Many sorrows and afflictions. 214.

This represents birth (of some person).

Getting acquainted with a handsome girl.

Receiving vain promises.

It is a plant that is related to the roots and the underworld, which is why it is interpreted as the emergence of hidden passions beneath our apparent calmness. It’s possible that unconsciously we feel hatred, revenge, or jealousy and that at any moment these feelings could manifest.

Denotes a long life. 1.

Denotes in general to lose a profitable business, being deceived; for sick persons, health. 54.

Misfortune, loss, dishonour.

Being stricken with fear, sudden fright. 27.

Getting into disgrace.

Being left by friends, bad health.

Rescuing one’s self, out of great danger. 24….

A good sign.

Advantage, profit.

(See Euphrates)

Getting into danger, losing a friend or acquaintance. 70.

Good circumstances, luck. 15.

Danger of life, sickness; or, being happy after having troubles. 43.

Good success in life.

Soon marriage; for women, a safe delivery of a child.

Denotes quarrel, trouble, weariness. 48.

Good prospects in life. 199.


A respect from those around you.

For sick people’s health; for healthy persons, hindering in business transactions, leisure time. 20.

Luck, honour, riches.

Denotes the contrary. 103.

Great increase in business.

Health and wealth. 3.

Escape out of danger.

Luck, health and good fortune in love. 87.

Successful in business. 31.

Sickness, weakness. 38.

…If you saw the sea in your dream, then such dream symbolizes the two worlds you live in – unconscious and conscious mind of yours. Consider that the dream could also be the reflection of your emotions as maybe you are floating at some situation and do not put the effort to make it better. The state of the water would say much more about the dream, because for example clear water represents tranquility and clarity of your emotions and muddy or dirty water represents opacity of your feelings….

…If anyone dream of thirst or of drinking water, if the water appear clear and acceptable, he will live joyfully and become wealth if the water be troubled, warm, or offensive, it forewarning him that without prudence, he will end his days in affliction. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 20, 49….

…If a girl dreams of wading in clear water, it is a sign that she- win soon wading, and be delighted with her husband’s embraces: if she imagines that the water is dirty or muddy, it foretells that she will enjoy the pleasures of illicit love. If a man dreams he is wading, it denotes that he will be engaged in some intrigue with a female — the deeper the water, the more difficult the realization of his wishes: muddy water denotes loose women. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 20, 16….

…(Drain pipe | Gutter of Mercy | Roof gutter) In a dream, a gutter represents someone who is gracious from time to time. Seeing water flowing through gutters without a rainfall in a dream means corruption, or people who are spreading evil in that locality. Each gutter in such a dream also represents the loss of one life. Gutters in a dream also represent servants and housekeepers who faithfully manage their duties, or they could mean relief from distress or pressures. A gutter in a dream also may represent a trustworthy emissary or a reliable letter carrier. If blood flows through a gutter in a dream, then it represents a tyrant and bloodshed that will take place in that locality. If fresh water flows through it, and if people seem to benefit from it in the dream, then it represents economic growth, peace, safety and tranquility. If murky water

…Rivers in dreams symbolize the time of life that goes away to never return. When a woman dreams of swimming or simply bathing in clean, transparent water, it can mean that she feels pleased with herself, enjoys a good health, has the sincere love of a man, and the sympathy of several people, which could dote her with some social prestige. Dreaming of any stream of clean, and clear water announces new opportunities, perhaps at work, in business or in love. Dreaming of a creek, pipe, or any stream that has dirty, muddy, and stinking water, announces that the dreamer is developing several diseases and illnesses. In some cases it may mean that bad people are trying to harm you. Dreaming of a river that has very clear water is an announcement of a peaceful, quiet and successful life, and a promise for a nice future. Dreaming of a…

…in that case, it is dead and does not glorify God Almighty, nor can people benefit from it. In a dream, a mountain that stands high is alive, but a crumbling mountain which has turned into a pile of rocks is dead. If a person sees himself climbing an erect mountain, eating from its plants and drinking from its water, and if he qualifies to govern, it means that he will be appointed to a governing post under the auspices of a stringent ruler, though his subjects do receive benefits from his government. The size of benefits the governor will acquire is equal to the quantity of food and the measure of water he drinks from it in his dream. If the person is a merchant or a business man, a mountain in his dream represents profits and earning a good reputation. If climbing the mountain is easy, then there…

…(Alligator | Thief) A crocodile in a dream represents a policeman. A crocodile in the water in a dream represents a person no one can trust, whether he is a friend or a foe. A crocodile in a dream also represents a thief or an untruthful merchant. If one sees a crocodile pulling him into the water where he kills him in the dream, it means that one will be caught by a policeman who will kill him, then steal his property. If one escapes from the crocodile in the dream, it means that he will escape from such a danger in real life. In general, a crocodile in a dream means insolence, sins, a bandit, unlawful earnings, fear and depression. It may also mean the end of one’s life, portrayed by his drowning. Seeing him in water is bad while seeing him on dry land means that he…