desires a son, then he will beget a righteous son, because it is the month in which God’s prophets Abraham and Jesus, upon both of them be peace, were born. If the person seeing the dream is suffering from tight financial circumstances and if he desired a way out, it means that he will see the light or escape from the danger of his enemy, because this is the month in which God’s prophet Abraham was saved from the fire of Nimrod, or perhaps, if he had followed a path of innovation and falsehood, he will turn back to God Almighty and repent of his sin, because it is also the month in which God Almighty forgave the prophet David, upon whom be peace. If the person in the dream is impeached from his leadership position or stripped from his status, he will return…

…A key in a dream represents money, a helping hand, entering the path of knowledge, or it could mean receiving divine guidance. Carrying a bunch of keys in a dream means prosperity, knowledge and security against one’s enemy. Keys in a dream also represent one’s children, emissaries, spies, servant, wife or wealth. Keys in a dream also mean attaining one’s goal, or fulfillment of one’s prayers. A key in a dream also may mean victory over one’s enemy. Holding a wooden key in a dream indicates the character of one who refuses to help others, or if he holds their money in trust, it means that he does not repay them, for wood in a dream means hypocrisy. Holding to a key that has no teeth in a dream means cheating an orphan of his inheritance, or becoming a guardian of an estate and deceiving its rightful heirs. Holding…

…with all the horrible disfigurements of advanced decomposition. But the climax of horror was not yet reached, for, as I gazed, the corpse slowly opened its eyes, and, with a hideous flippancy, winked and leered at me. I awoke sweating with fright, and two or three days later my host died in a fit of apoplexy.A friend of mine, before the death of her brother, dreamed she went to the window one still and moonlight night, and, on peeping out, saw her brother standing on the garden path, looking up at her. His eyes were glassy, his cheeks white and fleshless, and he was swathed all over in a winding-sheet. The sight so shocked her that she awoke, and within the week received tidings that her brother was dead. But these are exceptions, and I maintain that as a rule dreams of the dead presage births, engagements, and marriages….

…The road in dreams signifies the dreamer’s path from one phase of his life to another. Some people who travel a lot dreams about roads a lot either, because they see it all the time. If you see the road that is straight, it means that you choose the right direction to your life. The road that is wavy or has pits in it, means that you are struggling at some aspect of your waking life. If you see more than one road in a dream, then it means you are not sure about something, you find it hard to make a particular decision. The dream suggests to slow down and think very well what you want from your life. The ending of the road means that you are afraid of something that will end, especially if you felt frightened during this dream. If you were feeling happy, you…

…Losing an eye means that true love and happiness could not be discovered yet. Beautiful eyes indicate beautiful hopes that are found along your path. Jumping eyes presage news about a surgery, sickness or accident. Sick eyes represent loss or separation from a loved one. Closed eyes are a signal of silliness and false pride….

…an inn on the highway in a dream, it means his death, or it could mean that he will recover from an illness, or dispel anxiety, or take residence in a new country, or it could mean marriage after being single for a long time, or buying a vehicle, finding a money pouch, or something one can sell to help him during his financial crises. A married person resting in a hostel in a dream means that he will beget a son who when he grows will help his father in his trade and bring him happiness and comfort. If one’s child is disobedient, or recalcitrant, it means that he will repent and come back to live under his father or mother. If a heedless person sees a hostel in a dream, it means that he will find guidance and return to walk on God’s path. (Also see Hotel)…