…(arb. God’s House | Mosque | Place of worship) In Arabic, the word masjid means a place of prostration, while the word Jami means a place of gathering. A masjid or a mosque in a dream represents a scholar and its gates represent men of knowledge and the guardians, or the attendants of God’s House. Building a masjid in a dream means emulating the traditions of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, fostering the unity of one’s family, or becoming a judge, should one qualify for such an office. A masjid filled with people in a dream represents a gnostic, a man of knowledge and wisdom, or a preacher who invites people to his house, advises them, brings their hearts together, teaches them the precepts of their religion and explains the wisdom behind the divine revelations. Seeing a masjid being demolished in a dream means that such a gnostic,…

…tones of the wildest grief, to let her die too!”I stood no chance. It was useless to protest my innocence. No one believed me. I had been have murdered him but I? The very idea of that delicate, heart-broken woman, that woman who was only too obviously almost out of her mind with grief, being the horrible monster I described her was ludicrous — so thin a story wouldn’t deceive a baby.”The lady therefore scored all along the line; whilst I — I, her poor deluded tool — was marched straight away to jail.’ “Here the girl from the park paused.”Well, I said gently,” and what is the sequel? Is Jim in prison still? “”No, the girl answered dreamily;” Jim, my Jim, is free. He was hanged at six o’clock this morning!” — And as she said this I awoke.The significant characteristics of this dream are as follows: Rain portends…

…dressed. As I sat down the latter looked up, and I saw, or fancied I saw, a sudden liking for me sparkle in her blue eyes, so that my heart went out to her straight. I was not accustomed to be noticed by women, and her interest was pleasant in my loneliness. Probably my face showed her what I thought, for she lowered her eyes quickly, with just the ghost of a smile on her full red lips.This exchange of glances did not escape the man’s observation. He frowned at me in such a menacing manner that I felt apprehensive as to his next movements; he was evidently jealous, whence I inferred that he must be either the husband or lover of the pretty girl; and ridiculous as it may seem, I rebelled against the idea, and began to form plans for freeing her from him, for — I assured…

…(Prophet David, upon whom be peace.) If one sees him in a dream, it means that he will gain power, authority, commit a sin, become an ascetic, be tried and oppressed by an unjust person, then he will be saved by God’s leave and regain the upper hand over his enemy. He will also receive an exalted office or rank of honor. It is also said, that if one sees the prophet David (uwbp) in a dream, that his country or town will be governed by a just ruler, an honorable president or a righteous judge. If in fact the ruler or the judge of that town, county or country is an unjust person, then seeing God’s prophet David (uwbp) in a dream means that God Almighty will surely replace him with a just and an honorable one. If one becomes God’s prophet David (uwbp), or if he wears…

…(God’s Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him | The Seal of the prophets | The last Messenger) It is related that God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, has said – “One who sees me in a dream will see me in his wakefulness, for Satan cannot impersonate me. “He also has said – “One who sees me in a dream, it is as if he has truly seen me, for Satan cannot impersonate me. ” He also has said – “One who sees me in a dream will not enter the fire of hell.” Muslim theologians and scholars differ in opinion about the meaning of seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream. Imam Ibn Seeri’n used to ask someone who tells of such a dream to describe the Prophet, upon whom be peace. If any of the details did not fit his description, Ibn Seerin’s reply was…

…Zuhur prayers in a dream, it means that someone will pay his debt for him and gets him released from prison and he will then prosper. If one sees himself performing his Zuhur prayers in a clear day and feels happy about it in his dream, it means that he will engage in some work that will make him famous and that he will enjoy the fruits of his work as much as he did in that clear and beautiful day in his dream. If one performs his midday Zuhur prayers in a cloudy day in a dream, it means that his work will be distressful. As for the mid-afternoon prayers, known in Arabic as ‘Asr, performing it in a dream means taking a vow or making a promise. This prayer in a dream also represents one’s liability. If one sees himself performing the ‘Asr prayers in a dream, it…

…Instances in which people owe their “conversions” to dreams are not confined to the Scriptures, but are as common to-day as at any other period of the world’s history.I have frequently questioned men as to the causes that led to their “conversion” and have occasionally elicited very curious replies. A Salvationist, for example, related the following dream, assuring me that he owed his conversion entirely to it. “I was a terrible drunkard, “he said” I drained oceans — beer, gin, brandy, methylated spirits were all the same to me; and I more often fell asleep in a dustbin than in a bed. Well, one night I dreamed I was a chimney-pot amid a veritable sea of chimney-pots of all sorts and descriptions. At first, the air, blowing up through me, was cool and pleasant, but it gradually grew hotter and hotter, and more and more smoky, until I suffered…

Dreaming of a pyramid of any ancient culture announces major changes in the dreamer’s life. Dreaming of going up a pyramid, with or without stairs, announces that the dreamer will have to work hard and travel before achieving whatever is desired. Dreaming that you are archeologically studying a pyramid indicates that the dreamer is fond of archeology or history.

…dreams is next to impossible, and after many and sundry vain efforts I have had to desist. From what I have been told, however, by one who had charge of an idiot, the latter used very often to dream he was being chased by something alarming, that he was in danger of being drowned, and that he had all his toys taken from him. The idiot was often ill after the drowning dream, and very fretful and bad-tempered after dreaming he had lost his toys. The grimaces and noises he made in his sleep were generally more shocking than those he made when awake — often, indeed, most terrifying. Once, and that a day or two before he had an accident, he evidently dreamed he was flying, for he sat up in bed and flapped his arms up and down, emitting, as he did so, an odd crooning sound….

…When you dream of avoiding someone it shows that there are some qualities in your personality that you did not notice before. Makes sure that you pay attention to those details in the person you have dreamed of, as these are the aspects you did not notice before in yourself. The other meaning could also explain a word avoid to different meaning of other word “a void”, which explains that you do not feel completely fulfilled at some point of your life….

Seeing a milkmaid in a dream depicts benefits, a person with good character, or to seek and hear gentle words. A milkmaid in a dream also could represent an employer demanding refunds from his workers. A milkmaid or a milkman in a dream also represents a righteous person. (Also see Dairyman)

Dreaming about a mermaid represents the feminine part of the dreamer that is mysterious and secret. A dream with mermaids can also symbolize a fear of sex. If a man dreams of a mermaid, it could mean that he is scared of determination about the feminine part of himself. If a woman dreams of a mermaid, it signifies that she have doubts about her femininity.

…To feel that you are afraid to proceed with some affair, or continue a journey, denotes that you will find trouble in your household, and enterprises will be unsuccessful. To see others afraid, denotes that some friend will be deterred from performing some favor for you because of his own difficulties. For a young woman Dreaming that she is afraid of a dog, there will be a possibility of her doubting a true friend….

The friends who adores some idols means that will have troubles with their own lives and even could cause some damage for you. If you are the person who idols, then it shows the falling finances or relationships you are in at the moment. You won’t do well. If you break the idol, then such dream means that you will be able to handle any situation on your own. You won’t need any help. If you are condemning the idols, then such dream foretells about the respects you will gain from others.

Idle in dreams signifies that you do not know how to plan your day and time overall. For a female being idle is the sign that she will get married to a man, who is not good enough for her. The man you know is in idle means that he is looking for help. This person will get in some trouble.

…Should you dream of worshiping idols, you will make slow progress to wealth or fame, as you will let petty things tyrannize over you. To break idols, signifies a strong mastery over self, and no work will deter you in your upward rise to positions of honor. To see others worshiping idols, great differences will rise up between you and warm friends. Dreaming that you are denouncing idolatry, great distinction is in store for you through your understanding of the natural inclinations of the human mind….

To dream about the identical twins means that you have a special bond with some person, your job or relationships. Sometimes the identical twins represents very big similarities between two individuals. Perhaps these two people are sharing the special bond that no one else has. If you are pregnant and dream of identical twins, there is a chance that you will have twins.

…To see a chambermaid, denotes bad fortune and decided changes will be made. For a man Dreaming of making love to a chambermaid, shows he is likely to find himself an object of derision on account of indiscreet conduct and want of tact….

…board a steamer with a Nonconformist minister as the sharer of my cabin. In all respects he was of the middle class, being supercilious and smug, and of course very respectable — at least, respectable in all but his dreams, which he narrated to me with so obvious a relish for detail, that I could not help thinking he enjoyed them rather than otherwise.It is a sure sign I am a very good man, he said to me on one occasion, because I am being tempted continually in my sleep. Were I not good, the devil would not have to resort to so subtle a device to seduce me. Last night I dreamed I was calling on some of my most highly respected parishioners — the Gardner’s. Mr. Gardner (it was one of the minister’s idiosyncrasies to bore me to death with the family histories of all his congregation) is…

When you idling in a dream, then such dream shows the tedium and monotony you are suffering from. The idling other people is also the symbol of your wasted energy and time, where you do not use your potential.

Dreaming of a pyramid is a symbol of longevity, stability, and a firm foundation. Seeing a pyramid in a dream means that you will soon make major changes in your life.

…For a man Dreaming of a barmaid, denotes that his desires run to low pleasures, and he will scorn purity. For a young woman Dreaming that she is a barmaid, foretells that she will be attracted to fast men, and that she will prefer irregular pleasures to propriety….

If you feel like an idiot in a dream, then such dream signifies the lack of self-trust. You do not feel confident in your own skin. The dream about someone being an idiot could symbolize the fact that you are very rude towards the others.

Whether we dream of an idol in the form of an image or being personified, it usually represents a quality or state of mind that we admire. So for the interpretation of this dream it will be very useful to find out the evocation that this idol brings out. Some authors also highlight the possibility that there is a feeling of inferiority manifesting in the dream.

…(arb. Mourning period. Aprescribed waiting period of three month during which a divorced or a widowed woman may not remarry. Islamic Law) If a woman sees herself in a dream observing the ‘Iddah period, it signifies distress, adversities, trouble, concern, sickness, or divorce. If she is observing the ‘Iddah period because of her husband’s death in the dream, it means her divorce, or the death of her husband, mother, father, or anyone for whose sake one will renounce comfort, beautiful clothing, tasty food, the pleasures of this world and the company of others….

If you dream that you take the part in American Idol show, then this dream indicates your desire to be accepted, seen and noticed. There are some parts of your life that must be appreciated by others because of the things you do. The act that didn’t go well during the American Idol show signifies your fear of being unaccepted. Maybe you are lacking of self-confidence?

The mermaid is the symbol of femininity. The one who dreams of mermaid has mystical fantasies about mermaids that could also be related to sexual desires.

…If you dream of being idle, you will fail to accomplish your designs. To see your friends in idleness, you will hear of some trouble affecting them. For a young woman Dreaming that she is leading an idle existence, she will fall into bad habits, and is likely to marry a shiftless man….

Seeing the Star of David in a dream means a combination of love and creativity. Star of David also means the union of heaven and earth.

For a young woman Dreaming of meeting her ideal, foretells a season of uninterrupted pleasure and contentment. For a bachelor Dreaming of meeting his ideal, denotes he will soon experience a favorable change in his affairs.

…To dream of a young and sport full kid, implies the birth of a child. A young girl who grants her lover too close intimacy before marriage should never dream of the innocent and harmless kid. It is a good dream for married people who desire children. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 70….

Seeing a lid represents leisure time. You waste time on frivolous pleasures. To dream the lid means your aspirations are perfect.

…Without going into detail with regard to variety in shade, colour in dreams, especially when it is vivid and predominant, has much significance. The separate meaning of each separate colour in dreams is as follows:Light blue signifies impending trouble, particularly matrimonial and domestic troubles; serious quarrels between husband and wife, and parents and children; also suicide and murder.Dark blue, recovery from illness; reconciliation of husband and wife, relatives and friends; presents of animals.Brown, success in work and business.Black, illness; and death.Green, success in anything appertaining to the arts; also an impending visit from an occult presence.Gold, success in speculation, commerce, and courtship.Grey, trouble and even danger from unsuspected quarters.Mauve, death; and violent catastrophe, not infrequently with regard to the sight.Orange, illness; treachery.Pink, a wedding or engagement.Purple, accidents, more particularly on land.Red, quarrels, voyages, great changes; and accidents, chiefly by fire.Violet, success in the arts — viz. painting, music, literature.Yellow,…

If you are the maid of honor in someone’s wedding while dreaming, then such dream means that you are accepting these people love and wish them good luck in their future relationships, but only if you felt happy about it while dreaming. If you are not happy while being maid of honor, then it means you are not accepting the love of these people.

When the dreamer is being afraid of something in his dream, it foretells about worries and dilemmas he is suffering from. There is a possibility of misfortune in professional and/or personal life. However, the bad luck will go away after a while, because all of the troubles will be a temporarily thing. If the dreamer sees others being afraid, then there is a possibility that your friends, family or colleagues will have some failures and you will have to help them. It seems that those people need you to give them a hand and you should be delighted of it. Sometimes we ought to help as you never know when you will be the one who needs it either. Try to pay more attention to people that you care of and look for after them.

The dream in which you see the first aid could be interpreted as your wish to get help from those around you. You feel that you do not know how to act in certain situations, therefore you need a hand. Some decisions that must be made or problems that must be solved are too difficult to you. The dream suggests to look out for help, otherwise you will become even more stressful. If you give first aid to someone, this particular person needs your help immediately. Don’t forget that either.

Dream of cupid that breaks his dart, your love will change. If he breaks his bow, very likely that you will stay on your own.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see the Star Of David, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance and suggests the merging power of love, desire and passion and creativity. It also stands as a symbol and sign for the union of heaven and earth.

…It is by no means uncommon to dream of the dead, and as a rule such dreams are of little or no significance. There are, however, exceptions, as, for example, dreams which are extraordinarily vivid and in which the dead appear with some specific purpose; and in these cases I fancy projections take place, and the immaterial body of the sleeper meets the phantasm of the dead on the super physical plane.For the following illustration of this kind of dream I am again indebted to News from theInvisible World. The events in the story, I am about to quote, happened about seventy years ago in the south of Scotland.”Mr. Reid, of Bowland, a gentleman of landed property in the Vale of Gala, was prosecuted for a very considerable sum, the accumulated arrears of tithes, for which he was said to be indebted to a noble family, the lay proprietors.”Mr….

If you dreamed of the Star of the David, then such dream indicates the understanding of eternal life your unconscious mind has made.