When a dreamer sees the beets (beetroot) in his dream it shows fortune ahead of you. Now is the time when you started receiving all the goods for the work you did. Beets also foretells about sweetness and sexiness and how much of that are dominating in your life. The deep red color of the beets shows the passion and desire to be satisfied in the most extraordinary way.

…In a dream, a water cistern represents a pouch, a safe, a box, a coffer, a partner, one’s wife, a son, or knowing people’s personal secrets. If the oil cistern is filled with water in the dream, it means stagnation of any of the above. If one sees a water cistern filled with oil in a dream, then it means prosperity. The cistern of a fellowship house, a khanakah or a mosque in a dream represents its Imam or its supervising spiritual teacher or the caretaker and guard of the property. If one sees the water cistern of the house sitting in an unsuitable place in that house in a dream, it represents the spirit of a jinni who pursues such a person or who may haunt his house. If one sees a well being used as a cistern in his house in a dream, it denotes that the…

If during the dream we swim easily, then it means that we will have a positive field full of possibilities ahead of us, but if we are drowning down, then it indicates that we will have difficulties in getting what we want. If we are learning to swim, we can interpret this as a warning that we need to learn to control our passions.

(See ‘Arafat | Circumambulation | Cradle of Ismail | Ka’aba | Mina | Muzdalifa | Pelting stones | Responding | Sa’i | Station of Abraham | Vmrah)…

(arb. £alat) Performing one’s required daily prayers in a dream means fulfillment of one’s promise, attainment of one’s goals, or relief and comfort after distress. Praying at a door, or in front of a bed in a dream denotes a funeral. If one sees himself alone making the call to prayers (Azan) then establishing it (Jqamah) in the dream, it means that he will strive to do good and to eliminate evil in his life. If one completes his prayers with the traditional greetings to the right and then to the left in a dream, it means that his worries and concerns will be eliminated, and that he will pursue the path of love and unity. If one pays the greeting only to the right in his dream, it means that he will seek to correct only some of his religious concerns. If he pays the greeting to…

Symbolizes our experiences and our destiny. Therefore, many authors interpret that if see the river naturally going down, this indicates tranquility and small possibilities of unforeseen issues in our projects ahead, but if we see it overflowing, it’s a harbinger of misfortune, and a warning that indicates that we will not be able to contain the force of some events in our life, and we may be harmed by their arrival. Some authors translate this dream in reference to sentimental sorrow.

(The commander of the believers, Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him.) Seeing him in a dream means longevity, trustworthiness and praise- worthy deeds. One who sees him in a dream will speak the truth, be just and call people to the straight path. He also may be able to attend to the Sacred House in Mecca in an auxiliary pilgrimage (.’Umrah). If one shakes hands with Omar bin Al-Khattab in a dream, it means that he will prosper and live a pious life, and he will be a vigilant and a strong believer, the value of whose deeds will surpass his fame. If one sees him frowning in a dream, it means that Omar is calling for justice, commanding what is good and forbidding what is evil. If there is a drought in a town and one sees Omar in a dream, it means that…

If you dream about the collision, then it shows some problem you were trying to avoid to solve, go ahead and solve it even with others help.

If we dream of drowning in a swamp, this dream shows us our subconscious desire to destroy our grief. But if we see ourselves near a swamp, it’s a warning of possible dangers ahead, and we need to take special caution in our actions.

…Dreaming of looking upon clear, shining stars, foretells good health and prosperity. If they are dull or red, there is trouble and misfortune ahead. To see a shooting or falling star, denotes sadness and grief. To see stars appearing and vanishing mysteriously, there will be some strange changes and happenings in your near future. If you dream that a star falls on you, there will be a bereavement in your family. To see them rolling around on the earth, is a sign of formidable danger and trying times….

If you see the clouds and the sun is covered with them, then such dream represents your liability. When the clouds are over the moon, then it shows that you are very preserving. The sky that is very cloudy in a dream signifies your hidden emotions and even depression. You are hiding from others. If clouds are very white and fluffy, good days ahead of you.

The closet that is empty is interpreted as a sign to be careful while lending or borrowing. If the closet is linen, then great times are ahead of you.

…(See ‘Aq’iqah rites)…

When you dream of being in despair, then such dream indicates the hard times which are ahead of you. Perhaps the unconscious mind of yours already knows the matter of it and warns you to prepare for it. If other people are in despair while you are dreaming, then it shows the unhappy times for those people. You should give as much help as it is possible, in order to be useful.

When you are dreaming of saying happy adieus to someone, then it symbolizes happy time, fun parties, unexpected guests you are going to have very soon. When you see saying sad goodbye to someone, this is a sign of tough life ahead of you. It could also be the meaning of losing someone you love, and how painful and unhappy you will be.

When you dream of seeing ashes in your dream it signifies unpleasant variations and failures. Dreaming of ashes shows possibility of unsuccessful professional activities or personal life. Make sure you are avoiding negativity and trying to escape the disruption. This dream is a sign of hard work ahead of you, but do not worry, as nothing is lost yet. Make sure you do not think too much of your past, try to forget the past and move on.

…Big problems ahead. If we witness a bombing, it indicates we have completed one stage of our lives. If it’s a water pump, it indicates that your problems will begin to solve with support of your friends….

(See Allah)

…(God’s prophet Liit | Nephew of God’s prophet and bosom friend Abraham, upon both of them be peace) Seeing the prophet Lot in a dream means distress and trouble caused by one’s own people and wife, or perhaps it could mean victory over one’s enemy and witnessing God’s wrath toward them. Seeing the prophet Lot in a dream also denotes obliteration of a nation, effacement, earthquake and destruction if the people who displease their Lord and follow the conduct of the dwellers of the two cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Seeing the prophet Lot’s wife in a dream means that one’s wife will rebel against him and strive to destroy his life and perhaps she will also be destroyed during that process. If everyone sees Lot’s wife in a dream, it means that evil will spread among the women of that land. Seeing the prophet Lot, upon whom be…

Dream of them, profit and happiness. Speaking to them, vexations. Seeing them dead, long life ahead is waiting for you.

…represents the Qur’anic revelation, the ocean of knowledge, a place of purification and washing one’s sins, the graveyard where submissiveness and contemplation are evoked, the washing and shrouding of the dead, medicine, silence, focusing one’s intention and facing the qiblah at the Ka’aba in Mecca. Seeing the main city mosque in a dream also means to recognize something good and to act upon it. It also could be interpreted as the shelter from one’s enemy, and a sanctuary and a shelter of the believer from fear, and a house of peace. The ceiling of the mosque represents the intimate and vigilant entourage of a king. Its outstretch represents the dignitaries. Its chandeliers represent its wealth and ornaments. Its prayer mats represent the king’s justice and his knowledgeable advisors. Its doors represent the guards. Its minaret represents the king’s vice-regent, the official speaker of the palace or it announcer. If the…

The dream in which you meet an unknown person and he seems very nice to you indicates the great times are ahead of you. If this unknown person is looking ugly, you will experience bad situations.

When you dream of seeing an asp (aspis is any one of several venomous snake species found in the Nile region) of in your dream, it signifies failures, troubles and severities. This dream foretells that you might lose the trust of those you love. This dream indicates hard times ahead of you, but do not worry, as this is only for a temporarily period of time.

…(God’s prophet Salih, upon whom be peace. He is the descendent of the people of Thamud. the son of ‘Abir, the brother or Aram, the son of Sam, the son of Noah, upon whom be peace. The prophet Salih delivered God’s message to the tribe of Thamud who lived in the North-Western corner of the Arabian peninsula, in Petraea between Medina and Syria, 700B.C.) Seeing God’s prophet Salih (uwbp) in a dream means that one may suffer from the persecution of arrogant and ungodly people then triumph over them, by God’s leave, in a war between truth and falsehood. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also means that one may give up his struggle against such people, following a major clash and display of differences. It also shows that the one who sees him in a dream is a righteous and a true believer….

Go ahead with your projects.

If we are peeling onions and the smell irritates us, we may think that achieving the goals ahead will involve some suffering for what we need to stand firm and hold.

To see yourselves in dreams using an abacus predicts many efforts with poor results. It will be very difficult to avoid financial difficulties ahead. It is a sign that should be prudent when business is being carried out.

…In a dream, hazelnut represents a stranger who is rich, generous but dull, unpleasant though he has the ability to bring people together. It is also interpreted as hard earned money. In general, nuts in a dream represent roar, or even melancholy. Ahazelnut in adream also means news that one’s homeland is ravaged by war and its children are taken prisoners. In a dream, a hazelnut also represents the marriage of the first born girl to an unknown person. (Also see Hazelnut tree)…

(See Iddah)

…Dreaming of being mad, shows trouble ahead for the dreamer. Sickness, by which you will lose property, is threatened. To see others suffering under this malady, denotes inconstancy of friends and gloomy ending of bright expectations. For a young woman Dreaming of madness, foretells disappointment in marriage and wealth….

To dream about breakfast, shows the start of a new task, project, plan, or scheme. Breakfast also symbolizes the birth of a new period in your life. On the other hand, breakfast in the dream can induced by external stimuli. Your mind may already be thinking ahead on what to eat for breakfast in this morning. It is not uncommon for your conscious ideas, thoughts and conceptions to be incorporated into your subconscious. And that shows up in your dream.

If this man has a beautiful figure, then it signifies satisfaction, happiness, and good health. When a woman has this dream, violent squabbles ahead of her, when a man has this dream, tricks and deceits are waiting for him. To dream of a man in white clothing justice will come. In black clothing man signifies considerable loss.

Dreaming of a cliff means that difficulties lie ahead (or already exist) whose importance will be reflected by the steepness of the cliff, and its proximity and how close we see ourselves to the foot of the cliff. If in our dream we are climbing the cliff, despite all the difficulties that may arise, success is ensured.

Most authors agree that dreaming with angels can be interpreted as the possibilities that lies ahead, whether referring to projects, businesses, etc., or our spiritual development. It is important to distinguish whether the celestial beings that appear in the dream are sad or happy because this nuance indicates the positive or negative character of initiated process.

…Dreaming about a harbor is explained as symbolism of obestacles. This dream represents a need for a shelter from a stormy relationship or chaotic situation. Maybe you’re seeking refuge satus until you can recollect your thoughts and prepare for the challenges ahead….

…(See ‘Aqiqah rites)…

Indicates that we can count on our perseverance and spirit of sacrifice to get out of the difficulties that lie ahead. If besides we are in the desert, it means that those difficulties are already on our shoulders.

Dreaming that you have lockjaw, signifies there is trouble ahead for you, as some person is going to betray your confidence. For a woman to see others with lockjaw, foretells her friends will unconsciously detract from her happiness by assigning her unpleasant tasks. If stock have it, you will lose a friend.

…Dreaming of a shop being ruined is a threat of disaster in real life. The closed shop ensures that serious problems lie ahead. A well-organized and carefully packed store is an excellent omen of material and spiritual wealth. – If we see ourselves being exposed in the window, then such dream reveals a strong inferiority complex….

…or the clock’s owner doesn’t have any more hope, his lifetime has run out of time. If it’s a delayed clock it warns us to accelerate our pace of work if we do not want to see ourselves overtaken by events. If the clock delays it indicates that we should take things more calmly if we do not want to risk our health and our lives. If the hands turn madly or we dream we constantly look at the clock reveals our anxiety about the pace of life we lead. If it works well and the time it tells catches our attention the dream’s meaning it depends on the context and the marked time. For example: If we believe it’s all over for us and we see the clock ticking noon tells us that a new stage begins full of opportunities because we have a lot of life ahead….