…(arb.) Performing one’s ritual ablution but without water in a dream means the nearing solutions of one’s problems. Tayammum is usually performed instead of the regular ablution in the absence of water, or because of a preventing illness, etcetera. However, observingthe religious rites and substance of the act remains solemn. Tayammum in a dream also may mean a journey, or an illness. If the act is performed with a dry surface such as wood, stone, dry sand, earth, or a substance that does not stick to the skin in a dream, it means that one’s travel plans may be infeasible, or it could mean that he will become cheep, or pursue his evil desires. To perform tayammum while water is accessible in a dream means falsehood and hypocrisy. It also means hoping for forgiveness while adamantly pursuing the avenues of wrongdoing, giving preference to one’s interests in the world…

(Bucket | Grammar teacher | Language teacher) In a dream, a teacher represents a strong person who does people favors and particularly those who learn at his hand unless if he takes monetary compensation for his work in the dream. An elementary school teacher in a dream represents a commander, a judge, a scholar, or a trainer. A grammar teacher and a language teacher in a dream represents honor, dignity, exalted rank, helping others, having impor- tant connections with people in authority, scholars, or he could represent understanding, clarity of speech, easy life, profits, marriage, children, or parents. A teacher in a dream also represents a bird hunter who presides over the affairs of ignorant people. (Also see Educator | Engraver | Grammarian | Language | Writer)

…(Mecca | Pilgrimage) Performing a pilgrimage during its season in a dream means dispelling one’s worries, distress, apprehensions or trouble. Praying or delivering a sermon at the valley of Mina during the pilgrimage season in a dream, and if neither the person seeing the dream or anyone in his family or clan qualify for that, it means that someone with the same name among his acquaintances will do so. If this is not feasible, it means that he may face adversities, though become known for his good nature and deeds. If a learned person sees himself delivering a sermon at Mina, and if the people listen to him attentively in the dream, it means that he will rise in station and lead his people, or he could be appointed as a project manager or become an administrator. If one does not complete his sermon or prayers in the dream,…

…it means that he will repent for his sins. If one is brought for judgment on the day of reckoning, and if his questioning is made easy in the dream, it means that God has blessed him to marry a pious wife who has love and compassion for him, and who cares about his interests. If his questioning is strict and detailed in the dream, it means that he will incur losses. If a person sees himself questioned, probed and investigated in a court by people he does not recognize in the dream, it means that he has strayed into innovation, and that he will remain accountable for his actions. If he sees them well dressed and fragrant, congratulating him and greeting him with the salutation of peace – “As-Salamu Alaikum”, then it is an indication of his righteousness and good deeds. (Also see Intercession | Reading | Resurrection)…

…(Censure | Rebuke | Reprimand | Reproof) Blame in a dream signifies pursuing Satan in his evil actions and it means failing one’s promise. Blaming oneself in a dream means doubt, disturbance and confusion for which one will be rebuked. He will then be relieved to pursue his enemy, to overcome him and become free from people’s reproach. Blaming someone in a dream, means the same in wakefulness, and consequently, one will suffer from people blaming him. If one sees people showering him with money in a dream, it means that they are speaking ill of him or blaming him. If one sees people praising him in a dream, it also means that he is praiseworthy and does good. (Also see Censure)…

…one’s spouse that will end in reconciliation. If a sick person or a prisoner sees himself coming out of a hole in a dream, it means that he will become free from his trials. Falling into a hole and crying for help to no avail in a dream means taking a short trip. A hole in a dream also represents a poor woman who strives to cover others pitfalls, though she cannot veil her own. Hiding inside a hole in a dream also means appeasement of one’s fears, or ending of one’s adversities. If while hiding, one finds food, or fresh water, or a cloth to cover himself in the dream, it means profiting from sources one does not anticipate, or making peace with an opponent. To put a hole in one’s shoe in a dream means facing trouble and adversities. (Also see Den | Mouse hole | Tunnel)…

…him in a dream also means that someone from a different circle is backbiting him, or speaking of him without his consent, or that people are reporting him to the authorities, or that scholars are discussing him, or mentioning his work. A vice-regent or a calif in a dream also represents aloofness, seclusion, truthfulness, volunteering one’s services, commanding what is good and forbidding what is evil, developing one’s own certitude and faith, repentance, abstaining from sinful actions, imprisonment, sickness, or travels. If one sees himself being awarded the seat of the vice-regent or calif in a dream, though he does not suit the position, it means that adversities and temptations will befall the land, though the people of knowledge and the righteous ones will escape such danger. It could also mean that he will suffer humiliation, and that the people whom he manages may rise to preside over him….

…(Assertion | Nude | Stripped | Unclothed | Undressed) Nakedness in a dream represents inward purity and clarity, or it could mean committing an act that will culminate in regret. Undressing oneself in a dream means facing a reticent, hidden, unexpected and notorious enemy who will publicly assert his enmity. If one sees himself alone and naked in a dream, it means that one of his enemies, knowing his weaknesses, is demanding capitulation from him, or threatening him, or blackmailing him. If one sees himself naked during an assembly or a party in a dream, it means that he will be exposed or defamed. If one sees himself naked in the midst of people, though he does not feel shy and is not aware of it in the dream, it means that he engages in a project then exaggerates the degree of his involvement, suffer hardships and gains nothing…

(Confiding) A secret in a dream means marriage. If someone tells a secret that does not denote marriage, then it means becoming a shareholder in a business, or it could mean trusting someone, or inheriting him. (Also see Confiding)

…represent good health. It also could mean correcting one’s religious and spiritual attitudes. In fact, it all depends on one’s own consciousness in his dream and how he perceives the bleeding of his nose. Thus, feeling bad about it or weak from it means poverty. If the blood stains his clothing in the dream, it means that he will receive unlawful money or commit a sin. If the blood does not stain his clothing, then he might walk free from an ill he had indulged in. If the blood from one’s nose drips on the road in the dream, it means that he regularly pays his due alms which he distributes to poor people in the streets. It is also said that seeing one’s nose bleeding in a dream means finding a lost treasure. Otherwise, it means distress and depression. (Also see Bleeding | Cut | Injury | Wound)…

(Safety pin) In a dream, a pin represents miseries and wretchedness. If the pin does not have a head in the dream, then it represents someone who offers invaluable services for a small compensation, or it could mean starting a married life with little furnishings. A pin in a dream also represents a renowned brother, or a companion who defends his friend. (Also see Peg | Skewer)

…(Espalier | Grapevine | Trellis | Woman) A vineyard in a dream represents honor and strength, and the same goes for all fruit trees. A vineyard in a dream is also interpreted to represent a wealthy woman. Cutting branches from a grapevine in a dream means receiving money from a noble woman. Thus, an espalier in a dream represents a generous woman. A grapevine in the wintertime in a dream represents a woman who has lost her wealth, though one still thinks that she is rich. Plucking a bunch of grapes from an espalier in a dream means spending one’s money on a woman. If one sees it but does not pluck any grapes from it in the dream, it means that he will be spared unnecessary expenses. A grapevine in a dream also represents marriage. A trellis for grapevines in a dream represents a beautiful, a noble and…

The dream in which you see your own son, indicates the high expectations, young age, the experiences the one has. The dream about the son also shows your attachment to your relatives and what a big importance they play in your life. The one who dreams of the son, but actually does not have one is going through the time of his life when he feels nostalgic about the past, or it represents the youth and manhood that still lies within him

…If one intends to bank something with someone as a trust or to confide a secret with someone, then if he witnesses a case of castration in a dream, he should immediately halt that intention, or cancel such arrangement. If one sees himself castrated in his dream, it means that he declines to testifying to the truth. If one finds that he became castrated, or if he does so to himself in a dream, it means that he will be inflicted with humiliation and submission to someone’s command. If one meets a castrated person who is unknown to him and who has a dignified look and speaks words of wisdom in the dream, it means that he has met an angle who is conveying glad tidings or bringing a warning from his Lord. If he recognizes the castrated person in his dream, it means that he has met with…

…In a dream, a honeycomb represents an inheritance of a lawfully earned money, or money from a business partnership, or profits in general as long as the fire does not touch it. If a honeycomb is placed before someone in a dream, it means that he has knowledge which he wants people to hear about or to learn. If the honeycomb is placed as if on a table in the dream, it means a booty, or blessed earnings. If it is placed in a bowl in the dream, it means lawful profits. If one sees himself feeding it to the people in the dream, it means that he will chant the Qur’an with embellishment and awaits people’s praises and request to encore his recital. Eating from a honeycomb with honey still in it in a dream means having sexual intercourse with one’s own mother. Eating a honeycomb in a…

…(Bummer | Cadger | Homeless | Tramp | Wastrel) A hobo wandering in the streets, collecting refuse and litters from garbage cans and rubbish in a dream represents someone who accumulates both lawful and unlawful earnings, or someone who divulges or exposes people’s secrets, or launders their private lives, or someone who does not mind his own business and asks questions that are of no concern to him. (Also see Beggar | Poverty)…

…it means that she will beget a son. If she never had children before, it means that she is barren. If one is circumcised in a dream, it means that he will fulfil his religious covenant, or pay a debt. A pubic area which is excessively hairy in a dream represents an insolent person. Feeding one’s sexual organ in a dream means dying an ugly death. If one’s male organ turns into a female organ in a dream, it means that he has lost his virility, or that he will become submissive. If one sees himself touching his wife’s sexual organ which then turns into a male organ in a dream, it means that she may undergo an operation in relation to abnormal sexual trend. A male organ in a dream also represents a craftsman’s tools. Playing with one’s male organ in a dream means that one does not shy…

…A caterer in a dream represents celebrations or a wedding. A commercial caterer in a dream represents someone who deters benefits. Pastry caterer in a dream represents a man of knowledge, or he could mean profits. A travel caterer in a dream represents migration from one’s homeland or changes in one’s living conditions. Seeing a caterer in a dream is a good sign for someone who desires to get married. Seeing a hospital’s caterer in a dream does not convey the best of meanings. A caterer in a dream also represents someone who encourages people to work and seek an honest livelihood. To see oneself catering a dinner for his own house in a dream represents a wedding….

…To dream of eating rice, denotes health: if you imagine that you see large quantities of rice, it foretells to one who does not live in a rice country, a successful and pleasant journey; and to those who five there, it predicts gain and riches. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 12, 2, 24….

…scourge in a dream, it means that he is in dire need and is praying for a way out of his difficulties. If one sees himself lashing a sittingperson with a scourge in a dream, it means admonishing him, and if the other person is scared, or if he shields his face with his arm in the dream, it means repentance from sin. If he is not hurt by the scourge in the dream, it means that he is stubborn and does not accept the good advice. If he bleeds in the dream, it means that he is beaten unjustly. If the victim’s blood splashes and stains one’s clothes in the dream, it means that he will receive suspicious or unlawful money from his victim. If one’s scourge is bent in the dream, it means a mental disorder, or that one’s assistant is a reckless or an impatient person….

…If you dream of wantonly killing any animal, or insect, it predicts bad luck and poverty; but if the killing be done by accident, it shows that, though you may have a misfortune in consequence, it will not materially affect your interest. For butchers or farmers to dream of killing fat and healthy animals for food, is a sign of thrift and abundance; but if they dream of killing a hog that does not squeal, it shadows forth a death in the family. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 41….

…that will take place during it. If the angel appears in the form of an old man in the dream, he represents the past. If one sees the angels praying and asking for God’s forgiveness on his behalf in a dream, it means that one’s spiritual and religious life will grow for the better, and that he will become wealthy. If one sees angels descending upon a cemetery in a dream, it signifies the presence of blessed and righteous souls in that place. If one sees angels walking in the markets in a dream, it means that the merchants are trifling with prices and playing with the measures. If the angels who are in charge of punishing the sinner in hell walk before a dying person and he does not fear them in the dream, it means peace and tranquility. If one sees the angels teaching a dying person how…

(Enemy) Pharaoh is the enemy of God Almighty. If one sees pharaoh looking good in a dream, it means that the Imam, the leader, or the person who leads the congregational prayers in his community is a goofy person, or that the congregation itself does not follow the proper religious rules. However, if pharaoh looks ugly in the dream, it means that both the Imam and his congregation are good people. The same interpretation applies for any common enemy one may have. If one sees himself becoming a pharaoh in a dream, it means that he may become a leader, though it will be at the expense of his religious covenant. If people are talking about a specific pharaoh in a dream, it means that one will earn fame in that locality. (Also see Orphan)

…For a girl to dream that she has got new, and beautiful ribbons on her bonnet or dress, is a sign someone will flatter her to her disadvantage: if she does not like the ribbon, it shows that she win hear of some scandal relative to herself; and if the ribbon is red, the scandal will impeach her chastity. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 39, 6….

…(Concern | Conscious | Watchful) Being too careful about something that does not call for extraordinary concern in a dream means hypocrisy, straying from the truth or forgetting the divine admonition of the Holy Qur’an or any part of it….

…libelous statements against someone. If one sees himself stabbing someone with a spear, a sword, a lance, or a wooden post in a dream, it means making or publishing libelous statements about someone, and in that case, he is the assailant and he is liable for his actions, also he will be subjected to the same destiny. If one stabs, wounds, or threatens someone with any of the above weapons, or if he points them toward the other person but does not attack him in the dream, it means that he will be tempted to slander or defame him, then he will withhold himself from doing so. If one sees people fighting with spears in a dream, it means that a plague will strike that place, or it could mean rising prices. If one sees them rebelling against the government in the dream, it means that prices will fall….

…Dreaming of coins without determining their value, usually indicates economic needs. Dreaming about gold coins, and if the value is distinguished, implies that the dreamer leads a comfortable life surrounded by fun, rides, parties, trips, etc. Dreaming of silver coins without distinguishing a value, implies dubious business, uncomfortable compromises, and family problems. It does get better if the silver coins appear new and shiny. If a young woman dreams of her lover gifting her gold coins’, it means that their marriage will be financially stable. If a young woman dreams that her lover gives her silver coins, and worse if they are old, it warns that she must remain alert or soon he’ll cheat on her. Dreaming about several copper coins indicates arduous work that is not paid well. Dreaming of nickel coins or other similar metal implies intense activity, hard work, constant business, but of very low standards…

…Collecting taxes in a dream means compelling someone or forcing him to pay due alms, or it could mean coercing someone to live with him. If one sees himself as a tax collector in a dream, it means that he will earn respect, or that he will be forced to ask everyone for permission regarding everything he does. A tax collector in a dream also means paying one’s debts, or he could represent a policeman, an emissary, a treasurer, or a safe….

…children. An unknown garden in a dream also represents the Holy Qur’an. A garden in a dream also represents a marketplace, a new bride’s house, a property, an animal domesticated for service, a shop, a business, a tavern, a bathhouse, generosity, an army made of slaves, cattle or personal assets. If one sees himself inside a garden in a dream, it means comfort and growth in his life. If the house to which this garden belongs is God’s house, then the man seeing it is in paradise. If he is sick, it means that he will die from his illness and enter that paradise. If the garden is unknown in the dream, it means martyrdom and particularly if he finds inside the garden a woman calling him to herself, or to drink milk or honey from the garden’s rivers and the same is true if the garden does not look…

(Blabber | Hodgepodge) In a dream, a magpie represents a man who keeps no promise, who has neither honor nor does he feel comfortable with anyone. Such a man is rich, accursed and opportunistic. If a magpie speaks to someone in a dream, it means that he will receive news concerning a distant person. Catching a magpie in a dream means overcoming a corrupt and a perfidious person. Fighting with a magpie in a dream means engaging in a futile adventure and gaining nothing from it.

…Dreaming of a servant, is a sign that you will be fortunate, despite gloomy appearances. Anger is likely to precipitate you into useless worries and quarrels. To discharge one, foretells regrets and losses. To quarrel with one in your dream, indicates that you will, upon waking, have real cause for censuring some one who is derelict in duty. To be robbed by one, shows that you have some one near you, who does not respect the laws of ownership….

…(arb. Dajjal | Imposter) In a dream, the Antichrist represents a con- temptuous, deceitful and a tyrant ruler. He does not fulfill his promises and he has a following of wicked people. His appearance in a dream also indicates the supremacy of one’s enemy over him or over his land. This will involve massacres, evil, deception, trials and bloodshed. If a traveller sees the Antichrist in his dream, it means that a band of robbers may attack him. His appearance in a dream also denotes the conquest of a land which is saturated with evil. If one becomes the Antichrist or accompanies him in a dream, it means that he will suffer from black magic, sorcery, falsehood, decrepitude or it could denote that a global disease will appear on earth and cause mass physical defects, destruc- tion and death. The landmarks that the Antichrist passes by in a dream…

When you dream of moving backward it means that any actions you are taking it does not brink the effect you have been expected. It seems that you are not reaching the target you were aiming for. Maybe you feel that everything you do is slipping away. You are not able to manage your life anymore and this dream is a sign, that you have to make some differences if you want to move forward instead of going backward.

…(Ritual impurity) If one’s bowels discharge excess excrements in a dream, it means hindrance of one’s travel plans. If one discharges solid feces in a dream, it means that he does not spend his money on sickness. If it is an abnormal discharge of liquid matters from one’s bowels in the dream, it means that he will squander most of his money. If one uses a lavatory near a known ablution area in the dream, it means that his spendings relate to his passion, desires and wantonness. If the location is unknown in the dream, it means that he unknowingly, but willingly spends his wealth in unlawful avenues, whereby he will reap no reward or benefit from it. Discharging feces in the open and covering it with dirt in a dream means burying money in a hole and covering it with dirt. (Also see Impurity | Feces | Urinating)…

If someone leaves us, we will abandon something that does not benefit us at all. If we say goodbye to a person, it indicates that we will see them soon. If we cry at the farewell, great happiness awaits us.

…Dreams that involve our grandparents or ancestors are significant when our grandparents have died and the dream does not go back to scenes of our past life. They are usually the premonition of some misfortune, almost always by our own fault, as if it were a punishment for our faults, often moral or spiritual. Let’s review our behavior and the strength of our moral principles, because maybe we are in time to avoid misfortunes….

An open door in our dreams is an invitation to cross it. The landscape that is perceived through the door will tell us if the crisis that we are going through is for better or worst. An open door is like a light in the dark. –If the door is very low, very narrow and we cannot pass through it, then it indicates that the solution to our crisis requires some sacrifices. If the door is closed and it does not open when we knock, it means that the moment of the final solution has not arrived yet.

(Ascent | Creation | Fountainhead | Season) In a dream, a spring represents money, a child who may die young, a short lived marriage, acquiring an important job that does not last, or a fast disappearing happiness. (Also see Fountainhead)

The animal yoke that is seen in the dreams indicates the hard work the dreamer does while achieving his/hers goals. The explanation could be applied to someone in his life as well. The dream could also represent the leader of the company.

…shelves it indicates that she desires that her husband (in the future or present) is a man who is careful in business and in everything that he does. Dreaming of ceramic objects that have transparent liquid inside of them means that the prosperity the dreamer enjoys is due to honest people around the dreamer. Dreaming of broken and useless ceramic objects is a warning of upcoming changes in health or economic hardship. Dreaming of empty ceramic objects or plain clay, insinuates that the dreamer’s bad behavior disgusts people surrounding the dreamer. Dreaming of drinking wine out of a clay plot indicates good health and good economy, but if the drink has an unpleasant taste, then it’s a warning that soon there will be setbacks. If during the dream a pot appears with nothing special to it then it means that soon there will be news about a loved one….