…(See Clock.) If you dream of buying a gold watch, it is a sign of poverty; but if you imagine that you are presented with one, it foretells good luck and money-getting: to dream of losing your gold watch is also a good omen, as it denotes success in business. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 42, 11….

In the dream to see or wear a watch, this shows that you are very constrained and strict person, means that you do not let yourself to relax and enjoy the life. This is a sign that you have to become more impulsive and irresponsible. The broken watch as a dream symbol signifies that you are not certain how to express yourself and to show the emotions, now you are in stagnation.

To dream of having a watch is a warning to be careful how you spend your time.

…Every clock means time, and if the hands are moving, it means active time, therefore this doesn’t indicate death, like people in ancient times used to think. In contrast, today is thought it suggests activity, movement, life. Dreaming that you see the time on a clock suggests that you should be careful with the enemies you already know. Dreaming that a watch is broken is a threat that means that you’ll have several losses in business or any other affairs you’re handling. Dreaming that the crystal of a watch falls off your hands suggests enmities, false friends, and that your own carelessness will make you have losses. Dreaming that your watch is stolen suggests that dangerous enemies will attempt to do things against you from the dark, to damage your integrity and disturb the peacefulness of your house. Dreaming that you flatter a clock suggests that you’re trying to…

Dreaming of a gold watch is lucky omen at all times.

…Dreaming of a watch, denotes you will be prosperous in well-directed speculations. To look at the time of one, your efforts will be defeated by rivalry. To break one, there will be distress and loss menacing you. To drop the crystal of one, foretells carelessness, or unpleasant companionship. For a woman to lose one, signifies domestic disturbances will produce unhappiness. To imagine you steal one, you will have a violent enemy who will attack your reputation. To make a present of one, denotes you will suffer your interest to decline in the pursuance of undignified recreations….

(See Architect | Artist | Carpet weaver | Painter | Weaver)

Neglect of business. 16.

Making use of time.

Success in love affairs. 28.

If you are watching something in the dream, then it means you are thinking about the importance of the passing time.

(Timepiece | Wristwatch. See Clock)

To dream that in the night one sitting up, and watching in the chamber, signifies, to the rich, great affairs; to the poor, and those that would use any subtleties or deceits, it is good; for the first shall not be without work and gain, and the others, undergoing their first attempts with great subtlety, shall come to the height of their enterprise.

A good dream, success.

…(Engineer) An architect in a dream represents both urban develop- ments and urban destruction. He represents joining what is fragmented and breaking up what is whole. Seeing an architect in a dream also signifies trials, evil, calamities and disunity. If one becomes an architect in a dream, it means longevity because of the architect’s aspirations and he will fulfill his intentions, reach a ranking station and a commanding position in his life. If one becomes an architect in a dream, it also means that he may become a judge, or a marriage officiant, or it could represent a poet. Seeing an architect in a dream also signifies richness after poverty and health after sickness. (Also see Artist | Carpet weaver | Graphic artist | Orthopedist)…

(Architect | Engineer | Graphic artist) A carpet weaver in a dream represents a marriage officiant. (Also see Architect | Artist | Carpet)

…whilst the latter was asleep, and smother her with a pillow. Everything was most realistic — the door slowly opening; the white-faced, evil-eyed servant with a candle; her stealthy, gliding footsteps; her coarse hands, knotted knuckles and broken nails; the expression of fiendish glee in her eyes as she took up the pillow, and the quick, subtle jerk with which she brought it down on to the sleeper’s face; the tightening of her lips; the straightening of her bare arms as she pressed on her victim with all her weight; and the kicking of the bedclothes, at first frantic and then faint, and finally ceasing altogether with one tiny tug at the sheet — when the sleeper awoke. All was most graphic, all most hellish. Some few days later, this lady heard of the death of her aunt. She had been robbed and murdered in a boarding-house in Vienna….

The TV show is usually very common dream for those who watch lots of television in their lives, so it’s simply the reflection of your daily life. If you adore someone from TV or even become friends, it shows the admiration you have towards that person and wish to have these qualities of the personality in yourself.

To watch or to hold a sheath in a dream is usually a sign of breakdown on marriage or love relationships.

It presages a radical change. If we are sick, it states that we will heal soon. If we are healthy, we must watch our health.

Watch your interests, attend your business and do not waste your money. Possibility of having to make heavy spending that will put you at an economic disadvantage.

The bright light could have several meaning depending on the feelings while having this dream. If the bright light was pleasant to watch, it shows that you found the solution to some problem. If the bright light is hard to look at, it shows that you are feeling too much pressure and attention.

To watch or read a novel in a dream suggests that you need to look at things from a different point. Pay attention to the kind of novel for additional significance. The dream may also indicate something new in your life.

Symbolize our existence. If the tide is low, then it symbolizes wealth and prosperity. If it overflows and devastates furious with everything on its way, then it portends misfortune and hunger. If the water is crystal clear, then it symbolizes pureness and happiness. Murky and muddy river indicates impure feelings that will cause grief. When the river flows, then it indicates that the current energy and feelings also flows through us. If we deny ourselves to watch the river which flows, then it reflects that we are losing energies and feelings without using them.

…If you see the flight of an eagle in your dream or if you’re watching it on the top of a peak, then it is usually interpreted as the harbinger of times when you will be protected by powerful and influential people who will watch over you. But we need to have in mind the feeling that we experience in the dream when we see this animal, it has always been considered as a symbol of power, and if we feel anxiety about it, our dream is speaking of an unconscious fear….

…If you dream of being in a hail storm, you will meet poor success in any undertaking. If you watch hail-stones fall through sunshine and rain, you will be harassed by cares for a time, but fortune will soon smile upon you. For a young woman, this dream indicates love after many slights. To hear hail beating the house, indicates distressing situations….

Seeing a productive cow indicates prosperity in all of your projects, but a watch out for your personal affairs. Cows represent realization of hope and desire.

To dream that you attend the Grammy Awards and receive the award, means that you like to be in the center of the attention. The Grammy Awards could also simply show that you like to watch the beautiful people. If you were nominated at the awards, but haven’t received one, it means that you feel unappreciated by those around you. If you received the award, it means that you feel appreciated by others. The awards could also show that you are afraid of being neglected especially if you weren’t invited into one. If you watched some kind of the awards on TV, then this dream means nothing.

To watch a spinning top in a dream, means that all the efforts that were made will be in vain and that no benefits will be gained. The spinning top is a sign of discouragement and fatigue. It will be needed to decide if trust and honesty with others is convenient to our interests.

…kill the smell of any port! Come, now, don’t be churlish!’”I gave in, sir. It was wrong of me, I know, but what else could I do? They filled my glass, not once, but three or four times, and I drank it up, every drop — greedily! For the mutton, which was uncommonly salt, had made me very thirsty.”Then, sir, I looked at my watch and saw to my horror that I had only three minutes left; that is to say, I was expected to meet the sergeant in three minutes time. A quarter of a mile in three minutes, could I do it? If not, then – and” here the man on the bench snapped his fingers emphatically — “I should be fined and dismissed the force! A quarter of a mile in three minutes! Fastest walking in a heavy overcoat and thick regulation boots, isn’t it?”Well, sir, I…

This dream warns us to watch over our freedom and independency. If in our dreams we recognize the person who give us the Rosario will be that person who will bring the danger. If we don´t recognize the person who give us the Rosario, the danger will come from ourselves, from our vanity or sensuality. If we are the one who give the Rosario, then it indicates that we want that person as a couple or just because of sensuality. To this we can add the meaning of the material the Rosario was made of.

…(Timepiece | Watch) A clock in a dream represents money equal to the time setting when seen in one’s dream. An alarm clock in a dream means exposing ills, richness of a poor person and fulfilling a promise….

Dreaming of seeing ears, an evil and designing person is keeping watch over your conversation to work you harm.

To dream that you watch the Oprah Show, means that you have an admiration for this women and respect her work. It is very common dream for people to dream of what they saw on the TV, which is absolutely normal, because people spend lots of time at home. The Oprah could also represent you and the qualities you would like to see in her.

To dream that you receive some kind of the Oscar, means that you are feeling appreciated by others. You think that people are thankful to you or they respect you for whatever you are doing in your life. The dream in which you are watching the Oscars means that you are adoring some of those people or wish to have the qualities they have. If you watch the Oscars, the dream could also mean that you like chatting with others and being surrounded by the companies. The Oscars also show that you like the attention, especially if you receive one.

Dreaming that you are wearing mascara, can be interpreted as symbolism that you need to open your eyes and watch closely your surroundings. You must be more attentive to a situation, position or relationship. To dream that your mascara is smeared, represents gossip and scandal. Maybe, someone is making false and damaging statements about you. But that will not affect your reputation, because you are consistent person.

It warns us, that even though we will watch our well-being, this should not make us forget more important things.

Dreaming about drama can be interpreted as the reflection of your current state of being pessimistic and unrealistic. To dream that you are writing a drama represents that you’re going into questionable situation. This situation may invoke financial losses. Because of this, you may quickly find yourself flooded with stress. To see or to watch a drama in your dream symbolizes forgotten connections. Maybe you will be reunited with old friends.

To watch your fingers indicates a financial gain or a salary increase. To see five more fingers states there will be new sentimental concerns. To see an injured finger indicates strong discussions of all kinds. To see your toes in a dream indicates that you manage life with a lot of tolerance and balance. On the other hand, toes may represent some minor details to you. Dreaming that your toes are growing indicates an extension of your desires. Dreaming that you lose a toe means anxiety to overtake something. Dream that someone is kissing your toe indicates that the problems will calm.

…Dreaming that you watch domestic animals laboring under heavy burdens, denotes that you will be prosperous, but unjust to your servants, or those employed by you. To see men toiling, signifies profitable work, and robust health. To labor yourself, denotes favorable outlook for any new enterprise, and bountiful crops if the dreamer is interested in farming….