Indicates that some news or events will remain strange in your understanding.

This is a very strange dream that can mean you have a frightening confidence in yourself or a great inner peace.

…Dreaming that you abhor a person, denotes that you will entertain strange dislike for some person, and your suspicion of his honesty will prove correct. To think yourself held in abhorrence by others, predicts that your good intentions to others will subside into selfishness. For a young woman Dreaming that her lover abhors her, foretells that she will love a man who is in no sense congenial….

…Be in the chamber of unknown person delusion, deception. Find one’s sell in a strange one, surprise, removal, change….

Dreaming of monkeys, shows you have malicious, strange, and secret enemies.

…To see a uniform in your dream, denotes that you will have influential friends to aid you in obtaining your desires. For a young woman Dreaming that she wears a uniform, foretells that she will luckily confer her favors upon a man who appreciated them, and returns love for passion. If she discards it, she will be in danger of public scandal by her notorious love for adventure. To see people arrayed in strange uniforms, foretells the disruption of friendly relations with some other Power by your own government. This may also apply to families or friends. To see a friend or relative looking sad while dressed in uniform, or as a soldier, predicts ill fortune or continued absence….

To dream about a fantasy world, may symbolize that your mind is trying to highlight what is normal and what is abnormal. On the other hand, the dream about fantasy world may be telling you to expand your thinking and use your imagination and creativity. You need to find a way and solution for better future. Dreaming about Fantasy suggests you to explore more options, think about all your options no matter how strange or illogical and absurd it may be.

…Dreaming about oxygen symbolizes life, your inner strength and creative energy. Dreaming that you don’t have enough oxygen to breathe suggests that you’re feeling suppressed by a strange situation in your life….

…Dreaming that you commit adultery, foretells that you will be arrainged{sic} for some illegal action. If a woman has this dream, she will fail to hold her husband’s affections, letting her temper and spite overwhelm her at the least provocation. If it is with her husband’s friend, she will be unjustly ignored by her husband. Her rights will be cruelly trampled upon by him. If she thinks she is enticing a youth into this act, she will be in danger of desertion and divorced for her open intriguing. For a young woman this implies abasement and low desires, in which she will find strange adventures afford her pleasure. It is always good Dreaming that you have successfully resisted any temptation. To yield, is bad. If a man chooses low ideals, vampirish influences will swarm around him ready to help him in his nefarious designs. Such dreams may only be…

…Dreaming of meeting unknown persons, foretells change for good, or bad as the person is good looking, or ugly, or deformed. To feel that you are unknown, denotes that strange things will cast a shadow of ill luck over you. See Mystery….

…Dreaming of entering strange premises and have a bulldog attack you, you will be in danger of transgressing the laws of your country by using perjury to obtain your desires. If one meets you in a friendly way, you will rise in life, regardless of adverse criticisms and seditious interference of enemies. See Dog….

…Dreaming that a phantom pursues you, foretells strange and disquieting experiences. To see a phantom fleeing from you, foretells that trouble will assume smaller proportions. See Ghost….

Seeing strange countries. 28.

The dream about cowbird shows the very strange relationships you’ve got yourself into, where one of the adults is being as the child and another as the parent. These unhealthy relationships are causing much of the stress for you.

To dream of monkeys shows you have strange, malicious, or secret enemies.

Dreaming about masochism suggests your need to experience and to feel strange things. Alternatively, it indicates that you should fix your mistakes.

A malicious enemy, but weak one or a strange or unknown calumniator, an envious woman.

…Blood-stained garments, indicate enemies who seek to tear down a successful career that is opening up before you. The dreamer should beware of strange friendships. To see blood flowing from a wound, physical ailments and worry. Bad business caused from disastrous dealings with foreign combines. To see blood on your hands, immediate bad luck, if not careful of your person and your own affairs….

…Dreaming that you are in a hypnotic state or under the power of others, portends disastrous results, for your enemies will enthrall you | but if you hold others under a spell you will assert decided will power in governing your surroundings. For a young woman Dreaming that she is under strange influences, denotes her immediate exposure to danger, and she should beware. Dreaming of seeing hypnotic and slight-of-hand performances, signifies worries and perplexities in business and domestic circles, and unhealthy conditions of state….

…Dreaming of seeing a thumb, foretells that you will be the favorite of artful persons and uncertain fortune. If you are suffering from a sore thumb, you will lose in business, and your companions will prove disagreeable. Dreaming that you have no thumb, implies destitution and loneliness. If it seems unnaturally small, you will enjoy pleasure for a time. If abnormally large, your success will be rapid and brilliant. A soiled thumb indicates gratification of loose desires. If the thumb has a very long nail, you are liable to fall into evil through seeking strange pleasures….

…Dreaming that you find yourself in a dense forest, denotes loss in trade, unhappy home influences and quarrels among families. If you are cold and feel hungry, you will be forced to make a long journey to settle some unpleasant affair. To see a forest of stately trees in foliage, denotes prosperity and pleasures. To literary people, this dream foretells fame and much appreciation from the public. A young lady relates the following dream and its fulfilment: {I was in a strange forest of what appeared to be cocoanut trees, with red and yellow berries growing on them. The ground was covered with blasted leaves, and I could hear them crackle under my feet as I wandered about lost. The next afternoon I received a telegram announcing the death of a dear cousin.}…

…Dreaming that your child is affected with hives, denotes that it will enjoy good health and be docile. To see strange children thus affected, you will be unduly frightened over the condition of some favorite….

…For a farmer to dream that any of his cattle are taken to pound, is a sign that they will increase: if he dreams of seeing strange cattle is a pound, it foretells that he will soon buy some. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19, 55….

…To dream you vomit blood, is good for him that is poor, for he shall soon get a sum of money. It is also very good for him that has no children, and whose kindred are in a strange country; the first shall see a child of his own; the other will hear favourable news of his kindred, or see them returning home. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19….

…Dreaming that you are writing, foretells that you will make a mistake which will almost prove your undoing. To see writing, denotes that you will be upbraided for your careless conduct and a lawsuit may cause you embarrassment. To try to read strange writing, signifies that you will escape enemies only by making no new speculation after this dream. See Letters….

…In a dream, the Psalms of God’s prophet David (uwbp) represent wailing, lamentation, crying, repentance, fear of wrongdoing, devotion, har- mony between people, unity, good luck, flute music and percussions, learning about strange news, or earning one’s livelihood from reciting poems, or from delivering sermons….

…If any single person dreams that his or her bed is warmed with one of these utensils, it is a positive forerunner of their marriage: if a married woman dreams this, it is a sign that she will go to bed with a strange bedfellow (whether male or female, is not known). Lucky lottery dream numbers – 16….

…Dreaming of the navy, denotes victorious struggles with unsightly obstacles, and the promise of voyages and tours of recreation. If in your dream you seem frightened or disconcerted, you will have strange obstacles to overcome before you reach fortune. A dilapidated navy is an indication of unfortunate friendships in business or love. See Gunboat….

…Poppies seen in dreams, represents a season of seductive pleasures and flattering business, but they all occupy unstable foundations. If you inhale the odor of one, you will be the victim of artful persuasions and flattery. (The mesmeric influence of the poppy inducts one into strange atmospheres, leaving materiality behind while the subjective self explores these realms as in natural sleep | yet these dreams do not bear truthful warnings to the material man. Being, in a manner, enforced.)…

To have interaction with or to encounter or to see a foreigner, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance of unknown part of your personality. Do you feel that some aspect of yourself is not known or recognized? You may be feeling strange. You may be neglecting or ignoring some emotion or feeling. Also it can show that you repressing your talent, an important natural aptitude or skill.

…To dream of s man dressed in black is lucky; in white, a bad omen: to dream of a murdered man, is a sign of long life. To dream you meet a strange man, is a sign you have & vindictive enemy. For a girl to dream she sees her lover by her bedside, is a sign he will attempt some very improper things. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 74, 60, 7….

…now no longer strange to her, and she found herself turning first to the right and then to the left in the most familiar and natural manner possible, until she came to 119th Street, where her anxious eyes immediately travelled to the house she imagined was her own. It was a mass of flames, and at one of the windows she saw the white and agonised faces of her husband and children.With the fury of a tigress she beat and pushed her way through the dense crowd of fugitives, whom she besought — but besought in vain — to assist her in the rescue of her family. Eventually she arrived opposite her house. Her husband and youngest child were still at the window clawing frantically at the iron bars, through which neither of them could crawl, and as soon as they saw her they yelled and grinned, and thrust out…

Dreaming of a stage driver, signifies you will go on a strange journey in quest of fortune and happiness.

To dream you vomit much blood, and of a good colour, is good for him that is poor, for he shall get store of money. It is also very good for him who have no children, and whose kindred are in a strange country: the first shall, see a child of his own; the other his kindred returning home. To dream of carrying blood, is not good for them that desire to be hidden, to dream you vomit corrupt blood, is sickness to all. To cast a little blood in spitting, foretells sedition, as some have known by experience.

If you hear a strange noise in your dream, unfavorable news is presaged. If the noise awakes you, there will be a sudden change in your affairs.

Dreaming of asceticism, denotes that you will cultivate strange principles and views, rendering yourself fascinating to strangers, but repulsive to friends.

…a dream mean worries because of money, a child, or the authorities. White or green drapes mean good results. Drapes hanging over the door of a mosque in a dream represent spiritual problems or religious failure. Seeing drapes out of their place in a dream mean adversities, and seeing them hanging over one’s windows has no interpretation. In a dream, seeing drapes hanging over a strange environment means fears which will culminate in satisfaction. Drapes adorned with gold means hallu- cination or dispelling one’s worries. If an unmarried person sees drapes in his dream, it means that he will get married and protect his chastity, or it could mean a business that will shelter him from poverty. If a fugitive or a scared person sees himself covered with drapes in a dream, it means a shelter from what scares him. Falling through a hole while hanging to a drape in…

…If you dream of hearing strange or mysterious noises, it is a sign that the spirit of some dead relative hovers near you, and has an influence upon your actions. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 20….

…To make presents of cut glass ornaments, signifies that you will fail in your undertakings. For a woman to see her lover in a mirror, denotes that she will have cause to institute a breach of promise suit. For a married woman to see her husband in a mirror, is a warning that she will have cause to feel anxiety for her happiness and honor. To look clearly through a glass window, you will have employment, but will have to work subordinately. If the glass is clouded, you will be unfortunately situated. If a woman sees men, other than husband or lover, in a looking glass, she will be discovered in some indiscreet affair which will be humiliating to her and a source of worry to her relations. For a man Dreaming of seeing strange women in a mirror, he will ruin his health and business by foolish attachments….

…For a girl to dream that she forgot to take off her nightcap, but received company in it, is a sign she will be kissed by a strange gentleman, or that some stranger will be smitten by her charms is if a married woman dreams this, it foretells that her husband will be jealous of her, and perhaps not without cause. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 70….